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What month did you join the herd?  

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  2. 2. What year did you join the herd?

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I remember one day in the the year of 2013 I was at my grandparent's house. No one was around, I had the tv all to myself that morning ( #Freedom ! )  I flipped threw the tv channels and couldn't find anything I wanted to watch. Then suddenly I came across mlp. I remembered the episode was "Sweet and Elite" and I hated the white unicorn at first. I felt I had seen the same old drama queen, fashion loving, girly girl before in other shows, but as I kept watching I began to see that the unicorn seemed to have a little more to her. She cared about others more then just herself and I suddenly wanted to learn more about her and all her friends.

I began learning more about the show and I also learned about bronies. I  soon began watching the show and decided to also join the herd :love:

And The rest is history 

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I became a brony probably the first time I watch mlp in about 2015. The animation was so intriguing. The way that Hasbro could put so many noticeable face expressions on its characters was amazing. And the fact that the physics and logistics made more sense than the other shows of My Little Pony

Edited by TheRedBlaze
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  • 4 weeks later...

I would watch Discovery Family when I was bored sometimes and I witnessed its transition into the Hub, and one of the very first adverts they showed was MLP:FIM, and so I ended up watching it when it first aired. So I'd say I probably was a fan of the show 2010 pre-brony times. I was also the kinda person who would look up fan content out of curiosity whenever a show came out, so I was somewhat active in that respect as well. There was actually some pre-brony content out there believe it or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started the show August-Septemberish (this year) and I realized I just could not put the show down! I really enjoyed it! I didn't start getting into the parodies and fan stuff until about Late October, but overall I say its pretty worth it and I'm glad I came around to it!

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I had a neighbor who was a brony several years back, I hung out with him back in 2011-2013. I thought it was weird how he had profiles on games named after ponies, mlp shirts, etc. That was my first time meting a brony.

I haven't seen him in years, unfortunately, but I had seen a ton of mlp stuff on the internet. I watched some videos about it and thought 'hey, maybe I should give the show a try? It must be good if all these people like it!' 

So I watched the first two episodes of season 1 and thought they were alright. By the end of the next week, I had seen all of season 1 and a good portion of season 2. I was hooked!:)

A week or so later I joined these forums!


I just feel really bad that it took me all this time to get into it. I wish I could go back and relive the 2011-2013 hype again.:(



MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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I'm a long time collector of my little pony (since junior high, well, okay, preschool, got my first ebay ponies at 18) I took a hiatus for about 10 years (apartment living, lots of stuff happened).  Anyway, I now have a son who is almost 4, discovered some of my old toys and had to play with them.  I went and saw the movie and then I started really watching some of the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic episodes, so I"m not all caught up yet.

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I first got turned onto the show by a US friend of mine (who I've sadly lost contact with) not long after Season 1 started (early 2011), he was super into it as much like me, he liked anything cute animation-wise, so he thought I'd be up for it. I got up until The Cutie Mark Chronicles liking what I was seeing but was understandably nervous, as after being conditioned into HATING MLP as a boy growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's by gender cliches and stereotyping, the negative stigma that surrounded liking a show for little girls really put me off it and I decided I wasn't strong enough to admit that I liked it, so I just stopped watching. I kept in touch with the series thanks to the fan-art on DA, as the animation style could be appreciated regardless of where I ingested it.

I befriended a couple of Bronies at University a couple of years later, but I was still very apprehensive to give the show another go. That all changed when another friend of mine who I used to know from a Sonic forum messaged me on DeviantArt on whether I was a Brony or not due to my favourites filling up with Pony Art. I told him I wasn't, just an appreciator of the visual style. Following that interaction, I found out that JoshScorcher (Firebrand or Fiery Joker... take your pick), one of my favourite YouTubers did reviews of the show alongside the countdown content I subscribed to him for... which ignited a spark in me to prove to myself that if I really did like the show, I shouldn't keep it sheltered away. Following on from that revelation in January 2014, I downloaded every episode available at the time and spent the rest of the year binging it semi-regularly until I caught up before deciding to re-launch my YouTube channel as a multi-content one with MLP being part of it, debuting with my Top 10 Characters Countdown in October of the same year.

Since then, I call myself a Brony with pride... as without this show... lord knows what my life would look like. While I may not be the most sociable of people in the fandom or regularly active outside of YouTube, I feel like I've done okay for myself within it by carving out my place and resting in it comfortably.

  • Brohoof 1


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I started watching in DEC 2013. I was in a car accident that November and became quite depressed and overcome with morbid thoughts. I decided to cut out all the violent and negative stuff I was in-taking. I stopped watching walking dead, Dexter, Game of thrones, stopped listening to Black Metal and negative approach and MK ultra. The first thing I did was start re-watching the power puff girls and sailor moon. When I heard that MLP was the work of Lauren Faust, who was also part of the power puff girls, I just had to check it out. I was hooked immediately. I love the show to this day and it has helped a lot with my depression. I've seen every episode, I've seen all the EQ girl movies many times, and I collect EQ girl dolls and other pony stuff.    

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I cant remember when exactly it was. but I remember how it happened.

I knew that the show existed and thought to myself, great another 80s cartoon redo, and seeing the picture of the show online i thought like a lot of others,that this was really dumb and stupid

Since I had watched a lot on animated movies though my Netflix, it gave me the recommendation to watch the first Equestria Girls movie.After seeing that in there for a few weeks, an with nothing better to do I watched it, which of course made me want to watch the rest of the series at that time. 

The rest they say is history.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

It was around April of 2014, I had heard about this show from time to time, but I never took an interest untiI I watched a Youtuber named Rebeltaxi's review on it. After catching up with Adventure Time, and Regular Show, I booted up my Netflix on my Wii and thought why not give it a shot. I ended up watching the first season within a week and ended up loving it. I then bought myself the Friendship Express DVD, the first 3 seasons on DVD, and the Equestria Girls movie on Blu ray. I ended up watching the rest of it, including the movie within a month I liked it that much. A Canterlot Wedding, and Magical Mystery Cure cemented me as a fan, and made this my favorite TV show of all time. When I watched Magical Mystery Cure, I was absolutely entranced by it. The songs Celestia's Ballad, True True Friend, and Find a Way completely caught me off guard emotionally. 

I took a break after the Equestria Girls movie, and after I got back from my vacation, I ended up marathoning the entirety of season 4, and rewatching many episodes from time to time that same summer, especially Magical Mystery Cure. I probably watched that one more than any other episode. Twilight's Kingdom was another highlight too, as that one still stands as my favorite episode to this day. This and Adventure Time showed me what animation could do and made the 2010s my absolute favorite for cartoons ever. 

Here's Rebeltaxi's Review from 2011. Also this series made me want to try out my own drawing skills.

Edited by ultrairongorilla
  • Brohoof 1


                                    Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature!



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I got into the show when ScrewAttack made a Death Battle video with Pinkie Pie VS Deadpool back on Dec 2017. After watching that video I started watching the series and see if I'll like it or not. (Spoiler alert, I liked it) Then for the next 2 months, I finished the entire series including the spin-offs like EG.

  • Brohoof 2


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I wasn't really a fan of the older generations back then but I got hooked on watching FIM in late 2012 or early 2013 I think, when it was really in the mainstream and it was a show you either loved or hated. I think the first episode I watched was Hurricane Fluttershy, and ever since then it's been my favourite cartoon, that and Gravity Falls and Star vs. the forces of evil. But now I have to catch up on season 7 after a busy year kept me away from tv. 

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i was at my house with some of my little cousin, they enjoy MLP so much and in the beginning I don't like mlp that much. I'm a 17yo guy and every single morning my little cousin will watch mlp. one day my little cousin and her friends were watching Equestria girls : rainbow rocks. they told me to join them and I can't deny her. i started hooked into the show and after that movie, i love the sirens so much and I can't stop thinking of adagio dazzle and when the sirens will return to the show in the future.

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the biggest tip off was when my older brother showed signs of being a Brony. So then i guess it grew on me, but nothing took place in me. I also began to find friends who were into the show or showed signs of liking it. Then he moved out and I guess i felt like I lost something. It started by watching the show when my sisters would and then browsing pony like stuff on the internet. I'd come across amazing art and I have a weakness for good art. I tried drawing ponies myself. Then I came across this forum. That's when I realized how deeply I loved the fandom and that it was always going to be a part of me. MLP has been with me without asking for it to be there.

Edited by ThunderCrush
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I became a brony back in 2017, after finally decided to watch the show. I watched a couple of fan videos before that, but the show was really what got me hooked.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got stuck having a day out with my younger cousin last year. We got held up due to road repairs (thank stars I let my cousin's mother drive because I have no patience for waiting) needless to say I got stuck in the backseat with my kid cousin who quickly got bored and had a portable DVD player. 

She convinced me to watch the first Equestria girl's movie with her. (Trust me it was either that or trying to sleep which was impossible with her poking me every five seconds)


I knew of bronys and mlp but I wrote it off as a kids show and what not because I grew up collecting the generation 3 toys (they were bright colored and I loved horses so yeah...oddly enough I was a typical little girl by that standard) so I kinda pushed the thought of enjoying the movie out of my mind. Fast forward to a month or so ago and I was bored, ready to beat myself in the head because of collage stressing me out so I decided to watch something noring in order to fall asleep. 

I picked mlp:fim and ended up staying up later than intended just watching it.

So yeah, now I'm here and at the point of drawing fanart and writing fanfic.


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  • 1 month later...

i was using a pinkie pie avatar for a joke on a multiplayer game, but then i was like "damn she actually looks kinda cute"

so i watched the show and was like ok im in love with it

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2011. Severe depression, got into rewatching powerpuff girls, friend shows me Apple.MOV, found MLP clips looking for more, had no idea it was actually the show, found out I was into a little girl's show for real, watched in secret, felt depression fade. Became more open about loving it over time. Converted friends, got into fandom, got inspired by fan projects to become an indie, the rest is history.

  • Brohoof 1

Working on a cool new Pokemon-inspired indie project called Battle Gem Ponies 
Download the Latest Demo: Battle Gem Ponies (Combat Demo) on Kickstarter!


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


so i was in high school when mlp came out and my friend really liked the show. i was a freshman in high school (this was in 2013) and he told me to try it out. gave it a go and i thought it was pretty fun to watch, havent watched it daily but still a good fandom

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I dont have internet at my house, so there is no Netflix and I only own EQG series and the new movie, otherwise, I'd probably watch certain episodes daily... or just find certain times to marathon through again... I became one in 2013, thought it sounded ridiculous, thought the show was awesome, the characters had great redeeming qualities to their own right, and you find episodes you relate to real earlier on. I think it's Bridle Gossip/Griffon the Brush Off where I really caught some interest.. I remember I used to have Skype nights for MLP and everything, it was really happening in 2013, I joined in the loudest year of the fandom, and it died down after awhile, I have been to two conventions and would go every single year if it were within my power.


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I saw this picture back in 2013... I became obsessed with good ol' Derpy. I was like "They made an animation error into a cannon character? That's bloody awesome, I gotta see this!!!" I started collecting FunKo vinyl figures and watched the show shortly afterwards and I was hooked. Never looked back.


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I liked the show around 2014 but haven’t considered myself a brony until 2018 In August. That Dr.Who and big lebowski reference got me wanting to watch the show even more!

Also i thought that only babies and weirdos watch the show,but i was actually wrong! Ps my family is ok with me watching it without acting weird! Double bonus!

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I became a  brony in Jan 2017 as I stumbled upon a Minecraft Server which was Advertising MLP, for whatever Reason.

It helped me compensate my Depression, so I kept watching.


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