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MLP Tattoos


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Probably not for the simple fact that I don't want to experience that pain, and I have little interest in having such a permanent mark on men.


Not to mention my parents disapprove of tattoos anyway on religious grounds. >_>

  • Brohoof 1
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A tattoo of Pinkie seems too 'not me' I like Pinkie'n'all but I would want my second favourite MLP character, a tattoo of Chrysalis on me or the Changeling legion symbol tattoo sounds perfect, still yeah I would get a tattoo of Pinkie, Chryssie, The For Hive And Swarm Logo, and likely other MLP related things.
Hope that is a good enough answer heheh.
(Just give me a year then a tattoo of 'For Hive And Swarm' with Changie Pinkie will be mine heheh)


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No, I don't like the idea of drawing something permanent onto my body.  Plus, I would never be able to bear the pain of being tattooed!


If I want a pony on my skin I'll just get a box of the temporary tattoos they make for the little kiddies.

  • Brohoof 2
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No. I'm not a fan of tattoos. In particular, I'm not a fan of tattoos of very specific things, like characters of shows and stuff. To get someone else's art style down properly is very difficult. If it's a more general thing or at least something that doesn't have a very specific preconceived image associated with it (like a dragon, there are tons of variations to be had) then there's more room for error and correction. With a character, however, if there are any imperfections, it's very, very obvious. It's very difficult to do this kind of tattoo right. The only way I could see it working if it were tribal style or if it were, like, a fan done image that deviates from the art style of the show. If I had to get a tattoo, I'd get a white tattoo of some sort of design. Or maybe a white wedding band tattoo. Those are the only ones I'd really consider, but even then, I really, really don't think I'll ever get a tattoo. It's just not for me.

Edited by Clover Heart
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If I was able to tolerate the pain, I definitely would. But it would have to be like, an extremely amazing art piece. Otherwise I'd never be able to justify getting a tattoo of a pone.

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I'm against tattoos of any sort because of their sheer permanence. To seriously imprint something upon your very skin? They aren't T-shirts, you can't simply swap them out once they lose their appeal.

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The only reason I'll most likely never get a tattoo - no matter what it depicts - is that once you get older, they look pretty, well, um ... bad, you know. Wrinkles, anyone?


And a tattoo of Spike? Dunno ... Probably a bad-ass fanart version of him, but as I said: No tattoos for me.

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I love the show and the fandom surrounding it but I would never get a permanent tatoo of anything relatied to it.  Being a fan of something, anything, is fun while it lasts, but like most things I will eventually stop being a brony (probably when the show ends).  I love the show now but if I got a tatoo of it, my future self will look back and regretfully wonder why he got a tattoo of something he's no longer a fan of.  If I got a tattoo of anything, it would be a cross.  I admit it. I'm a devoted Christian and always will be.  I've always thought something permanent like a tattoo should be something that will always be relevent to you.  For me, that something is my religion and not a cartoon show about candy colored ponies.

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If I weren't terrified of needles and had more money...I might.


 I adore this show. I love it to death. This show was what kept me going for years. I don't think I could ever not be a fan, or regret a tattoo as long as it was of good quality. I think it would be pretty cool.

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Probably not, if I did get a tattoo I want it to be something meaningful and important to me, and MLP isn't high enough on that list.

After all, I'm going to pretty much be stuck with it my entire life. What about if I leave the fandom? It's a pretty huge decision.

Edited by Dr. Frasier Crane
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This pic of my tattoo was taken couple hours after it was done B)


I myself would never get a tattoo solely on the fact that I would want to change it up after a few weeks. I'm indecisive like that and I like my skin "bare", its appealing to me. 

Your tattoo however is by far one of the coolest tattoos I have seen. I do admire it!  :)

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I would not get a tattoo of Fluttershy herself, but I am strongly considering a stylized trio of butterflies, something that would be an homage to her without actually being art taken directly from the show itself. It's not at the top of my tattoo list, actually it comes in third, and each one would be meaningful, because that's the only kind of tattoo I want. These are what I will get in the future if I work up the courage, not that this thread really asked for it exactly...


  1. A rose, symbolic of myself, both because that's my name and because roses are symbolic of love and beauty and nature.
  2. A crescent Moon, a spiritually significant symbol for complicated and rather private reasons
  3. A trio of butterflies, to represent my love of animals like they do for Fluttershy and to remind myself of the character who taught me so much about kindness and self-love
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