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Your weirdest dreams and nightmares


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<--- I had a dream a couple weeks ago where I transformed into him (with a face and body, of course).

Edited by HylianMadness

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Feld0 and the other moderators in some sort of Pirates of the Caribbean spoof, and The Return of Harmony(both episodes) without the Elements of Harmony. Not the spirits of them, the elements themselves.

Twilight Sparkle is best pony, and I'm willing to explain logically for that to be true!

By the way, mine and Twilight's personalities have a lot of similarities, maybe hardly any difference. I checked.

-Bookworm in the greatest sense possible, writer, organized, introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving-

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Well I have two more or less weird dreams...


First one was when I was way younger say 4-6ish i remember watching 101 Dalmations, going to sleep and there being a giant floating dalmation head with glowing green eyes that said the most random crap I ever heard. Sadly I can not remember what it said.


Second one was of these three triangle shaped demon heads with goatees and horns that kept following me evereywhere I went. It freaked me out completly. I drew them one time but lost the drawing, but I will never forget the floating demon heads with the goatees and horns.

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I've had so many weird and twisted dreams it's creepy, but the one I will speak about here I pick because it's done something that my more strange ones haven't made me actually have-physical feelings instead of just being freaky.


It was a very dark night in a swamp. I was wandering through it, along with several other people. I asked the leader of the group what we were looking for. She said that we were looking for colors. Soon we began to see pools of bright orange, sky blue, and white. Which appeared larger and more frequent every few minutes. Eventually a fairy appeared which looked kind of like Navi (ball of light with wings). A couple of people said "We've found it!". I said "I don't get it.". The leader said "just look at it.". I then looked directly at it, and I was filled with this energy, this power, it felt so mystic, like the entire universe, time and space had flowed into me, like the essence of the gods/god now resided in my veins. I felt alive. This wonderful feeling went on for like 10 seconds, until one of the people yelled "I want it!" and ran and grabbed it, and held it to him. The fairy then began to glow red, and my dream began to fade into the real world as I woke up. I'll never forget that feeling that fairy blessed me with.

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I had a weird dream, last night, where I was a company assistant. It seemed to have something to do with archaeology, but it was more like a design company. I had to jump over holes in the floor to get to the office. Not that the place was in ruin - it was designed that way. Felt like a video game. I think my job was just to buy the section their lunch.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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On 9/11/01 I was this guy in a city in a really tall building and I looked down and said, this is the only way out, and it was hard to really do what I was going to do, and if you guessed I was going to jump off, then your right, so any ways, I couldn't make the decision to stay and see if help would arrive or not, but a little bit later I looked and said, well there's really no point, they won't arrive in time in the first place, then I jumped, finally before I hit the ground, I was awakened.


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I've had these really weird recurring Hunger Games dreams. Normally it involves me, with no choice, stabbing someone in the chest or slicing their throat. I wake up normally in a panic attack, thoughts racing, sometimes thinking, "I DON'T WANT TO BE A TRIBUTE!" But then I realize I'm just in my bed.

Hi there. I'm SRAS. This is the most boring signature ever made.

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Many years ago, just after starwars episode one, I had a dream where i was qui gon jin, i was going down a clockwise staircase, when i got to the bottom i saw the droids socialising and obi wan was standing there, smoking and reading a newspaper. When i got there he put out the ciggarette and threw away the newspaper, suddenly an epic battle took place, then jaja binks picked his nose and did some strange ritual and smiled, i then woke up.

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I was in my house and I just bought a bucket of tacos. Suddenly my house was being robbed. I ran upstairs and starting eating as many tacos as I could so the robbers couldn't take them. O.o

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I had a dream that i was walking into the spare bedroom, and there were a bunch of people were carrying body parts. Then i went up to this haunted house looking barber shop, and it was on a hill. I told the lady to dye my hear brown, but she did black. "No, Brown!" I said, but she did blue. I left then and went to this resteraunt called The Stew & Roll, and they only served stew and rolls. I met Rose Dawson from Titanic there, and we went back home after talking about vodka. I saved a bunch of bears from being blown up in the spare bedroom, and then we were in our alaskan house, but Rose left with Jack on a moterbike and said they'd be back next thanksgiving. And i saw Lori Tanner walking Max in the background. Weird, huh?


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I had a dream like this:

then I laid off on the Mass Effect for a while.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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dont know if this is weird its kinda scary for me. The dream started in long...LONG dark hall way there were 3 of us and were all armed with shotguns then as i looked at the long hall way hoping to see the end of it. Tne suddenly i heard a sound behind me it was a sound of ripping flesh as i turn around one of the people with me was sliced in half as i stare at him i saw a big figure behind him the one that attacked him was the pyramid head(yes the one in silent hill!) then me and the other guy started to run away from shooting it as we run then suddenly the lights in hallway turned on revealing the hallway was covered in blood(or rust i couldn't tell i was running) then suddenly the doors suddenly swung open and then faceless people burst out of the dark rooms then they started to chase us as well the last guy with suddenly tripped i didn't helped him cuz i was too scared as i ran i heard his scream. After running for a while i made it to the end of the hall and at the end was a door a white door i tried to open it but it was locked and as i looked back the faceless people and the pyramid head was closing in i tried so hard to open it but then i gave up so i readied my shotgun and put my back on the door and one think cross my mind *This is gonna hurt might as well die fighting! * but before i could even shoot my shotgun the door swung open(backwards lol) and i fell through the door and to an elevator shaft(i think) then i blacked out.Then i fell on some sort of soft thing it was pitch black i cant even see my hand in front of my face and as i look around the dark room the lights suddenly turned on revealing a room full of dead bodies everywhere as i was ready to puke the ground suddenly shoot then i front of me a giant rotting skeleton with innards hanging out dashed at me with incredible speed and as it mouth open hands suddenly came out i tried to dodge but to no avail one of the hand grabbed on the log forcing me down as i tried to shoot the arm more arms came out puling me to the giants mouth i tried to fight shooting the skeletons face and mouth but it has no effect before it devours me i woke up in a cold sweat...

Edited by blindman02
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This is another weird dream that I had quite recently.


It was my first time lucid dreaming, and excited, I immediately went and met the mane 6. (As any brony would do in my situation)


However, after chatting and getting to know them, they all gave me the bedroom eye stare and began to walk towards me. A piece of paper appeared in my hand, and looking down, it said CLOPFICTION in big red words on it. Good thing I knew how to wake myself, because they were about to jump me. (and most likely do things I never wanted to do to them at all)


I had to practice a lot more to ensure that it didn't happen again. Although I did get snagged in a net and dragged to a hotel room once by Molestia, but that's a different story.

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[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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BroHoof if you did entire normal school days in your dreams, or partial school days.


I once had a very vivid dream when I was 7 or so that I was in a strange room that looked like a McDonalds playroom with the tubes and stuff. In the room with me were Ash and Pikachu, Scooby Doo,a couple extended family members, I can't remember who, and it was played like a movie of sorts. I asked Ash where are we and he said he wasn't sure and Scooby did his trademark Scooby Dooby Doo which then caused the actual POV to zoom out on a space station of sorts with echos and everything. I remember us going through a strange journey of sorts and finally reaching my house which actually was just a recreation of it inside the ship which angered me so much the dream kinda ended. The odd thing especially was at the end, rather than waking up right after ending, I ended up first having some cutscenes with Ash and Pikachu in my normal daily life along with the Scooby Doo theme song.


I didn't wake up though, it was vivid enough to remember when I did at least 4 hrs later.....




On the other hand I had a strange recurring dream of going to the fair and deciding to jump to which I kept going up at an angle which would startle me awake.

Edited by Thewookie Wooker
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LAST night. Omg i was in a mall, and all of a sudden, this weird fatass guy with dorky glasses, a wife beater, shorts, and looked like he never showered and he came up and was like grabbing my boobs and i kept smacking him and then he kept doing it and i went to tell a mall cop and he tackled the fatass and kicked him out o.O

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Prepare for the craziness of my brain! Incoming wall o' text!


This happened a few years ago, probably about 8-9ish, but I still remember it clear as day. I was living with my brother in an apartment building made entirely out of cardboard. We both decided to go outside, which was just a walled off grassy area with another cardboard apartment building. My brother and I were the only ones living in our building, and a neighbor of mine was the only one living in the other. As my brother and I went outside, we met the neighbor and had some small talk. Suddenly the sky started to grow dark. We looked up and saw that the darkness was caused by bats flying through the sky, all carrying an egg. As soon as we looked up, they started dropping them. We took cover in the buildings as they fell to the ground and broke, but nothing came out from them; they were all hollow. We went back outside to examine what had just happened when all of a sudden there were waves upon WAVES of baby chicks heading toward us. We didn't know what they were doing, but once we did, it was too late. The chicks ran INTO the cracked eggs and the eggs reformed, sealing the chicks inside. After the chick was inside, the egg exploded! Explosions were going on everywhere and both apartment buildings were destroyed in the blink of an eye. Everyone survived without a scratch, oddly, and then I woke up.

Just your average antisocial unicorn.

Retired fan-fiction author.

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Well, a few weeks ago, I went a day without sleep, watched ponies for ten hours straight, and passed out on an ottoman. The next three hours were Trixie and the CMC floating randomly in a swirly void of ridiculously psychadelic colours, where Sweetie Belle was barking in a bass laden tone, scootaloo was vomitting gila monsters while clucking backwards, Applebloom was biting her tail and singing "Home on the Range" in Japanese, and Trixie was yelling in an extremely shrill bashee cry. All that travelling through the world which was full of molasses, making it ridiculous garbled. All this for three hours.


Moral of the story: Don't watch ten hours of ponies when that means it ends after passing out after over 35 hours without sleep.

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Last night I actually had a really weird dream! I dreamed that when I went in the back yard I saw that someone had been digging there and left a big mound of dirt. I dug a little with a shovel and found out that someone had been buried alive there. I called 911 and an ambulance came. They dug up this woman and saved her life.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Can't remember my entire dream from last night. Had something to do with some evil person that couldn't die and would transfer his life from one object to another every time you killed "him". Yeah, my dreams suck. Repeatedly smashing a bar of soap with an evil spirit inside it doesn't sound very...smart? o.O



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I was dressed like Laura Croft (the tank top and the tiny shorts) and I was running away from monsters with a bunch of guys. We got to a point where we had to zip-line across a canyon, and all of the guys went before me. When it was my turn (the monsters were only a few feet away) I wouldn't do it because my armpits were hairy. The monsters grabbed me and then I woke up.

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