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I tried getting rid of that scar between my nose and upper lip in 2004. It was even recommended by my doctors. Now it's one of the most recognizable aspects of me.

  • Brohoof 1
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When I was young I had to have stitches on my eyelid when another kid threw a piece of ice at me which hit me in the face.

I really love rain, the way it sounds, the way it looks on a window, it all makes me feel very comforted in a way.

I have sister I don't know and have never met.

I love the smell of coffee but I hate the taste.


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I worked as a trashman and as a janitor for two separate places, I was almost bitten by a cobra in a Moroccan bazaar when I was a pre-schooler, I've been through boot camp, I was the best fencer on my High School team, I'm a terrible shot with a gun, I have noted difficulty perceiving spoken sarcasm, I'm an INFP, I once drove 3 hours in the middle of the night just to say "I'm sorry" to the woman I love.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Facts about me:

At age 2 I almost got sucked into a tornado.

Noticeable scar across my forehead.

Most of my friends are older then me. (30's and older)

Frank Zappa fan. Some people find that really weird for some reason.

I'm a guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer, and singer.

Agnostic Atheist.

Out of all of my friends at my High School, the one I talked to the most was the principal.

Constantly being asked if I have any weed or if I want to buy any weed. Yeah, I look like a stoner, but I don't do drugs.

I use to be apart of a 5 man band. I was the lead singer.

I own a 288 acre farm. We sell corn and soybeans.

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I'll do as many as I can. :P


1. I don't like bananas... just banana flavored items.

2. I'll be fifteen in August

3. I'm afraid to be wrong.

4. I flew in an airplane for the first time in 2011.

5. I uncontrollably start drumming on items without even realizing it.

6. I love broccoli. 

7. I have a super fast metabolism. 

8. I once got really sick and didn't eat for a week, causing me to get more sick.

9. I've had bronchitis. 

10. I absolutely hate dogs.

11. I want a Red Panda when I'm older.

12. I'm honestly really socially awkward when it comes to hanging around boys I'm friends with. And girls sometimes too.

13. I have been through depression at least twice.

14. I've never broken a bone. Just sprained my knee once.

15. Also got two fingers sprained because some old guy closed them in door hinges. 


That's all I can think of... xD

Edited by ~PrincessOfWub~


My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer):


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Alright, facts about myself! (All i can think of right now anyways)


- Huge Gamer

- Im Huge, and almost never a coward

- I tend to be stubborn

- Usually sarcastic

- I have many voices

- Fun to be around (What my friends tell me anyways)

- Can lose my mind when i get really mad, which is rare

- Im a smart-skull

- Ive got a really, good memory

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Boring facts:


I'm 13


I'm 5'1


I'm an atheist


Queen is my favorite band


I don't like pickles


(Slightly) interesting facts:


My username is my middle name


I have to use a phone to browse the internet


I live in South Carolina now, but I'm moving to Virginia in about two weeks(Where I'll have access to a computer!)


That's about it, really.

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>I am an expert in computer parts

>Eat cereal without milk

>Rainbow Dash is best pony

>I never broke a bone

>I'm an atheist

>I'm Japanese

>I use 4chan ( /v/ and /mlp/ ) and Reddit (AskReddit) regularly

>High IQ

>might have social anxiety

Edited by Rainbow Speedy Dash
  • Brohoof 1

My Youtube Channel

I upload clips, animations, and other stuff. I'd appreciate it if you subscribe.

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I'm only 5'2.


I love hugging/cuddling. :3


I REALLY want to go to BronyCon even though I haven't been a brony for long.


I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, who would've guessed?!


My dream car is a Volkswagen Beetle.


I would love to have a Galaxy S5. (haha so much of this is stuff I want sorry.....)


My two favorite colors are lime green and purple.


I'm a visual learner.


While I'm a visual learner, one of my best friends is auditory, which has caused us (and does) a lot of misunderstandings.......


I'm addicted to youtube videos. xD


I used to be a huge tomboy, but now I'm a girly girl......


I've always been super shy on the phone, but I talk to two different people on the phone once a week......


I went to camp for years as a child, and I really want to work as a camp counselor someday.


I'm going to watch an episode or two, or three lol of MLP soon......



Here's a HUGE thank you to the make of this gorgeous signature!! Credit to Pinkamena Dianne Pie


My Johari window - http://kevan.org/johari?name=kelseymarie805

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Random facts about me because why not:

I never had a drink before my 21st birthday. Currently I only really care for hard liquor. Beer is nasty crap. 


I'm adopted but know my real family.


I'm very openly brony but I've never met another one where I live.


I always want to learn new skills but the only thing I've really stuck with is the guitar. 


I can be productive when I want to be, usually I just don't care though.


I'm kinda bad at not being in relationships. I just kinda don't know what to do with myself. 


I'm an extroverted introvert. I find large groups of people/certain people really draining, but at the same time I really do enjoy attention. 


I like to RP but nobody really does it in the middle. Everyone either likes to write a book for every post or they only give me one or two sentences. I don't want to read your entire fanfic, but give me something I can work with too. 


I'm Bi, but really have no strong preference for guys or girls, just a type I like for each. Oddly they tend to be exact opposites


I really don't care for anime, tends to be an unpopular opinion in this fandom.


I don't really watch T.V. I'll have it on just for noise but even then only rarely. 


My parents got me a truck when I got my license. They told me I could pick it out and I was mad about that, but now I wouldn't be without it.


Only broken bone I've had is my nose. I've had it worked on three times.


I'm starting to lose my hair already. 


I'm leagally blind without my glasses but am considering getting lasik.


I have half inch gauges in my ears.


I like working nights better than days, although it means I rarely get more than a couple hours of sleep. 


I like to consider myself an egghead.


I only let certain people call me "Johnny", I actually really hate being called that unless I say you can. 


I have the fun combination of anxiety, depression, and aspergers. I tend to have a very scattered brain. 


I don't have a favorite band/song, just depends on my mood.


My wardrobe currently consists of all pony shirts and work shirts. 


I don't like being touched unless I'm expecting it in advance. Hugs are generally always nice though. 



Well that was A LOT more than I planned on. There's more but I feel that's more than enough for now. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  1. I've never broken a bone.
  2. I'm British.
  3. I nearly drown once.
  4. I once skipped school to save a cat who had 2 broken legs.
  5. I have Dysgraphia.
  6. I tripped over when I was 5 and hit my head off of a table leg and got a scar in the top right corner of my forehead.

Just a few. ^^


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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1. I used to call rainbow dash best pony, but now I've fallen for fluttershy


2. I think loot crate is awesome


3. I used to ride a scooter, but I was no good at it, and I skinned my knee really bad while riding once


4. Batman.....


5. I used to be kind of a vampire (which is why my oc is often portrayed as a vampire, except as a pony).


Top five facts about me?

Things are changing

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1. I created my own cartoon called Type Creatures with lots of different influences

2. I like to cross-dress in the spring since my aunt messed me up at young age

3. I find something really wrong with staring at screens for a long time/yes I'm a weird person but it's just a feeling

4. I still enjoy watching little kid shows like whenever a new Bubble Guppies episode comes out I need to watch it, I also watched a little bit of Wiggles, recently.

5. I walked all the way home from about 3..4 miles in Arnold.

6. I dip my Bug Bites in tomatoe sauce, yes the food not literal bites from bugs.

7. I barely ever choose truth in truth or dare.

8. I sometimes walk to Walmart just to wander around aimlessly

9. I learned how to run backwards due to protecting one of my toys from her (I was doing a walking backwards competition at the same time)

10. I'm also really fun and cartoony(I was a class clown)

These are just the ones I can think of at the top of my head there's probably ALOT more :)

11. I used to watch CareBears after Tiny Toons JUST TO MAKE FUN OF IT, they also have nicknames I gave them.

12. I don't watch any teenage shows because they're lame to me.

13. I keep a diary in my student planner.

14. I used to troll bronies when I was a brony (This was back in May) 

15. When I see bald people...let's just say the image of me with a knife in my head isn't exactly pretty or would it be their head...sorry that's the only creepy one...

16. I enjoy watching commercials on Nick Jr. and sometimes Boomerang.

17. I got my Facebook just to impress a girl I have a major crush on and to send mooing messages to Sweetie Belle A.K.A. kidnapped cow, yes I still love her, oh yeah I guess that's another one.

18. I create parodies of songs every weekend for my show.

19. I always wanted to catch a brony in Arnold.

20. Wow I already made it to 20 on the list uh....most of my friend circles consisted of trios like the CMC.

21. I have created a spy group in my neighborhood, I'm the only member spying on like 7.

22. Lastly I'm Catholic and even though I'm a teen I enjoy going to mass in a way(for singing songs and stories)

Edited by PokeBolter

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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1. I'm an atheist.


2. I'm 6 feet tall. Probably the tallest kid in my grade.


3. I'm taller than my own mother and the same height as my father.


4. Even though i'm 14, I sound like a grown man and people tend to mistake me for being in my 20s.


5. I almost cut my toe off by dropping a sword on my foot. Got 3 stitches.


6. Almost fell off of a four wheeler without a helmet on. My mom almost had a heart attack.


7. I never broke a bone in my entire life due to my obsessive milk drinking habits.


8. I'm an obsessive compulsive sometimes, and I sometimes feel the need to organize.


9. Flame suit on. Luna is my least favorite princess. :P I don't hate her though.


10. I once ripped off a screen door from it's frame.... twice.


11. My friends are jealous that i'm a better artist than them... since they call me a "Freaking ANIME artist!!!"


12. Someday i'm looking forward to getting a Fluttershy plushie.... dunno when.


13. The only countries I want to go to someday are Germany, Italy, Ireland, Australia, and Japan.


14. I'm a hardcore "Tales of" fan, and I make video games through non-programmer friendly software, one of them is "Tales of" based.


15. My middle name is Alexander. My parents told me that if I was born a girl they would name me Alexandria.


16. I sometimes fantasize about me going on some kind of adventure in Equestria. I have a wacky imagination.


17. I literally believe that Death is a lucid dream, and when I die I can do anything I damn well please for the rest of eternity.


18. I have a Hitchhiker's thumb. (You know, a thumb that's able to bend BACKWARDS?)


19. I dislike cloppers for being disgusting.


20. I mostly eat thing with the flavorful side down just to get all of the tastes on my tongue. (Butter side down toast, icing side down donut, etc.)

gonna take you out

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Well. Here are some facts about me.

  • I'm 18
  • I live in Maine (who would've guessed huh?)
  • My family is a mix of Native American, White, and Korean (one of my cousins is a North Korean defector who came to South Korea then to America.).
  • I'm mostly Native American and White (about 50-50 mix)
  • I have a Japanese cousin
  • I'm a 2nd Degree Black Belt
  • I completed High School as a Captain in the Army JROTC Program.
  • I have an uncle who is a US Marine.
  • My dad was in the US Army.
  • I have an Older sister that I am taller than.
  • I can speak English, Passamaquoddy (Native American Language), and some Korean. English is my primary language.
  • I've been though depression three times now.
  • I'm a rather smart person, but my grammar is kind of hit and miss.
  • I have ADHD and Social Anxiety problems.
  • I was in Special Education all through High School because of my track record with Math and English.
  • I'm an Open-Minded person
  • I'm not a Republican
  • I'm not a Democrat
  • I'm an Atheist, but I don't have a problem with other people practicing their faiths around me. Just as long as they respect my personal space, I'm okay with them.
  • I once broke my leg in a bike accident... Ran off the bike trail and smacked my leg off of a rock.
  • Princess Celestia is my favorite princess!'
  • My middle name is Kenneth
  • I think Rainbow Dash is adorable  :wub:

There we go. 

Edited by SomeMaineBrony


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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Let's see

  1. I'm socially awkward
  2. I can't spell very good
  3. I'm a huge slob
  4. incredibly lazy
  5. very random
  6. I really don't care what must people do
  7. Most of my O.T.Ps are gay couples 
  8. Straight
  9. huge hopeless romantic.
  10. shy 
  11. huge animal lover
  12. complete geek
  13. I'm a girl
  14. Extremely productive of personal information
  15. not into sports
  16. hate wearing girly stuff
  17. Huge family tree
  18. I have glasses

That's what I got so far.

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I actually find it sort of... well "awkward" and "annoying" both aren't the right words... but as a whole I have a complex opinion of standing at a height of 6'5". I think bass guitar is not very interesting.

But... but bass guitar is VERY interesting,my friend. IMO.


Anyway,I'll add some facts!I'm almost 17 and still only 5'7(for a guy, all my friends are over 6 foot.)

I've been playing bass guitar since I was 9.

Applejack IS best pony.

I've written one song in my entire life, spanning the length of almost 9 minutes.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by Jenny the Pegasister

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I write poetry. I am a whovian and my Doctor is 11. I grew up in Southern Wisconsin. I love apples and absolutely despise bananas, unless their dried. I love to sing and I'm in the Second Rank choir class at school. This year, I failed my first class which was math :(. I'm in forensics. I've never kissed anyone. Right now I'm reading Room by Emma Donoghue. I love Nutella. I'm writing a book about a childhood fantasy I've had going for 4 years now and is still going even though the conclusion on the book has long since ended, but would make for a fantastic crossover fic. And that's me, well some of me. Night. 

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1. I'm been described as spunky, adorable, and smart

2. I'm not afraid to do dumb things.

3. I ate a dog treat that looked like a cookie. (I knew it was a dog treat).....and it tasted good.

4. Love horses.

5. Still don't own my own horse.

6. Favorite animal: river otter.

7. Took an animal personality quiz. the result was otter.

8. Afraid to be myself around people who aren't my friends.

9. I'm spontaneous and up for anything.

10. Interesting story to sum up my personality: Anyway, I was watching funny videos and I saw a dog jump into a bush and bounce off. then I saw a nun fall into a bush and fall through. so the next day at school, I was looking at a bush and thought. "If I jump in, will I fall through or bounce off." Of course, being me, I tried it. I fell partially through and got out with minor injury. The hole is still in that bush to this day.

Edited by Vitani
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1. I'm an aspiring author/screenwriter


2. I'm an atheist (but I'm tolerant of most religous people I meet. Although I definitely can come off in a bad way sometimes in religous conversations so I apologize in advance)


3. I'm an American Civil War buff (Grant's my favorite general, Gettysburg's my favorite battle [the movie's good too], and I have several ancestors who fought for the North in the war. They fought in the Army of the Tennessee and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, and the Atlanta Campaign)


4. I'm a big fan of movies (and I can come off as pretentious at times when discussing them. Hey, nobody's perfect :P ). My favorite ones are 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, and even though I just saw it for the first time a few days ago, I gotta mention Zulu here :D Bigger list is on my profile if you're interested.


5. I love the 49ers! (I first followed them during their 2-14 season when I was 6 or 7. And I've been fiercely loyal ever since)


6. I'm white (Scottish and German descent mainly I believe)


7. I'm straight...I think? Idk I think I'd be down to experiment different things. You only live once, right?


8. Favorite animals are cheetahs and dolphins


9. I'm also into dinosaurs (not all that unique, but come on! You can't deny their awesomeness!) I'm definitely more intrigued by the carnivores, so I'd probably say my favorite one is Utahraptor. Not a T-Rex fan tbh, it's too mainstream

Edited by LZRD WZRD

Check out my channel for awesome video reviews and analysis!




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Ok here it goes


1. I have double jointed legs I can turn my feet completely around and sit with one of my legs over the other and the one leg above the other is completely flat.


2. I learn video games very quickly learned a fighting game my sisters fiance brought over in half an hour and could destroy him in it.


3.I am very good at drawing.


4. I am a very happy and fun person.


5. I have many friends


6. I am good at doing hand tricks, like spinning things and balancing things with my hands.


7. I am a very shy person


8. I enjoy exercise


9. I am a very good typing on the computer


10. I am a very clumsy person


11. I fear thunder storms and oceans


12. Some of my favorite animals re bats, panthers, snakes, and toucans.


13. my favorite color is purple and dark blue


14. I am a total night person


15. I enjoy ranged weapons over close ones


16. my favorite dinosaur is a raptor


17. I enjoy being a sneaky character in gaming or at least be the evil person. I would be actual good guy if it was actual me in the game but being evil is so much fun. 


18. kind of a bad at school failed most of my classes this year and 2 of my finals.


19. I am allergic to cats, some kind of medicine, and eggs


20. Haven't been on a first date or have my first kiss. 


21. Bad at coming up with stuff.


22. Very indecisive


23. I have add


24. I have hyper activity not as bad at it was when I was little just moments of extreme energy.


25. Mostly unlucky in the real world but some how lucky in gaming world.


26. slight mental retardation


27. derpy hooves is best pony


28.I prefer dogs over cats


29. I am a horrible team leader I am a follower


30. My favorite games are borderlands 2, naruto ultimate ninja storm, super mario world, and diablo 3. I could pick a lot of old classics but the list would go on forever.


That is all I can think of for now might come back and update I am not sure.




  • Brohoof 1
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I broke my hands 5 or 6 times (each) fighting other kids (multiple times...) when i was little. I never truly recovered and i have terribly shaky hands nowadays.


Sometimes, when we're bored, me and a friend of mine would log onto local forums or various servers for games and troll on them (not this one though, no worries :) ) making up nonsense like "Red hot chili peppers' new song is coming out - it will run on 1080p resolution and include a 3D glasses set, you should download it!"


I speak three languages, English obviously, and also Hebrew and Russian. The latter one is because my family immigrated from the soviet union back in '90. 

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1. I have add and ADHD

2. I'm bipolar.

3. I think I've got social anxiety.

4. I'm agnostic.

5. I've got a case of Acrophobia and Coulrophobia.

6. I'm bisexual.

7. I once had to be calmed down by employees at Kings Island along with my family after I rode the adventure express, it's jerkiness and speed really shook me up to vomiting a do shaking and breathing heavily, a few employees there noticed my condition and asked my mom what was wrong with me, she explained and they started telling me it was okay, to take deep breaths in and out and to relax.

8. I've ridden in the back of my moms SUV while it was being towed after breaking down, and a lot more happened once we got to walmart to have it fixed.


^full sized avatar picture there

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Uh, lets see I'm not entirely sure how many facts I can come up with about me, but here we go.


1. I am 17 years old and going to be a Junior next school year.


2. I was Homeschooled until I went into Public School in 8th grade.


3. I quite shy when you first meet me, but typically I warm up to people within a bit. 


4. Once I warm up to someone I will mostlikely not shut up.


5. I use to take like sometimes months to warm up to people, but recently i've been much quicker at warming up to people.


6. I've not dated anyone my whole life(17 years)


7. I've played Trumpet for something like 5 years? Maybe 6, I don't remember exactly how long.


8. I've recently tried picking up the old acoustic guitar I have in my room to learn guitar, I've made progress, but I've got a long way to go before I'll be good enough to really say I play it.


9. I have a keyboard, although I haven't really learned it yet, I plan to soon after I feel more solidified in learning guitar.


10. I sometimes mess around and try and learn songs by ear on trumpet, and sometimes on keyboard.


11. I quite like Frozen, and especially like "Let It Go" regardless of the opinion of others ;p.


12. I still love plenty of other Disney movies as well however.


13. I love Pokemon, I've played basically all the main series games, and many of the spin off games.


14. I also like many other games, and have played a good bit, but also not played some series that I probably should have.


15. For instance, I just recently started playing the Mass Effect series, I am just getting started with 3, but the series has already become probably one of my favorite, if not favorite game series.


16. On a side note, just to give a taste of some series I haven't touched, I haven't played any of the final fantasy's and none of the Metroid series.


17. While I will play on console for certain games, I am actually probably most comfortable at my PC.


18. I'm pretty terrible at shooters, but I still play plenty of them, although I don't play alot of COD or Battlefield or Halo, I have played some, but it's a kind of rare that I do.


19. I like to sing as well, While I can of course use more work, I have been practicing singing and have got better, and I also very much enjoy singing, whether trying to sing well, or not as much ;p.


20. I really just love music in general.


21. On the topic of music, my main genre is Rock, I listen to all kinds of stuff, to name a few, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Queen, Three Days Grace, among bits and pieces from others. I am even open to listen to other bands if I like it. I'm not restricted to much or anything.


22. Even if Rock is my main genre, I will listen to basically anything that I like, so i've listened to Pop, Electronic based stuff, Country, Classical, really I just love music like I said. Although I still mainly listen to Rock.


23. I am very Clumsy, I seriously spill and drop stuff all the time lol.


24. I do not drink carbonated drinks, I never have really, and now if I do it just burns my tongue and everything to much to be worth anything. So I just live off of Water and assorted fruit juices!


25. However, I do have a big sweet tooth to make up for it. 


26. My favorite pony in the show is basically tied between Fluttershy and Twilight.


Ok. I think that's enough for now, turns out I can come up with plenty of facts apparently.


I'll probably add some more later. Either here, or in a separate post.

You may find this hard to believe, but...

I'm not actually a churro




I have lived my whole life as a lie D:

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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