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Has anybody here actually ridden a Horse and/or Pony before?

Sholem Itzhak

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You know, among other related interests that MLP:FiM has generated among its fans and general viewers, I believe that MLP:FiM has definitely generated interest in Horses and Equestrian culture (I mean Real Equestrian culture); and I do wonder if there are any Bronies or anybody who is basically into MLP:FiM who actually rides real Horses and/or Ponies or at least thinks about giving it a try.


Imagine riding in a Pony pulled cart, much like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/Shetland_Pony_in_Harness_and_Cart.gif  Who would love to see something like that as an activity at a future Brony convention? :)


Could you see MLP:FiM influencing a renewed broader interest in riding Horses (whether Horseback or Horse drawn vehicles), perhaps with the help of the Brony movement?


Feel free to share your thoughts. ;)

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I rode a horse once at a carnival... it was horrible. since I was only 6 years old then, the horses looked MASSIVE as in, 3 times my height, I wanted to ride the small one because the bigger ones were scary. I ended u with a prick of hay stuck in my shoe... and IT HURT! >.<

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We tried to bring in some mini-horses last year to our Con, but the hotel wouldn't let us because of "insurance issues" -- I think they were afraid we'd leave pony-poop in the parking lot.


That being said, I used to ride and I've friends who still ride and show, including show-jumping.  Florida is well known for its horses. 

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Multiple times. And I loved this activity! Although it was when I still had a chance to do so... nowadays living in a city and stuff, without any facilities nearby it's just impossible.


Good times of my past, I guess. Memories which will most likely not return.

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I have ridden a few horses in my early teens. It was pretty fun but galloping was scary. My parents actually bought a pony when I was 6(yeah i had 3 sisters at the time) and the pony scared me. One of my sisters was like"do you like My little pony because we used to have a pony?" :derp:​ . I told her buck no ponies scare me. Horses are cool and I wouldnt mind having a few if I had the land. This guy at my work was selling a horse and i was talking to him about it then a another older tough guy intervenes and says horses are for girls. :catface:  Then I looked at him and agreed and said ponies are way more awesome. The tough guy just walked away laughing. B) 

Edited by PONY SPIKE
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Yes, we have two horses. An elderly Belgian draft by the name of Snowdancer who is officially retired, and a Percheron/Paint cross by the name of Tempest. I used to ride regularly, but I blew my knee out several years back in an accident that had nothing to do with horses, and don't ride as often now. But my wife still rides and works the horses every day.


We also used to train vaulters, which is basically gymnastics on horseback. But that was primarily Snowdancer, and as she is now too old to ride due to advanced arthritis, we've pretty much stopped doing that. Tempest is a fun horse, but she doesn't really have the temperament to *train* vaulters with, and we can't afford another horse at this time.

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I took riding classes when I was younger. One of my best friends lives out in the boonies and has horses, and she and I still go riding sometimes. It certainly is sore the next day, but its very enjoyable on a nice sunny day!

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I have ridden both in the past. I enjoyed it, but it wouldn't be something I'd want to do for a living or anything. Too much pain...I don't know how spike does it on a daily basis.

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One of the activities at the camps I went to was we'd get to go ride horses on a trail . I also got to ride ponies/horses at festivals type things.  I"ve liked horses since I was young . At some point I'd really like to take horseback riding lessons.

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I wouldn't mind learning how to ride a horse. Its funny that until I started watching MLP i never noticed how many horses are actually here. In fact one of the fields belongs to a place where they breed, train and look after the horses of folks who can't afford stables of there own. Rather nice seeing the baby horses with their parents. I've even past them riding some of the horses while i've been out with my dogs.


Although, even if I didn't, the hoof prints and the many, many piles of crap are a big give away. XD

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I rode a horse a few years ago at the school camp, and it was AWESOME:wub:

Wish I could do it again - but I've moved from my country town to a city - where I probably won't be able to ride a horse for quite a while.

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Yep! My uncle raises, breeds, and breaks horses for a living. I went to one of their rodeos and they let me sit on one of their horses named Junior. He was as broke as they come. Like, he wouldn't do ANYTHING unless I did something with the reigns first and I had actually never been on a horse except once and I was five years old at the time. So once I actually got acquainted with using reigns, they let me walk him around a bit and it was a lot of fun. I haven't ridden horses much, but the few times I've been on one, it was a damn cool experience. Only qualm was riding Junior sorta made my back hurt. But that was probably poor posture lol I'm sure there's a certain way you sit on a saddle to keep your back from getting tired. 

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I don't think I ever have, although I might have when I was REALLY young. I don't recall it.


I have friends who have horses, and they've offered to teach me how to ride, but I'm too scared to. lol. I'm pretty fragile so I get the feeling that a single fall could send me to the hospital and badly.

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I ride once a week. I'm pretty new to riding, but it's very enjoyable even though I prefer ATVs. 


I've loved horses my entire life, way before the pony craze. Being  a guy, I kept it to a secret until I moved into my own place and started lessons. My one complaint about horses in general is that they are very polarizing. They're both ugly/cute, annoying/enjoyable, easygoing/anal, blah blah, you get the picture. It also depends on the horse as well. Some are bombproof angels that will put up with the most clueless, inexperienced rider while others are like little balls of energy that wanna go all the time, sometimes at the expense of the expecting rider. One other complaint is if you don't know how to stay with the tempo of the horse's steps, trotting is a beating on your ass, unlike cantering which is much more smooth (unless you fall off tempo...).


One other thing, don't let horseback riding enthusiasts fool you into the "horseback riding is good exercise" trick. Go play an equivalent time of basketball if you want real exercise :P

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