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general Halloween Costumes


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What halloween costumes did you wear over the years? Can you remember them all? 

For me it was:

  1. Simba from the Lion King
  2. Pretty sure I was Batman
  3. Darth Vader
  4. Spawn
  5. Agumon from Digimon
  6. A werewolf
  7. Yami Yugi fro Yu-Gi-Oh
  8. Darth Vader again
  9. Red Ranger from Dino Thunder
  10. A ninja
  11. A secret agent (everyone thought I was a blues brother) 
  12. Inuit eskimo
  13. Wraith
  14. Guy Fawkes
  15. The Crow
  16. The Internet (fox pajamas, guy fawkes mask, giant clock on a chain, fedora, rave glasses and a derpy plush)
  17. Mic Thompson from SlipKnot
  18. Deathstroke
  19. Member of The Shield from WWE
  20. Dragon in a bathrobe handing out candy from a munitions tin. 

Your turn everypony. How many costumes did you have? 

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  • Mickey Mouse
  • Milwaukee Brewers Player
  • Batman
  • Ghostbuster
  • Spiderman
  • Kansas City Chiefs Player
  • Ash Ketchum
  • Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey
  • The Joker (vintage, not Dark Knight version)
  • Clark Kent
  • The Riddler
  • Blues Brother

This year, I'll be Sherlock Holmes.

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I didn't wear this on Halloween, but I went to a comic convention as the Punisher once. Except I didn't have any guns; I refuse to carry prop guns that look like cheap, plastic toys.

For this year's Halloween though, I'm gonna dress up as Castle again. Only this time, I'm gonna have an Infinity Gauntlet on my left arm. Who needs conventional weapons when you can just snap your fingers and make your enemies blow up into bloody chunks?

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From what I remember:

A tailless and pitch fork less devil.

A graduate.

A few times as a sheet with eye holes. (Ghost.)

I saw in pictures that I was a pumpkin once when I was younger.

I went to a Halloween school dance as a skeleton without a mask.

I have bad memory so that's all I remember.

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The one time that I went out trick-or-treating, I didn't wear a costume though you could say going out as myself kind of counts.

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I can't remember all of them or what year I wore them. But among my favorites were (in no particular order):

Princess Leia (white costume),

Queen Amidala (red and gold), 

Miraculous Ladybug,


Robin (female version of Batman's sidekick).

I didn't get to dress up last year but I was going to go as Ahsoka Tano or re-make my Miraculous Ladybug costume into ElastiGirl. I didn't end up doing either this year because I went as Robin.




  • Brohoof 1
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  • 5 months later...

Not meanin to ‘necro post’ a thread but. 

The few I can recall. 

One of the pussycats from the live action Josie and the Pussycats film. 

Jeanie from I Dream of Jeanie. 

Dr. Facilier from The Princess And The Frog. 

Some weird goth costume(it wasn’t from anything, just a generic one). 

Bonnie from Five Nights At Freddie’s. 

Gerard Way in his Welcome To The Black Parade outfit. 

Ember McClain from Danny Phantom. 

I think one of the witches from Hocus Pocus.

I can vaguely recall a Disney Princess but atm I can’t remember which one. 

Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas And Ferb. 

Some kind of Fairy Princess? 

And the most bizarre of them all


Jack the Ripper. Not the one from Metal Gear Revengence, not the animeone, or any other fictional portrayal of him, the actualone, using bits of the Epic Rap Battles Of History’s costume.  It’s also the only one I’ve got any pictures of. This isn’t a joke either.This seriously happened.









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I don't remember many of mine, but the ones I do remember...






Corpse bride

Rainbow Dash

and Beth, a character off The Walking Dead. 

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  • 2 months later...

Only remember a few costumes I had over the years.

  • Elvis Presley 
  • Robin (Batman)
  • Captain Jack Sparrow
  • Shaun of the Dead

What I really want to dress up as this year is a neckbeard, y'know, these guys. :laugh:


Image result for neckbeard halloween costume

Think it'd be hilarious and a lot of fun. :laugh:

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The costumes that I remember wearing for Halloween were:

- Naruto Uzumaki fromNaruto
- Madara Uchiha from Naruto
- A Red Ninja
- Son Goku from Dragon Ball Z
- Harry Potter
- A Dementor from Harry Potter
- A cowboy
- Superman
- Axel from Kingdom Hearts
- Spider-Man
- A Red Power Ranger 

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I might keep it simple and go as Mitsuha Miyamizu from ‘Your Name’ because I already have the costume. I usually like to make my own, but this might be a nice simple solution. I’m posting this in June, so we’ll see how it goes when Halloween gets closer.  

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  • 2 months later...

Bit late to join you guys, but I wanna continue this topic, I exactly dont remember about that specific year, I tell you last year, umm last year I dressed up Frankenstein costume, because I love his character, but I still not decided about this year costume, I saw many on Spirit after buying my dress from there I will share some pics from you guys. 

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6 hours ago, elmaasheley147 said:

Bit late to join you guys, but I wanna continue this topic, I exactly dont remember about that specific year, I tell you last year, umm last year I dressed up Frankenstein costume, because I love his character, but I still not decided about this year costume, I saw many on Spirit after buying my dress from there I will share some pics from you guys. 

heya, welcome to MLPF. I went ahead and removed the link to the coupon site, but I agree that Spirit is a legit fun store to go to if you happen to have one pop up near you around Halloween 

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I can only remember four from over the years. I lost interest in Halloween at a pretty young age.

-Odd (Code Lyoko)

-Falco (Star Fox)

-a Timber Wolf (BattleTech)

-and a zombie, though it was really just a piece of paper with a face drawn on it taped over my head

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oi vey..I don't quite remember since I'd dress up every year. I can list a few of the ones I do remember.

  • El Silbon
  • Zombie Ninja
  • Streampunk assassin
  • Mobster
  • some few slasher killers that I don't remember who or what along the line.

Yeah most of mine are just horror theme costume, only to scares em' trick or treaters. :mlp_nom:

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since i was child... i see if i can remember

- dracula... not a vampire, dracula's vampire specifically

- i suppose a sh***y mummy at some point (wait, can i bleep curse here?)

- uhh... a witch i guess or maybe i'm trying to logic it out based on the age and possible costume choices

- mmm... i really can't remember more but two years ago i dressed up as a plague doctor so that was neat. Although i didn't went to a party i just dressed as one and went out to the street to the city party near a monument so i awkwardly walked around and people took some pictures and that was it but it was good enough.

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Only going to toss in the once’s since I was 20 ish and got sucked back into Halloween. These are not in chronological order. 


Walter White

Zombie Priest


Jack Sparrow

Han Solo

Generic Jedi

Mister Rogers

Mad Hatter (pre Tim Burton)

Victor from Corpse Bride 

Gomez Addams

Steve from Blues Clues (my daughter was Blue and was like one at the time). 


These were couples centric costumes. We had a tradition where one of us would pick the theme every year, alternating. A few of these like Snape, the Jedi, and the Mouse one were recycled for Cons.

  • Brohoof 1
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These are NOT in order fyi

  • Black cat
  • Tinkerbell
  • Zombie Prom Queen
  • Cleopatra 
  • Dark Angel
  • Alice
  • Fluttershy 
  • Peter Pan
  • Black Widow Bride from The Haunted Mansion ride at Disney.
  • Marisa from KC Undercover 

That's all I could remember, but I'll throw in a few pictures of my recent ones.


^ Marisa from KC Undercover (last year^


^ Black Widow Bride^

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, a vampire, Jack Sparrow, an astronaut, and I can't remember what else. I stopped dressing up when I was about 13, just didn't have much interest in doing so. Perhaps I should try again though if I can work up the nerve to go to a Halloween party this year.

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The last time I went out for candy on Halloween was when I was seventeen years old. I dressed up as a dead doctor. I wore scrubs, a surgical mask, a stethoscope, and covered myself in fake blood.

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I know that I dressed up as Darth Vader one year. This was a long time ago and I'm pretty sure it was the only time I ever dressed up for Halloween.

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