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mega thread How are you feeling?

Rift enchanted

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Honestly I feel really shit right now ... My depression is now at lethal but I'm shutting it up with .... Yep, u guessed it .... Alcohol .... To top that off, I'm drinking at 3:15AM ... Not 15:00 but at 03:00 that's in 24 hour time for those who can understand it .... Now I'm trying hard to shut it up and cheer me up with Pompeii (Kat Krazy remix) ... But it's all the stress I'm under that's stopping it from lifting me up .... Hence the booze

  • Brohoof 4
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Certainly quite a bit unnerved and confused. My life just continues to get weirder.

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Yanno, I'm actually feeling pretty good right now


Just came back from lunner with my sister and her rugrats, who I haven't seem in around 10 years. Had 2 margaritas, my nephews got my 4 ponies as a present. Good times

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I'm feeling hot. No. Not sexy. I'm literally in a room full of hot air,with only one fan as my salvation. Fuck,I hate this weather.

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Not so well. I'm a bit stressed out. I'm worrying about this move and our finances and things, but I'm told it'll work out.



In need of all kinda of prayers and uplifting because I'm a bit depressed and anxious lately.



Also, it's sad seeing how many people are upset. This thread is a great relief for anyone who needs to get stuff off their chest though. :crackle:

  • Brohoof 4
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Irritated, anxious, and I have a headache again... figured out it is being caused by a pinched nerve. UGH. All I want to do is lay down, but when I do, everything hurts. I can't win! :(

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I'm feeling rather content at the moment. I am also a bit tired with a sprinkle of worry. I just ate a waffle, though so that's good.


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Just noticed This thing. I have all of MLP albums purchased on iTunes (except for convention compilation album). And now most of them got Daniel Ingram removed as artist and replaced with characters from the show. That makes no sense and is silly/stupid. But that's only one half of the trouble. Those albums are no longer considered bought by me. I need to buy them AGAIN! WHAT IS THIS BS?! I gonna demand iTunes to make them "purchased" for me once again! :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

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The annoying pains disappeared during the night so I feel relieved.  :adorkable: I also feel quite relaxed even though it's Monday tomorrow. 

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Classic sunday. I feel a little bit exhausted because of the weather. Its too hot. I can go to swim maybe. By the way how is the everyone ?

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I'm feeling quite anxious right now. Some supposed family whom I've never even heard of came over and they are very loud.  :( Luckily, I'm in the safety of my room. :) Apparently, they won't stay long, so I guess that's kind of relieving. :)

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Ahh this song is how I have been feeling lately

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I just gonna give away this idea: nobody should ever ride ponies or horses. I can no longer think of riding them. That makes me think of myself as some sort of slave holder! They need nothing but love and care...and hugs!

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