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Sleep with the door open or closed?


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Slightly open most of the time, due to how if I don't, right when I'm about to get to sleep the cat'll start scratching on the door to be let out or in... 


If I close the door completely and am about to get to sleep, sometimes she'll scratch the door for 5 minutes straight to be let in, so I'll open the door, she'll walk in, and then walk right back out...  :scots:

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Door closed. The rare times it was I was along for a night in the house, I may have left the door opened when I slept. So I think it just matters to me if there is another person in the house. 

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My door is always closed when I'm in my room, whether I'm sleeping or not.

Plus, my dad wakes up extremely early for work, and makes a lot of noise, so a closed door drowns those sounds out to an extent, along with my mom's snoring.

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I always sleep with my door open, otherwise, my cat might end up clawing the door and keeping me up.

And you haven't been attacked yet by a.....m-m-monster?


I always keep my door closed....and yes I have a cat and it tries to claw underneath my door, but I'd rather just leave it for dead, that way the monsters on the other side of the door will eat my cat and not me.

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And you haven't been attacked yet by a.....m-m-monster?


I always keep my door closed....and yes I have a cat and it tries to claw underneath my door, but I'd rather just leave it for dead, that way the monsters on the other side of the door will eat my cat and not me.


Lol, no.  I'm renting an apartment and I want the carpet to last as long as it can so I don't have to pay for damages or for replacing the carpet.  I know, I know, shallow of me to worry about the carpet more than the impending threat of monsters attacking me in my sleep.

  • Brohoof 2
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You people are very insecure xD. I keep my door closed if I go to sleep when people are still awake, but open if everyone is asleep. My dad keeps his loud ass TV on every single hour that he's awake... literally.

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You people are very insecure xD. I keep my door closed if I go to sleep when people are still awake, but open if everyone is asleep. My dad keeps his loud ass TV on every single hour that he's awake... literally.

I think people are more eager for privacy than being insecure.

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I use to sleep with it closed, but it would make the room hot, and I learned that was damaging my consoles, and computers... now that door is rarely closed. Annoying because now I have to put up with the hallway light on in the middle of the night shining in the room.

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I sleep with the door closed. And locked. My room requires a key. I like my privacy. :crackle:

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  • 3 months later...



If I were to leave my bedroom door open during the night, I wouldn't be able to fall sleep. The door being iown just creeps me out; plain and simple. I am afraid that i'll look up only to find a random person staring at me or something.

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Closed, double-locked, shotgun under the bed, and handgun in a drawer at the head of my bed.


I live alone in the country and weird things have happened out here so I've become a little paranoid.

  • Brohoof 1
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