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Am I the only brony on here who thinks Chrysalis should not be redeemed?


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No. Chrysalis is a great villain, and I'd rather keep her that way. Discord's redemption worked because he isn't entirely evil to begin with. He's shifted to lighter antics that don't hurt ponies like his old tricks did. Both Trixie and Sunset were redeemed lazily at the last minute, and I think it would've been better if they had stayed antagonistic.



Signature made by Wheatley

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There i finally found it... most of my headcanon about the changelings. 

 Okay i will start from the most irellevant thing ever. The holes... see i have noticed somewhere in the mlp database that the holes are a symbol of how "Incomplete" the changelings are. Meaning they are missing something. Judging by that i believe the holes in the are not there by design... therefore...

Changelings are not born with holes...

This means that the changelings actually get the holes sometime during their lives. How do you ask? I'll get to that soon enough... but first some explanations are in order about emotions and what they feed upon. I believe the concept of "love" is misunderstood. I believe love is another allegory for... "life"...

Now if we think that the holes of the changelings develop when they starve... it would be like something is eating them from inside out... like a disease or a magical ailment. I believe they suffer from a disease i like to call "Lov-e-lipsis" love+elipsis(which means lack aka lack of love). Now i am thinking... which other creature actually feeds of life? The demons of World of Warcraft came to mind... They too were searching for the life of the world the thing that made it move... magic. Emotions are like magic... emotions flow invisible in the sky forming links that connect us. The positive emotions glow in the sky like suns with bright positive colors offering energy to those around them, while the negative emotions are like black holes with grey dim colors dimming the aura of those around them and taking energy away from the others.

The description of Hasbro about the changelings says they are grotesque ponies... but still PONIES. Certainly it's not mentioned they are evil... therefore confirming my belief that they do not willingly feed upon love... or by choice... though it does give them strength. Now i believe that sometime during their history the changelings came in contact with demonic entities and got poisoned by their essence eventually devolving into demons, but they found a way to keep their free will although not curing themselves... They became parasites of emotions... and developed an isolationist society to avoid destroying the world due to their "curse". Thus the reason we haven't seen them much...

Another reason we haven't seen them a lot or their corpses in Canterlot is because i believe dead changelings continue to be afflicted by their disease... thus if dying in battle they would "rot" much quicker dissolving into pixie dust in the wind... When a changeling is about to die there are two results:Multiple organic failure and death dissolving into pixie dust... or something darker... Sometimes the changeling cannot take it... madness takes over. Then... the Devourer is born...
The changeling grows bigger, thinner, with much thicker muscular structure with only one word in it's mind... "FEED". It never stops, it doesn't end... not even for it's own people. It has lost it's soul and mind. The more it is connected to other changelings, the worse... that's why it must be killed immediately. A Devourer Queen could mean the end of the changeling race... something you wouldn't like at all... because once this would happen the changelings would run rampant like beasts you cannot imagine.

I believe the changelings posses a natural mental connection with their loved ones and families... the more skilled a changeling is in making such bonds and friendships the higher the rank it can achieve. I believe the crown is imperative to ruling the changelings... i have created a hole story about the crown having being imbued with the magic of an old Queen. They were living underground but ended up having to move due to earthquakes, volcanoes and such. The Queen who had the talent to speak to more changelings than anyone focused her magic and managed to contact all the changelings guiding them... the first Queen to achieve that. She died however not being able to handle the lot of it for such a long time... but her crown got imbued with her magic. Thus the next Queens or Kings had to actually prove by the standards of the crown that they could handle such a bond without losing their minds thus making sure that only the most capable of changelings rose the hierarchy. Making sure that only those who could guarantee the future of the changelings rose up to the challenge... no matter who they were... good or evil. This is mimicked in helmets of the generals and other items.

As for how they are born... i believe that they aren't really born all by the Queen. This would be really impossible for her. I believe that they have parents just like the ponies. I thought about incorporating both the egg element and the "carrying the baby" element. I believe that in the first staging of the baby growth it grows inside the changeling, but due to the lack of free will or consciousness of the individual it can't transform and the changeling mare transforming would mean that the changeling baby can't adjust in size thus killing the mare possibly. So while the female changeling is "pregnant" it can't transform... Some months later it is born in the form of the egg the outer of it being the placenta. I believe that they are placed in underground and rocky like environments like caved and underground areas where the surrounding placenta can take "roots" upon the ground and gather water, micro minerals, e.t.c. nourishment in general in order to grow. Why rocky grounds and stuff? Because their scales are made out of tougher stuff thus they needs to attain this.

I also believe that they have tried to adapt to pony society and have failed. I attribute this to a real life phenomenon called "Immersion" that occurs when you get too much into an experience that it becomes almost "real" for you. Combine that with the "Animorphs" (it's a cartoon/book where kids transform to animals for max 2 hours before staying in that form forever) logic that you can't transform to another creature for an infinite time and there you have it. There's also the phrase "Fake it till you make it." that really fits this.

I believe that the changelings can suffer from this condition depending on how long they are transformed and their mental prowess. In the end they actually believe they are who they depict losing themselves in their illusion...

I believe this is what happened after the Canterlot spell http://huussii.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Banished-324738218
They don't have as the comic suggests "Team Rocket" invulnerability.

As far as genetics go... i will quote a part of my fanfic linked in the description.

"Alianna follows them as they keep talking about it. She knows that all changelings' lives are greatly effected by their unique "evolutions" . Being the caretaker of the newborn she is one of many changelings that were studying their species' genetics. There is one gene in particular that was rather "tricky", and still baffled many of generations who studied it. It was called "The Protean Gene" and it had three possible forms it could take. During a changeling's life it would adapt, change, depending on the situation a changeling was put in. Each position it took on the genetic code allowed the changeling to excel at different sectors: Strength, Dexterity, Magic. Added to that an unique characteristic was given to the changeling by it. Jonaleth's muscular structure was one, the reinforced scales of Mortain were another, her affinity with healing and there were countless others possibilities she could not even fathom. They had more in common with the ponies than they thought. They might not have been looking for "Cutie Marks" their whole lives, but they too had a part of their lives when they looked for their own path, their place in society, their special ability."

Of course if you want i can analyse QC as well...

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Personally I thought reforming Discord is beyond dumb.


A spirit of chaos and disharmony would naturally avoid something as unifying as friendship so the fact that he was reformed at all makes no sense to me at all.


Chrysalis is a creature that relies upon feeding upon a powerful emotion of others. There is no way she could actually be reformed. It would be turning her back on her people.


Do I think she should be recurring? Definitely.


The main problem with the show in my opinion is that there really is little to no conflict which makes it kinda boring sometimes.


Not to mention this last season just seems to be a bunch of filler episodes...


Doesn't mean that I am less of a brony though XD

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Chrysalis is a creature that relies upon feeding upon a powerful emotion of others. There is no way she could actually be reformed. It would be turning her back on her people.
What? That makes even less sense... 
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I don't get the big deal about Chrysalis in the first place.
"Love is a potent magic" says your signature. You might not consider it a big deal but Chrysalis is potentially one of the most powerful villains. If one star struck stallion's love could power her up even more than Celestia then imagine a hundred. None would stand a chance... Also... changelings without being powered by any love source beat easily a pony army fair and square. They were expecting them... they should have put some resistance. Too bad... and she's the only villain with an army, plus the only villain to stop the elements of harmony from getting the better of her. Need i say more?


I personally would like to see Hilda return for a lesson about irridemption.
*Gilda and *Redemption. And yes... i would love that too... but it is highly unlikely that she drops her ego and come back to Ponyville. 
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"Love is a potent magic" says your signature. You might not consider it a big deal but Chrysalis is potentially one of the most powerful villains. If one star struck stallion's love could power her up even more than Celestia then imagine a hundred. None would stand a chance... Also... changelings without being powered by any love source beat easily a pony army fair and square. They were expecting them... they should have put some resistance. Too bad... and she's the only villain with an army, plus the only villain to stop the elements of harmony from getting the better of her. Need i say more?


*Gilda and *Redemption. And yes... i would love that too... but it is highly unlikely that she drops her ego and come back to Ponyville.

Very true, but I still think she's overhyped. Then again, I find Discord overhyped too.


Also, thst second one wasn't a typo. I think Gilda would make a great lesson about how some friends are irredeemable.


Love is a most potent magic

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@,What kind of positive flipping lesson would that be? Are you serious? is EVERYONE serious? We want to teach our kids that some people are irredeemable? First of all that's entirely subjective and secondly... Gilda didn't do ANYTHING wrong. She only got angry about being over-pranked. Thirdly... this lesson would simply be a lesson about people giving up and is highly prone to gross generalizations and mis-interpretations. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



There i finally found it... most of my headcanon about the changelings. 

Wow, a lot of this stuff makes a good deal of sense...I might have to adopt some of this into my own personal headcanon (as long as that's okay with you, of course--and I'd make sure to always attribute you if/when I use it in fics or discussions, of course).  Thanks for tagging me in the OP! :D

  • Brohoof 1

OC's: Troubled Soul, Blue Skies, and TurmoilShadow Footsteps, Autumn Morning

OC Pictures were all created using General Zoi's awesome pony creator!


Credit for amazing sig goes to ~Sadistic Oblivion~, who allowed me to usurp his title as "Equestria's newest bat pony fan!"

And credit for superawesome avatar goes to Doc. Volt.  Many thanks to both of you!

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@nioniosbbbb I saw someone say that Queen Chrysalis and the Chabgelings are like Magneto and His Mutant Minions. And it kinda makes sense.


Magneto was a good guy a few times in the comics so Chrysalis switching to the good side at some point even if not perma might make sense

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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@nioniosbbbb I saw someone say that Queen Chrysalis and the Chabgelings are like Magneto and His Mutant Minions. And it kinda makes sense. Magneto was a good guy a few times in the comics so Chrysalis switching to the good side at some point even if not perma might make sense

Magneto and Chrysalis are nothing alike. Twisted as he is, Magneto makes it very clear that he just wants to keep mutants safe and he thinks the only to do this is get rid of humanity.


Chrysalis on the other hand, simply wants power. She MIGHT be like Magneto, but as of now, all we know is that she was power hungry


And Magneto has only been good when it benefitted him

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@,What kind of positive flipping lesson would that be? Are you serious? is EVERYONE serious? We want to teach our kids that some people are irredeemable? First of all that's entirely subjective and secondly... Gilda didn't do ANYTHING wrong. She only got angry about being over-pranked. Thirdly... this lesson would simply be a lesson about people giving up and is highly prone to gross generalizations and mis-interpretations. 


She stole, almost gave Granny Smith a heart attack, and reinforced Fluttershy's fear of everything.

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She stole, almost gave Granny Smith a heart attack, and reinforced Fluttershy's fear of everything.

Yeah. She also tried to kill Pinkie Pie(or at least disregarded her safety) acted disturbingly possessive towards RD, and had a sense of ego that is unmatched by any save Trixie and Discord 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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nd reinforced Fluttershy's fear of everything.
So now whenever a stupid asshole intimidates the "Most adorable pony" on Equestria bronies are going to rage and turn this INTO A CRIME?


acted disturbingly possessive towards RD, and had a sense of ego that is unmatched by any save Trixie and Discord 
My god it's getting worse... I would really love to say something about this but i believe a facepalm here will suffice.  
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So now whenever a stupid asshole intimidates the "Most adorable pony" on Equestria bronies are going to rage and turn this INTO A CRIME?


If said @$$hole clearly sees her coming, lets her bump into them, and then blames HER for it, then yes.

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I find it odd how you disregard being an unashamed thief, roaring at ponies just for bumping into her by accident, and trying to kill/hurt Pinkie Pie 

If said @$$hole clearly sees her coming, lets her bump into them, and then blames HER for it, then yes.

Headcanon time, Fluttershy sought out her assertiveness lessons after Gilda made her run off crying. Being hurt so badly you run off crying is not a good thing for someone with a delicate consistitution

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@,I didn't disregard them simply because i didn't mention them and stop making such absurd assumptions. I am simply saying that you mentioning them in the list of Gilda's "Crimes" is simply ridiculous! 



If said @$$hole clearly sees her coming, lets her bump into them, and then blames HER for it, then yes.
Fine with me... take every bully to the court then... see what happens. 
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The comics are spitting more BS the more I hear.


First Sombralestia being canon and now Gilda getting killed off?

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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