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general Do you want children?

Member Berry

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Do I love children? - I dont think so.

Do i want children? - Yes.

Why? - Cause honestly I got a feeling that I'm on right place now, yes I still have things to do and ways to improove myself, but thats not chaotic path into unknown I got before, and now I want to share my world. I think that the best reason to have kids, bring new life to the world you know and want to share.

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It doesn't seem like the kind of thing I'd ever want to do, but I'll keep my options opened. First, I'd have to get married, I don't wanna raise a child alone, and I'm not even sure if I'd like to get married, and then, the real problem, parenthood. Nobody should have kids if they aren't ready to give up some of their dreams for the sake of them. I'm also emotionally distant, that's not a good trait for a son, let alone a father.



Equestria's best unicorns

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Yes, though i'm not particularly fond of kids in their infantile stage i really look forward to marriage and fatherhood.

Edited by Vox
  • Brohoof 1

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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I really do want children, because you gotta remember: we humans do not last as long. The only downside though, is kids cost ALOT of money to take care of because of food, clothes, and such.

"Let your past make you better, not bitter." - Princess Luna



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I don't :C I don't want to marry anyone xD I just want to live with my sister :3 <3 


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I'm not really sure yet... for now I don't want any and I doubt that I will.

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Honestly, I do not think I want children. I just think, in my heart, it's not the right choice for me. YES, I want to fall in love and get married, but I feel I would be happy with just me and my husband. There are so many things I want to do and places I want to go that just won't be an option if I was to have a child.


Now, don't get me wrong. I love working with kids. I'm training to be a teaching assistant and I'm a party entertainer (I dress up as Elsa and soon, Rarity, and make appearances at birthday parties). I love teaching kids something new, or making them smile with a song, but I also like the part where I can give them back so they can bother their parents. I'm the same way with my god-daughter, I love her to death. She reminds me a lot of me as a kid, in that she's very bright and creative and out there. So, I like spending time with her and showing her new things and just making her smile, but I also realised in spending time with her, that I just could not do the mum thing 24/7/365. I don't think I could deal with having a little human who relies on me for everything and having my entire life revolve around them.


I'll admit it. I'm a selfish witch. I like having the freedom to move about and do what I want when I want within reason without worrying about school or activities or daycare or money in terms of having to balance living expenses with kid expenses. I like coming home and it being quiet and clean and just me. And, also, the idea of being pregnant scares and disgusts me personally. I mean, you're basically sick for a whole year, and your body is doing things you have no control over and you're hot and miserable and throwing up and overall run down...And then afterwards you have this thing you have to take care of for 18+ years? And all your dreams of travel, a sex life and any time for your marriage go out the window. Plus, it would be way too hard for me to get my body back because my metabolism isn't exactly fast and that just adds another layer of stress because if I was to get pregnant and get fat, my husband would leave (because no one wants to have sex with that, according to some of the men I know) and I'd be all alone. Only this time with a baby. No thank you. 


Now, I'd also like to add that, even though I feel this way personally and would not seek motherhood as a path for myself. I have nothing -- absolutely nothing -- against parents. Unless of course, one has kids for the wrong reason or is just not being a parent. But, overall, I think it's totally awesome if people choose to go down the path of parenthood and want to have and raise kids. That's cool. However, I also think the opinion needs to go both ways. I can't tell you how many people have said awful things to me and made me feel like a horrible woman because I decided I don't want kids. Or they're like, "Oh. You'll change your mind once you fall in love and have sex." Um...No? Not everyone who falls in love and marries has to have a family. Besides, I work in retail and do extra things for my education class and I can tell you there are PLENTY of kids around where I live. Me not having one will not harm the population.



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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Not at the current moment; I'm pretty busy as it is... Okay that's a lie but there are things I'd like to do that having offspring could complicate. But the human mind has a habit of changing with time. Now if I could male a clone of myself like Boba Fett I would strongly consider that. Does that make me a narcissist? Roughshod Jr., the world needs you!



BTW. It's funny how many people here who watch a children's television show have no interest in having children. For some reason that amuses me.

The truth is always rough.
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What is it with people who said no, ESPECIALLY the one who created the post. No offense, but you're taking the whole children thing too negatively. Do you have children? If no, then why talk so negatively about them? I don't have children, but I wouldn't talk negatively about them. Why not just have a kid, experience parenthood, because there are those who are willing to have a child and become a parent any day, even if they can't. If you truely don't want children, then why bring up the topic? You already made up your mind. But, it pisses me off to know that this topic even exists, and it's actually being talked about it. If you already know what your mind is, then don't worry about what others think of, because it doesn't matter. I hope this reply will get you thinking, because HELL YES, I wouldn't give to be a parent, but I'm still a virgin, so parenthood will have to wait. Sorry, if this makes you feel offended in any way, this was not supposed to, I just been having the pissiest week of my life, and I feel that this tops the cake, so thank you for hearing what I have to say. This is RootedWisdom, telling you that being a parent isn't all that bad, is that people are misunderstood about how a child would affect your life.

Edited by RootedWisdom
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Oh no, I don't want children at all. There are plenty of other things that I would love to do as I get older, but having children is not one of them. I don't want to be dependant on helping just one person and go through terrifying stuff like pregnancy and labour. I also can't be bothered using up so much money on just one person. It also doesn't help that I actually have a phobia of babies, but that's another topic for another time.


It especially makes me roll my eyes when I see people insisting me that I'll love children as I get older, and this is coming from somebody who is female.


What is it with people who said no, ESPECIALLY the one who created the post. No offense, but you're taking the whole children thing too negatively. Do you have children? If no, then why talk so negatively about them? I don't have children, but I wouldn't talk negatively about them. Why not just have a kid, experience parenthood, because there are those who are willing to have a child and become a parent any day, even if they can't. If you truely don't want children, then why bring up the topic? You already made up your mind. But, it pisses me off to know that this topic even exists, and it's actually being talked about it. If you already know what your mind is, then don't worry about what others think of, because it doesn't matter. I hope this reply will get you thinking, because HELL YES, I wouldn't give to be a parent, but I'm still a virgin, so parenthood will have to wait. Sorry, if this makes you feel offended in any way, this was not supposed to, I just been having the pissiest week of my life, and I feel that this tops the cake, so thank you for hearing what I have to say. This is RootedWisdom, telling you that being a parent isn't all that bad, is that people are misunderstood about how a child would affect your life.


Woah woah woah, hold up a second. The reason why this topic exists is so that people can express what they think of it. It's a perfect opportunity for those to express why they do not want children. However! It isn't always a matter of people not wanting children just because they hate them. Sometimes it's also a matter of money, health issues and family dilemmas. And as coming from somebody who has an actual phobia of babies, it's pretty unrealistic to assume that the reason why some people don't want children is because they hate them. You really shouldn't tell others to have children or else. Let those people to decide on whether they want children or not. Be grateful for diverse opinions!

Edited by Odyssey
  • Brohoof 3
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What is it with people who said no, ESPECIALLY the one who created the post. No offense, but you're taking the whole children thing too negatively. Do you have children? If no, then why talk so negatively about them? I don't have children, but I wouldn't talk negatively about them. Why not just have a kid, experience parenthood, because there are those who are willing to have a child and become a parent any day, even if they can't. If you truely don't want children, then why bring up the topic? You already made up your mind. But, it pisses me off to know that this topic even exists, and it's actually being talked about it. If you already know what your mind is, then don't worry about what others think of, because it doesn't matter. I hope this reply will get you thinking, because HELL YES, I wouldn't give to be a parent, but I'm still a virgin, so parenthood will have to wait. Sorry, if this makes you feel offended in any way, this was not supposed to, I just been having the pissiest week of my life, and I feel that this tops the cake, so thank you for hearing what I have to say. This is RootedWisdom, telling you that being a parent isn't all that bad, is that people are misunderstood about how a child would affect your life.


Personally, I do not think it is right for you or anyone else to say that people should just have kids because others can't. It pisses you off that this topics exist and it pisses me off that people consistently use that as an argument against the people who don't want kids, ESEPCIALLY the women. No, I do not think it's right that there are people who want children and would be amazing parents who just can't have any or that there are people who have no business raising a child and yet, are raising one. But, unfortunately, that's just how the world works. And frankly, I feel it's really stupid to say that people should just have a kid because others can't. Explain to me how that is solving anyone's issue? Because the people who can't have and want kids still don't have one and someone who has no business having one and can't raise them properly is stuck with one they likely resent.


As, Odyessy said, there are many reasons people choose to be childless by choice and we are lucky to live in the first world, where we have this option. I personally believe children should only be brought into the world if they are wanted and can be properly cared for. ​And I think you misunderstand the affects of a child on one's life. Children cost a considerable amount of money and time that some people just can not spare. Once you have that baby, your whole life is your family, as it should be. And it takes a certain kind of maturity to know and own up to this, which is why many people either wait or choose not to have kids at all. I know too many people who are way to young/immature to handle having a kid, can barely afford the one they have, yet still spend money on stupid things for themselves and also want another baby. And yes, yes, I KNOW that you can not lose yourself when you become a parent and having a hobby is fine, if you have the disposable income to spend on it while properly providing for your child. If you ask me, it's these kind of people who are selfish and have no business raising a kid.


Also, for the record, as I said in my own post. I DO NOT hate kids. I like working with them and know it's important to teach them right so they can grow up to be productive adults of the next generation. If I hated them, I wouldn't be going into education or be a party entertainer. But, I also know, as I said, that, in my heart, it's not the right choice for me to have my own all day, every day, 365 days of the year. I do not think I can commit to the task of actively raising a child, because a lot does change in your relationship and life when you have them, and you need to be realistic about it. Kids cause more stress on a marriage then a lot of people know until the have one.

  • Brohoof 2



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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Why not just have a kid, experience parenthood, because there are those who are willing to have a child and become a parent any day, even if they can't.


You can't take parenthood back. Once you have a child, that's it, you've got one forever, it's your responsibility, your time, your money, and hopefully your love that's going to them. That's a lot of work, you are raising another living, breathing, thinking, feeling human being that is mostly helpless without you until they grow.


 A child is not like a doll. Some people are unhappy with kids, some people don't love their kids, some people just can't deal with it. If somebody does not want children for any reason, they shouldn't have them, that could end up being harmful for not only themselves, but also their partner, and the child/children they have. Lives are not something to be toyed with, in my opinion you should only really have children if you really want them, and are capable of caring for them.


 I don't hate kids, I like them, in small bursts anyway, but I'm not willing to potentially throw my own life away, and potentially bring some kid into this world when there's a good chance I could screw their lives up too. As for people who want kids but can't have any...I feel for them, I really do, that's really unfortunate, hopefully they can adopt or find some other way to make their dreams come true, but it is not my responsibility to raise a child just because they can't. I don't have to join a professional sports team just because a person who can't walk wants to but isn't able to.

  • Brohoof 3

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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I really do want children, because you gotta remember: we humans do not last as long. The only downside though, is kids cost ALOT of money to take care of because of food, clothes, and such.

We can last longer in the future, though, as medical tech improves; unfortunately whether that transfers to the developing world completely is more uncertain.


Also, to people who are concerned with having children because of overpopulation; overpopulation doesn't even happen in developed countries anyway and you should be fine with having a child or two if you can afford one and you are mentally and physically ready for them. Adopting a child from developing countries is something I encourage, but having children yourself shouldn't have an effect on your country's population; in fact you should be more concerned if a massive amount of people don't choose to have children, which can cause an aging country and other problems.

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yeah i love kids but

i dont know it's the whole having to bring them into the world thing thats kind of like "ehhh"

  • Brohoof 1


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Do I want kids? I've always wanted kids. I have 4 now actually (quadruplets), and another on the way. Boy do they drive me crazy sometimes, but in an odd way I love when they do. Even when I'm on a "mommy break" I find myself wanting to go back to them. They mean the world to me, and even though I had them at a tender age (at 17 yrs. Please don't ever follow my example kids) I'm glad they came when they did.


I see some debate here and I'm just gonna throw in my 2 cents....


Kids are not for everyone. You have to have A LOT of patience. When your baby is crying for hours on end and won't stop, when your toddler is throwing a tantrum and screaming at the top of their lungs, when your little ones keep climbing out of bed at night...it all takes a special type of patience. I just can never truly get ANGRY at my kiddies, I know they don't know any better. Sure, I get frustrated like every parent, but rarely do I get angry. Not everyone has that patience...and that's when child abuse happens. So whenever somebody tells me they don't want kids, I applaud them. Because frankly, I'm getting SICK of hearing about people who shouldn't even be parents beating/drowning/killing their kids on the news. Or  neglectful "parents" abandoning/leaving their kids.  Please don't have them if you don't want them.


That's all I guess.

  • Brohoof 2



"They say I got sas."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kinda do, kinda don't. I hate kids when they're young. Babies and toddlers are disgusting creatures, because they poop in their diaper, piss in their diaper, drool all the time, and possibly throw up on you. And then the mom's just like "Whoopsie! Look what little James did! Don't worry, I'll clean it all up for you!", bug I definitely am not the kind of person who can handle that kind of stuff. I'll only learn to tolerate children when they're near and in their double digits because they're not as disgusting as when they were younger.

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Goodness, it's a bit early for me to be thinking about this! I really can't say I'll know for sure for a while. I think it's a decision I'll come to much later in life when its more relevant. Part of me wants to be the same kind and loving mother that mine was to me, but part of me isn't sure I would handle the responsibility well.

yeah i love kids but
i dont know it's the whole having to bring them into the world thing thats kind of like "ehhh"

Also, this.




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It would be nice to be able to have kids some day, but I'm not ready for it yet... definitely not ready for it.


I dunno, it'd be weird being one of two fathers of my kids and that kind of holds me back from having children (adopting obviously)


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