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Looks Like a Anti-Brony group is gaining Steam

LoKé kRude

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as much as i really want to say assault them with love and tolerance i'm going to have to ignore them because that's exactly what they want is attention  they want us to hate them because they feed off of it.  so i'm going to ignore them.

  • Brohoof 1


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Anti-brony groups? Never heard of them... Continue with links to some anti-brony stuff here... http://battlelog.bat...55241299582248/ http://anti-brony.blogspot.com/ http://www.minecraft...brony-movement/ http://www.tumblr.co...gged/anti-brony http://na.leagueofle...d.php?t=1187814 https://www.facebook...122508907895921 Just ignore anti-brony stuff, they are obviously annoyed highly jealous of us.
Just checked out those links...

The Anti-Brony Center is a sensible one, considering that he didn't go off on a CANTERLOCK rampage calling us fags and pedos.

The Battlelog, Facebook and and Tumblr groups are pretty stereotypical; illogical, uncalled for ignorance that we should ignore.( the fact that one is on the battlefield 3 website doesn't help the image of FPS fans in my eyes.

The Minecraft one is pretty funny actually although it's probably because RaidJackass isn't a extremist hater and SynthNine is there being awesome. :)

The League of Legends one is a bit of all three.

Also this isn't meant to be an Anti-Hater thread

I Stopped using MLP Forums. Why haven't you?

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The Battlelog, Facebook and and Tumblr groups are pretty stereotypical; illogical, uncalled for ignorance that we should ignore.


Why am I not surprised that these particular sites are host to these particular types of hater? This is exactly why I don't enjoy using social networking media and generally communicating with people on the internet outside of forums; due to a minority which ruin it for everybody else.

Edited by Archi
  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Ahh, well. They are entitled to their own opinion, and I must admit it does annoy me when bronies try to force people into watching it, and humiliate themselves in the process, but some people take the hate way too far, and it just shows that it's them who have no lives, even though they regularly accuse us of having no lives. :/ 

  • Brohoof 1


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an anti brony group on steam?


i don't think that they realize that they couldn't use it if it wasn't for a brony... also 58 vs 15 million, who wins?

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Just ignore them, folks. If we try to counterattack or make a huge huff over this then we are merely stooping to their level and proving their point.


I'd like to think of this is a "kill them with kindness" like scenario.

  • Brohoof 1
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Tonight we kill with kidness ,best line ever  :lol: . On a more serious note just ignore them they only want attention if we counter attack it would make things only worse. Also if we counterattack it wouldnt be love and tolerance.

Edited by GamerLuna7
  • Brohoof 1


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Yes I know the internet is full of idiots and if I wasn't trying to keep my cool I would go ahead and write you off as one(as an idiot not a hater) because in case you didn't know you're not the first to post on this with this ignorance, since I already know how ignore haters and said that(if not implied it) I'm going to write this off as ignorance. Remember rule 33. Lurk more -- it’s never enough. You're not the first or the last to point any of this out, nor do you need to point this out anyway. Try reading my other posts; I've covered all of this before.




Couple things to point out:


1: I did, in fact, read every single post that existed in this thread prior to making my post; my point still stands.


2: 'lurk more'? Sounds legit.



Member Since 03 Oct 2011


Time Online 139d 1h 42m 6s



3: Since you appear to be new around these parts, I feel it might be worth my telling you that we have very little tolerance for personal attacks or rudeness. Telling people things like "If I weren't trying to keep my cool, I'd write you off as an idiot!" and "Lurk more!" are not typically the type of attitude that we favor here. You are allowed to disagree with people, and to make the fact that you disagree with someone known, however things of that nature veer a little too close to personal jabs. Just a friendly reminder. :)


That said, I suppose I'll respond to some of your statements directly, since I get the feeling that the post I already made was more or less disregarded.



Thing was the "Haters" were not united.



A few folks acting together to perform organized community raids does not show that 'haters' as a collective group are in any way united. It shows only that a few likeminded individuals are coming together to cause mischief. This is nothing new - people have been performing organized trolling raids on MLP forums, servers, websites, and communities of other sorts for well over a year now. 


I should know - this forum has been targeted by such trolling raids on more that one occasion in the past - which I've had the honor of having to clean up after. Like I said before, it's nothing new. I don't know why it's suddenly newsworthy.



I'm not trying to slander or anything but now it looks like there going out of there way to attack brony websites.



This is, again, nothing new. Haters have gone out of their way to target and attack pony communities since the moment ponies became a 'thing' - there have been numerous times that we've been the target of organized trolling raids, DDoS attacks, and other such things. Business as usual, this is.



   I understand what you two are getting at but I feel you missing the point of the whole thread. On steam there is a anti brony group so be it. I don't care. but I do care when they start trouble for no reason. And that's what there doing; starting trouble for no or at least they were planing to.



I don't think they're missing the point of anything. 


There's a group of haters looking to cause problems. It happens all the time. What can we do about it? Nothing. 


They'll go wherever there're going, they'll cause problems for a little bit until they all become bored or are banned, the 'damage' will be cleaned up, and everyone will move on with their life. It has happened hundreds of times, and it will happen hundreds more. This particular little instance is no different. Same story, different setting.



   Honestly, I just wanted to hear your opinions on the matter was not talk about haters behind their back.



Opinion provided: "Who cares? It isn't anything new, newsworthy, or otherwise unusual. This is business as usual."

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real me says: well as long as they dont find mlp forums then were safe.  :mellow:


paranoid me says: they may have double agents already implanted in to our loving comunity :)  :)  :blink::wacko:

  • Brohoof 1
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First off thank you for pointing that I was "launching a personal attack" or whatever, I wasn't trying to be rude but I was tired of responding to post that were, in my opinion, being rude. Sorry for being rude.


Second off, the reason why I thought you hadn't read any of the earlier post was because it almost seems as though you were pointing out the same thing as other people. ( you weren't but I'd bet your propose was the same) Yes your point still stands, but so does mine "It's nothing new to this thread".

Third off, looking back it could be easy to miss the point of me saying lurk more, so my point of that was me assuming you didn't read my earlier post. It's an easy mistake to make. Posting your time online and date joined mean you certainly didn't know I mean't on this thread and NOT on on the forums.

Fourth off, I became a brony 2 weeks ago not two years ago. In my book it's not a good idea to assume everyone actually has had experience with haters, or been on the community months before becoming a brony, or actually think this is newsworthy ( I certainlly don't)


I don't think they're missing the point of anything.




I say just leave them alone, they'll run out of steam like hate groups usually do. Give them nothing to fuel the fire and it pretty much extinguishes itself. That's what I do for the most part, occasionally correcting the many things they get wrong before walking away while they stew in their own hatred, muttering something completely unintelligent and horribly spelled.



Honestly whats the point of even responding to them? Really the only sure fire way to put out the fire from haters is to just flat out ignore them.   What are they gonna do if they don't get some angry reaction from the people they're trying to troll? Nothing, all it does is get to the point where they get desperate and look really stupid.   Believe me, i wanna smack them across the face and counter troll and prank them as much as the next guy, but honestly its not going to do anything.   I find it annoying how they're being total hypocrits, they're talking about how they want to prove bronies are just attention hogs, yet they're just looking to seek attention with their schemes themselfs.   But really as much as I really am tempted to just crush them and let my anger get the best of me*Snorts.* Its not going to get us anywhere.   Fighting fire with fire just leads to a bigger fire.




If only it was easy for people to not take the bait.  I have encountered people like this on TF2 I have gotten hilarious results with going along with it. They want you to to get angry and upset but if you just go with it and don't really show any emotion it throws them off and then it gets sad at how desperate they get for a reaction from you.


There's at least some mis understanding in these post

The main point that I trying to make here is that I don't care. It wasn't your intention but your post almost seems like a personal attack on me, I understand that your just doing your job but really my signature isn't supposed to be a joke:



Sorry if I look like an idiot, I have horrible social skills.


I apologize if I was rude in this post but I haven't had any experience talking with people in real life or on the internet anyway.

Edited by LoKé kRude

I Stopped using MLP Forums. Why haven't you?

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My course of action is to ignore them

Haters are an interesting species. They rely an a parculer food source known as attention. Without attention the beast dies.

It's like that kid in school who acts like a tough guy and ends up being a jerk when we really know they just want attention.

Now haters for a fandom isn't unusual. Far from it in fact. When star wars fans and star trek fans started they were the most hated type of fandom out there. Today there is stil some hate towards these fans group (there still is trust me on this one) society has come to accept them.

Does this mean someday Bronies may be accepted in society one day

Maby, but then againe many not

It will take time to be accepted in todays society, but if we succumb to these haters treats and rants we will never hope to achieve a day where society will leave us alone to watch a awesome cartoon.

  • Brohoof 1
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Let'em get banned, and just ignore them. These groups usually get caught by mods and the members are all banned, well, in some cases

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I dunno. I guess if people don't like the show.. but they can look at it any way they want. I think there was also a petition to have Dexter put back on the air. Never came back.

Edited by ~Vallo~
  • Brohoof 1



Your breath stinks.

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It's simple, basic, Biology 101 really; ignore the trolls and don't feed them, and the trolls will subsequently starve to death and die.  Troll-problem solved!!!  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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It's simple, basic, Biology 101 really; ignore the trolls and don't feed them, and the trolls will subsequently starve to death and die.  Troll-problem solved!!!  :lol:

Its a shame not everyone sees it that way. Its basic internet logic If you let the trolls troll and dont react to them at all then they will get bored and go hate on something else.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh look at that, more anti-brony trolls. *Yawn* Can someone please remind me why we still care about these people.


Just let them make themselves look stupid, don't feed into it, blah blah blah you know the drill.

  • Brohoof 3

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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*** haven't read the whole thread ***

I've seen what organized attacks can do and it's not pretty.

The thing to do in this case, is alert the mods both here and at Ponychan. The mods can wade over and see for themselves.


IF someone is feeling their oats, one could bravely join as a mole-not a troll. A mole blends in and is more interested in mining quotes.

A mole need not post hate messages, he just needs to access the threads where the next attack is coming. Some forums may be hidden to non-members. I did that for another site about to be attacked and they even posted the new member names on the hidden forum--I was able to email the mods and each were banned  before the attack could begin.


Once the mods know something is up they can react quickly. Advance warnings help a lot.

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They act as if they want bronies to burn in Hell the way I see it.. I mean really, so what bronies like a TV show for little girls? They're not doing any harm? Gosh.


I may have went overboard, but really, my opinion.

/hasn't read whole thread

Edited by Thunderstorm
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Just checked out that blogger page from a few pages back, and I had a brilliant idea that would help us against haters.


So, hypothetically, let's say a hater comes at you and starts spouting the typical tat: "You guys are so arrogant, you try to force your show on us, yada yada yada". So, what do you do?


You say, "That's cool man. You're entitled to your opinion."


At this point you have at the very least robbed the hater of any ammunition other than "You are gay", and possibly changed the guy's perception of the brony community as a whole.


Love and tolerate guys. Love and tolerate. *salutes*


</ patriotic speech>

Edited by Archi
  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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They go to all this effort just to annoy a group of people that watch a TV show? Ya and we're the ones that are considered weird. I say we ignore them and soon they'll go back under their bridge and back to waiting for the Three Billy Goats Gruff to walk across.

  • Brohoof 1

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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