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Why do you think that some bullies like to bully?


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Other than how they feel better for doing it, I can't see how people could enjoy hurting or abusing someone else. Once again, I'm watching "Bully" and it makes me a bit miserable. So, what reasons do you think bullies have to bully? ESPECIALLY when that bully feels good when they drive someone to something as awful as suicide?


Any personal opinions from yourself? Maybe, you were even a past bully?


(Yes, I realize that I create a lot of topics. :P






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I never understood how someone could gain pleasure from making someone else miserable. Especially considering the fact that some bullies are so bad that they drive others to suicide sometimes. It's really sad :/

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Some bullies bully because they probably have horrible lives outside of their school/workplace. They take their sadness and aggression on others because they don't understand that all they need to do is talk to someone about it. Instead, they make others feel awful and hurt, sometimes to the point where they take their own lives. It's honestly sad and unfair. Some people just don't know how to express themselves and talk about what's going on, Because of that, it ultimately leads to misery in others. Sometimes more so on the bully.

Edited by Stevenearthpony
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As a former bullied person and bully myself, I can answer from personal experience.
It's insecurity.
Well, at least it was in my case.
I'm sure there are people out there who bully out of genuine hate or disgust towards other people, but in my experience, it all generally has to do with you not being able to cope, fit in, or express yourself adequitely.
I only became a bully after years of torment during my time in the elementary school.
I had dammed it all inside me, and for some reason, decided that it was suddenly my right to take vengeance on

innocent people for all that shit I went through.

Edited by Sickman
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As a child, I was bullied a lot, so I'm going to have quite a bit to say on this topic.


From what I've gathered, some bullies are so miserable that they have to pick on others to make themselves feel good. I was no exception to this. I was bullied and neglected so much by my peers, that I resorted to bullying myself, just to get myself noticed - by teachers, by students, anyone. I only had one friend that stuck with me through my bullying stage. They knew that it wasn't me, that I was just trying to get attention. Until one day I caught one of the kids I was bullying cutting in the bathroom. THAT, made me stop. So out of personal experience, I can say that some bullies are just doing it for the positive (or negative) attention that they get from their peers and teachers.


On a side note; Bullies, if you are reading this, which I doubt anyone on the MLP forums is a bully, please, reconsider your values and stop. You're ruining someones life by doing such horrible things to them.


If you are being bullied, please, do not hesitate to reach out to me, or an adult. I know it may be hard to do such a thing, but you have to, before it gets too serious. Your life could eventually be at stake, and I would hate to know that we lost a fellow brony to something as childish as bullying. So please, reach out, don't hide.

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I think it is because they are heartless humans who bully people because it makes them seem superior. It gives them a sense of power and the mindset that they are better than you in every way.

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There are many reasons, but one reason I want to bring up is attention. From what I've seen, many bullies think what they're doing will entertain their friends, and often times it does. Bullies enjoy the amusement they bring to their friends, and they don't realize how hurtful they're actually being. Put the bully and the victim by themselves, and I assure you the bully won't be nearly as hostile.

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Sometimes a Bully might not be aware that they are hurting you. For some people it's natural for them to push someone's buttons or be dominant towards another person. It's kind of like how other animals pick the weakest off they are testing you to see how strong you are. If someone really has a problem with it don't be around the bush just straight up tell the person to knock it off and if that doesn't work out then just ignore them and get on with your life. One peaked nobody with major insecurity problems shouldn't stop you from being happy. 

  • Brohoof 2

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I would say there are many many reasons why one would bully others. One that I seem to think is really common; is a lack of control in their life. Being a bully allows them to feel they are in control, and so they can take their anger out on someone else; and justify it by being in "control".


Another reason could be their personal quality of life. They could live in a very harsh environment with little income, abusive parents, or anything bad you can think of. In one way, or another children are the product of their environment. Some have it harder than others. so that could cause jealousy, envy, hatred just because their victim has a "better" life.


Of course these are my observations, but they seem to be sound enough to mention at least.

Edited by Hayze


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It's not a question of why the bully likes it. And I don't just think why, I know why.


It's all about psychological compensation. It has nothing to do with a necessarily conscious decision. The reasons differ, of course, but in the end, every bully is usually based on that in their behaviour.


And before you ask, I was bullied a lot. I just know many things about psychology which allows me a, at least someway, more objective perspective. Not that there is something like real objectivity.

  • Brohoof 1

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Back in high school some people actually called me a bully. I never actually did anything to hurt anyone, and mostly I said (relatively speaking) mean things as a joke. I've never alienated anyone for being different, so I guess I'm not in the same league. Plus I was friends with the people who called me a bully.


But as for serious bullying, I think it's a mix between stupidity and bigotry. I'm not good with emotions, so I don't know if they are necessarily insecure. I'm sure it's a big part of it for a lot of bullies, but I think people play it up.

Edited by Foreigner and Lover
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I, personally, have no tolerance for bullying.


I think that people bully others to get a laugh from their peers by the expense of someone else's feelings and reputation. Or they could be bullying because they want to get attention or feel like they have power over another. There are multiple reasons why one would commit a cruel act such as bullying. 


*This comes from someone who was bullied*

Edited by AngryUnicorn
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i dunno lol

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Well I very much dislike seeing bullying, luckily I don't exactly get bullied really, I mean i've been teased, but not exactly bullied.


Now just because I dislike it doesn't mean I don't understand they have reasons.


I think they do it for different reasons, but most commonly its for attention, or acceptance into a group, alot of times its thought of as cool to insult the kid everyone insults, and doing so puts you in a group, which is why some people may bully, to feel accepted by their peers.


Another reason could be from having a bad homelife or life in general, or being bullied before them selves. They take all the frustration and anger and throw it out at innocent people(Kinda like me when I'm frustrated, except I don't continuously do it, plus I don't really insult as much as just get ticked off.)


Some do it out of hate for a person, normally one they know they have something on. Regardless they make sure they have some kinda advantage, physically or whatever. They could hate them for doing something to them, or for something they like, or whatever. But its out of hate for the person.


As I already mentioned sorta, some bullies bully in order to prevent being bullied themselves, they look tough and all just to hide the fact they don't want to be bullied, normally these people have been bullied before.


And I think for now thats all the ones I can think of.


But i don't see why anyone enjoys bulling fully, I actually don't believe it. I believe that people always have some kind of reason for doing something, whether it be a bad one, or a good, they do something about it, possibly not a good way to handle it, but they handle it.


So i believe all bullies have some reason behind it besides just enjoying it. I'm sure when a kid commits suicide and they know its their fault it hurts them, even if they won't show it in order to not ruin their image.


But I can't think that anyone would do it for no reason, and be so heartless not to care at all, not even deep down.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think the main reason is that bullies want to ruin others lives. They do it, because they see something in you that they don't have, such as grades, skills, and just anything in general they don't have. I honestly think people bully me, because I was brave enough to come out and admit I am a brony, shame on them. I'm actually kind of proud to admit I am one, because then I can sit back, and enjoy the hate I'm receiving. Personally, I don't care if people call me names, it just makes them look stupid.

  • Brohoof 1


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  In my opinion, I believe people bully is that they need to inflict damage to others by physical means or mental means. They need this as a sick twisted way of releasing stress or they want to punish something for something happening in their life. There are many reasons for people to bully people. They could be jealous of someones life or they are just plain out sadistic.

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I seriously don't understand how some people just don't recognise other's feelings and gain pleasure from making their lives a misery.

My grandma always said its because they're jealous: that I highly doubted myself. But then I thought, maybe it's not so much jealous of your physical appearance, or strengths, but the fact that you actually have a life, friends (excluding those poor kids who are picked on for always sitting by themselves), and people you can go and talk to about the bullying.

My other conclusion is that they're downright losers who haven't got a thing to do in their sad little lives, so they decide to make others lives horrid instead.

  • Brohoof 1

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There was one time when I bullied a particular person horribly. I feel bad about it, but I've pretty much moved on from the whole thing because the person in question is actually one of my best friends now. He and I have been friends for at least 5-6 years, I think. Our friendship began sometime after the bullying incident. What had happened was that he and a friend of mine got in a fight, and he kicked my friend in the private area. For reasons that I do not at all understand this made me extremely angry. I remember filling myself with rage, and trying to pretend that I was possessed by a devil, while going around screaming horrible things at him. I remember even my friend who got kicked in the private area was trying to get me to stop. I don't know what exactly caused this within myself, because for my entire life I've generally been a nice, or at least an agreeable person to people when I talk to them. Both him and I got called into the principal's office, and my dad was upset with me for what happened. Thankfully, both him and I were able to move on from that experience, and are now great friends. 


Aside from that incident I described in the above paragraph, I don't remember ever bullying anyone. Of course I've lost my patience with people, I've been rude or mean at times, but we all have. That's different from bullying. It's not good, but it's a different kind of behavior. 


The thing is, I do not believe that a child is capable of being evil. It seems to me that in most, if not all situations a bully does what they do because they were bullied themselves, or had one or more negative situations going on in their life that was influencing them to behave in such a manner. 


No matter how horribly a child bullies someone, I doubt it's out of true malice in most situations. The bully might seem like a monster, but in reality they are probably being hurt in one way or another, and that is what is provoking them to act like they do. Does that excuse their behavior? No, but it explains it, and puts it in a context that is essential to recognize. 


Bullies should not be treated like monsters, or villains. They are children, and they are not capable of true evil or malice. Instead, they should be guided toward light, goodness, love, and empathy, as all children, and everyone for that matter, should be.


If you are being bullied, I recommend ignoring the bully, and reporting them to a teacher or another school official, as well as to your parents. Ignoring the bully is easier said than done, but you don't have to let what anyone says about you get to you. 


It's also possible to try to befriend the bully. There's a good chance it wouldn't work, and it's not the victim's responsibility to help the bully sort out their problems in life. However, if you feel that you are able to handle the possibility of befriending the bully not working out at all, then it's definitely worth a try. I'm sure it would work at least sometimes. If you try, and it doesn't work, then you know that you at least tried, and then can just go on ignoring the bully.

Edited by SCS
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the reason people bully is somepeople parents abuse them or make fun of them the bully sad and depressed and angry all this

isn't good so they go out to find someone weak push them around make fun of them so the bully feels better this whats some shooting been caused by

or lets say there is a person fat and weak and they hate so they go out and find someone weaker and fater they do this because it makes them feel stonger and slimer I have heard this done before and seen bully go for the weaker since there week

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Sense of power perhaps.  It is a form of entertainment to them maybe.  They could be doing mostly due to the fact that they might have been bullied for quite some time.  Things of such can have effects on your life. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Well i was never a bully myself but i can speak from the victims side its not funny, well i guess 11 years of experience of being bully make you know it isnt funny i was not even free from it at home where my dad was punching me and calling me worthless (we were too scared to call the police though and he bribed my sister in a way) and the bully at school for 8 years he did it to hurt me and the other 3 he did it to make me angry i think... Well he stopped in a way but i guess getting a freaking chair thrown at his arm hurt him more than it hurts me for being bullied for 11 years. (i only had 5 friends that i still have 3 of them i dont meet that much though)

  • Brohoof 1

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I think, personally, that it gives them a sense of self-satisfaction. A have been bullied a few times, but not much more. (They learn not to after the first time, that is, if they're smart enough.) I can't stand bullying at all, and, to be frank, won't put up with that shit.

  • Brohoof 1

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a freaking chair thrown at his arm

Oh my God, that's so awful, I've never heard of such things.




my dad was punching me and calling me worthless

We'll I have heard of family violence but this exceeds the limits.


Bullies in Eastern Europe, or at least in the Balkans are much different.

They just wanna get someone mad and they laugh at their victims and humiliate them.

But sometimes things happen.

This guy, started being aggressive and he tried to punch me in the face, but I dodged, and then everyone went after him and stopped him and now we're friends!

 That's pretty much how serious it can get around here.

  • Brohoof 1




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Oh my God, that's so awful, I've never heard of such things.




We'll I have heard of family violence but this exceeds the limits.


Bullies in Eastern Europe, or at least in the Balkans are much different.

They just wanna get someone mad and they laugh at their victims and humiliate them.

But sometimes things happen.

This guy, started being aggressive and he tried to punch me in the face, but I dodged, and then everyone went after him and stopped him and now we're friends!

 That's pretty much how serious it can get around here.

This is sweden, but i know that it aint normal its just luck of the draw i guess... I even wished myself to die once almost thought of takinga knife right through my heart or kill my dad but i knew nothing would come of it... I even got expelled because of that bully, throwing chair at him when he pushes me into the table hard (i dont have a plank figure i hate a more round figure) so that i nearly threw up... I think he deserved what came for him, yup a chair and i have even thrown chairs before but this time i actually hurt somebody, but i dont guess he had fun when i hurt him... Which most bullies bully for.

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