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Have You Ever Had Surgery?


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I never had one. My wisdom teeth did not need to be removed.


However, I did have appendicitis. That would normally require surgery. However; the doctors preferred to treat me with antibiotics. I would have preferred surgery.


With antibiotics, I stayed two weeks in hospital with a needle stuck in my arm. With surgery, it's only a couple hours to a couple days, I think. 

True, but surgery sucks man


Nothing feels worse than coming off anaesthesia and having that feeling of your body not responding to your commands properly, your brain working at about a tenth its normal speed and capacity


It really sucks

Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


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True, but surgery sucks man   Nothing feels worse than coming off anaesthesia and having that feeling of your body not responding to your commands properly, your brain working at about a tenth its normal speed and capacity   It really sucks


Yeah, I know (well, I don't because I never had one).


However, with appendicitis, once surgery is done, you can never actually have it a second time, which is good, right ? 

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Yeah, I know (well, I don't because I never had one).


However, with appendicitis, once surgery is done, you can never actually have it a second time, which is good, right ? 

That's true.


I just really despise anaesthesia.


Just ick.

Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


I critique things! http://nilkadreviews.tumblr.com


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I had my Tonsils and my appendix removed, but if you're asking about more recent stuff.. i had a surgery on my left leg. Right above the knee. The anesthesia... that thing is like knock out. I was like "Doc, when are you injecting me with the stuff?" but i never got the answer. I woke up in recovery several hours later with a horrible headache. My friends told me that i was talking nonsense, asking about the weather and political state and after like 10 minutes i fell asleep. I don't remember that part when i first woke up. When i woke up the second time i was much clearer and that's what i remember anyway. 


I won't go into too many details but suffice to say i had to have my leg opened before operated on. I had like 30 metal nails holding it together while it healed after being stitched and had been immobilized for almost a month. I had to take shots to the belly, they injected me with stuff that prevents my blood from clotting because i couldn't move. It took me a while to learn to walk again, my leg felt brittle each time i tried walking on it at first.


Yeah, getting operated on isn't really fun..

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I was born with "Derpy Eyes". They were REALLY crooked. I had optical surgery twice in my life and underwent through a lot in order to have this problem fixed to a 90% degree. In all of this are included the supposed "retarded-ness" associated with Derpy eyes. And that's why today i sympathize and vote Derpy in the World Cup.

I remember in the second operation feeling the stress, the heavy lungs from the anestesia... the forced breathing... It took me time to get used to it and it pained me... but it was generally an intense feeling.

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During late 2011, I had to get two of my top teeth removed to have some braces fitted in. Funny part was, when I was being wheeled into the surgery room in the hospital, they injected me with some anesthetic to make me fall asleep and I tried to fight it. 


I failed miserably. :lol:


According to my mum, the procedure lasted only 20 minutes.

Edited by Blackened
  • Brohoof 1


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I have had six sets of tubes, both permanent and temporary, as well as a few endoscopic procedures, a tympanoplasty (replacing an eardrum, an operation to drill my ear canal straight, one to reattach a finger that I had sliced off with a butcher knife, as well as tonsils removed.


The next time I require anything above my neck to be operated on, I'm going to tell them to screw the procedure, remove the thing that's giving me an issue, and replace it with a bionic of some sort. :P

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I had LASIK surgery at 18, it's basically an eye operation that gets rid of the ability to wear glasses for life. I'd love to go technical on it if you're interested in knowing from a personal perspective. All in all, that would be the only operation I've had all my life. 

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I had a swollen lymph-node under my chin and had to get it removed. They put me under general anesthesia and made a small incision. I didn't even have to get stitches. They glued my skin back together with this special skin glue, which makes it so you couldn't even tell I had surgery. The wake-up from anesthisia was just hilarious. The very first thing I asked was "Am I still in Equestria?"   

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I had stitches when I was 5. Oh yeah, I also had one of those operations that break up kidney stones so they can pass through easily.

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Yep, I once had a rather big tumour on my head, and it has been bothering me for years. I'm glad that it's now gone, though. :>

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If getting stitches counts then yes. 

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Yep, I once had a rather big tumour on my head, and it has been bothering me for years. I'm glad that it's now gone, though. :>

That is terrible.

I hope that it wasn't cancerous..?

I had LASIK surgery at 18, it's basically an eye operation that gets rid of the ability to wear glasses for life. I'd love to go technical on it if you're interested in knowing from a personal perspective. All in all, that would be the only operation I've had all my life.


I've actually watched a few videos of LASIK eye surgery on Youtube.

It's actually very interesting.

If getting stitches counts then yes.


What does getting stitches feel like?

Excuse my silly question, but I want to know!

Yep, twice. First for my tonsils being taken out, and second for my detached retina in my left eye to be reattached.

That sounds... very unpleasant.

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What does getting stitches feel like? Excuse my silly question, but I want to know!


Well considering my head was still ringing from being slammed against a steel fence,i can't say for sure,tho i recall it feeling somewhat 'weird',but since i was still in shock from the incident that led to said stitches,im not entirely sure  ^_^

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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So, I've never had major surgery, but I did hurt my thumb once.


I was 6 and I was making a fruit salad for my day cause it was fathers day, then I chopped an apple accidentally chopped my thumb in half. Then I went the emergency room and my dad had to listen to me scream for the rest of fathers day :P   

Edited by Lightning-flickr
  • Brohoof 1
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So, I've never had major surgery, but I did hurt mu thumb once.


I was 6 and I was making a fruit salad for my day cause it was fathers day, then I chopped an apple accidentally chopped my thumb in half. Then I went the emergency room and my dad had to listen to me scream for the rest of fathers day :P



You JUST told me that ^_^

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I've had three of my back teeth removed, I chose to be put to sleep through the duration of the surgery. Something like 2 - 3 hours. 

  • Brohoof 2

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That is terrible.

I hope that it wasn't cancerous..?

It isn't cancerous, thankfully. I know that I have another one under my foot, but like the one on my head, it isn't going to cause any harm.

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Well almost every guy has had surgery as soon as he is born. :P

I myself had surgery on my to when I was 4. My stepdad and I were on out way to the pool and when he opened the door it sliced through mt big toe. I was taken to the hospital but here's the reason I still hate that hospital, They're SUPPOSED to put small children under for surgery. Literally, they are required to. But guess what? No numbing, no putting me under, just 12 doctors holding me down while they out stitches in my toe. I screamed so loud one of the doctors tried to cover my mouth. So yeah, I honestly hate surgery.



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I had several major surgeries to my femurs. I now have a steel bar in each femur, where the bone marrow would be. I have a genetic disease called NF1. I have a rare version of it, where the tumors grow on the organs, instead of the nerves. my left leg refused to heal, so I had four more surgeries. now I have 9 scars, one Is two inches thick, one is a foot long... yeah.

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