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spoiler May 2017 Episodes Revealed


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Sugar Belle? That is a weird way to spell Cheerilee!

That Rarity and Sweetie Belle episode looks interesting. 

Fluttershy career specific story ... am hyped about that. Finally!

  • Brohoof 3



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These all look great...though that last one.....







Edited by Whompy Whomperson
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* Episode 5: Fluttershy is continuing her development streak from season 6! Can we say the same for all of the Mane Six, Spike, CMCs, and Starlight? :D So far, the other Mane Six sounds promising, and Cathy said at Ponycon, and I quote, "Spike is developing so well now!" So promising season for ALL characters! :D

* Episode 6: Ah finally, a Sweetie Belle episode! I expected this kind of episode to happen this season actually! I just expected it with Pinkie and the Cake twins! XD Also this episode is gonna fill a bingo slot in my season 7 bingo! Cause for once we have another CMC having a leading role instead of Apple Bloom!

* Episode 7: Oh for Wizard of Hope's sake, hahahahaha! This episode was bound to happen sooner or later, and it fits Rainbow Dash to the BONE! XD

* Episode 8: Oh this episode is gonna make alot of bronies pissed! XD

Still no Babs yet! Still no Lightning Dust and Wind Rider episode! Still no awesome Spike episodes yet! But other than the AJ parents episode in episode 13, we still have 17 more possible choices for these to come true this season! :D 

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1 hour ago, VG_Addict said:

The Rainbow Dash parents episode will be cringe comedy, won't it?

I hope so. I want Dad Jokes! I want them to fly fast and furious at us. I'm serious too.

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Fluttershy Leans In sounds pretty awesome. :squee: Finally a spiritual successor to Green Isn't Your Color.

Forever Filly better not just be a Sweetie Belle version of Somepony To Watch Over Me. :unamused:

Parental Glideance sounds... ok, I guess. Just please don't turn Rainbow's parents into dry, cheesy buffoons.

Hard To Say Anything sounds cute. Big Mac really should be going for Cheerilee, though. Or, if you've read the FiM comics, Fleetfoot:


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13 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

The Rainbow Dash parents episode will be cringe comedy, won't it?

The episode sounds fun and has a lot of promise, but can go south real easily depending on how they approach it or who's writing it, especially the latter, especially after some of the nonsense S6 put her through

Said the same thing about StFF though and wound up pleasantly surprised, so I'll hope for the best while keeping expectations low

Edited by Whompy Whomperson
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That one about Rainbow's parents. Now we at least know something about them. They're somewhat disconnected, but they go to every Wonderbolt event to see Dash perform. Sounds supportive at first, but i get the feeling she's going to Ben a bit embarrassed.

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All of these episodes look promising, I am definitely looking forward to them.


Fluttershy Leans in, not only has me happy that we are getting a Fluttershy episode early in the season, the fact that it is focusing on her career dreams seems like it is going to be an interesting episode focusing on her character development, which has been pretty great lately.  Plus maybe this episode will finally show us how she makes her money.

Forever Filly has me happy that we are finally getting another Sweetie Belle episode after 2 whole seasons without one, and seeing Rarity have to learn that her little sister isn't so little anymore is a premise that could make for a good episode, as I really do like the two's dynamic.  Plus now that Sweetie Belle is getting an episode this season, I am hoping Scootaloo can get one as well.

Parental Glideance could also lead to some interesting scenarios to play out, being the episode where we first meet Rainbow's Parents, and how she will deal with them now that she has become a wonderbolt.

 Hard to Say Anything was also a pleasant surprise.  I wasn't expecting to see another episode focusing on Big Mac, and so I am also satisfied to see that he is continuing to receive focus ever sense season 5.  I also didn't expect to have Sugar Belle or any of the Equal 4 appear in another episode, so props on the writers for continuing to use their large cast of characters in unique ways.  At first when I read Big Mac's first crush, I was afraid it would feature Marble Pie in the episode, but I was pretty happy when it turned out to be Sugar Belle instead.  Any episode that can sink Marblemac already has something going for it out of the gates.



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Not very enthusiastic about the Big Mac one for some reason. Maybe because I have secretly been rooting for the whole BM +CL forever thing.

I mean what is his shmoopy-doopy sweetie-weety pony pie going to do about this? She totally better not just surrender that easily!




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Mh. They are all very interesting, did not see that coming.

Anyway, I think I'm starting to understand which is the theme of the season: so far most of the S7 episodes focus on family:

-A Flurry of Emotions will be focused on Twilight trying to being a good aunt to Flurry hearts;

-Rock Solid Friendship focuses on Pinkie and Maud;

-Forever Filly focuses on Rarity and Sb;

-Parental Glide ance focuses on Rd and her parents;

And also the first press release hinted a Celestia plus Luna episode, not mentioning of course the 7x13 which features..... you already know who, which should be a flashback according to sources (also it could be the episode with Shatner and Day).

And I thought the new staff struggled to find new stories to tell as the time passed. I must say I'm impressed.

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Hard to Say Anything will probably end with Sugar Belle letting both stallions down gently. No one gets their hearts broken or ships sunk and the status quo remains unscathed. Besides, not speaking as a shipper, (......okay 75% not speaking as a shipper) CheeriMac is the only ship that could work. This ship, provided it's the same Sugar Belle we're thinking, couldn't work due to being too long distance. The village Sugar Belle and her friends live in, where they CHOOSE to live due to it being the only place they know since meeting Starlight, is strongly implied to be a large distance from Ponyville. Long distance relationships have a hard time working out. MarbleMac couldn't work because, again long distance, but also because of the situation their families are in. The Apples and the Pies might not be related at all. Even if they were, there's little to no blood between them. It sounds like it could work, at least legally. But the catch is, the Apples have considered Pinkie an "Apple to the core" since Pinkie Apple Pie, and have probably adopted the same view for Pinkie's family in Hearthbreakers. While MarbleMac could technically work legally, the Apples likely have a moral standpoint that prevents a relationship.

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8 minutes ago, ggg-2 said:

The Apples and the Pies might not be related at all. Even if they were, there's little to no blood between them. It sounds like it could work, at least legally. But the catch is, the Apples have considered Pinkie an "Apple to the core" since Pinkie Apple Pie, and have probably adopted the same view for Pinkie's family in Hearthbreakers. While MarbleMac could technically work legally, the Apples likely have a moral standpoint that prevents a relationship.

That's only if you take a kneejerk reaction to hearing they're related without thinking about at what point on the family tree the Apple and Pie family connect.They're really distantly related, to the point where no one would know or care in a similar situation in real life.

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I wonder what Sugar Belle is doing in Ponyville, visiting Starlight or something? Or did she move away from The Town at some point. It'd be funny to see her get involved and the CMC have to continually stop her from going " ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE SITUATION WITH MAGIC!" 

Anyway episode im most hyped for is Forever Filly, I love Rarity and Sweetie Belle's relationship, feel it's generally the most heartwarming and real feeling of the sisters and Im really happy to see it get spotlight again.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz


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