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What kind of forum poster are you?

Lightning Fluttershy

What kind of forum poster are you?  

338 users have voted

  1. 1. What kind of posts do you focus on?

    • I mostly RP.
    • I mostly contribute to general discussions.
    • I mostly post in life advice.
    • I'm here for the games!
    • I post or critique art.
    • I'm an all-round poster who likes to contribute to almost everything or everything.
    • I mostly lurk around the forums.

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I spend most of my time in the role-play area and make a few appearances in the Random Chat Thread. Writing stories about ponies where I'm not even in control of what happens is awesome.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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I'm in everywhere kind of poster. Interesting discussion going on about ponies. I shall go there. Some epic new topic completely non related to ponys. Yeah I'll be there. Some super splendtatic art or fanfic or music or some other fanwork. Must be there, even if I don't post. Role Playing some. Yeah I do it. Going to forums games and lounge to make pointless posts to waste time. Of course I do. So yes I go everywhere.


(Song that goes with this)

I've been everywhere man, yeah I've been everywhere.

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I don't RP or get involved in art posting, but I really enjoy the friendly discussions this community can have.


I used to be an extremely active member for the site's first few months, slowed down over the winter/spring, didn't post at all over the summer, but started back up a couple weeks ago. Still not that inclined to discuss the show itself until the new season starts, but I'll generally open up the Everfree Forest subforums every day or so and contribute.

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I am more the less just a very casual poster :). If i see a thread that catches my eye, I'll spend some time there and try to meet some new people. All in all just having fun and talking with others is what I love doing on the forums.


*Although I am getting really interested in role-playing*



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I usually swarm towards the General Discussion boards. To be honest, I'm kind of a boring guy. I never play any Forum Games, never go to any "spam" boards, never RP, or even post Fan Art, even though I happen to be an aspiring animator when I grow up. Maybe I'll post some here someday, but that day is very far away lol.


I've only watched fully the first season of FiM so I feel like if I posted on the FiM Boards I might be a little unenlightened about what happened in Season 2. I will get the attention to watch all the episodes someday. :P

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I mostly just lurk and occasionally post, but when I post I usually just stick to the general chat side of the forums. As of now the conversations about the show are things that are just brought back up again and were already talked about before i.e. who is best pony.

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I Lurk and post art and looks for critique

I LURV critique. Nothing better than a fresh set of eyes to tear my work apart so i can rebuild it... better, stronger, faster, and more fun at parties... well better anyway.

I visit other sections every once and a while but I can't stay away from the artstuffs its like a drug... critique is like a drug too.

I need my fix!

I got an art thread called derpy in deep ponderment in the fanart section if anyone wants to give me some critique. seriously! i need my fix.

Check out my Art threads everypony

http://mlpforums.com...tor-art-thread/ and http://mlpforums.com/topic/35635-01s-traditional-art/#entry847552 I love getting critiques and such. Check back at my threads often for art will continually be updated on the first post of all my threads. ummm other than that... hmmm. MUFFINS FOR ALL!

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I like to post in threads about stuff.


My main home is the Metal Thread, but you'll see my name pop up in a lot of places, especially when there's some new speck of canon to be found in Show Discussion.


Or posting Anal Cunt songs in the Song Name In Your Pants thread to make people go


Posted Image


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Depends on my mood. I have low and high bursts of activity.


Most of the time, on any forum, I stick to the Forum Games. Easy place to post, fun, relieves stress, no real obligation to talk about anything, and people are forced to respond. Love me some Forum Games.


And because of my status as Head of RP World, I obviously post there. Right now, I post quite a bit in three RPs I'm in.


I occasionally post in not-RP pony-related areas, but there's not usually anything that's worthy of discussion there in my eyes. A lot of it's either really specific questions that get answered quickly, people overexaggerating the brony phenomenon and its impact, or people looking too much into an aspect of the show and overcomplicating it. I mean, that's fine for them, but not really my thing. Not really interested in most forms of media either (or at least, discussing it), so I stay out of Media Discussion. I'll post in random General Discussion threads that require blurbs about me, but I avoid debates or anything political/religious because I'm not fond of them. I don't want to get my blood running too high.


Also, I post in Octavia's Hall as soon as I complete a new piece of artwork. So I do have a few posts.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Well, seeing that I love forum games (and I'm a pegasus :P) I tend to hang around Cloudsdale for the lols. If I see an interesting thread somewhere I'll post in it. You know, because it interests me. I very rarely ever venture into RPing. Mostly because I've never done it before and I don't want to screw up someone's story.


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I post whatever I feel like posting at the time; it's not a matter of the topic at hand, really. I post in all sections; be it Octavia's Hall, Cloudsdale, Sugarcube, etc. I'd prefer not to be categorized by the number or subject of my posts, but rather the quality; I try to post only things worth posting, so I like to think of myself as a "Quality over Quantity" poster more than anything.



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I'm more a lurker, although I post in sugarcube corner when I see a thread I like ^_^ I rarely post on threads unless it's either incredibly random or something that is similar to my hobbies/interests :P

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I'm more of a lurker in the forums now. I used to be really active, but I guess something changed. I still post in general discussion and life advice sub-forums, and sometimes play forum games too, but that's pretty much it. I rarely post in the show discussion sub-forum, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in reading it. I never RPed in my life, nor will I ever RP, because I suck and find it quite boring (but I must say that it's a great way of finding friends). Maybe in the future, when I will be more motivated, I'll be more active, but until then I'll continue to lurk.

Edited by Freckle

shiet got srs guise

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I lurk a lot, but I'm pretty much an all-around poster.

The main reason I lurk is because sometimes I don't know what to say so I just look at other people's opinions.

I do play forum games a lot and look at artwork though.

I don't RP so I'll probably try it out one of these days

Edited by I Sarcasm I


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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I am a Cloudsdale Junky, Specifically Random Chat Thread.

I sometimes post outside of Random Chat, and on Even Rarer occations, Outside of Cloudsdale.

I guess I need to Spread my legs wings and go out to other places.

  • Brohoof 1
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I post a lot around show discussion, and here and there, General Discussion, especially one that requires intellectual thought, and I also post art now and then. Never really post in Cloudsdale. I'm not one to waste time on forum games.


Wish this poll could do multiple choices and add Sugarcube Corner and Show Discussion as well...

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I usually post in different places so I guess I'm an all around poster. I kinda post heavily on the roleplay world though so I'm a mix between both categories.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I mostly just lurk, I have a terrible attention span so I don't usually read many posts, let alone take the time to post something myself. I also refrain from posting if someone already said whatever it is I was about to say.

I wish I could contribute something to the art and rp forums, but my lack of dedication, combined with my shyness (even online) makes it difficult.

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We can say that I'm more towards the lurker type. I spend most of my free time in the forums looking at stuff, but I don't post that often. I also can't contibute much to the community with drawings, music, fanfics, etc. So yeah... :|


I enjoy Roleplaying though!

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I'm a bit of a mixture between all around and a lurker although most of my posts are in sugarcube corner and forum games. I usually just look around until I find something that interests me, read it and then maybe post.


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Lately I've been lurking the forums quite a lot. I just post when there's something that interest me, and most of my interests lie in the fanwork so I usually post in "Octavia's Hall" I also post on the forums games a bit but not as much as before. I tend to avoid going into show discussion for some reason.


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I lurk quite a bit. When I do post, it tends to be in the "Everfree Forest" category (So, this one.)


I do post in Show Discussion and Sugarcube Corner, but not much. I don't get the HUB, so I have to watch episodes on YouTube or Netflix (I don't trust my connection enough for livestreams, and to get the Hub requires me to pay $12.95 extra) so I don't see the episodes until after everyone else does, so by the time I actually have a reason to post, all the bases are already covered.


I do visit other sections, though!

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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All around poster ^_^ If I dont shy away from the forums afraid to embarass myself, I usually post anywhere I can. Widens how many people I can meet and talk to and get to know.


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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