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Telling your parents you're a brony


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My parents are cool, when i told them they just lol'd and didn't really seem care - didn't even ask about it. Though that said, I have no idea what they really are thinking. For all I know, they might just aswell dislike it as like it.. But I'll wager they don't really think about it that much.

I am curious as to what they think though, but I'm not gonna ask about it, atleast not yet - fun thing though, after I told them during a meal once I converted my younger brother into a brony since he got curious as to why I was watching a show for little girls and I only said because it was fun. He's 14 :P

Twicha Twich, twicha twich! Watch out for falling objects!

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Well mine went really well:


Me: Hello Mother!

Her: Hello.

Me: I need to tell you something, I watch a show named 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic' the reason I watch this is because the animation is exceedingly good, and the plots are very entertaining. I along with a lot of others really enjoy watching it!

Her: Well I think that perfectly fine, and I also like watching it!

Me: *Stares in amazement*

I walked into my bedroom

This is my face as I walked in:

Posted Image


Then my father walked in and told me that he said "the animation is brilliant and I like it too", he then walked out. I am so lucky xD

Edited by Lanzuis
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Seeing as I frequently watch shows like Glee and Pokemon, and I adore Disney movies, my parents just chocked it up as another thing that made their daughter slightly peculiar. No big deal.

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I just slipped it into conversation with my dad once. Plus I had a MLP wallpaper, but he didnt know what it was until I mentioned it.


He asked me about it later after he was drunk, and I just explained all the reasons I like it, and that was that (Cept some jokes every now and then, but he makes fun of EVERYTHING I like, so It didnt to me.)

Edited by Mare in the Moon

Finally committed my first name change.



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Many of you are fortunate to be able to freely communicate with your parents. I used to be that way until I told them I liked Goth music and the Goth community. After going through that experience, I am never telling them anything the least bit controversial ever again! Besides, I am an adult living on my own and I figure it is none of their business anyway (though I do enjoy watching Gordon Ramsey shows with my dad over the phone).

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  On 2012-02-15 at 8:45 PM, 'DrOphthalmos' said:

Many of you are fortunate to be able to freely communicate with your parents. I used to be that way until I told them I liked Goth music and the Goth community. After going through that experience, I am never telling them anything the least bit controversial ever again! Besides, I am an adult living on my own and I figure it is none of their business anyway (though I do enjoy watching Gordon Ramsey shows with my dad over the phone).


I'm sad to hear your parents couldn't accept your interest. But as you say here it's none of their buisniess since you're an adult.


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  On 2012-02-13 at 5:57 AM, 'Blue' said:

My dad was basically like this:

Posted Image


That's what my dad's exact reaction was. He's even considering watching an episode sometime due to his surprise of the fandom boom.

  • Brohoof 1

"I hid $1 Million in the..."

- My final joke

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  On 2011-11-17 at 3:57 AM, 'Rose' said:

I told my parents, they ask if i am gay ever since.


Can I "like" that without sounding like a jerk? I find the circumstance funny, but I still feel bad.


  On 2011-11-17 at 8:28 AM, 'Matt Reverse' said:

My mom saw this website in my favorites and asked me why. She told "If you're liking My Little Pony, I'll send you to a doctor or a psychiatrist."

I told it was an accident and didn't has the bravery to told her ever since.


That's horrible! Why would your Mom make such a threat? What the Hell would a psychiatrist even say?! "Your son has good taste in Thoroughbreds."?!


Ah family! I have a wonderful family, who basically have been my social life for my 20 years. I came home for Christmas, and for the life of me I can't figure out how he discovered it, but my little brother asked me "Anth, do you watch My Little Pony?" I answered with a nonchalant "yes" and we were busy at the time with something so the subject was dropped for me. Didn't really care if they knew or not, but I wasn't gonna lie to my brothers.


Later in the vacation, I recommended he watch it and he said he wanted to. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. "I have an excuse to watch the first season again, YES!" He's a brony now. My middle brother is a little more complicated. He's far more acquainted with the inter-tubes than I so he knew all about bronies before I even knew about the show. He said he wanted to keep out of it, but was nice enough to buy me a brony T-shirt for Christmas.


Then came my Mom. I wanted to go to BroNYcon, but we were up at the mountains, I would be going by myself, and I hadn't told them about MLP. I was upset and my Mom knew it, even when I didn't say anything. I told her about BroNYcon, and by extension everything. She took it in stride and thought it was nice that I was trying to do something social and fun. Weeks later I showed her Sabrespark's Ballad of the Brony and now she's all behind me.


The only one remaining is my Dad. I love him and he loves me, he wouldn't judge me or view me differently if I told him. Then why is it so damn hard to do so?!

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I didn't really tell my parents using words, but they definitely know that I'm into the show - it's rather obvious by just looking at my room, I have a MLP calendar on my desk, two cross-stitched pony pics hanging on my walls, and an OctyVinyl wallpaper on my computer.


My dad hasn't said anything about it (I don't think he cares), and my mom simply asked "aren't you a little old for my little pony?", to which I replied "no", and then she left it at that.

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  On 2012-02-16 at 5:31 AM, 'calnada' said:

That's what my dad's exact reaction was. He's even considering watching an episode sometime due to his surprise of the fandom boom.


Your dad is awesome! My Dad won't hate me or anything, but I doubt he'll give it a look. A shame, since my Mom is all behind me on it.


  On 2012-02-11 at 1:17 AM, 'BowlArt64' said:

I showed my mom the Icrontic article and sat back expecting to get asked questions ("What's 4chan?"). This is how it went down (keep in mind my dad works for Hasbro, lol)


Me: *sits back soft resetting for Impish Immunity Gligar*

Mom: *laughs at title*..."Hasbro has a TV network? I didn't know that."..."Oh, I didn't realize it was My Little Pony."...*finishes*..."Huh. That's interesting." *walks away*


Didn't even really ask anything or suspect there was another reason I wanted her to know. The main reason is I want to go to BroNYCon...I should probably get asking about that as a birthday present. I don't even know if I'll tell my dad, lol


Dang it! I should have thought of that!
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Well, my folks already consider me to be hopelessly odd, so it didn't actually matter one way or another.


Actually, my Mom is now a serious fan of the show. I'm pretty sure she watches as many episodes as I do. This was pretty amazing, because she generally doesn't like cartoons of any type at all.

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When I told my parents, they started laughing and asked if I was joking. When I told them I wasn't they got serious and muttered that I should grow up.


At least they let me WATCH it, but they don't really like that I do it. This is hard to explain! They also crack jokes about that I should get a stable and other pointless things just to make me pissed >_>

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<p class="western">just told my mum the other day<br />

ME: hey mum you hear about this big internet thing going round yet?<br />

HER: no what is it?<br />

ME: um well I’d better tell you how it all started (explains about the initial spread on 4chan and the further spread after that) I then explain what makes it so awesome (good animation, epic fan base, fan art, parodies ect)<br />

HER: so what's it called (all this time i haven't mentioned the name of the show)<br />

ME: er well that’s the bit where you will think I'm mad and call the men in white coats.<br />

HER: no i won't just tell me.<br />

ME: trust me you will hang on a sec. (runs to room goes on laptop looks up you tube video that explains bronies) here watch this<br />

*2 minutes later ME*: so your not going to call the men in white coats to take me away?<br />

HER: no why would I it looks like you have a strong dedicated fan base and the animation looks good.<br />

ME: so you don't think its weird, not even a little</p>

<p class="western">HER: nope</p>

<p class="western">ME: yes!!!! (does ultimate brony victory dance) merchandise for me YAY!!!</p>

<p class="western"><br />


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I'm totally pissed right now.


So every time I "win" in an argument with my sister or my parents they start reminding me that I'm the one who watches MLP as an last resort. Everyone else then sides with the one who "lost" just for the lulz, leaving me alone and angry as hell. I don't know what to say when those situations comes up and it usually ends with me leaving and they laughing.


Please help a fellow brony out!

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lol horsey convention


I've been an anime/manga fan ever since I was a kid, and I've been watching cartoons all my life. I'm a grown-up now so I don't have to "fess up" to my parents about me liking the show. My dad has seen my brushable pony collection on my window sill and probably thinks I'm crazy, but he doesn't share his opinions with me out of respect.


This morning was the first time I ever had the chance to watch MLP on The Hub. My mom was in the other room making her grocery list and when I turned on the TV I told her, "Don't judge." She went, "OK, I'm not judging, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing."


S'all good.


  On 2012-02-18 at 8:30 PM, 'Arrow' said:

I'm totally pissed right now.


So every time I "win" in an argument with my sister or my parents they start reminding me that I'm the one who watches MLP as an last resort. Everyone else then sides with the one who "lost" just for the lulz, leaving me alone and angry as hell. I don't know what to say when those situations comes up and it usually ends with me leaving and they laughing.


Please help a fellow brony out!


Your family is extremely immature and I would take their words with a grain of salt. If they honestly believe that being a brony makes your argument invalid, then there's no point in dealing with them. I'm sorry your home life is shitty but you won't have to be in it forever.

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My mom saw me watching an episode this afternoon. She asked me, are those cartoon pictures related to whatever you're watching on this (my other computer) computer? I'm like, yeah... and then she said, oh, it looks really well done. The animation looks good. So in other words, my mom apparently already likes MLP by just looking at pictures and watching it for a few seconds. :lol:


As for my dad, eh, he doesn't really care about what I watch. As long as I'm doing well in school. Haha.

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So I was playing some TF2 with my dad once (ikr?!?!) right after he had downloaded the game. We were playing on Gravel Pit (on a locked/private server I guess you could say), and I was going to show him how a Spy could easily take down a level 3 Sentry if the Engie wasn't paying attention (or dead). We had just finished a round so we had switched teams. While I was waiting in the Blu Lobby, I decided to see how my new tag looked (a Spy Rarity saying "Oh dear, I've made quite a mess!" :D ). So I 'painted' it on the wall and was pleasantly surprised to see that all was working and that it looked great!


So later, when we went on to the next round, we switched teams again and I had forgotten all about my tag. Apparently, my dad noticed it, and remembered the spot I had put it at as being blank because after spawning in he asked,


Dad: Hey, how do I place down a sticker thing like this one here?

Me: Um... You just push 't'... But yours will just be this weird purple and black checker board thing, you'll have to mess with the options if you want something different...


I braced myself for a question about the content of my "sticker thing" but none came.

I have no idea if my parents know I watch MLP but I do know that later the next day my dad saw me making my signature for this site, so yeah... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

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This is something I do? This is something I do.

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  On 2012-02-19 at 3:58 AM, 'RockinRarity' said:

Your family is extremely immature and I would take their words with a grain of salt. If they honestly believe that being a brony makes your argument invalid, then there's no point in dealing with them. I'm sorry your home life is shitty but you won't have to be in it forever.


It's not really like that, they can act like bitches sometimes, but most of the time they're okay. What I need help with is what to say when those situations comes, because when I'm standing there confused and then leaving quietly they feel like they have "won" ;__;

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Parents don't know, BFF knows and I converted her tonight to a Brony...Five episodes and she was in love with Nightmare Moon's design upon first sight. (I showed her video's like Transponies and Pony League Unlimited and she got very curious. New girl to the herd!)



Found at Hagaren.org


Proud Pega-sis/Brony and writer!

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  On 2012-02-19 at 10:56 AM, 'Arrow' said:

It's not really like that, they can act like bitches sometimes, but most of the time they're okay. What I need help with is what to say when those situations comes, because when I'm standing there confused and then leaving quietly they feel like they have "won" ;__;


Simply tell them the truth, that whatever you were discussing has no bearing on your interest. It's like someone pointing out your religion when you're arguing about economics, they are taking a fact that doesn't even fit into the context of the argument and using it as an attack.
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I was like in my mind "Okay lets do this!"


Mom: I can buy you some toys of ponies (Win!)

Grandma: Let him better watch ponies than porn (Win!)

Brother: I watching cartoons myself (Win!)

My life is now half complete!

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                     ~ I'm in love with my own OC Luriel Maelstrom ~

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