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Favorite MLP Shipping and Why?


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I like too much Rainbow Dash Ships

SoarinDash - My favorite Rainbow Dash Ship and ship in general

RainbowLane - At first I didn't care for it, then I started noticing it more, and then read a lot of good fanfiction about it(usually comedies with them arguing lot), and then said "f*** it, this ship is awesome"

Pinkie Dash - Favorite same RD ship. Pinkie Pie's obsession over Rainbow Dash in WB Academy helped a lot

SweetieSpike: Honestly like this one a bit more than Sparity

CheerieMac - Favorite (almost?)Canon ship

TwiJack - Favorite Mane 6 ship

RariPants - Like SweetieSpike, for some reason I still like this over Sparity

Sparity: Doesn't change the fact that it's still F***ing adorable

GildaXTrixie - For the lulz

I just realized, none of my favorite ships involve Fluttershy. Don't worry Flutters, you'll get your special somepony soon ;_;

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I like too much Rainbow Dash Ships



SoarinDash - My favorite Rainbow Dash Ship and ship in general


RainbowLane - At first I didn't care for it, then I started noticing it more, and then read a lot of good fanfiction about it(usually comedies with them arguing lot), and then said "f*** it, this ship is awesome"



Pinkie Dash - Favorite same RD ship. Pinkie Pie's obsession over Rainbow Dash in WB Academy helped a lot


SweetieSpike: Honestly like this one a bit more than Sparity



CheerieMac - Favorite (almost?)Canon ship



TwiJack - Favorite Mane 6 ship


img-1585077-7-rarity_x_fancy_pants_at_thRariPants - Like SweetieSpike, for some reason I still like this over Sparity



Sparity: Doesn't change the fact that it's still F***ing adorable





I just realized, none of my favorite ships involve Fluttershy.

Don't worry Flutters, you'll get your special somepony soon ;_;


That's quite the freaking awesome Sparity pic you got there. I enjoy SweetieSpike, but again, from the angle that it's a really one-sided crush that the other warms up to over time.


Also, SnowChaser and ThunderFlitter.


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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Well, you can see my avatar and conclude which ship I like the most xD


If you really want me to choose between canon ponies, then I guess Big Mac and Cheerilee would make an awesome ship as well as Spike and Sweetie Belle. 

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Some couples I like:

Spike x Sweetie Belle
This picture is what made me like this shipping (along with this fanfic I read.) The more I think about it, the more I like it.

Fluttershy x Soarin'
Yes, I'm weird. I know. I just really like this couple and I could see it happen. What I think would happen is that Fluttershy is coming along with Rainbow Dash to some Wonderbolt thingy and Soarin' meets Fluttershy.

Cheerilee x Big Mac
This one is really cute and I enjoyed Hearts and Hooves Day quite a bit.

Discord x Celestia
I love this shipping. It's so cute and interesting.

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img-1585128-1-smile.png I...am a shipper of almost every fandom I get associated with. Bad habit, I guess. Oh well.








Only a few, I know...And I know only the middle one has any remote chance of becoming vaguely canon. ^^

>Rarity x Fancy Pants

Also a really underrated ship. I like to think of all the pairings shown in the montage during Love Is In Bloom as hinting or winking at future canon relationships that will never be show. So Soarin x Dash, Rarity x Fancy Pants and Spike x Sweetie Belle

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I'm not much of a shipper. Though I do partake in a select few ships that I thoroughly support, I tend not to bother with ships outside of them.


Here are the two I support:







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I'm personally a fan of Twidash








and Twixie








But I support Bic Mac X Cheerliee and TaviScratch and a few more. I didn't get into shipping until I watched MLP =P.

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We must post ALL the shippings. Every single one.


Let us begin with best shipping:







All these other ships are tied for 2nd best ship.








Yeah I like shipping. Like, a whole bunch. Way more than a male should.



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Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Ships I will never understand:


FlutterMac. They'd never DO anything, just look after the fields and animals.


DerpyTurner. Just seems like 'pair the spares' to me.


SoarinDash. The one named male Wonderbolt gets together with Dash, really? He had like two lines. This feels really forced and contrived.


Ships I think are underrated:


Trixiejack. In one episode, Trixie tied AJ up and gagged her. Next time around, she wanted AJ to give her a facial, then restrained and tickled her. I'm just sayin'.


DashPie. There are SO many great moments between these two. Griffon the Brush-Off, Party of One, Wonderbolt Academy... they are just so sweet together. Pinkie is one of the few characters that brings out Dash's rarely seen mature side.


Derpyshy. C'mon. You know you want it.


Spitfirilee. Uh, Cheerifire? OK ignore the awkward name. I know it's weird, but these two suit each other really well. Both highly competent and mature workaholics with hidden depths.


RariLuna. Once you see it, it's beautiful. They're both unappreciated artists, worried about how others perceive them, and have just enough ferocity to make them interesting. Luna's shy, grounded nature complements Rarity's airheaded yet caring attitude. Luna needs someone to fawn over her and Rarity needs a strong, sensitive, knight in shining armour. They would be so good for each other.


And of course, the greatest OTP of all time:



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More shipping pictures! Most ar Flutter Dash....but good shipping pics are hard to find....


I'll be raiding this thread every so often to add to my shipping collection  wub.png









Rainbow Dust is another one i like. (Sounds like a drug, lol)




Here's a rare one...Trixie Pie





Derpy Dash



Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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DerpyTurner. Just seems like 'pair the spares' to me.


DashPie. There are SO many great moments between these two. Griffon the Brush-Off, Party of One, Wonderbolt Academy... they are just so sweet together. Pinkie is one of the few characters that brings out Dash's rarely seen mature side.


DerpyTurner, on a basic level, comes down to Derpy being the fandom's go to companion for Doctor Whooves, and, much like with the modern Doctor Who reboot series, there's always fans who ship the Doctor with whoever he's traveling with at the time. I genuinely like the pairing, but that's because I have own personal head canon that dictates that they'd make a good pair at all. Just gotta take any background ship at all with a grain of salt. Just remember that it's all just some fun, wishful thinking. For most of us, anyway.


And yes, PinkieDash (or DashPie, or whatever the kids are calling it) is adorable.

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Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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Hello there. Everybody was taking the opportunity to share their favorite shipped couples in your thread, and as we already happened to have a thread for that, yours has been merged with the older one.


As for my favorite ship, it's Pinkiedash, and I've been fairly vocal about it. Ever since Season 1, there have been a few scenes that planted the idea of Pinkie having a big crush on Dashie in my head, and I thought that was adorable :D. Season 3 and Wonderbolt Academy only reinforced that idea, and I love the pairing more than ever.



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Lyra Heartstrings x Doctor Whooves (or Timeturner), because of a certain comic I read on deviantArt. It was just so cute- I couldn't help but like that pairing. 


Apple Bloom and Spike. I've seen a few pictues of that too, and they're all so cute! I think Spike and Apple Bloom would go pretty well together, but that's just Shadow Link's opinion.


Thanks to Dopey Hooves!

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AppleDash and PinkieShy are my two favorite non-canon ships.


As far as canon goes, RariPants could happen, and would fit well. And Sparity is just the sweetest thing :3



Together since October 19th, 2011


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Well, since I posted SoarinDash here in early May, there are a few other ships I've grown to like (SoarinDash is still the best though tongue.png)


Lunbra - Luna X King Sombra







Uhhh... Dislestia? Celestia X Discord








Derpy X Doctor Hooves - they're so cute together wub.png







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The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My only shipping would be Lyra and Bon-Bon because it is kind of what they are known for the best. Maybe Doctor Hooves and Derpy as well, but I don't take that one as seriously as with Lyra and Bon-Bon. It's probably because of the whole Doctor Hooves and the Assistant series I hear on YouTube.

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Hmm...I like to think of a scenario where, if Fluttershy were involved in shipping, she'd be the one doing the pursuing rather than vice-versa. It'd be a nice twist to her character.

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Previously, I stated the two ships that I supported. This, however, is THE one true pairing. It doesn't get better than this, folks.





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Signature by Blue Moon

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King Sombra X Queen Chrysalis

Celestia X Luna

Rainbow Dash X Spitfire

Rarirty X Spike

Fluttershy X BigMac

Shining Armor X Cadence Twilight Sparkle ( >D )

Vinyl X Octavia

Pinkie Pie X Derpy


I'm done for now

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I'm not usually big on shipping in any fandom. But I also love reading shipping fan fics, so I guess I'm just a pretty bizarre person. I guess it doesn't really help that I don't really like most heterosexual ships regardless of fandom. Still, something about ponies just makes shipping fun.

I'm pretty much the same. But a show with a bunch of cute girls with little interest in guys I start thinking about it.


Rarity x Applejack

Twilight x Celestia


hetero but cute:

Rarity x Spike

Pinkie x me

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