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How old are the ponies?


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*Sigh* not again. This has already been discussed several times. Im pretty sure i remember it being offical Lauren Faust explained the mane 6 themselves are around or in their young adult years so they would be about 18-20 human years old.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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I think they're all around 19-21, with Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash being the youngest and Rarity being the oldest

Pinkie Pie: 19

Rainbow Dash: 19

Twilight: 19

Fluttershy: 20

Applejack: 20

Rarity: 21


as for the CMC, I'd say they're around 8-10

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However technically speaking I'm pretty sure that a Mare starts at about 4-5? And Fillies are 4 and under. So that might end up at a different age.

I actually just looked this up the other day. Filly, foal, and colt, are terms used to describe an equine of three years or below, after that they become a mare/stallion.

  • Brohoof 1

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i dont know much about horses, except that you shouldnt ride them til theyre 2, preferably 3, so their backs can develop.  the neighbors had a palamino mare that was 28 when they sold her, and she was still sound. stubborn and mean but still healthy and technically ride-able.


id guess in human years, the mane 6 would be around college age?  so 18-24 somewheres?




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I actually just looked this up the other day. Filly, foal, and colt, are terms used to describe an equine of three years or below, after that they become a mare/stallion.

I looked it up like a week ago, so my memory of it is starting to fade :P.


Regardless the age is still a bit hard to predict, and of course who knows the actual aging system ponies use, it could be vastly different from ours.


Regardless I'd think that in Human years they'd be about young adults. Around that age.


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I agree with Flipturn in terms of how old the mane 6 are. For the CMC, I always assumed that all of them are the same age and are somewhere between 8-11 years old. They are more mature than kids but not quite to the level of teenagers yet, so they are around the early pre-teen stage imo. 


Since no one has brought him up yet, I have always wondered how old Spike really is. We know that he is a baby dragon, but he seems to be very smart for his age. With the way he acts, in my mind he is a little older than the CMC but still a lot younger than the mane 6. 


So in summary:

Mane 6: 16-20 years old

CMC: 8-11 years old

Spike: 12-14 years old


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Based on the episode where we see the Mane 6 getting their cutie marks, and assuming that most ponies get their cutie marks about the same time (maybe within a year or two of others their age), Spike would be about the same age as the CMC. To be more specific, whatever age the CMC approximately are, should be approximately how much younger he is than Twilight Sparkle.

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I'd always guessed their ages at around 20-25, with Rarity as the oldest since she's a self-made mare.  The CMCprobably about 10-12 ish.


Also, did mine eyes deceive me or is Celestia older than granny smith?  


Any thoughts?

Celestia's been around for a millenium at least, so she's got a minimum of 900 some-odd years on Granny Smith(probably more)


That reminds me,the flashback in Family Appreciation Day was a bit of an eye opener.  Of course I'd always known that Celestia has been around for centuries, possibly even millenia, but actually seeing Granny Smith as a filly/young mare while Celestia looks *exactly the same* really drove home the fact that she's (basically) immortal.  It's one thing to just know it, but seeing that kind of visual proof was rather striking.


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I'm pretty sure the Mane 6 are all in there late teens or early 20's, but Fluttershy has said she's a year older than Pinkie. I'd say the Cutie Mark Crusaders are probably 7-12 maybe. Big Mac I'd say is probably 22-25.

Edited by Betez



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i'm thinking that the mane 6 have to be like really young adults say 18-21

the cmc: prolly bout 5-8

granny smith: i'm think in her 80's

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For Rarity to have her own business going and they all have jobs, I'd say around 24-26.  I see what Twilight is doing as almost Ph. D work, so that would fit in the mid 20's age range as well.  

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Well they still seem to be a little childish,they don't really behave like 20-year olds IMO. To me,they are more like 14~18 years old.
I consider Big Mcintosh an adult,somewhere around 22 or something.

Edited by Twilight86
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This is in human years, of course.


I'd say they all range from about 16 to 21


Rarity and Applejack would be the older ones. Because they seem much more responsible


After that, Twilight, a student with a job as a librarian. I'm guessing 19 at max.


Then Rainbow Dash, 19 as well, or maybe 18. I don't know why she really acts like she's just reached the legal age to have a little fun. 


And Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie cover up the rear. Pinkie seems really childish. She's probably 16. Fluttershy should be one year older than her, 17.



Also, Granny smith would be around the 70-80 mark. Big Macintosh seems to be a fully adult. 22 minimum and 25 max. His voice makes him sound almost 30 though.


Cheerilee would be in the same range as Big Mac.


Celestia is 3,000 years old and Luna is 1,500 because 1000 years got taken away from her because she was Nightmare moon during that time.


Soarin and Spitfire are around 20-25 too. Soarin' seems much younger than Big Mac and he seems to be the same age as Spitfire. (maybe less because Spitfire is his superior)

Edited by The Awesome One



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I find it interesting that Rarity and Apple Jack are often seen as older than the rest because they run businesses.


I always thought that the only one who had any age difference was Fluttershy and that the rest were the same age. We know that Fluttershy is year old because she tells Pinkie Pie in "Griffon the Brush-Off".


In "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", I always assumed that the rest of the Mane 6 were the same age because they share the same bodytype and appearance of a school-age filly (kinda like the CMC, and it seems to be accepted that they are the same age). Of course they could look similar but have different ages...

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The possible ages canon ages of the Mane 6 have always been a difficult subject to contemplate. Since we're pretty much going on three basic physical age types (Ex. Applebloom, Applejack, and Granny Smith) and personality It's a tricky subject, especially when you account for the natural longevity of Equestrian ponies, or at least Earth ponies.


But, to save you all the trouble of reading a mile long theory post, I'll just give you the short answer.


Twilight Sparkle: 18-19; because she's old enough to be self-sufficient and confident in the world around her, though still be quite naive. Despite her high intelligence and generally grounded attitude she is often impulsive and emotionally, like a teenager, or at least someone in her late teens.  


Rarity: 24-25; She's smack dab in the middle of her twenties, too close to thirty in her opinion, but I digress. Rarity would have to be much older than the other six, if not for that fact that her boutique is established and quite well-known. She'd have to have had some time to work out the early kinks and spread her reputation around. She also comes off a quite the older mare, much more level headed, if not prissy, than the others at times.


Fluttershy: 20-21; I imagine that she and Rainbow Dash are around the same age. I would like to think she's older than 18 to have a proper animal care permit and the like. 


Pinkie Pie: 19-20; she the one with the only defined age limit, which is that she's younger than Fluttershy by a year. I wouldn't think that she's too old, but just old enough to work for the cake's. Her over-excitement and general randomness also is a clue-in that she isn't but a hop and a skip away from her teens.


Rainbow Dash: 20-21; I'd think that this would be the proper age to be accepted by the Wonderbolts. She also seems young, and again, I don't think that she's that much older than Fluttershy.


Applejack: 22-23; Second oldest to Rarity, this dependable pony is just young enough to be as competitive as Dash while still having a mind for responsibility. 



So, those are my age theories. Truthfully, I think we'll never know just how old they really are because keeping their ages in the dark helps kids relate t them more. Excuse my tired ramblings if you think this is odd. ><

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Here's my predictions on the ages of the Mane 6:


Twilight: 23


Applejack: 25


Rainbow Dash: 19


Rarity: 24


Pinkie Pie: 18


Fluttershy: 19 (Since she said herself she's a year older than Pinks.)


The CMC: 10 - 12


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Edited by Supernova


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These screenshots were taken from the episode Cutie Mark Chronicles. I think that Fluttershy is the oldest for the following reasons:


  • It is revealed that in the Episode "Griffon the Brush-Off" that she is one year older than Pinkie Pie
  • Her appearance is much different that the other ponies; her proportions are different that the rest. She has longer legs, less of a round pudgy body, and a head and neck that are indicative of older ponies.
  • Her wings are more similar to that of a grown pegasus. Unlike Rainbow Dash's stubby little wings, Fluttershy's are larger. Fluttershy takes longer strokes with her wings, while Rainbow Dash has to flap them much faster.
  • When Fluttershy's wings are at rest, they fold like a grown pegasus, while Rainbow Dash, and other fillies like Scootaloo, don't close their wings like that.
  • She is in that "Awkward stage" in development. While one may argue that she could have just matured quicker than the rest, I find that to be silly because, we know she is at least a year older that Pinkie (and possibly the others) of course she's going to mature quicker because she is older.

When it comes to the ages of the others, I think that they are all pretty much the same age. I don't think that the way the characters act is an accurate barometer for measuring their ages. Heck, Luna is over 1000 years old and still threw temper tantrums in "Luna Eclipsed"


If we were going by some of suggested ages where Applejack and Rarity are the older than Fluttershy by what seems to be a average 3-5 years, then it make their appearances in this episode even more perplexing. That would be saying that Rarity is 3 -5 years older than awkward-stage Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 3
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Mane Six are in mid twenties probably depending on whether they follow the same life span as humans. Also of course Celestia is older than granny smith. Celestia is a few thousand years old according to the first episode, I think.


Maybe Pinkie Pie is a little younger than the others, like 19-21.


Twilight is doing post graduate studies so she has to be at least in her twenties assuming ponies have the same school system.


I'd assume Fluttershy to be the oldest since she looked oldest in the flashbacks in the Cutie Mark Chronicles.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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Wasn't this question asked just a month ago?  Anyway...


Lauren was deliberately vague when asked about the Mane 6 ages. She would only give an age range like 14-18 or in that general neighborhood. One thing to bear in mind is that the society the ponies live in is like our own from 100 years ago. People needed fewer years of formal education to gain economically self-sufficient livelihoods. They do not have the same school system we do. Most people were married with children by 20.


For my part, I don't try to assign an exact age to each character. But the show gives us a lot of clues about the Mane 6's ages relative to each other. When Fluttershy tells Pinkie Pie “I'm a year older than you,” it was a response to being told “Your auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of.” Off the cuff statements like that often fall into apocrypha. But because nothing has ever come up to contradict it, we can accept it as canon.


Most of the information about the Mane 6 ages comes from Cutie Mark Chronicles. MA Larson deserves credit for giving this some thought and not randomly saying one is older or younger than another. Applejack and Rarity state that they received their cutie marks later than their peers making them older. They also possess more business savvy than a younger pony could. Fluttershy, for her part, appeared to be going through an adolescent growth spurt. At the other end of the spectrum, Rainbow Dash said she was the first in her class to get a cutie mark making her potentially the youngest although filly Twilight Sparkle looked very small and young too.


In my headcanon, Big Mac was born two years before AJ and 10 years before Apple Bloom. For an age gap between oldest and youngest siblings 10 years is larger than average but still common. Until I noticed a filly that looks just like Cheerilee in Rarity's cutie mark flashback, I thought she was in her 30s. But unless someone who did the storyboard confirmed it is a Cheerilee cameo, I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Notice that filly Cheerilee shared the stage with Applejack and Pinkie Pie repaints. Nonetheless, I now believe she's very close to the Mane 6 in age.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I agree, they have to be adults.


From oldest to youngest(just my guess)


Rarity: 20-21

Applejack: 19-20

Fluttershy: 18-19

Rainbow Dash: same as Fluttershy, except maybe a couple months younger

Pinkie Pie: 17-18

Twilight Sparkle: 16 - 17

  • Brohoof 1
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I feel like Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would be the youngest. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy would be one year older than Pinkie and RD. Applejack could be one year older than Twilight and Fluttershy or same age (seems most mature). And Rarity could be Applejack's age or older. If apple cider is alcoholic they would all have to be 21 and above but I'm going to say it isn't alcoholic (someone had state that there were no young ponies around so that could imply that the cider was alcoholic but who knows since Apple Bloom was serving it). Spike would be pegged older than the CMC, I would say he would be a freshman-sophomore teenager and the CMC might be more like in junior high (since getting a cutie mark seemed like the signs of puberty).


What does others think about Cadence, Shining Armor, Cheerilee and Big Mac? I think Cadence and Shining Armor would be at least 4 years older than Twilight since they looked like teenagers when Twilight was I think 10 years old or maybe older. I get the feeling Cheerilee and Big Mac would be similar ages or slightly older since they sound older.


Celestia and Luna would have to be over 1000 years old I'm guessing 3000 since it seems 1000 years is nothing to them. Not sure about the life span of Changelings but Chrysalis could be as old as Cadence.

Edited by poniesforfun


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  • 2 weeks later...

Im just wondering how old are the main 6.Some ponys think there all the same age,but if you watch episode 5 seoson 1 fluttershy says " I am a year older than you" to pinkie.So.. those that make fluttershy older than than the main 6?  





Edited by wolf pony
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Since Twilight was in University before she moved to Ponyville, they're all most  likely around 20. Also; Twilight is old enough to have a high seat of power, so maybe even a bit older.



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Id say Pinkie is the youngest...

Twilight and Rarity would be the oldest

Applejack and Rainbow Dash would be slightly older then Pinkie

And Fluttershy would be same age as Rainbow Dash


Thats what I gather atleast

Edited by ~Dawn♥Rider~


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