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What kind of forum poster are you?

Lightning Fluttershy

What kind of forum poster are you?  

337 users have voted

  1. 1. What kind of posts do you focus on?

    • I mostly RP.
    • I mostly contribute to general discussions.
    • I mostly post in life advice.
    • I'm here for the games!
    • I post or critique art.
    • I'm an all-round poster who likes to contribute to almost everything or everything.
    • I mostly lurk around the forums.

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I post mostly in General Discussion and Life Advice, sometimes I help do signatures or editing on Photoshop for people.  Sometimes I contribute in the other sections such as the Debate Pit.  I don't know how to roleplay.  Maybe I'll learn to roleplay sometime.

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Totally random. Love lurking, if the OP post something i can attach a funny comment too i try to sneek a good 1 liner in, if its about art ill genrally will post somthing nice if its good, if not ill genrally not say anything. And if the question is seroius i will genrally give any helpful input i can muster before going on my twitsed tangents. ;)

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I post in pretty much all sections, because I enjoy giving my opinion on a lot of things. I also like discussions, if they happen to arise, although I will admit I usually don't read every single post in a thread before posting my own thoughts. If I see that someone has posted something that reflects my thoughts almost completely I'll usually just brohoof them and leave the thread.

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Games... a particular Fan CLub, started RPing lately and pretty much any thread with an iunteresting title =p

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Aye, i go to whatever thread looks interesting to me eye. Doesn't matter what section it be in. If i can't find a interesting thread, I lurk in the shadows. And when the time comes, I pounce like an atomic cobra! 

  • Brohoof 1
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Historically I did most of my posting in the Beyond Equestria section, just general discussion about everyday things and life. Over time I branched out from that, although these days I'm mostly a lurker. My interest in posting here has evaporated.

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General Discussion is my favorite place here. It's a lot like how at meetups, we'll just end up talking about random crap anyway.  I'm here mostly to talk with people who have similar interests besides MLP.  I tend to avoid the Show Discussion board as a rule, since it seems to be less discussion and more novel-length bitching about minutiae.  The Equestria Girls one can be almost as bad, and the dumbest posts I've ever seen on this forum were there.  I'll sometimes go to the Pony Merchandise section, too.

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Given the choices, I suppose I'm an "all around". I post a lot in WP, but I also go through and post in random threads I like. I'm not even entirely sure where some of them are, because I get to them from the "recently posted in" box on the main page. XD

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I'm the kind of forum poster that every poster should know :D


But seriously, I mostly just talk about ponies on here and occasionally go over to he Everfree forest. I've made the debate pit off limits for myself though

  • Brohoof 1
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You can find me everywhere. I am your usual Forum poster, that has a wide variety of interests.

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(I totally heard this to the tune of "what kind of Pokemon are you?" XD)


I'm a pretty random poster, it's just whatever catches my eye on the Recently Posted section, or a few threads that I'm a regular in (mostly fanclubs, particularly the Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer ones :kindness: ). I'm generally here to talk about ponies, although sometimes the show discussion threads can get annoying, but Sugarcube Corner is probably where I'm most active if I had to guess :D I like posting in random threads in Everfree Forest too though, if there are interesting ones~

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I mostly just post around in random areas that happen to catch my interest.  But besides that most of my time on here consists of lurking around the forums reading posts rather than actually posting.

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General discussion type here, although I am a bit of a wallflower.


I would be active in the RP threads, but I simply do not understand how they work... Anypony wanna run a DnD edition 2 rule set RP that takes place in Equestria? Or something to that effect. I don't get howit is currently handled...

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Depends entirely on the topic.  My favorite place to post is the RDFC.  If all of the other threads inexplicably vanished - and the RDFC was mercifully unaffected - I'd be fine. x3  But how seriously I take a topic (and how much time I devote to responding) varies wildly.  I mean, come on: There are topics inquiring as to whether you prefer baths or showers.  I'm not going to sit there, at length, and attempt to pour every ounce of eloquence and wit I can into a reply to a topic like that. xD  If it's something that matters to me, I will likely put forth comparatively greater effort.

  • Brohoof 1
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