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general What has changed as you've gotten older?

Member Berry

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Learned to simplify things
Learned that moderation is the key to straighten up yourself

Learned that dreaming is always helpfull

Learned that there are people who understand you, even if you didn`t find them, they will find you


And learned all of this till now, certanly me from the future laughts at the me from now, but what can I do x3

After all ....everything comes at it`s right time...


and time doesn't wait for anyone


So I guess my mind evolved as I got older :D


                                                              Regards for the sign go to a very good friend :3


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* i've found i'm a lot more open to talk about personal matters and my personal life, yet unfortunately my anxiety overall has actually gotten worse.


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I think I've definitely changed a lot since the beginning of last year, 2015 lasted so long it felt like a lifetime, but ever since then I've had a much more open-minded view on the world. For instance, I started to realise more than before of how bs the media was, and how I'm a little different to the majority of people my age, actually I still can't believe that I'm in grade 12 at school............life flies by so fast.


Think For Yourself.

Be Yourself.

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Quite a few things in my life have changed for me over time (except my height):

  • When I was younger, I could barely stand reading, English class, pretty anything to do with literature. Now, I adore books, and particularly the kinds of stories I thought I would find boring and silly. I actually aspire to be an author now!
  • I've begun developing actual views on things going on in the world as I've grown more mature over time. I used to be on the fence about so many things, but now I'm more confident in my own opinions on them. They are hardly set in stone though, of course.
  • There was one point in my life, when I was very (very) young, where I bragged about little things such as knowing that four plus four was eight. Obviously, they're not really bragging rights anymore. :squee:
  • People in my life have changed so much, too; I've made new friends, lost old ones, and met plenty of new people online. My usage of the internet has also changed, as I'm now using it to communicate with others, watch videos, and listen to music - things I never used to do. I'ts pretty great! :P I've also joined new communities and discovered the wonderful world of fandoms, which I knew not of when I was younger.
Edited by Wolves
  • Brohoof 1



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1. I was a sensitive little shit. No kidding. I'm not really sure why, tbh. I have a lot more going on in my life right now yet I rarely show sadness.

2. To quote something my friend said years ago, I was "a big ball of joy". I was happy 99% of the time, always making jokes and trying to have a positive attitude. Now I'm just bleh.

3. I was a bit close minded, then again most people are close minded and immature at a younger age. Now I've grown and I've learned to try new stuff and accept things.

4. I was a lot more outgoing and confident when I was younger, and as I got older, shit in my life affected my personality. I became a bit more introverted, although I know I still have that confidence and extroverted-ness in me somewhere.

5. As I grew older, I became better at certain things.

6. I was sometimes rude, annoying, and weird when I was younger. I didnt really seem to care what other people thought, which could be good in some cases, but it's just something I wouldn't do now. I've learned to watch my mouth and take other people's feelings into account.

7. I learned to create my own somewhat intelligent opinions on things. The point is, I've gotten more mature obviously.

Edited by PonyLaces



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I've gone from being a borderline socialist to being incredible redpilled. I've gone from watching what I say because it might hurt someone's feelings to watching what I say because I like having a job. I miss high school, the classes were easy and my free time was mine. College sucks, I still don't want a white collar job and would rather work with my hands. I would say many of my views have become more objective and less emotion based. I am also a much harder worker than I was when I was younger. My reasons for not wanting a wife have just changed from "I have video games" to "I like having money and free time." Only bright side is my depression isn't as bad as it used to be... so that's good I guess.

Edited by Ra1nbowCrasH



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

Meanwhile, I can help you by reviewing your stories!


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I'm introverted, and deathly afraid of lying. These combined were not good, because it meant me turning down requests from friends without a good excuse. My friends would get mad at me because I "didn't feel like" playing, which was absurd to them. I still don't like lying, and I'm still an introvert, but I'm less afraid to hang out with my friends now, and they're more understanding.


I used to think I was such a great person...but i was kind of a jerk sometimes without noticing it. Now, I really do try and be nice.




Also I was a crybaby and pseudo-pushover because I couldn't argue while crying.

Edited by AmberDust

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Things I have noticed changed within the past 5 years. 


- I now hate modern music, and I listen to a lot of metal and soundtracks from movies.

- I got into Horror movies

- Obvious one, puberty

- My favorite author went from Jeff Kinney to Stephen King and Shakespeare.

- I got REALLY hooked into Doctor Who and Star Wars.

- I have seen over 25 movies in the Horror genre.

- Digital Art has been a thing for me lately. Just ask my closest friends on the forums.

- Horror stories are pretty good recently.

signature made by myself.

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Oh god, a topic where I can talk about the rollercoaster that me growing up has been to me:


  • Easily the most noticeable one is my exponentially increased love for literature as a whole. While when I was 5 years old I would only read comics and not even bother with anything beyond that, it ended getting me. While nowadays I still read lots of comics, I also love reading multiple genres of books and such. I can sit for hours reading some of the most boring topics in existence, but I will love them anyways because of my wish to know more about many different topics.

  • Another easy one is my better knowledge of what is going on the world. As I grew up, I started having my own opinions about topics of interest (Politics, law and such), and the older I got, the better I was able to voice my opinions, but I also learned to listen to others and see if they can give a new insight into something I didn't thought about.

  • Since I was a young kid, I always thought of myself above the others, but this mentality reversed itself as I went through my years. I saw that others also had problems, argurably bigger than mine, and that there were times where maybe I shouldn't be so centered about me and only me and try to think about the others. A silly wish for some, but something that has defined how I am nowadays.

  • Another one is my difficulty of speaking about my own problems because I thought I could solve them on my own, and this included anyone: friends, parents,etc... Even as I grew up, I never truly got over this, but in recent times, I started working around trying to fix this problem. It is hard, and I expect a long way before I am able to not hold everything for myself and only myself, but I am getting there.

  • My skills and perseverance for certain things obviously improved. Things I didn't thought I would be able to do when I was young now are easier, possible or even something trivial for me today. This includes my patience to read, my knowledge of languages, and others.

  • When I was young I was, simply put, very difficult to approach. I didn't liked companies and I would reject spending time with other kids. This has very slowly went away as I got older, but this is still a battle I fight nowadays. I don't look to be extroverted or nothing, but at least I want to stand and have a good time with those I call 'friends'.

There are more things that I could list, but just like one wise man said, this should suffice.

  • Brohoof 1
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I let less crap bother me now. I make jokes out of just about everything, and while I've always kind of done that, I'm less self conscious about it now.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Lets see I'm funny, I'm not as shy, I have more tollerance, I'm a lot less annoying, I'm brave, I hate it when people can see my face, I have a plan for my life, and my left eye got worse. There's a lot more, but they're small things.


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Yeeees. I have changed. I used to be so wrapped up in this so very pressured world. I was supposed to act like this, have a boyfriend like that, have kids, a car, a house in my 20's and always wear pretty dresses. I was also a huge weaboo, thought I knew Japanese when I really didn't. I tried hard, though. I was also very naive (I still kinda am) and thought everyone and everything around me was innocent and pure. I had never masturbated or had sex or whatever Very innocent little angel.

Now, I'm more comfortable in how I dress than ever. I barely ever wear skirts or dresses anymore unless I find something I REALLY like and that actually suits me. I have a more realistic view of life. I have traveled for almost half a year and I feel more alive than ever, I'm so damn proud of myself. I'm more positive and calm than ever a I feel somewhat comfy in my own body. I'm still naive but I can easily tell when I should or should not be exactly that. I've simply grown through life. I'm tougher and more true to myself than ever. Praising myself all the way, like every human should.

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I'm much more care free than I was growing up. I don't care at all what others think of me anymore, which also makes me less shy than I was.

When I was a kid, I had anger problems, but now I am extremely laid back and chill.

My taste in music has also changed. I still like the music I grew up listening to, but my music taste has shifted a little over the years.

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I was a very happy-go-lucky kid, always brimming with energy and enthusiasm-- a real Pinkie Pie. I was actually capable of getting excited about things back then.


When I watch home movies of myself as a kid, my voice actually sounds like a normal person's voice does (with natural variation in pitch and tone based on emotional state). Now my voice is the same flat monotone no matter what my emotional state is.


I seem to have developed a blunted affect over the years, and every ounce of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation I once had has been drained out of me. I'm almost like a robot now... or maybe a Vulcan.



On another note, I also used to be incredibly fat, but now I'm slim. So at least there's that. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm...lets see...

When i was a kid in elementary school, i was viewed as the annoying kid you wanted to smack each time he opened his mouth (most of this will be from what classmates have said have changed).

Throughout middle school, i was a bit of a target for people to pick on. This made me dislike people in a way, and i became a bit of a crazy sort of depressed.

Over the course of highschool (so far), my somewhat antisocial personality is shifting to being more down to earth at times and social. Still, i have my quirks, but im no longer looked at with the thought of "please god, smite him." Im decently well known through the school, and from what i hear, not much good or bad goes around about me outside my circle of friends.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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I think it's that I've become more tolerant and open-minded.  What I used to consider bad I now think it's ok.  Like I used to hate makeup because I worried that it would make me look more a woman but now that I'm older, I think it's fine, it doesn't make me any less of a man because I decide to wear makeup.  Which is funny to consider since I'm now desperately looking for a nice black lipstick.  I used to make mountains out of molehills(still do that to an extent) but I sort of mellowed out and accepted that some things need to change in order to grow properly.

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A lot.


I was a lot more extroverted, optimistic, and confident when I was younger. My life, now that I think about it, was wonderful back then. To quote my own friend's words, I was "a big ball of joy". Shit happened and it has affected me along with my personality. Long story short, I've lost my confidence now and I'm more self conscious. I was also pretty sensitive and kinda rude as a child. I guess being self conscious now is a good thing in some cases.


.. All of that out of the way, I can now voice my own unique opinions instead of just following someone else. I'll admit, I got smarter as I grew up (obviously :P) and it has contributed to my personality too. But I'm still kind of the same person as I was a few years ago. I feel like all that happiness and confidence is still deep down there somewhere, I just need to find it.

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One thing that I've noticed is Highschool's taste in music.

Everyone likes Drake, G-Eazy, Future.... that kind of music. It makes me wish I was born in the mid 90s so that I could experience high school in the 2000s. Looking at videos and stuff, people seem to be different. I kind of just wish I grew up in a world where texting wasn't the main thing people do in their spare time. And back on taste in music, from what I know, everyone seemed to like punk rock back then.

Another thing is that, it seems like social media is trying to make over the world by changing, making, and deleting history. I wonder if people in 200 years are going to be like "Back in the 20th century the word selfie didn't even exist! it wasn't until the early 21st century that the word was made. Before that people categorized selfies with "pictures" you learn something new everyday!".

Another thing that was hard to face was that pretty much everything in the world nowadays is done for money. It's as if no one has fun anything anymore and just thinks "This will make me a lot of money!"

I can go on for hours but I think I'm just going to stop here.

  • Brohoof 1
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When I was only a child. I was a really shy one as well and I barely socialised to other people. But now I am getting to be more social than ever before, thanks to communicating to other ponies on the Internet.

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I am more of an introvert than before though in the past being more social wasn't a problem, being made fun of and getting bullied were the problems that came about during middle school. Nowadays, I don't care much for what people think about me or how they feel about me and I'm very emotional which is funny.

Edited by Scootalove
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   I am more sensitive in my advanced age than I was before, that's because I observe more details now that I'm older, and it's those details that get me worked up, from either agitation or depression, as I see everyone around wallowing in self pity, most it's older people, much older than me that seem apathetic, about life and time, so often my sensitivity is active. On the plus side, I am more mobile now, and I go everywhere, mostly away from the things that aggravate me, like the book store or the woods, with no care in the world, I use my independence well, I wish to use it better, and make new friends, to share my slice of life with. Although I am now 29, I still have my childish enthusiasm and innocence, despite cynics trying to take it from me, I still watch cartoons, and play video games, because it gives me so much happiness, throughout my life, my parents and other adults told me to grow up, even though my wisdom was beyond my years, and my will was stronger than theirs, so if anything that change as I got older, it was my passion, it grew stronger and inspires me to electrify others, who need that spark to maintain spirits, and that no matter what life throws at you, take the best things and run with them. 

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I remember a couple phrases and internet terms coming and going over the past six or so years of my life. I remember the phrase "I like cheese" was funny when I was in early elementary school and in my days of playing ROBLOX, people would use an old internet term known as "pwned". I think its origin was when someone typoed the word owned and people started using it for some reason. Now I hear neither of those phrases anymore and I kind of miss them.

Pennutoh has a gun

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Lets see what we've got here:

  • I have much less of an ego than before. When I was a kid my ego was really big and I was very arrogant.
  • I've gotten funnier and weirder, also I've got a generally bigger personality now.
  • I've found it a lot easier to make friends and talk to new people.
  • I've become quite a bit more fit and outdoorsy.
  • I actually like music now.
  • I play a lot less video games.
  • And finally I actually have empathy now. I used to be a little sociopath when I was a kid. XD


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