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Opinions on Oujia boards?


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What do you think about ouija boards? ^^; cause I been using one for a loooong time now,I even talked to 2 girls from 1900's named Cady and Betty.They even told me people who used it only encountered evil spirits and demons are dumb,and they are not using it in safe places.They both are really nice ones ^^ there is even a ghost living in my spare bedroom named Rachael,she's from texas and also she's a nice witch ^^ they are told me that they been watching me ever since they saw my parents bought and moved in the house,well except Betty since she came here to see on what's going on in the goldengate bridge.:mlp_lie:

Edited by Princess Moony
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I have two feelings about this. First and foremost, It IS a dangerous tool to use, even if you do know every procedure and safety precaution to make, you never know just WHO or WHAT you might get in contact with. Yes, I do believe that they are very real and the spirits that they summon are very real too. I've been through so many paranormal and supernatural things in my short 31 years of life to not believe in the supernatural and paranormal. How-ever, I also feel that most of the inexperienced and stupid people who end up using them without having a professional with them or doing anything right, or even not even get a response are the ones who are just following a trend due to Hollywood. Leave it to experienced people and/or professionals. 

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I agree with @Scarlet Rose What people tell you about demons and stuff shouldn't be entirely discounted. There may be spirits that are perfectly okay and relatively safe as long as you're absolutely sure of who you're talking to. But remember that anything bad can claim to be anything good, and it's usually someone that sounds innocent like children and especially little girls. I would love to know about the background of Cady and Betty. Can you find records of them anywhere? Not only would it help put to rest any potential concerns about who you have there, it would be fascinating to learn about. The thing to be aware of when dealing with a Ouija board is that it can open up avenues of communication for many things, good and bad. And once you have something bad on your hands, it may not want to go away. Just use caution please. I've heard so many horrible stories about those things. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I don’t know if Oujia boards really work. A lot of the stories are exaggerations, false claims, or a misunderstanding. Now, that’s not to say that I don’t believe in ghosts/demons; because I do. I believe that my basement houses a spirit. My nephew’s toys turn on and off by themselves, random noises occur, and those same toys move on their own. I haven’t seen a toy in motion but I noticed that, at one point, a toy would be in one place but in another place later. (This happened when I was home alone, so I know no one else could have moved them). Because of these experiences, I refuse to spend time in the basement alone. 

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10 minutes ago, Narcissus said:

I agree with @Scarlet Rose What people tell you about demons and stuff shouldn't be entirely discounted. There may be spirits that are perfectly okay and relatively safe as long as you're absolutely sure of who you're talking to. But remember that anything bad can claim to be anything good, and it's usually someone that sounds innocent like children and especially little girls. I would love to know about the background of Cady and Betty. Can you find records of them anywhere? Not only would it help put to rest any potential concerns about who you have there, it would be fascinating to learn about. The thing to be aware of when dealing with a Ouija board is that it can open up avenues of communication for many things, good and bad. And once you have something bad on your hands, it may not want to go away. Just use caution please. I've heard so many horrible stories about those things. 

I kinda don't need the board to talk to them anymore ^^; since they can control my body and using my voice now,I also told them to guard my soul from demons and evil spirits since they really love talking and being around with me. :mlp_lie:

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I dhave not believe they do anything, myself. A cheap party trick for the bored.

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I'm sure they're a fun way to spend a bit of time with like-minded company much like any other board game.  Do I think they are somehow capable of contacting spirits or other metaphysical beings?  No, not really.  I'm not a vehement denier of the existence of such things but I tend to take any claims of contact with such with a liberal helping of salt.

  • Brohoof 1
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Such a tool is a too whom it may concern device. If there is anything out there and I do believe there is more out there then we can currently prove well you are just asking for something anything to come and answer. There are precautions one can take as mentioned by @Scarlet Rose but even then it's risky. I can tell you I have known Ed and Lorren Warren since I was knee-high to a table and I do not mess with that stuff without great need. If there is a spirit world out there it's not something to dismiss lightly and certainly not something you open doors to without knowing what you are doing. 

So sure if you want to take such chances you can do so. Heck it might be all fake but I dont think so. So my only advice is be careful. Educate yourself on proper precautions and consider safer tools to use first. 

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Never tried it and never will. There’s no way l’m Inviting a stranger let alone a evil spirit kind to my place.

If any evil comes here, they will have a cross to answer to.


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Real or fake I don't think it's worth taking the risk, even with precautions. It would be interesting but there are many dangers involved and I've heard some horror stories I just can't discount. 

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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10 hours ago, Dreambiscuit said:

Real or fake I don't think it's worth taking the risk, even with precautions. It would be interesting but there are many dangers involved and I've heard some horror stories I just can't discount. 

I'm with Dream on this one,  given I have seen some and dealt with some bad unseen things.

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Eh. I mean, I've never used one. I guess it's like watching a spooky movie, it's only really good fun if everyone's invested.

As far as the whole "summoning demons" and stuff goes... I mean... I dunno. I'm really indifferent. I don't mean to downplay the possibility that there might be some supernatural shit happening, but at the same time... I mean, it's a piece of plastic and a piece of cardboard. <.<;

Just, I dunno. Do whatever's fun for the group. Take precautions if it strikes your fancy, or don't.

I'm not responsible if you hurt yourself. :P

Edited by Meson Bolt
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I don't believe that they work. If there's something that's able to communicate with the the dead, it wouldn't be something mass produced by Hasbro.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've used them before.

The thing to keep in mind is that if you are lucky enough to succeed in contacting someone or something, you're letting a stranger into your home. Be a good host and be respectful to them. They're not a toy or a cheap bit of parlour entertainment. But if your guest is acting inappropriate, it's time for it to leave. And as it is a stranger, you don't know who they could be and the dead outnumber the living so you could end up with anyone or anything.

There's one place that I really want to use a ouija board at. But unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever be able to considering I moved out of the house years ago. Can't exactly go back there and knock on their door. "Oh hey! Could I borrow my old bedroom for a couple of nights to try and contact something from beyond? Here! I brought a pineapple!"



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  • 1 year later...

In the past I would have been vehemently against the use of Ouija or Spirits boards, but that was just given from the  two experiences of people I haven't had contact with for several years. But now..well I find my curiosity peaking (I blame my watching of paranormal channels on youtube etc), but I think it is also my wanting to know if there really is life after death. I have been toying with the thought and idea of using one now..I'm just wondering if it is worth it.

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I've never used one and don't plan too. I'm not one to go looking for trouble in that department. :huh: I believe there's A LOT to the world/universe that "we" in our current state don't know.

Think of it this way, if there is an unseen world/dimension/etc among us with spirits/demons or whatever you want to call "them"...





Is doing this to yourself really a good idea?:confused:

Edited by Cirrus.
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A board with letters on it, and bunch of people put their hands on the marker and the marker magically points at the letters that are believed to be whatever the spirit is trying to say above their sholders.

And this mysterious medium to the other world is now owned by Hasbro.

First, I believe if a spirit is trying to communicate with the real world, a bunch of people putting their hands on a supposed-to-be-haunted-marker wouldn't help.

It might be just for fun, but if someone seriously believes it, that's a normal thing to do as a human being, but I would doubt the person's rationality.

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