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A Royal Problem  

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  1. 1. Like It or Not?

    • Starlight: *spits in barf bag* "Did Tirek bake this cake?!" Celestia: "No. Tiberius." Luna: *facehoof* ("I hate it!" >__<)
    • Starlight: "The princess are A Royal Pain." ("I dislike it.")
    • Luna: "Eh. 'Tis not bad. But I've had better moonshine." ("…meh.")
    • Celestia: "It's cause for a celebration! *Starlight, Luna, Tiberius, Philomena join* ("I like it!")
    • Luna: "This is FABULOUS!" Celestia: *whispers to Starlight* "She and Rarity have girls' night out every Friday." ("I LOVE IT" <3)

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It took 7 years but we finally got a Celestia and Luna episode from Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco and I loved it! 

I don't know where to begin with this episode I am just so happy with it. This is the quality of pony I want every week, these two really know what they are doing! I should start off explaining what caught me the most off guard. The introduction of Daybreaker was just... that is some season finale level shit right there. I was very surprised to see a villain that powerful and menacing in a non-season finale or premier episode, I know she wasn't exactly real but she was still there.

I knew going into this episode that it was gonna be special. It was very standout from just the synopses alone. This episode just has so much great to talk about. the battle scenes with Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Celestia were great. Luna's nightmare was CREEPY AS FUCK. The scene where Starlight switched the princesses cutie marks felt very real and flowed very well. None of the scenes made me look away from the screen in cringe which has been happening more than I care for it to in recent episodes.

If I have to nitpick, the only thing I didn't like in this episode was Twilight. I don't know, it's like she had an extra helping of sugar this episode. She just seemed eh off... little to hyper if you ask me. But this is fairly minor seeing as she didn't have too much screen time in the episode so I can give it a pass. 

All and all I LOVED this episode and I give it
Thankfully A Royal Problem didn't end up being a royal problem of an episode and thank Celestia it didn't.

  • Brohoof 6
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Well, aside from the Luna Micro issue being somewhat invalidated (which isn't the fault of the episode), I actually really enjoyed this one and it may even be my favourite of the season.  I didn't think we would be getting any map episodes this season, but I guess we got one even though it wasn't what I was expecting.  Does that mean Starlight is one of the chosen ones to solve friendship problems now?  If so, maybe it's high time the castle forms a seat for her.  I'm not actually sure how I feel about that, but I've had plenty of time to warm up to Starlight, so I guess it's alright.  Too bad we probably won't get the classic mane six pairing map episodes though, as there were a couple more combinations I've been wanting to see.

As for the meat of the episode, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I'm starting to think Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco are my new favourite show writers.  They've really hit their stride recently.  We finally got to see Daybreaker in the show too, which is cool, even if it's now how I expected to see her.  All I can say is, season 7 is certainly on track to surpass season 6.

  • Brohoof 5
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Although this episode wasn’t exactly what I expected, I really enjoyed it. It’s the most epic episode of the season so far! And something many bronies wanted to see for many years.

They finally remembered that they have the Map, and I must say, the Map made the right choice – the master of cutiemark magic who doesn’t go fangirling over the princesses turned out to be a perfect fit for that friendship problem. And Twi was the perfect fit for a creepy stalker.

So, I really liked the pancake thing they had, all the Celestia/Luna interactions and the action scenes. And I just loved Twilight in this episode – the princess of adorkably freaking out at her finest. But my favorite part was the dreams of different ponies shown in the background: Queen Derpy, DJ Flurry Heart, AJ’s parents, Pinkie the gator-surfer and Doctor Whooves vs a weeping angel (or was that a weeping pegasus? I couldn’t see it clearly). 

Anyway, this episode goes right into my season favorites list. Also, I’m craving for pineapples right now. Thanks Princess Luna.

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2 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

quite unexpected. But she looks different than her form on the Interplay card.....could there still be another version of her that we'll see in the waking world?

Could make an interesting headcanon theory, but I don't think so. If anything, it feels more like this is Celestia's true "Night Mare" form.

And I'm over seven minutes in. Not liking how distant they are with each other.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Now that was definitely an episode though I will say that there are some contradictions in place mainly because of Celestia having performed Luna's duties for 1,000 years, but that's another story and not this one. Anyone who has said that Celestia was dull and boring now realize that she is anything but that. She has insecurities, fears, and even mopey moments that she has done well to hide for so long. Plus... Daybreaker.... Nightmare Star's official form in the show and a counterpart to Nightmare Moon. If Celestia never thought about what might happen were she to go down the path of darkness, seeing an evil version of herself will definitely do it.

Luna also got some much needed character development though maybe she shouldn't smile as much because it can and will cause nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, that one scene where the fillies confront her in front of the mirror was definitely creepy to the point where I felt uncomfortable watching it. I knew the writers could provide dark scenes but nothing like that. She also wins at having the best grumpy face imaginable. Upon looking back on the episode, Twilight wasn't really needed as all she did was continue giving Starlight unnecessary stress, but I can look past that because she was so adorable as that little dancing figurine--I legitimately freaked out when I saw that was her.

Then we have Starlight herself, and while she did unintentionally get things rolling by relying on her gut, she became more of a supporting character in the second half while the princesses came to the conclusion on their own with Starlight providing a few suggestions to help them along. I personally didn't see Starlight as being a divisive presence but rather someone who continues questioning her methods because she gets stressed out when nothing goes the way she hopes. Granted, her instincts do lead to more trouble but at least she admits when she is wrong though maybe more consequences are in order.

No doubt this episode will be well remembered for everything it did and judging from what I've been seeing, it's already proving to be divisive for the obvious reasons.

  • Brohoof 3


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Guys, this is an official notice. Keep any back & forth away from this thread. Keep the focus on the episode. Further deviances will be dealt with as appropriate.

Thank you.

  • Brohoof 3

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7 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

Now that was definitely an episode though I will say that there are some contradictions in place mainly because of Celestia having performed Luna's duties for 1,000 years, but that's another story and not this one.

I figured she only did the "raise the moon" part and neglected the "go into dreams" part. So they went for 1,000 years with no one actually helping with nightmares.

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2 minutes ago, Ironic Nickname said:

I figured she only did the "raise the moon" part and neglected the "go into dreams" part. So they went for 1,000 years with no one actually helping with nightmares.

This is something the writers might want to address sometime in the future.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't feel up for writing my thoughts out right now.... but as it stands one of my favorite episodes of the season... an easy 10/10.

And I want a Twilight music box now. Make it so Hasbro... my money is waiting.

  • Brohoof 3


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wow! The bronies wanted Princess development and they got it! I kinda wanted Twilight to be called by the map, not Starlight since it would have been a neat experience for Twi. It kinda seemed like they chose Starlight because she can switch the cutie marks only. I don't know. It still works with Starlight. Does that mean any pony can be called by the map? I would love for Spike to be called by the map somehow in the future! I loved Twi as a music box, so cute! The evil Celestia design was amazing!!!  

  • Brohoof 3

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Further into it:


Luna: I'm…sorry *shoves Starlight outta the way* that you make fruit faces on pancakes. But nights are long for me. You might be a morning pony, but I am half-asleep.

Celestia: You think I don't get tired? I'm exhausted! Oh, I apologize for not noticing flowers in a wall sconce. But by the time I get to retire for the night, I can barely see straight. Even so, I still make an effort *nudges hoof hard on Luna's chest* to smile. *forces smile*

Luna: *sarcastically* Like smiling's so hard. *turns mad* Is that what exhausts you? Smiling and being adored by everypony?

Celestia: And you have it so much worse, do you? You've spent your evenings *turns sarcastic* flitting around giving ponies lovely dreams. Oh, it sounds just awful!

…What the hell?! Celestia and Luna might occasionally argue, but there's a difference between an occasional argument and someone like Celestia demeaning Luna's job like it's a piece of cake. Remember, she lost her sister for a millennium. An in-character Celestia'd understand how much Luna's jobs mean to her. Why? Because it'd show how much she respects, cares for, and loves Luna. For her to insult not only her work, but also her efforts to keep everyone secure and safe, shows she couldn't care less about her at all. Not as a royalty and especially not as a sister!

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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11 minutes ago, Dark Qiviut said:

…What the hell?! Celestia and Luna might occasionally argue, but there's a difference between an occasional argument and someone like Celestia demeaning Luna's job like it's a piece of cake. Remember, she lost her sister for a millennium. An in-character Celestia'd understand how much Luna's jobs mean to her. Why? Because it'd show how much she respects, cares for, and loves Luna. For her to insult not only her work, but also her efforts to keep everyone secure and safe, shows she couldn't care less about her at all. Not as a royalty and especially not as a sister!

Except people do this all the time, even those who dearly love each other. It comes from people not talking and communicating. The feel slighted and ignored, and as such they become petty towards each other and say a lot of things they don't really mean as a way to "get back at someone". I have seen it plenty of times from people much closer than it is implied about Celestia and Luna. They could have solved that problem by communicating more but, then again... I am sure being royalty (and as such probably pretty stubborn) that never occurred to them, and each only saw them self as the one being mistreated and disrespected.

They could have solved the same issue with a counselor, but the map sent Starlight instead.

  • Brohoof 13


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2 hours ago, Truffles said:

Though I'm not sure what to make of Starlight's Spike-themed toothbrush:

I think Twilight just grabbed the wrong toothbrush in her rush to go check how things were at Canterlot.

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4 minutes ago, Marimo said:

I think Twilight just grabbed the wrong toothbrush in her rush to go check how things were at Canterlot.

I want a "Meanwhile in Ponyville" comic having Spike frantically searching for his toothbrush. :)

  • Brohoof 5



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12 minutes ago, GrimGrimoire said:

Except people do this all the time, even those who dearly love each other. It comes from people not talking and communicating. The feel slighted and ignored, and as such they become petty towards each other and say a lot of things they don't really mean as a way to "get back at someone". I have seen it plenty of times from people much closer than it is implied about Celestia and Luna. They could have solved that problem by communicating more but, then again... I am sure being royalty (and as such probably pretty stubborn) that never occurred to them, and each only saw them self as the one being mistreated and disrespected.

They could have solved the same issue with a counselor, but the map sent Starlight instead.

*Clap* Couldn't have said it better myself. Agreed, 100%.

  • Brohoof 2


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17 minutes ago, GrimGrimoire said:

Except people do this all the time, even those who dearly love each other. It comes from people not talking and communicating. The feel slighted and ignored, and as such they become petty towards each other and say a lot of things they don't really mean as a way to "get back at someone". I have seen it plenty of times from people much closer than it is implied about Celestia and Luna. They could have solved that problem by communicating more but, then again... I am sure being royalty (and as such probably pretty stubborn) that never occurred to them, and each only saw them self as the one being mistreated and disrespected.

They could have solved the same issue with a counselor, but the map sent Starlight instead.

I'm quoting this for it's critical component of truth. Like Sisterhooves Social and Amending Fences, this episode had a few moments that felt too real which led to some internal awkwardness and reflection. 

Some morals this show shows us are a bit obvious. This one may be in some respects, except the unappreciated feelings will occur from time to time, especially during times where stressors exist (such as lack of sleep). And communication becomes a challenge during fatigue and having different schedules. It's a sneaky thing that happens, and because of that, it felt like an extremely important lesson for adults and kids. 

Similar to Rarity and Sweetie Belle, this felt like a realistic exchange between two loved ones who needed a new perspective. 

A+ characterization ... not hard since their screen time and personality has been somewhat limited. 

  • Brohoof 5



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I just remembered, did you all see Lunas Nightmare, where she is losing her teeth? That is very creepy and It's actually one of the most comin nightmares, that people dream about.

Anyone ever dreamed about that?

  • Brohoof 1

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1 minute ago, Mesme Rize said:

did you all see Lunas Nightmare, where she is losing her teeth?

Oh god yes. I don't think I've ever had that dream, but that seems like a really gross and scary dream.

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1 minute ago, Mesme Rize said:

Anyone ever dreamed about that?

Yeah that was really creepy.... but I can say i have never actually dreamed of it in particular. I have dreamed of eyeballs falling out though. Maybe because I have such an aversion to eyeballs and eye injuries and the like. But now I will probably dream of thanks to this episode. Thanks a lot DHX!


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Apart from the map calling Starlight for unexplained reasons, we have another top tier episodes on our hands

We are finally given a chance to see the Royal Sisters shine together for once and get more in depth into their relationship, managed to make Starlight work in this episode, Twilight was absolutely adorable. For an episode I had the biggest worry for they managed to succeed with flying colors, easily one of my favorites of the season

Edited by Whompy Whomperson
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Well, dang, this was actually really good! I've not liked this season's plot-heavy, moral-driven formula, but this one was genuinely nuanced and surprisingly funny. I wish it had more room for the characters to breathe, as everyone in this does little other than what the plot asks of them, but on the other hand, all the characters fill their roles really well. I'm even willing to tolerate the map, because this wouldn't be possible without it, although I wish the show would bother to explain it or at least have someone - anyone - question it. It might be nice if Starlight would stop being bland, but I'm super giddy about how good Twilight has been in recent episodes. Loved this all around. 

Full review at my blog. Three episodes out of ten that I've properly liked this season! Let's hope for more. 

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Found this on Derpibooru 


We now have a possibility that the barren wasteland that Twilight and Starlight wind up in is a result of Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon fighting each other for control of Equestria. 


  • Brohoof 7



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