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What's the lowest overall grade you've ever had in a class (as a percentage)?

Le Kvlt Dawn

Lowest grade percentage you've ever gotten in a class?  

128 users have voted

  1. 1. Lowest percentage ever?

    • 0% like a BOSS t(o_ot)
    • 1%-10%
    • 11%- 20%
    • 21%- 30%
    • 31%- 40%
    • 41%- 50%
    • 51%- 60%
    • 61%+
    • I'm an egghead like Twilight who always does well in school.

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The lowest I've ever gotten was in seventh grade honors English, I got an 8%.


Back then I was really lazy, I was really smart (and still am) I just didn't bother turning in work. I think I ended up finishing that class with like a 40%. Nowadays I'm a freshman in high school and I'm doing a lot better, except for in algebra that's the only class I'm failing and I passed it last semester too, with a C. :angry::(


So hbu guys?

Edited by Neighvana666
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First I must say I have dyslexia, a very particular variant labeled Grapho-Linguistic dyslexia (or at least that what the doc in my country said), this is just BG information but will prove useful.
I wast on my first year of college taking the general classes for all the bachelor degrees there, I had to take a Literature and Linguistics, a subject that given my profile as a IT engineer would be terrible but in fact Im kind of a writer so I enjoyed it until the first test.
The teacher got there and said something like “The test is writing a simple tale 1000 words ” I was like “Right on, it’s on the bag” but then she completed her statement with another rule “For every spelling or punctuation mistake you get -0.25% on your grade” and I was like “Buuuuck…”
In the end it all went down as I thought I got a grade of 85% kind of good but at the side of that good looking number there was a -120% and my test looked like with chickenpox for the incredible amount of red spots and marks it had.
In the end I got a -35% grade for that exam the teacher recorded it as 0% officialy but in my heart I know I was able to go further… YEAH!!!!!

(BTW I wrote this on Word, it fixes the spelling =D)

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In my senior year of high school I took a college level chemistry course at my local community college, and ended up with a D in the class. I just remember it being the worst experience in my whole life  :(. I thought that my acceptance to my university would get revoked, but luckily it didn't. From then on, I made a promise to myself to never be put in a situation like that ever again.


I am now a senior in college and am currently retaking the chemistry class that gave me trouble all those years ago. So far, I seem to be doing pretty well, acing both midterms and having an overall 100% in the class  :wub:. Twilight would be so proud of me right now  ^_^.   

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Perhaps this would be a zero for me, because I probably don't turn in all my assignments, but I'm not gonna count dat.
In 6th grade I got a friggin' 46 on an art assignment(which also was the grade on my report card) once, yes ART. I didn't turn in something, so the teacher gave me an F. My only F ever. I'm afraid that's gonna come back out of nowhere someday and bite me in the ass. I'm a A-B student, so if I ever try to get into a good college and they reject me because of that one F, I'll be sad.

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I believe I got a 67% for one quarter in Honors Biology during my freshman year. I struggled pretty mightily in that course. I still don't know why I was placed into the honors program for the sciences.


I guess I technically got a 0 for a permanent incomplete I received in a graduate course I took in undergrad studies. It didn't reflect upon my GPA, however, so I don't think of it in terms of a traditional failure.

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Your wording is confusing to me. "Had" means at any point in the class, while "gotten" suggests the final score for that class. I shall take this as the latter, as I do not remember the former. I think my lowest grade ever in a class was a C, and that was in like seventh grade and I didn't care. My lowest in high school so far has been a B. Yeah, I'm an egghead.

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0%, in wood shop of all things.



Well, we had 1 assignment: build a table. At the end of the semester, if it was done, he'd grade it. If it wasn't, you got 0%. Since it was only 1 assignment, it was our entire grade,

The teacher basically gave us the instructions, the forms to fill out to buy wood, and left us to ourselves. About half the class didn't finish, and therefore failed. As I understand it, he is no longer a teacher, which I can only say is a good thing.

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2% in my Tacitus Latin Literature exam.


Yeah, I sat in front of the paper and had absolutely no god damn clue what it was talking about. Even having learned the whole Tacitus.

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Want to hear a funny story of mine that is about my low grades? No? Well to bad you're gonna hear it anyways. 


During Grade 9 art, I barely did anything, and I barely handed in assignments. So, to no surprise, I received a 30 when we got our first report cards. Seeing this I decided to work a tad bit harder, but still not enough and in the next term I received a 45. Want to know what my final mark for that class was? a 75. My art teacher added up my marks instead of finding out the average. 


Hoorah for embarassing mistakes committed by the public education system!



Edit: But if we are talking about just lowest grades on an assignment I have received a few 10s and 20s in my time.

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B- in chemistry, sophomore year, semester one. God forbid that'll happen again, but I still absolutely hated that class and the teacher. Not only that, but it was my zero period class, meaning my chemistry class was at 6:50 AM. So with sleep deprivation, lack of good teaching, and overall hard subject, I was bound to get some bad grade. Turns out, not going to the bathroom grants you 20 extra credit points, thankfully.

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I don't really know how the percentages work, but here in the Netherlands you just get a mark. 1 is the lowest you can get, 10 the highest. My lowest mark was a 1 for an English book test because I only read 3 pages and you wasn't allowed to take the book with you in class. My lowest average mark was a 4 for maths because I totally suck at maths and during the months I made the tests, the amount of medication I was using (I have ADHD) was too low so I couldn't concentrate.

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I got F's almost constantly in Chemistry (bucking moles). Ironically, I got 100's on both the Final and the Mid-Term (thank Celestia for weighted test grades!) because I'm not only a good test-taker, but a quick one.


I ended up failing the class, but man did I piss off all of my classmates. The quiet kid in the back who was known to sabotage experiments and goof off in class getting the highest grade not once, but twice! What a laugh!


Oh the memories...

Edited by Twinhead B
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Last year in 8th Grade English, I think I ended the year with a C-. I forget what the percentage was, but it was probably in the low 70's or in that general vicinity. I've struggled with English the last few years, mostly because I'll get a not-so-good grade on a test at the beginning of the year, an then the teacher'll never take anything else for a grade the entire year. I'm doing better this year, though.

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