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The Order of Rarity - The Church of Fabulosity


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Welcome to all, whether you are a believer in the Fabulous One, or a member of the uninitiated. Welcome to this, our greatest church and religious order*. 


Jeric's Religious Services Thread


Praise Rarity!





This will be our glorious temple to adore the savior of Equestria known as Rarity the Generous. In her honor, we will begin to offer many services to our faithful. 



List of Services Rendered


  • Pardons for sins against Fabulosity and Generosity
  • Online Waifu and Husbando Weddings 
  • Blessings
  • Talismans and Assorted Ornamentation
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Knighting into the Order
  • Canonization and Beatification Ceremonies



The Church and Order will open its doors this week, I will take your questions and suggestions at this time. 





Knights of Rarity

Ser @Frostgage the Wavy

Ser @Sparklefan1234 the Ironhoof

Ser @Tacodidra de Pommel





*Inspiration derived from this topic

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39 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


As "The Prophet of Ponies"* I should have seen this coming before I saw your message on my profile. :please:


 Praise Rarity the Fabulous! :D


*A name bestowed upon me by @ChB.

The Queen of Fabulousness is here! :D 


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I think we all know the reasoning behind this thread's creation. Of course, I'm not going to prevent anyone from wanting to have fun with this. In fact, I do appreciate the concept along with the... well... creativity of it. Am I going to join? No. I do have to maintain my Equestria Girls connections and Sunset still needs appreciation from time to time through her fan club and whatever else I can do.

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16 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

I think we all know the reasoning behind this thread's creation. Of course, I'm not going to prevent anyone from wanting to have fun with this. In fact, I do appreciate the concept along with the... well... creativity of it. Am I going to join? No. I do have to maintain my Equestria Girls connections and Sunset still needs appreciation from time to time through her fan club and whatever else I can do.

I will join you in giving Sunset appreciation through literally anything.

Also, here is the queen of making great outfits, Rarity!


As you can see, many of her outfits are on display and look fabulous.

This is the motocross outfit Rarity made, and it looks fabulous on best character.


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I-I simply don't know what to say! I must admit I've been rather busy as of late, between the demands of my business and assisting my dear friends with saving Equestria, not to mention my roles in Twilight's school, but I wish you all to know how deeply flattered I am! I don't believe I've ever had a fanclub of sorts, before, not one I've properly noticed, anyway...oh I'm so giddy!

But you certainly don't need me to be fabulous, my darlings, I'm sure each and every one of you will spread fabulousity in your own way, for all of Equestria to see!

That said, I'll be sure to pop by now and again, of course! :grin:

Now if you excuse me, I simply must let my friends know about this!

Looks like you're not the only pony with a fan following anymore, hmm, @Rainbow Dash:please:


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28 minutes ago, Rarity said:

Looks like you're not the only pony with a fan following anymore, hmm, @Rainbow Dash:please:


Uhh, Rarity, not to rain on the parade but I think this is more of a cult, not a fanclub.

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8 minutes ago, Rainbow Dash said:


Uhh, Rarity, not to rain on the parade but I think this is more of a cult, not a fanclub.

Oho, well, whatever the fillies call it, these days. We'll call it a Fabulousity Cult! 


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Dear my savior, Rarity...

Help me turn my spirit towards you so that I can find the strength to overcome my problems, forgive my doubts and fears, and fill me with your everlasting love and undying strength. In Rarity’s name, amen.

JK. Apple Jack is best pony.


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5 hours ago, Frostgage said:

I am but a lost lamb seeking guidance. Please accept this humblest of beings into thine grand order

But of course! You were among the first to be anointed into the High Order of Knights . The blessings upon your house shall be numerous, and may no impure spinels or cracked gems find their way into your purse! 


It is upon your grace I shall build this gem, this everlasting monument to the glory of the Pearlescent Goddess, The Church of Her devout adoration.

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4 hours ago, TBD said:

So... is she going to condemn those who has sinned against fashion? :pout:

Of course not! For there are none beyond Fabulosity, even if they have made poor fashion choices in their previous travels. The Goddess forgives easily, even those who wear plaid with .... stripes. 

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28 minutes ago, Passion said:

Jeric you old fool, Rarity fanclub already exists.

Then again, there is no such thing as too much Rarity.

But you see, I have been given a sign. A little over a moon ago I found myself in quite a low state. You see, I too sinned against fashion. I took upon myself the visage of the human magician Trixie. Yet, even with the expert magic of Troblems, I made a horrid decision to exclude the Great and Powerful accessory of the cape of Mystery that Trixie wears. 

Beaten and crestfallen at my failure of fabulous regalia, I dropped to my knees and wept. Mascara running, I contemplated a lifetime of dishonor by wearing off-the-shelf burlap. OFF THE SHELF! I was in a meltdown none could rescue me from. 

It was then that I felt my body floating up, and being placed gingerly into a red chaise lounge. I opened my eyes to see a the most magnificent mare, who generosity bestowed upon me a pint of a delicious let woodsy flavored ice cream. The mare, Her purple mane was flawless, her coat brilliant and coruscate in even the less than ideal lighting conditions. Her smile told that at once I was forgiven and saved from a lifetime of scratchy clothing. 

It was then that I realized I must dedicate my life to spread Her word and glory throughout the land. Her message is not just for her fans, but for all who wish their inner beauty to shine! This is why my ministry must begin. And so it was written and so it shall be. 


1 hour ago, Rainbow Dash said:


Uhh, Rarity, not to rain on the parade but I think this is more of a cult, not a fanclub.

If it isn’t a friend of Rarity! Rainbow the Soft Hoof, fast as lightning, a friend to the spa, and a mare who always dresses in style. Your exploits along side Rarity are legendary, as is your valiant dedication to saving the Queen of Beauty during the Butterfly Wing Epic. 

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7 hours ago, Jeric said:

Knighting into the Order


1. I am honored to be a part of Rarity's Knight's of the Fabulous Table. :proud:

2. Do we receive a fabulous coat of arms-esque badge as a form of recognition for being knighted? :awed: (Just a suggestion. :please:)

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