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spoiler Favorite Season 5 Episodes

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Okay, since there is a thread for bottom season 5 episodes, might as well make a thread for the top episodes of season 5. So as name implies list them and/or explain why they are your favorite.


Amending Fences: For someone who has moved recently, this episode hit home for me. It's one of those episodes where I never thought I wanted it until I saw it.


Crusaders of the Lost Mark: It takes The Status Quo is God trope and beats it over with a stick, reforms one of the most hated characters in the show, and is overall a feel good episode.


Hearthbreakers: It was nice to see Pinkie's family, the tone of the episode had the perfect holiday spirit and it had a strong moral.


The Mane Attraction: Tone was perfect, song was beautiful, and it's nice to see a little more of Applejack's backstory.

  • Brohoof 2



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My favorite episodes of the season would have to be:

Crusaders of the Lost Mark for finally giving the CMC their cutie marks and allowing them to develop, awesome music, diamond tiara's redemption and making me like her as a character, and the liquid pride it produced.

The Mane Attraction for it's interesting conflict, a good new character in Rara, Applejack being interesting, and The Magic Inside and Equestria the Land I love

Amending Fences for it's concept, good character development for Twilight, Moondancer and the ending.

Hearthsbreakers for being super adorable and having enjoyable interactions between the apples and the pies and finally learning more about Pinkie's family.

ScareMaster for being one of the few times this season Fluttershy actually did anything and providing some great development for Fluttershy's character.

Canterlot Boutique for being a great episode to showcase why Rarity is such an awesome character.

Edited by cmarston1


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I'd toss Brotherhooves Social and Scare master into the running.


Brotherhooves Social answered a few questions and gave Big Mac some much deserved character development. Add the costume and voice that had me cringeing the whole time (in a good way) and you have an episode that balanced feels, character, and humour.


As a big Fluttershy fan, I enjoyed having an episode with her, and I was impressed with the scares. Fluttershy's reverse development was a problem to me given her increased bravery over the seasons, but it was worth it to see Flutterbat again.

Keep flyin'


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Amending Fences: Great lesson with lots of emotion and the kind of episode Twilight freaking needed after being so dull in S4, much more can be said and much more HAS been said by others so I don't need to say much.

Crusaders of the Lost Mark: Really there is no need for me to explain why this episode was great

Rarity Investigates: It was a half hour of pure hilarity, to me easily the funniest of the season. Who gives a damn that the culprit was predictable that wasn't the point anyway. what mattered was HOW Rarity solved the case. And this episode provided Rarity at freaking hammy and goofy best, pretty much everything she said or did was hilarious. And Dash was cute too if mostly there to play off Rarity.


 The Lost Treasures of Griffonstone: Best of the map episodes, provided a cool new setting with an interesting history in Griffonstone, had great art, fun jokes, character development for Gilda. Just a damn solid adventurey episode in almost every way.


Bloom and Gloom: Normally I don't like Apple Bloom solo episodes, but this one exceeded all my expectations, I loved the trippy nature of it, and it had a pretty solid moral.




Canterlot Boutique: This episode has grown on me quite a bit, I liked it plenty right away but at first I was disappointed it was so low key for such a big event, but on rewatches I realized it was executed well, showcased Rarity very well and her struggles as an Artist in a competive industry which I always love and had a great freaking song. Could of used some more jokes though.


Hearthbreakers: Super fun episode showing off the Pies, gave Applejack some flaws that were actually believable unlike Somepony to Watch Over Me. Limestone is best Sister.


The Cutie Map: One of the best 2 parters, and one that FINALLY FINALLY took the focus off Twilight as the GREAT HERO.

  • Brohoof 2


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-The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

-Crusaders of the Lost Ark

-Rarity Investigates

-The Mane Attraction

-Amending Fences

-The Cutie Map


In general Season 5 has been really good as far as episodes are concerned.

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In order from top to bottom favorites:


Amending Fences

Scare Master

Canterlot Boutique

Tank For the Memories

Lost Treasure of Griffonstine




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My favorites of the season:


  • Tanks for the Memories: The whole message of this episode and the feels were powerful. Honestly, I think this was one of the most genius episodes in the entire show. 
  • Crusaders of the Lost Mark: Probably don't even need to explain this one. CMC's getting their Cutie MArks? The songs? Diamond Tiara? It was just wonderful, brought tears to my eyes. 
  • Amending Fences: Moondancer is an amazing character and Twilight was good in this too.
  • Slice of Life: Yes.
  • Rarity Investigates: Stylish, hilarious, this episode was probably the biggest surprise for me. 

This could very well be my favorite season. I am hoping that the finale is not botched. 



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For me:

1)Tanks for the Memories

2)Make New Friends But Keep Discord

3)Crusaders of the Lost Mark

4)Do Princesses Dreams of Magic Sheep?

5)Brotherhoof Social

Edited by Sidral Mundet

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Not including the upcoming season finale, and in no particular order:


Amending Fences


Crusaders of The Lost Mark

The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

The Cutie Map

The Mane Attraction

Castle Sweet Castle

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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1. Crusaders of the Lost Mark

2. Make new Friends but Keep Discord

3. The Mane Attraction

4. Tanks for the Memories

5. Slice of Life

6. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep

7. Rarity Investigates

8. Cutie Map

9. Lost Treasure of Griffinstone

10. Amending Fences

11. Hearthbreakers

12. Scare Master

Edited by DashBandicoot
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1. Amending Fences: This has to be one of my favorite episodes ever. It was sweet, the feelings felt genuine, and I could definitely relate to Moondancer.

2. Crusaders Of The Lost Mark: Everyone should agree on this. It was a great episode, the songs were amazing, and Diamond Tiara's redemption plus the Crusaders' Marks were a pleasant surprise.

3. Slice of Life: Some people hate this episode, but when you don't take it seriously it's hilarious.

4. The Cutie Map: This was really a breath of fresh air for a season premiere. It didn't need battle scenes to be interesting, and did a fantastic job at creeping the viewer out.

5. The Mane Attraction: Such a heartwarming episode. I love Rara's character, she's just very likeable. Lena Halls' songs are an added bonus.

If you have the courage to jump, the parachute will open.

-Big Mac

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Season five has had so many really good episodes this season, including some that nearly eclipse The Best Night Ever as its best.


My favorite episodes this season are the following:

  1. Crusaders of the Lost Mark: The best musical episode of the show. The best CMC episode. The best character redemption story. So far, the best season five episode. The CMCs getting their cutie marks and HOW they got it is so genius.
  2. Amending Fences: Easily the best Twilight episode. Right away, it's obvious that fixing a friendship problem doesn't have to be relied on a map. Twilight went there to fix it on her own, and the subsequent conflict between Moondancer and her impression of friendship equating years of hurt is something many of us can relate.
  3. The Cutie Map: So far, the best two-parter of the show. Solid pacing. Very solid villain. Solid use of the secondary characters. Fantasy irregardless, Starlight's villainy is the most dangerous and realistic; she literally tried to brainwash the Mane Six using real-life tactics and helped start a song that symbolizes her evil.
  4. The Mane Attraction: The best Applejack episode. Rara is a very genuine character with good reasons to stick with Svengallop despite how abusive he is.
  5. Slice of Life: By far the most underrated episode of not only season five, but also the entire show. The fanservice (not fanpandering; understand the difference, guys!) is completely justified, because it's a celebration of not just the show and its fanbase, but all of Hasbro, as well. On top of it, the story may not be the best of the bunch, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Many good moments exist, including the music scene with Vinyl and Octavia, Sweetie Belle's "friendship problem" joke, Steven Magnet, Derpy (what else :P) and Mayor Mare's speech.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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There have been so many great episodes this season, so this was pretty difficult!


Castle Sweet Castle: This probably isn't going to be on most people's lists, but I really enjoyed it! The song was catchy, the character interactions and humour were great, and the ending was really sweet.


Tanks For the Memories: A great Rainbow Dash episode that explored her emotional side, which is something we don't get to see too often. I really felt for her, and the emotions of the episode seemed very genuine. The song was fantastic as well.


Rarity Investigates: This episode focused on my two favourite characters, which automatically made it awesome. I really liked the continuity and humour, and watching best pony being fabulous is always great.  :D 

Crusaders of the Lost Mark: I've always been a fan of the CMC, and I liked Diamond Tiara even before her redemption, so I was extremely excited for this episode. I expected to see another side to Damond Tiara, but in addition to that we got a complete reformation, another musical episode and the CMC finally getting their cutiemarks! Needless to say, it completely exceeded my expectations and is without a doubt my favourite episode of the season.

The Mane Attraction: I loved this episode. Rara was a great, interesting new character, and the story was really sweet. It was great to see an Applejack episode that didn't focus on her farm or family - while I love Applejack, the episodes that stray a bit from her usual theme always seem to be her strongest. Pinkie Pie's characterisation was spot on, and I loved the interactions between Applejack and Rarity. The Spectacle song was great, and I'm not going to lie - I completely jammed out to it. A fantastic way to finish the slice-of-life episodes for the season!

Sweet Style ♥ Ivy Swirl ♥

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This is my top 5

1. Crusaders of the lost mark- Diamond Tiara reforms and the CMC get their Cutie Marks. Plus the songs are amazing.

2. Amending Fences- Really touching storyline and it shows how traumatised Moondancer was.

3. Hearthbreakers- Really nice storyline and shows some of the bonds between the Apples and the Pies

4. Griffinstone- Nice Storyline and it has shown how the Griffins were jerks and the reformation of Gilda

5. Scare Master- Because of how good Fluttershy was in the episode,

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Season 5 had a lot of great episodes, in my opinion. If I had to pick my top 5 if no particular order, they would be:


1. Slice of Life

2. The Cutie Re-Mark

3. Crusaders of the Lost Mark

4. Tanks for the Memories

5. Rarity Investigates

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My favourite episodes are:


- Amending Fences

- Bloom and Gloom

- Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

- The Mane Attraction

- The Finale


what a great season :D



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

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1. The Cutie Map

Political correctness? Social commentary? Brainwashing? Crepy town? Epic Pinkie moments? Mane 6 playing each other off great?

What's not to like?  :pinkie:


2. The Cutie Re-Mark (wow, first time I have loved the overall story of a season)

This could have been a very forced episode, and Starlight's past was very rushed. But the episodes managed to keep it fresh and thrilling, and seeing the other worlds with the alternative mane 5 were great. It felt a bit like fan service, but I can't say other than that I loved it. Also part 2 alone contains the most cute faces in the entire show.


3. Crusaders of The Lost Mark

This sold me on all the great songs, except the vote song. Some of the best in the series, and a great conflict with Diamond Tiara. Also of course the cutie marks  :yay:


4. The Mane Attraction

Songs... again, and finally seeing Applejack as I like her... Which I can't even remember when was last time.

Avoiding the stereotype of Rara forgetting or not caring about Applejack made this episode soooo much more than the cliche crap it could have been. Big thumbs up there.


5. Slice of Life

I mean come on.  :D



(Drawing by Digiral)

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Season five has had so many really good episodes this season, including some that nearly eclipse The Best Night Ever as its best.


My favorite episodes this season are the following:

  1. Crusaders of the Lost Mark: The best musical episode of the show. The best CMC episode. The best character redemption story. So far, the best season five episode. The CMCs getting their cutie marks and HOW they got it is so genius.
  2. Amending Fences: Easily the best Twilight episode. Right away, it's obvious that fixing a friendship problem doesn't have to be relied on a map. Twilight went there to fix it on her own, and the subsequent conflict between Moondancer and her impression of friendship equating years of hurt is something many of us can relate.
  3. The Cutie Map: So far, the best two-parter of the show. Solid pacing. Very solid villain. Solid use of the secondary characters. Fantasy irregardless, Starlight's villainy is the most dangerous and realistic; she literally tried to brainwash the Mane Six using real-life tactics and helped start a song that symbolizes her evil.
  4. The Mane Attraction: The best Applejack episode. Rara is a very genuine character with good reasons to stick with Svengallop despite how abusive he is.
  5. Slice of Life: By far the most underrated episode of not only season five, but also the entire show. The fanservice (not fanpandering; understand the difference, guys!) is completely justified, because it's a celebration of not just the show and its fanbase, but all of Hasbro, as well. On top of it, the story may not be the best of the bunch, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Many good moments exist, including the music scene with Vinyl and Octavia, Sweetie Belle's "friendship problem" joke, Steven Magnet, Derpy (what else :P) and Mayor Mare's speech.


Time to update the list:

  1. Crusaders of the Lost Mark: Still best S5 episode and my overall favorite.
  2. Amending Fences: Hasn't changed.
  3. The Cutie Map: Still best two-parter. Hasn't changed.
  4. The Cutie Re-Mark: Best two-part finale, period. Read my initial impressions for more details.
  5. The Mane Attraction: Reasons are still the same.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Here are my favs (in order):


  1. The Cutie Re-mark
  2. Crusaders
  3. The Lost Treasure Of Griffinstone
  4. Make New Friends But Keep Discord
  5. Bloom And Gloom

That list might be temporary even if there is some elements that are maybe set in the stone. It will be updated once I finish my review of all the eps of the series (keep an eye on my blog to know when I'm gonna write em)


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

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