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Brony haters...should we care?

Sugar Pea

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This has been one of the most heated arguements I have seen on the internet since the MLP: FiM fandom began to rise.

Not to long ago, I was just derping and browsing through our beloved Youtube when I happen to start watching some pony videos. Being the curious pegasister I am, I decided to scan the comments below on a viral pony video.
I came to a halt when I saw, and I quote:


"is it true that all bronys are permavirgins? seriously there must be at least like one of u fags who at least raped some poor chick? rofl"

I will not lie, my reaction to this wasn't quite nice.

But then I remembered....

"I will love and tolerate the hell outta you."



Want to know why half of us think that way?
Because, we are all smart enough to know that trolls are people who obviously have nothing better to do with their lives other than so. Trolls feed off our reactions, which is the only way they can keep up their pointless arguements.

If they hate Bronies so much as the show itself, than why the hell would they click on suggested video?
Why would they take their time to click on a video that is obviously for fans, watch the video, scroll down, and give it their all?
I believe that trolls are a bunch of try hards who will say anything to get likes. Bunch of like whores if you ask me.

But you want to know what I said instead without the use of my caps?


As a proud pegasister of this community, I shall now inform you the following...

Fellow bronies and pegasisters, pay no attention to the trolls, they are only feeding off your reactions because they have nothing better to do.

Trolls...we respect your opinions, but we would also appreciate it if you not share them on a video made for bronies and pegasisters. It's looking for an argument.

My work here is done."

Guess who made top comment?

The point I am trying to get across is, no, we shouldn't care what these brony haters think, so the next time you see a comment that really pisses you off, don't blindly lash out at them. Use common sense.

So forum, what is your opinion?


  • Brohoof 14

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Mine is that trolls thrive on attention even negative attention and by giving to them we are acting as enablers and the last thing I want to do is enable a hater. The joke is really on them anyway because they waste their time bashing people for a harmless hobby when we are busy enjoying a great show.

  • Brohoof 8
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Ever heard of the phrase: '' Don't feed the trolls.''


People thrive on attention, especially haters of a TV show. They will do anything to get it, and as long as you don't feed this certain hater/troll your attention they will eventually die out and give up. They will wave the white flag of surrender.

So basically, we shouldn't care.




The haters will be waving the white flag of defeat!

  • Brohoof 9
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I go by the saying of. "The fact bronies argue about if we should aknowladge hater just shows how stupid we truly are." and I have one reason for this..

If a stuck up, greedy jelous teenager can understand this, you should too.

  • Brohoof 2

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Remember Pinkie Pie's quote? "Love and Tolerate"  ???? Ring a bell?


Anyway,, That's one thing that the Anti-Bronies will NEVER LEARN! They are trolls, that's all they will ever be. They're assholes.


I get a furious look in my eyes when someone is hating bronies, I just want to say to them, "Okay.. Who the buck do you think you are to judge? Just because i'm a brony doesn't mean I can't be a friend or a person to talk to, your bucking shallow, You have no right to quickly judge someone cause they are a brony, there's a reason why a pathetic little feather is because you judge people on what they like and you laugh at them, it's because your a bully, I don't give a buck if you call me gay, faggot, pony lover, clopper.. none of that shit... I could care less, but you need to learn to "Love and Tolerate" and actually ACCEPT People for who they are, cause if you don't, your gonna be alone for as long as you shall live in that cold stone cave, You need to learn to respect other peoples interests, I'm not calling you names, i'm not judging your look, your interests, NONE OF THAT! So why are you judging me then?"


(The next thing they know is that they feel stupid and then they could either 1, apologize and forgive and make it up to you, 2, ask you questions regarding of the bronyfandom, or 3, they will walk away in shame, or still continue to do what they were doing.)


It's a real shame that they don't know any better, they just need to learn.

We bronies stick up for ourselves, If i run into a brony, then i give you a high five*Coughs and clears throat* I mean um, Brohoof! /)*


If you stick up for yourself because of Anti-Bronies doing what i mentioned above, then I brohoof you x5! /)* /)* /)* /)* /)*


I really hope alot of you agree with me here today, cause i'm well sick of Anti-Bronies doing the most unecessary bullshit.


Quote (Sorry for the profanity that I put into this post, I just needed to speak my mind clearly, again, my apologies)


-Chaotic Fluttershy~

Edited by ~Chaotic Fluttershy~
  • Brohoof 2


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

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No, we shouldn't care. There will always be people who won't like what you and/or your friends like. There will always be somebody who dislike something. Just let it be.

  • Brohoof 1

creative but lazy

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As a former hater... I have no idea why I used to hate and don't remember why either.



I honestly don't care about the haters, I don't find it hard to take that somebody on the internet, living miles away from me and who will probably never meet me in person doesn't like me.

  • Brohoof 4

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Trolls feed off of reactions, so if you do not make your reaction known, you kill the troll. so my thought, DONT GIVE A BUCK WHAT HATERS THINK AND PONY ON!

  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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If they hate Bronies so much as the show itself, than why the hell would they click on suggested video?

Why would they take their time to click on a video that is obviously for fans, watch the video, scroll down, and give it their all?


   Because, as you said, they are trolls who have nothing better to do with their time than to make others angry. They just enjoy picking fights, and it usually leads to some ignorant and unfortunate brony to take the bait, and get pulled into a heated argument, that quite frankly, the end up losing, because a troll's logic practically is the same as Discord's logic.


    And to answer your question, no, I believe we shouldn't care. Every fandom has haters, and due to MLP:FiM's huge fanbase, it's naturally going to have a large population of haters as well. It's sort of like Yin and Yang, a balance. But for this balance, however, arguing is, unfortunately, inevitable. I believe it'd be best if we just did our thing, and ignore them. Also, as everypony else has said, trolls feed off that type of stuff. When I attacked a troll earlier on, I probably humiliated myself by getting angry, because the troll probably took no offense to it, and laughed triumphantly.

Edited by III Pronged III
  • Brohoof 1

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Never make trolls stronger, that's always a suicide move to continue feeding them. True, you'll loose respect from people, but if they don't respect what you like or what you enjoy, well they're not your friend.

  • Brohoof 1


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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I'd say no. Some people are just to loyal to their status quo that they'll try to make something that challenges it go away instead of trying to understand it.





  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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Why would you care about what someone you've never met thinks?

Everyone has their own standards for what they consider to be acceptable behaviour.

Life has too many hardships already to worry about what others think of you and your choice of entertainment.

As long as you aren't harming anyone else, guard the things that make you happy. They are more precious than you know, and not to be laid in front of a bunch of ignorant hogs so they can trample on them.

  • Brohoof 2


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well, on one hand if we did absolutely nothing about haters, they would just continue to openly spread stupid untrue lies about us all. in some situations, i think its important to defend ourselves. sometimes, a little calm explanation to a stranger can lift some of the more nasty stereotypes, especially to those who are completely unfamiliar with who we are and just don't know any better. i've seen it happen more than once.

but then again there are also stupid people who are unable to listen to reason. and sometimes trying to reason with them just makes things worse. you know what i'm talking about. if the person just continues to spew idiotic hate, its best just to walk away from an argument. atleast you tried.

i don't advocate letting people slander us openly, but its not good to feed the trolls either.

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 2


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I've seen too many if these people to actually care anymore.

Believe it or not, though, some trolls are actually bronies in disguise, trying to see how most bronies would react if a trolls came and started harassing them (trust me on this one, I've had an experience with said brony in disguise).

  • Brohoof 2

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I've seen too many if these people to actually care anymore.

Believe it or not, though, some trolls are actually bronies in disguise, trying to see how most bronies would react if a trolls came and started harassing them (trust me on this one, I've had an experience with said brony in disguise).


Heh, that's definitely a true one.


Regardless, I agree with the overall sentiment in this topic. We really shouldn't care about haters, however, I am inclined to agree with crazitaco to an extent. If I was sitting there watching haters slander us openly to an audience who doesn't know much about Bronies or My Little Pony, I'd step in and gently explain to them the truth.


There really has to be a balance. I know we shouldn't feed the trolls, but is it any better to sit by and let people spread lies about us?


I'm not sure. It's really a conundrum, to be honest. I wish people would just let each other be, but sadly that's just not how humans work right now.

  • Brohoof 2



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Most haters only focus on the negative side of this fandom.

They generalize all bronies to be cloppers.

It's like saying that all anime fans like hentai.

They believe that all bronies are like, let's say, CHRISTIAN WESTON CHANDLER.

As long as this fandom exists, there will always be haters.

Let's just ignore them and move on.

  • Brohoof 1


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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It is, in my opinion, entirely impossible to determine someone's true motives behind a block of text. They could be trolling, uninformed, misinformed, angry about the day they just had, just been murdered and came back as a ghost to haunt the lives of unassuming bronies who just want to make it in the opera, anything. You have to take everything you read with more than a grain of salt. Stuff your pockets with salt. Shove salt down your throat. If it looks like there's a chance that they aren't just trying to elicit a a negative response, talk to them. Assume nothing about them. All you know is what you see, and all too often people are unclear or unintentionally offensive and get across a point that isn't their's. This is one reason I hate the term 'hater', or at least how it is used by most popular youtubers. It seems to lump every comment with a less-than-positive tone as a hater trying to get you down.


And, this is probably just me, but don't respond with "I'm going to love and tolerate the choose-your-own-expletive-here out of you." If it turns out they are trolling, the troll would see it as a passive aggressive "I'm super totes raging hard but I'm not gonna tell you about it" and if they were trying to make a legitimate point they would see it as "Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad, so instead of discussing counter points I'm just going to let you know that I'm not going to do that. You stupid hater, thought you could get to me but you couldn't!" It works great as a principle, and more bronies should follow it, but I don't think it works very well as a stand-alone response.

  • Brohoof 3


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The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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And, this is probably just me, but don't respond with "I'm going to love and tolerate the choose-your-own-expletive-here out of you." If it turns out they are trolling, the troll would see it as a passive aggressive "I'm super totes raging hard but I'm not gonna tell you about it" and if they were trying to make a legitimate point they would see it as "Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad, so instead of discussing counter points I'm just going to let you know that I'm not going to do that. You stupid hater, thought you could get to me but you couldn't!" It works great as a principle, and more bronies should follow it, but I don't think it works very well as a stand-alone response.


I kind of agree with this. I think it's better in some cases to just let obvious trolls rage out rather than give them a response, especially if it's a love and tolerate response. I know that using that as a response seems easy, but it's better to just mostly ignore them, especially if it's on Youtube. That place is just filled with people trolling all over the place, so having a real discussion with someone there isn't going to happen.


Like I said before, though, if there's someone who is honestly curious about Bronies and the show, I say go in and inform them before they get a spoonful of crap from some hater or troll.

  • Brohoof 1



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Easier to ignore them. They're mostly just out to troll and get reactions and ignoring them is the best solution. Keeps it simple and less drama involved.

  • Brohoof 1
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On the internet, it's best to ignore them. Sometimes it's impossible to reason with trolls, so its better to let them be. They want reactions, and will keep trolling as long as the reactions continue. However, as others have said, some are just misinformed and aren't trying to get negative responses. In those cases, we should try to better inform them.


 In real life though, if we see someone being hated on because they like MLP, its would be nice to not ignore it and stick up for that person. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Since I became a brony, I've been Loving and Tolerating in real life to solve the problems I have. Though I haven't had much experience with trolls, I too have seen the comments they've put on videos and such, and, unfortunately, a lot of the time it's followed by bronies lashing back at them. I agree with what you're saying, when I see trolls and bronies fighting I always step in and stop it. Because it's a big waste of time and hurtful words that could be solved easily with a little kindness.


Remember, bronies. Don't call the trolls fat idiots with no life, even if it may be true.

Love and tolerate. /)

  • Brohoof 2
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It's like saying that all anime fans like hentai.


Well, half of us Otakus like Hentai.
Not to sound like a pervert here, but I used to have an addiction to hentai a while back ago. I didn't do anything to it or anything, I just watched it. I guess it was intriqueing.
A little TMI, but i'm really not afraid to admit.

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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