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Say Something Nice About Your Least Favorite Mane 6 Character


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I don't outright dislike any of the Mane Six, and my favorites (aside from Rainbow, who will forever occupy the top slot) have fluctuated over time.  Speaking of fluctuation: Rarity basically ended up as my least favorite because I grew to like Twilight Sparkle more during season four. xD  So it wasn't even necessarily Rarity's doing. o_O


I'll not only say something nice about Rarity, I'll say something nice about Rarity within the context of "Sonic Rainboom."


People sometimes wonder about the friendship between Dashie and Rarity.  I assume because they don't get much in way of screen-time together; just the two of them.  And yet, they're obviously friends, and Rainboom demonstrates that perfectly.  It was Rarity who realized Dashie's uncertainty about her upcoming performance.  She saw past Rainbow's posturing and insisted that they be there to support her.  That's an immediate friendship point awarded to Rarity.


But there's more.


Twilight wasn't as adept a magic wielder in season one, and the spell she wanted to use was seemingly new to her - and difficult.  Rarity, with very little hesitation, volunteered to be subjected to who knew what (at the time). xD  I don't know how quick *I* would be to allow myself to be experimented on by a magic-casting equine.  Regardless of how things worked out, Rarity went above and beyond for the sake of a friend; her actions at the start of the episode were selfless and indicative of caring.  And the fact that Rainbow Dash was so quick to forgive a remorseful Rare later on further serves to emphasize the strength of their friendship.


Conclusion: Rarity is a good friend - specifically to Rainbow Dash.  And I learned this during "Sonic Rainboom."

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I have a tie for 5th place, so I'll do 2 :D

Rainbow Dash is an insanely talented flyer and she's brimming with charisma. That last thing is actually one of the reasons I'm basically on my hands and knees for an Rarity and RD episode - there's an interesting contrast in personalities between the two and they both just absolutely ooze personality :D I really think they have great potential to riff off each other unlike any other 2 ponies in the mane 6 :D


Pinkie Pie can be happy even when times are tough and all's gone to hell. I can really dig that, and she's also another one I want to see Rarity on screen more with :D Another contrast in personality, with Rarity's sophisticated demeanor and Pinkie's hyperactivity. Toss in Rarity's deadpan hamming blend of humor and Pinkie's fast paced slapstick, I think they can really provide interesting moments together on the show :D

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Oooh, such positivity!! I love it!!

Okay least favorite... Hmmm, that's probably Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy.


Okay, Rainbow Dash is a talented athlete and has made a lot of progress in expanding her horizons, which is mature and admirable. Fluttershy is a selfless soul with an impressive capacity for forgiveness.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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I don't dislike Rarity, she's just NOT my favorite.  Compared to Season 1, they've all grown but she has grown & matured more than any other of the Mane 6.  She is not the diva she was, she is not the drama queen.  In "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils", for instance, in Season 1 she'd have had a HISSY FIT of legendary proportions.  Now, she just digs in & handles it (I guess having faced a few real crises has helped her get over it.  Compare it w "Lesson Zero" where she freaks over a lost tape measure).  +She is doing better dealing w Sweetie Belle (I'd have Blown My Stack BIG TIME about 3 different places & grounded her for the rest of her life + no desert) & less leading Spike on & taking advantage of him.

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When Fluttershy finally sings with the Pony Tones using her own voice, the performance is so lovely that it makes me want to cry. In fact, just writing this paragraph is getting me all emotional, so I'll stop now.


(As an aside, I'm surprised to see Rainbow Dash and Rarity cropping up so much in this thread. I always thought they were two of the more popular ponies.)

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I'm tied between Applejack and Fluttershy- they're both so forgettable..


But AJ does have some really good songs and episodes, and she has a good, chilled voice nearly all the time.

And Fluttershy, well, whenever she's all energetic, she's excellent! Like during Flutterwonder! 

And they both have really nice colour-schemes and mane/tail styles:)

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 RD is the pony who my kid brother adores and because of RD, he now loves MLP which is AWESOME  B)

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