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S05:E12 - Amending Fences


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THIS!!!! was one of the best episodes to date, i loved the premise, the execution, how moondancer just pretty much tore twi to shreds (although i wish she was more spiteful and twi be more depressed and go sulk in her room i wanted to see twi brake even more!! but that's just me.  i was very much expecting a Twi song any moment but i as disappoint.



but over all seeing as i have now watched this EP 8 times over the hours 10 -10 for me


ALSO more moondancer she NEEDS to comeback!!!! 


if this is now the type of material that the MLP writers are making they need to stay on this course this has almost surpassed Pinkie Pride for me and that was a 12/10


i could see a 11 season run IF they right now keep it at this High level of writing   




now is that confirmed that was glimmer?! if so i like where this is going 

Edited by Jora
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I didn't think it possible, but I enjoyed this episode even more than Party Pooper. This is the first episode of MLP that had little to no jokes, and it was executed beautifully. I wasn't bored a second, and it wiped away the horrid memory of Princess Spike, thankfully. Moondancer's rant at Twilight towards the end had me tearing up, and it didn't hide from the fact that Twilight was a pretty awful friend before meeting the Mane 6. Overall, just an awesome episode and Larson outdid himself. *applauds* 


Also, after looking through the comments, sometime during the episode you see Starlight Glimmer hiding behind a restaurant menu, and that solidified her as the most creepy of all MLP villains. It reminded me of just how unsettling she is, and how realistic. She's like Charles Manson, a master manipulator and abuser of other ponies, and she is now stalking Twilight. It certainly ramps me up for the season finale. 

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"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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Basically my reaction:






Wow.  After a couple of misses, and a bit of up and down this season, we finally got the gem I've been waiting for.  The proof that this show ain't done yet, baby.  This was easily one of the best episodes of the entire series.


Just, wow.  What to even say?  The pacing!  The writing!  The character developement!  The morals!  Everything was perfect!  This was gold.  Scratch that, it was platinum!


I love the premise.  Instead of pulling something new out of thin air, they built on the past, which makes the lore and characters feel more real.  Delving into Twilight's life pre-Ponyville was a fantastic idea.  I loved meeting her old friends.  They were great.


Moondancer turned out to be one of the most poignant characters on the show, and certainly one of the most relatable for me.  So many people have felt the way she did.  And seeing how Twilight's actions had hurt Moondancer so badly was just incredible.  This was probably the most real episode yet.  I was blown away by how intense it got towards the end when Moondancer let it all out.  We saw a lot of vulnerability and character development from Twi as well.  After a couple of episodes that may have fanned the flames of the Twilight haters, dare I say that the Mary-Sue club might need to concede a bit of defeat on this one.  We clearly saw that Twilight isn't perfect.  Her actions scarred Moondancer, and even now, as the Princess of Friendship, her effors to make amends did not go over very well.  She made things right in the end, but I think it was clearly shown that sometimes a simple apology is not enough.  When you've hurt someone, you can't always just say "sorry", and expect the damage to be undone.  It takes time, effort, and energy to heal.  Of course, they needed to wrap it up, because they're not going to leave a kid's show on a sad note, but I felt like it was implied that Moondancer will still take some time to heal and come out of her shell.  Wounds like that can't be healed instantly.  Just think--all this time, the Perfect Princess who can say no wrong and do wrong, hurt somepony badly, left her behind, and left her damaged.  Sometimes, a seemingly small thing can have massive consequences.  The very idea that a character could be so badly hurt by Twilight, and for so long, speaks volumes about the poignancy of this show, as well as the writers' continued willingness to take risks in the scope of a kid's show.


I'd be interested to know how children may have been touched by Moondancer.  So many kids, and us adults, too, have felt isolated, rejected, and hopeless.  I hope her story gave hope to someone who feels like she/he will never have any friends.


Big points for backstory building, big points for engaging new characters, big points for great continuity, and really big points for showing that our actions have consequences, even if we don't realize it at the time.


Moving on to something much less significant, but still nice to see--I was really pleased that, while Twilight was capable of carrying Pinkie while flying, she had a very tough time of it, and couldn't control herself very well.  She's a competent enough flyer, which is good, but I'm glad they never had her become a spectacular flyer.  She's enough things, we don't want her rivaling Rainbow.  Twilight had a lot of trouble carrying Pinkie, whereas Rainbow was able to fly like a rocket from the ground to Cloudsdale carrying Rarity, Spitfire, Soarin', and Fleetfoot as if was nothing.  And that's exactly how it should be.


Spike's gift for Moondancer was very touching as well.


Also, I was thrilled to hear Lyra's last name.  (I don't believe they said it on Slice of Life.)



ALSO more moondancer she NEEDS to comeback!!!! 

Agreed.  A character that meaningful cannot be shown only once.



Also, after looking through the comments, sometime during the episode you see Starlight Glimmer hiding behind a restaurant menu, and that solidified her as the most creepy of all MLP villains.

HOLY SH*T, did that actually happen??!!




*Knocks over chair and runs back upstairs to rewatch the episode in slow motion*

Edited by Justin_Case001
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I really enjoyed that episode, it was nice to see a callback to Friendship Is Magic Part 1 and 2, and see how much Twilight has evolved when it comes to friendship, but at the same time she's not perfect and learns about her actions in this episode. I loved seeing Canterlot and seeing Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer. I also loved seeing Pinkie Pie throw one of her amazing parties to help Twilight cheer up Moon Dancer and seeing some of the references in this episode. The moral and overall message was fantastic and I was crying towards the end. Glad to have a Twilight episode that isn't really action oriented or oriented towards her being a badass. Also was I the only one mad Twilight brought Pinkie, but not Lyra? They mentioned her and I was expecting her to appear, but nope no Lyra. Also love that Moon Dancer is a recoloring of Twilight and I loved seeing Fancy Pants with Fleur Dis Lee as well as seeing Starlight Glimmer appear behind a menu. 10/10 episode!!












Edited by MLPFanatic34
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Been wanting an episode like this since season 4 started. Twilights life before ponyville always seemed ripe for potential, and know we get to see what that was like. And Colgate gets some screen time (it is really hard to not call her that) Kindof odd that her house was also cobwebbed, she seemed perfectly fine with twilight never talking with her.
I love the visual gag with moondancer being a twilight pallete swap, the original six (can we call them that?) was six backround unicorns with two of each mane style, kindof want an alternate universe where they became the elements of harmony (moondancer seems like she could pull of generosit).
Starlights cameo was pretty funny, though i wonder if it's forshadowing to what she might do when she comes back.
So are eyebrows a sign of poor grooming now? Like five o'clock shadow but for girls?

Sig by Pucksterv

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I just watched the episode after being gone all day. I really wanted to like this episode because it featured Twilight but....it felt just average to me. And where the heck was Lyra? Lyra was specifically mentioned as being in Twilight's little circle of friends and she wasn't in the episode. I was looking forward to seeing her. I give this episode a 3 out of 5.

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After a couple of episodes that may have fanned the flames of the Twilight haters, dare I say that the Mary-Sue club might need to concede a bit of defeat on this one. 


NEVER!!!!! :baconmane:


Seriously though, I definitely get the feeling that Moondancer had overreacted a bit at Twilight not showing up at her party, particularly since it's not like no one else had shown up. I honestly didn't think Twilight really deserved to feel the guilt of knowing that her actions had made her become a recluse and give up friendship. I mean yeah, that's just harsh. 


Yet still, these are simply her past sins. Sins committed before learning the value of friendship, let alone being considered worthy enough to be crowned a princess for it. 


That being said, at least M.A. Larson is still making some attempt to balance out Twilight's magical abilities. Would anyone truly have been surprised to find out that she could transport herself into a book for an indefinite amount of time? At this point, probably not. Nevertheless, I do appreciate that at least someone on FiM's writing staff is trying to avoid making her into an infinitely powerful goddess. 

Edited by Cleverclover
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I got this certain revelation that Pinkie Pie is the reason why the three ponies were still ready to welcome Twilight. Pinkie Pie probably talked about Twilight to them.



I just watched the episode after being gone all day. I really wanted to like this episode because it featured Twilight but....it felt just average to me. And where the heck was Lyra? Lyra was specifically mentioned as being in Twilight's little circle of friends and she wasn't in the episode. I was looking forward to seeing her. I give this episode a 3 out of 5.


It's because she lives in Ponyville not in Canterlot. They did talk about her.

Edited by cider float
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Also was I the only one mad Twilight brought Pinkie, but not Lyra? They mentioned her and I was expecting her to appear, but nope no Lyra.

I was kind of hoping for a Lyra appearance, but keep in mind that Lyra wasn't hurt like Moondancer.  Lyra has a bff anyway.



Seriously though, I definitely get the feeling that Moondancer had overreacted a bit at Twilight not showing up at her party, particularly since it's not like no one else had shown up. I honestly didn't think Twilight really deserved to feel the guilt of knowing that her actions had made her become a recluse and give up friendship. I mean yeah, that's just harsh.

Perhaps.  But I recall Moondancer saying that it wasn't just that party, but a pattern of rejection.  In any case, I felt like it was pretty believable and well done.

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I really enjoyed that episode, it was nice to see a callback to Friendship Is Magic Part 1 and 2, and see how much Twilight has evolved when it comes to friendship, but at the same time she's not perfect and learns about her actions in this episode. I loved seeing Canterlot and seeing Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer. I also loved seeing Pinkie Pie throw one of her amazing parties to help Twilight cheer up Moon Dancer and seeing some of the references in this episode. The moral and overall message was fantastic and I was crying towards the end. Glad to have a Twilight episode that isn't really action oriented or oriented towards her being a badass. Also was I the only one mad Twilight brought Pinkie, but not Lyra? They mentioned her and I was expecting her to appear, but nope no Lyra. Also love that Moon Dancer is a recoloring of Twilight and I loved seeing Fancy Pants with Fleur Dis Lee as well as seeing Starlight Glimmer appear behind a menu. 10/10 episode!!









Maybe Twilight learned that spell from Discord.


Heck she might learn to use other Discord spells in the future....


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Really liked this episode, was very fun to watch~ Nice callback to Season 1 as well :D I hoped Moondancer would've been more like her comic counterpart, I liked that color scheme more, but that hair was adorkable~ Quite a fun episode!

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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Truly the best episode so far. The concept was great and every moment felt worth watching, like it all had a meaning to it. I actually felt like this episode made progression to the story. Not to mention Moon Dancer is down right adorkable! Clearly Twilight needs to learn a thing or two about being adorkable from her.


But seriously, awesome episode! Simple, yet very satisfying. In fact, I found Moon Dancers' character to be very relatable. That also really did it for me in the enjoyment of this episode.

Edited by Felix
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Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I do appreciate that at least someone on FiM's writing staff is trying to avoid making her into an infinitely powerful goddess. 

I don't see much of that anyways...?

Season 5 has kept her pretty well balanced so far. 


She was out on her feet during episode 10 because she worked too hard, which is twilight through and through.

If she were being portrayed as a goddess she wouldn't have gotten so tired.

And there was nothing goddess-like about last week's episode either.

The diplomacy mission would have been a disaster, war and all, if not for the dumb luck of sheep being on the tracks.

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I knew that this episode would be incredible the moment it pulled something back from THE VERY FIRST EPISODE and used something many people did not give a second look at as its main plot point. I mean seriously, who uses that kind of continuity? Very few people are able to pull that off this far into a series and make it work so well. 


And, my god, the detail they used within the episode was awesome. Have you noticed how, when Twilight and Spike are standing in front of the glass at her old library, the camera shows them from the outside and their voices are muffled slightly and that when it shows them from the inside standing next to the glass, when Twilight put her hoof on the glass and took it off it made the natural noise you would expect to hear. They could have not done anything with those moments and most anybody wouldn't have cared, but someone took the time to put those sound effects in and it is just blowing my mind right now what they are doing to this show. 


They also made it seem like an actual world was happening outside of the main plot what with Spike talking with the donut guy and the chattering you here in the background with the restaurant.


Sorry, but I'm fanboying out right now.


Also I'm voting for Pinkie as Princess of Friendship during reelection. She can already fly and I'm pretty sure she can do anything because of her power to break the fourth wall, so I see no reason to make her an Alicorn to become a princess.

Edited by IcefireInfinite
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I loved it! Definitely my new favorite episode of the season.

I liked the "new" characters, Moondancer, and the throwback. Also, Pinkie Pie's entrance was fantastic.

Plus, it was a very important episode for Twiilght who let her friends in Canterlot, they should have done it sooner, but better late than never.

Edited by Blobulle
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This has been the first episode to make me cry . I've never so much as cringed during a heart fill moment. I'd say this episode has been the first outstanding episode I seen in a long time. The feels were powerful and my heart stings were carefully strum by the ingenuity of M.A. Larson. I've never really liked his episodes, and I was shocked when I reread the opening credits. I enjoyed every moment. It was the slightest bit predictable, but that just makes me feel over joyed by the fact that my prayers have been answered. I do hope that more episodes like this are just down the road. :pinkie:

Edited by Pony Munchies


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Too many feels :(


Certainly a well done episode. I'd always wondered what Moondancer's party would have been like if Twilight and Spike had gone. Seems like they're really ironing out the details on the background ponies this season. Pretty cool ^_^


It amuses me how Twilight calls on her friends to solve problems. You know what would have been awesome? If instead of flying all the way back to Ponyville to get Pinkie, Twilight had just invented a poké-ball spell... Pinkie Pie, I choose you! :pinkie:

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Terrific episode. Excellent characterization for Twilight, Moon Dancer, and decent ones for the remainder of Twilight's old friends, and it tackled a strong issue forcing Twilight to confront her past realizing that her actions impacted others more than she realized at the time. Excellent call back to a small scene from episode, and it was great to see more of Canterlot along the way with some excellent animation touches as well


Thought it was pretty funny that Twilight could not even remember the names of her friends.




Nevertheless, I do appreciate that at least someone on FiM's writing staff is trying to avoid making her into an infinitely powerful goddess. 


That is what some fans get for assuming alicorns are goddesses when there is no basis to do so in the first place while trying to make arguments based off fear mongering.

Edited by UnknownFry
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The legacy of the tailcopter carries on!



I sense a competition going on!

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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Seriously though, I definitely get the feeling that Moondancer had overreacted a bit at Twilight not showing up at her party, particularly since it's not like no one else had shown up. I honestly didn't think Twilight really deserved to feel the guilt of knowing that her actions had made her become a recluse and give up friendship. I mean yeah, that's just harsh.


It's clearly established in the episode that Twillight was sort of a best friend for Moondancer. Well... the best friend Moondancer could consider back then.

It's not just a pony who didn't showed up for a party, but the pony she thought was the closest to her who didn't show up.

The length of the episode was not sufficient enough to pull all of this but I think that's the message Larson tried to convey with the flashback of the school and the discussion between Twi and Moondancer about Haycarte.


But that's just my opinion ^^


Regarding this episode... I deemed it at very good :3

I don't really cry but I find this slice of life episode very interresting and the pacing was spot on for the most part.

The idea was great ! Moondancer being a Twillight who gave up on friendship at the same time our Twi embraced it was marvelous. The interractions between the two were touching and amusing at the same time.


Yes, a very good episode o/


I didn't notice Starlight the first time I watched the episode, but it's also a very cool part of the episode. I wonder if she already showed up in early episodes... I don't think so but... maybe. It's sure what she will make a come back in a later episode, maybe before the final episodes... in the backround again... Starlight is really a good vilain : she's creepy and at the same time so normal. She brainwashed ponies and now she stalk Twillight for unknow reasons... I can't wait to see her again :D


Oh and Pinkie !

Pinkie is a key character this season and confirm is big role in the confrery of friendship, almost like an ambassador like someone said after Party Pooped.

As a Pinkie fan, I always loved her (even in season 4... yeah o/) but this season is on another level.

Twillight even described her party planer as a "secret weapon" and of course it's only natural for the pony who live to make other ponies smile to have such a big part in this friendship quest.


Of course I want to see other map episode where that is needed is other things than laughter... But I think it's for later episodes ^^


In short... A great episode :D

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A finely-written episode. The feels at the end when Moondancer reveals her reasoning and her re-integration at the end had a very sympathetic Pixar-like quality and restraint to them. Pinkie Pie riding in like Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove was a great reference, showing the subtleties that are a signature of MA Larson's episodes.


Top among what's great about this episode is how well it used continuity, and how a simple, often-overlooked event from the series premiere launched the events of it. Just like "Slice of Life", this episode had to deal with characterizing characters who had only been backgrounds or mentions before, and it did very well with that.


The only point I have against the episode is the redundancy of Moondancer as yet another Twilight foil, the fourth since Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer, each representing opposite or extreme aspects of Twilight as a character and showing the strength of Twilight's character. Moondancer could have still been portrayed as a social recluse and could still have delivered the feels at the end if the visual and characterized similarities to Twilight weren't as obvious. The Larson subtleties at work in other aspects of the episode really didn't extend to Moondancer as a character.


Granted, Moondancer's characterization is different as it takes on a slice-of-life aspect more central to Twilight's character rather than her humility or sense of justice. This is as much about her as it is about how she interacts with other ponies. However, it couldn't have been more obvious than Twilight staring at a mirror for the middle act of the episode, and it seems like Moondancer won't really have much potential as a character separate from Twilight, seeing how she basically is a copy of past Twilight.


All in all, it's still a great episode that builds on a great continuity and delivers a great moral, and that's to be expected from this show.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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