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What was your childhood like?


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I was so sheltered, with such protective parents. They still watch over me a bit more closely than I'd like, even though I have been away at college the majority of the time since last August. Elementary school was fine I guess, but middle and high school were a real dark time for me. My social anxiety started hitting me really hard around when I was 13 and I fell into depression for a few years. I'm in much better shape emotionally now and being away from the home I grew up in has been so freeing.


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did not have a good childhood


i loved video games, had a Super Nintendo inherited from my mom and still have it today. my brother and i put our money in to buy consoles. we ended up getting nearly every one of them, but for every one we got, we had to sell one to gather money. it was fun nonetheless :D


i was a loud, dumb kid, still am


don't remember much else or maybe im just not choosing to at the moment lol



it was pretty boring and autistic and shitty tbh

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nothing i say here is serious.

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Travelling a lot, I spent a lot of time living in Lesotho and travelling all around there and to neighbouring countries or going to places like Australia, Singapore or the UAE on the way back to the UK. I do miss that and I wish I'd been older so I could remember it all better. 


As for my childhood past the travelling years it was pretty average, I had to live in lots of houses while we looked for a proper house to buy when we came back. I remember living with my grandmother for a while and making new friends some of whom I am still friends with now. I had to shake off my Americanisms since I'd been taught by Americans when in Africa and being British my friends would laugh at me for saying zee rather than zed or cookie instead of biscuit. It was a good childhood though, I didn't have to do much which is why I miss it.


Growing up and getting responsibilities, having to take care of yourself, learning about love and pain and how nasty the world can be is hard. Having to form political opinions and finding yourself hardening and loosing your innocence. You always wanted to get out of school and dreamed of the days when you'd be free but as soon as you are you kinda want to go back...


Wow, this got kinda deep  :adorkable:

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CRAPPY i hated my childhood i wish i was born someone else at times i wish i could go back in time and change it.

my great grand ma shoved god&Jesus down my throat.

my mom and stepdad were jackasses I wish I wasn't born somedays due to al the yelling fighting and drama that went on in my moms house I couldn't change clothes without getting yelled at over something I wanted it all to just stop it drove me insane my mom would say I want this drama to stop while yelling cursing and cryin' didn't help matters none I'm not used to the quiet life I have now I'm always expecting someone to come bursting in my room yelling bout some minor bullshit threating me or something  like that can anyone help this poor lad?

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Due to my hyperthymesia, I remember a lot of my childhood, but it was rather boring to be honest.

All I can say is that I was a loner at school and I didn't really like to talk to my cousins because they kinda treated me like garbage.

I was always drawing, making stories, going on an adventure all by myself....


My childhood was just average. Not terrible but not great either.

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I spent a lot of my childhood doing lots of outdoor things. As an only child, I would often go out and play with sticks and bugs to amuse myself. I climbed trees, played basketball and flag football, and loved to race the other kids. My dad encouraged it, but my mom was always afraid I'd get hurt. :P I also was super interested in training my dogs to do tricks. My friends in the neighborhood and I formed an "animal rescue club" and would go out searching for lost and homeless pets together. I moved just before middle school, and it was a big adjustment. I became super shy and had some issues with insomnia and anxiety, but eventually grew out of it several years later. :) 

  • Brohoof 2

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Oh the days of the mid 2000s. I don't remember them all that well because my memory is complete and utter garbeux (the misspelling is intentional). But what I do remember: The games I played were most definitely top kek (yes, the meme level).


The nostalgia from games like Pokémon Diamond and Banjo-Kazooie was amazing. I remember trying for two years to unlock Game and Watch in Melee, but seeing the full roster was worth it. Plus I liked the way he played in Melee personally, over Brawl and Smash 4. Also, I remember playing games like Contact on my DS at four in the morning (I was really an early bird back then! Slouching in that department now... Maybe it's because I don't have much to occupy myself with these days? Dang I need to catch up... I only have three games on my computer I actually play, those being Borderlands, Fallout: New Vegas, and Paladins.)


Also, ignorance is bliss could not have been more true. I didn't know of the issues of the world around me back then, I didn't know about politics until the election of 2012 (You might be surprised by the fact I felt that I was a conservative for a pretty brief amount of time!). Of course, even as of last year I was oblivious to a degree... But you never know the facts with politicians who tell a lie 20+% of the time they say anything, anything at all... Especially if you aren't awfully gifted with a lie detector. But that evolved, so... If I had any idea about the political atmosphere I would have totally flipped, even then.


So, yeah. It was probably quite average in general, but my life right now is pretty sucky in my opinion, so...


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My childhood was pretty evenly split between playing/building Legos inside and playing outside. :P I used to to both growing up with my brother. We built forts, made trails in the woods, explored up and down a local creek. Much time was also spent playing soccer and riding my bike with other kids around the neighborhood. I ended up meeting one of my best friends through soccer, and we are still darn great friends 12 years later.^^

  • Brohoof 2






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Moved around a lot because my mom-dad where both in the Marines.

When I was 6 my mother was diagnosed with Lupis while she was pregnant with my younger brother.. Bother didn't live and mother almost died in child birth. Got very sick and had to leave the military.

Mom got a job teaching college.

Dad bot a job as a Sheriff.

We lived in my dads home town in Clay County Ky.


When I was 10 my mother got so weak/sick that she could no longer work, I had to spend a lot of time helping her.

When I was 11 my father was shot at a random traffic stop. Was bed ridden...

I was sexually abused at 12 by a uncle.

I had to start taking care of the house and all the work. My older brothers/sisters left for college and never came back to help.



In a odd way I had a huge amount of freedom.

I could/did go where I wanted and do what I wanted without telling my parents. (They where to sick to really say anything) I spend a lot of time in the woods of our family property. Took care of our families animals and farm.

It was nice in it's own way.

But I was also living in a 190 year old house that needed constant repair to not fall apart and was doing it on a shoe string budget. (I actually took to using hand tools to fell trees and make the materials I needed)




Left school at 15 and tested out of high school. (Got my High School degree at 15)

By the time we where 15 we had lost our house because of lowered income, and moved to my father family home. House was falling apart. Had to constantly work on it, living in a house without water or heat for a while.


My father started to get really passive passive with me as I got older. He resented that I was more or less the man of the house.

By the time I turned 18 my mother was getting much better, she could more or less take care of herself and work a little.

My father on the other hand was more or less losing his mind because of kidney failure.


When I turned 18 my mother looked me strait in the face and told me "Use my G.I.Bill. Leave, don't worry about us. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN."

I joined the Army a week later and left for basic training. Got to Basic in March 2001....



In short....

My childhood sucked major ass.


I'm sure that some one has had a worse child hood... Actually I know a few people who have.

But to be honest at this point... I'm almost glad for mine.

Nothing, and I mean nothing really phases me at this point.

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fun and it seems my 26 year old self wants to be doing what I did when I was a kid. I remember it being very outside a lot, but also watching Disney films and cartoons on an old small TV. Plus playing with my plastic animals. OMG A vanity table was a grassland plains in my head when I played with them. 


Im yearning to be out in the country more now. This is due to my childhood. The houses we lived in through the 90s had beautiful large gardens. One of them was a Manor house with huge few acres of grounds. The most amazing place in the world during the summer it felt like. Even though Mum forced us to go out and play, I loved it and utterly miss it. We had old barn and stable buildings which we would explore and play around, a broken stone pillar was our witches cauldron it had a groove in it where a stone ball used to be and we would take flowers and other plants and things around the garden as ingredients and just mash it all together to make a "potion". we'd never eat it of course, half the bloody flowers were likely to be poisonous. This garden also had many animals - the most amazing one I can remember was a lost stag with huge antlers. We only saw him the once. 

If i won the lottery, I'd so buy that house back and hire gardeners so I could enjoy it once again. 


I'm a country girl by heart, but I've spent the last 12 years moving around cities and more urban settings, but now im back in my hometown that childhood love for the outdoors is pulling at me. 

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My cousins picking on me because I was younger and mom wanted to treat me different due to a Illusory Superiority complex https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_superiority and because of different parenting techniques. My mother also sexually harassed me when I was 5, and bullied in school during my childhood briefly but who wasn't?

On the plus side cartoons were great.

All things that interact with the world exert a force. All things that exert a force have an opposite and equal force. Ergo, nothing immaterial exists [because where would the opposite force be without material as a medium?]. Ergo god doesn't exist immaterially. Also if the universe were infinite itd take infinite time for a god to make it. If it were finite it'd be subject to entropy. Which means an eternal god can't exist.


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  • 3 months later...

Very chill and calm, except for two years, because I've been bullied. Never switched houses before and my parents are still with each other. 

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If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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I grew up without a father, but was a pretty good kid with a happy life either way. Nothing too special.

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  • 7 years later...

My parents took good care of me and treated me well. Very thankful for that since I've heard of many who had terrible parents.

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*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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I had a great childhood, I never forget the memories. :rarity:

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Mine was not good. My childhood was stolen a long time ago. But now I'm starting to live a real life. Sometimes I feel sad but I have to accept those feelings and that's it. Since the pandemic I lost a lot of memory so I don't remember all the things for sure. Details? Better not... 

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