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When did you stop believing in Santa?


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Well if it's okay to believe in something because people tell you it's real, then I guess it's fine to go to this van.



For the most part, it's because society says we have to. Funny video about it if you don't mind swearing.

Yay, more people think the same as me! :P I thought I would get loads of hate for that post. I'm all for telling kids stories about Santa but tell them they're just stories. We don't tell kids Peter Pan or Spongebob are real.

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When our presents showed up like a week earlier than it was supposed to. I was like 8 or7 by then. Then I decided to be a douche and tell a bunch of kids that Santa didn't exist until I was like 13.


Of course I rarely got what I wanted so that probably helped

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I stopped believing in that guy when I was around 10 years old. When I was younger than that, I was a strong believer in Santa and I would be the last guy standing in the fight for confirming Santa's existence. I was tempted by a lot of people, they convinced me that he didn't exist. However, I found out he wasn't he wasn't real when I realised that it's impossible to deliver presents to every single house in one night. I don't spoil it for little kids, however.

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  • 10 months later...

I actually used to believe until January of this year. Before my mom told me about it, I kind of figured that he didn't exist, but I still liked to believe. When she did tell me, I wasn't very surprised, because Santa makes absolutely no sense at all. She still wants us to act like we believe though, LMAO.

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I'd say around the age of 10 or so. I always had suspicions. Probably parents writing Santa's name on the things I asked him and answering it. He makes absolutely no sense at all, either magic is real or he isn't. He'd have to use magic. And it's unlikely it exists. 

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Can't remember what age exactly, but it was a bit later than my friends apparently. What made me realise was the similarity in handwriting between my mother and Santa, a suspicion which arose from the shared use of wrapping paper design :lol:

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There are a lot of things I don't exactly remember and this is one of them. I must have been really young. Cause the only thing I can remember is writing wish lists for my parents and relatives and stuff. I think back then I was a whole lot easier to shop for. Give me a toy or a video game, and I am content. Now, since I am way too nervous to ask for pony stuff for Christmas, all I ask for is cash and/or gift cards usually.

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I believe I was twelve when I stopped believing in Santa Claus. BIG MISTAKE. Apparently he knows when you've I stopped believing in him even if you don't tell anyone, so that Christmas morning, there was a STICK in my stocking along with the other goodies.


(It also could've been for that one time I got sent to the principals office for twanging the rulers in math class)

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