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Any Common Misspellings Annoy You?

Emerald Wave

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So, do any of you guys get frustrated when people type a word the wrong way?


-Instead of angel, angle
Imagine in the Phantom Of The Opera, The Phantom sings this.

"Sing, my ANGLE of music!" I hate that typo.

-Instead of Alana, Alan

This isn't a misspelling, but since my username on ROBLOX is alana554, some people shorten Alana down to Alan..


Remember to smile! 

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Anytime someone confuses "they're", "their", or "there" ticks me off.  Their the worst, because there not usually detected by spellcheckers.  People really need to use they're own discretion.


Although it's not technically a misspelling, I insist that "whisky" needs the "e".

  • Brohoof 1

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I find it slightly irritating when people write stuff like "Yes, I like that movie to!" Same goes for stuff like "Let's go too the mall!" I see this sort of mistakes a lot, but it makes me confused to see something rather easy to remember get misspelled.


Oh, and the then/than misspellings annoy me as well, for similar reasons to the to/too misspellings.

Edited by Odyssey
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It bugs me when people mix up the following:

  • You're/your
  • It's/its
  • Where/were/we're
  • His/he's
  • Vain/vein
  • Than/then
  • To/two/too

Other minor annoyances include:


  • Using a comma in place of an apostrophe
  • Using punctuation for emphasis
  • Overuse of punctuation
  • Using an apostrophe when it's clearly not needed
  • Capitalising Every Single Word In A Sentence
  • Using quotation marks to "emphasize" a word
Edited by Blackened

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When people dont know the correct way to use Your and You're or Their and their.


Also spelling colour without the u, but thats just an Americanization so i let that slide :P

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People spell it defiantly all the time, and that REALLY gets on my nerves.

  • Brohoof 1

This is a WIP.

Why are you still looking at this?

Seriously. You should have looked away by now.

Congratulations. You have read the 4th line.

I can't believe you are still here. *sighs and walks away*

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I can live with the general mistakes but what always gets on my nerves is this, and it always pops up nearing the festive season: Raping presents



  • Brohoof 1


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OMG. Years ago I used to be soooo annoyed when someone would misspell "bassoon". I could never understand why people had such a hard time spelling it... They would spell it like "basoon", or the most annoying "basson".


...But that's not how I am anymore. I have become very indifferent to people's spelling errors. 99.9% of the time it is easy to see what someone is saying, so why make a big deal about it? Why make a deal about it at all? It's rude. The same goes for "you're and your", "there, their, they're", etc.

Edited by Envy

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I don't think there are any particular words than annoy me more than others when spelt wrong.  A few lapses in spelling, grammar and punctuation are forgivable in most circumstances.  However, when confronted with a wall of text that is riddled with poor sentence structure, bad spelling, bad grammar and either a lack of, or excessive punctuation then I usually stop reading.


I've abandoned the reading of so many fanfics for those sort of reasons.


It also annoys me that this site's spellcheck has underlined the word "spelt".  The language is called English for a reason!


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I have a lot of misspellings that annoy me, like people spelling "does" as "dose"... Come on... That is not a hard word to learn!


Or people using the wrong word, or using text talk and not spelling out the whole thing. That is what gets me the most with those.


I'm a COLT/STALLION, not a filly/mare. Just because I have a round muzzle does not mean I'm female. Remember that. =3

Signature made by me, vectors in signature and avatar also made by me.

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I despise ALL of the spelling mistakes.

This is your average, everyday annoying signature.

Are you seriously reading this?


Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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People who mistake the use of apostrophes, such as saying "It's" instead of "Its". post-30925-0-23560700-1440512012.png That's the most common mistake I see almost anyone make, and we all do it at some point. Remember, you're not saying "The Pony stamped it is hooves!"


Another common misspelling would be "Affect" instead of "Effect". That seems to confuse a lot.


And yes, it's "a lot", not "alot".  :dash: 

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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Definitely the loose/lose thing.


Also, writing would of/should of/could of. It's HAVE! would have/should have/could have

I know we SAY of but it's have! What we are actually saying is would've/should've/could've.


There have been times I was too lazy to fix a wrong auto-correction and I suspect a lot of people just don't bother. That could contribute to some misspellings or misuses.

Edited by Lexamena
  • Brohoof 1
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Bad grammar in general annoys me... But I mean like, really bad grammar! A few mistakes here and there don't bother me too much, as long as I can still work out what it says just fine. But there are a few little things that just get on nerves nonetheless...

You're and your. Just watch You're Vs Your by Jacksfilms. I feel pretty much the same way as him about that mistake, no offence to anyone who does get mixed up. Just try and remember... please.

Also, there's a grammatical error that greatly annoys me. It's when people don't follow the 'New Speaker, New Line' rule. It's just difficult to understand. Example:

"What do we do now?" "We gather a team and save him, that's what we do!" "But how? You really think anyone will want to help us out?" "We have to try! We need help if we're going to save our friend!"

Yeah, I'm not sure really why I used that specifically as an example. I was just making it up as I went along XD



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