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Do you believe that you are of above average intelligence?

PSP (Dizzy)

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I would have to say yes... not out of ego, but out of cynicism.


I try not to think of myself as better than others, but when I go out and I see people acting with no class or elegance, as if the evolutionary chain is moving backwards back to neanderthals, being rude to each other, bragging about stories that make you seem like a jackass, gabbing about "some famous person did some really secret thing that's really personal to them and frankly isn't any of my business omg!".... it's hard.... it's really hard....

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Although interesting, it seems a lot of people are missing the point about what intelligence is, at least when it refers to IQ.


Your IQ doesn't show how smart you are.  It shows how fast you can learn.  You can have an IQ of over 125, and if you don't put any effort, someone with an IQ of 85 can easily best you in any subject.  That also means that no matter how hard the subject, if a human being can learn it and you are human, you can learn it too.  It may take longer or it may require you to look at things from a different point of view, but you can learn whatever you put your mind to.


Me?  I do learn fast and I barely study, so I assume that I have a high IQ, but after passing high school with good grades and realizing that there's so much more out there than intelligence, I decided to take things easier, and by that I mean I'm so lazy that I sometimes fall behind on things and have to kick myself for it.



Also, for those of you who took an IQ test somewhere, do remember these three things:


1-Your IQ doesn't define who you are.


2-Your IQ doesn't define what you can or can't do.


3-Your IQ is scientifically measured in multiples of 5, so if the IQ number you were given ended in something other than 0 or 5, I wouldn't trust that score.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nope, but I do believe I have slightly more common sense than some people. Also overall I have good judgment/decision making skills. Having ocd helps me to be more cautious and paranoid of things others might not think twice about. 

Edited by CupcakeQueen
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This is an interesting question

I have done a few aptitude tests in my life, and guess what

I'm weird :3 


My visual/spatial reasoning is in the top 5% of the country :D 

My maths is in the bottom 40% of the country ):

My reading speed is at 750wpm (12.5 words per second)

My spelling is awful (I had to check overly large amounts of things while typing this)

My retention is based on... how interested I am in the subject?... I can quote many books off by heart, after one read through, but something that I'm not interested in (hinthintmaths) it just goes in one ear and out the other, and I have to forcefully stick it in my brain.

I'm a philosopher, so I like to think quite a bit... I have no idea what that means.


I'm currently suffering from a really annoying thing called depression (which half the people here seem to have) and that may or may not have an effect on my downsides (idkthesethings)


This whole thing sounded overly narcissistic, and attention seeking, so really, really sorry if it did to you.

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Not particularly, no. 


*really personal self-loathing rant incoming*


I have Aspergers which is possibly mixed with ADHD. I suck at math and nearly all fields of science. I often display short-term memory in that I'll often forget what I'm doing if my mind isn't entirely focused on it. For instance, sometimes I go to Youtube to look up a specific video and I get sidetracked by another video. By the time I finished that video, I will have forgotten what the video I initially wanted to look up was, and it usually takes some serious memory-jogging to remember it. My grades throughout my life have mostly been average. A few A's in some places, a few C's in some others. Not particularly impressive, just enough to get myself to graduation. 


Honestly, I've always been envious of those with higher level intelligence. My mom in particular is very smart (graduated third in her class) and she tells me that she got that way by studying. But honestly, studying isn't enough for me and not just because of my ADHD. Sometimes, I just lack any ability to pick up advanced or foreign concepts. I've never taken an IQ test because honestly, I've always been afraid that I would test lower than average. I don't think I'm stupid or anything, but I don't think I'm really that smart either. 


The only skill I really think that I have is an ability to write, and I think that's actually going to be my ticket to getting anywhere in my life. It kinda upsets me because I wish I had more to offer. I certainly won't be praised for any artistic work, nor will I be making any medical or scientific breakthroughs in my life like some of you here might. 


So yeah, I'm just an average guy with average intelligence who will likely live the rest of his life making an earnest salary at a none-too-impressive job, living in an average two-story house with a family (hopefully), and ultimately passing on without having given much to the world. 

Edited by Cleverclover
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My opinion on this changes frequently, but here's how I feel at this moment. I will say there's all sorts of forms of intelligence, and it's difficult to get an objective score about this sort of thing. A lot of people use IQ, but it only measures a very specific type. It's also very hard for me to say how intelligent I am fairly, as I'm quite the biased judge, aren't I? I suppose this isn't a very helpful answer to your question, but it's all I can give.

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I wouldn't say that i am a super science professor, but i really think that i am of decent intellegence. I try as best as i can to learn about new and interesting subjects, because i want to talk with people about their subjects, because it's always weird sitting between your friends, who have a talk about a subject that you have no idea about.


So yeah, i would say decent.

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  • 4 years later...

One can never tell, the measurement of one's intelligence is invalid. 

Except stupidity, measurement for that is quite easy to take notes on.

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Nope, I'm dumb as a rock.  Some people say "But you look so intelligent!!"  Nope, I assure you I suffer from dumb b*tch syndrome.  There's not much to be done by it.

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To an extent, I suppose so, but I try not to emphasize it. Sometimes I wished I got more average grades in school, so that I could relate more to other students, but at the same time, I'm a perfectionist who beats myself up for getting anything less than an A... I suck at plenty of other things though!

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