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S04:E25+26 - Twilight's Kingdom

Doctor XFizzle

S04:E25+26 - Twilight's Kingdom  

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Where the hell do I even begin with this finale? Not only did it exceed my expectations, it left me in absolute awe.


First of all, Twilight questioning her role as a princess. Poor gal spoke like many fans here, thinking that the whole rise to princess was a complete waste. Even Spike emulated the audience after the banner was unfurled (which gave me a good chuckle). Welp, they shouldn't be complaining about it as much now that she's got her own castle and role. As princess of friendship, this could open the door to exploring more of Equestria and beyond. Something I would definitely love to see in the next season.


Second, a G1 villain that's back with a vengeance. Between this and "Rescue at Midnight Castle," this incarnation really got the long end of the stick (partly 'cause Nightmare Moon already pulled the "everlasting night" scheme in the pilot). This guy is the most devastating villain I have seen in quite a while, especially in a show meant for kids in this age group. Would you want to cross paths with this guy? Probably not given the state of his victims after the magic has been taken away. Seriously, look at their soul-drained eyes.


Third, Discord actually proving himself useful to the overall plot. I had my doubts from "Keep Calm and Flutter On" onward, but those went away pretty quickly with his first encounter with Tirek. I mean betraying the mane 6 only to get stabbed in the back as a result? "Got what he deserved," most would say. Not Twilight, though. She saw that he was miserable and gave him the benefit of the doubt he's been longing since season 3. I am greatly surprised on how they handled the master of chaos. Makes me wonder what other crazy shenanigans they'll get into now that he's been accepted by the whole town.


Fourth, the fact that the whole episode turned into Dragonball Z in a matter of seconds. The moment the library was blown up, you really could tell that Twi was out for blood. I mean did you see the moves she pulled with the other alicorns' magic? Eesh, remind me never to leave one of the books overdue. But in all seriousness, this overtakes the changeling attack for most violent moment we've had in this series. By over90001000 fold. Rainbow powers, though not as awesome, certainly could prove useful in the adventures to come.


Songs were the only weak point in my book, they weren't as strong as some of the big numbers this season. But hey, that's nitpicking for this one.


I'll let that slide and leave this finale a 10/10, the best episodes in the series thus far. Season 5, you can't come any sooner.

Edited by FirestormCAN
  • Brohoof 1


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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Songs were the only weak point in my book, they weren't as strong as some of the big numbers this season. But hey, that's nitpicking for this one.


Luna's singing debut? Did you not find that amazing? It's something almost every member in the fandom has wanted since day 1.


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Luna's singing debut? Did you not find that amazing? It's something almost every member in the fandom has wanted since day 1.

Oh, it's not that I don't like the song, Ijust found it not up to snuff.


Although yes, I do appreciate that Luna was finally given a chance to sing this time.


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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I liked it.  Though I had my doubts, the episode brought a good amount of surprises to keep me entertained. 


The one thing I will say is that the writers have missed their opportunity to remove Celestia from the show, and I do worry that she'll be pushed further into the background in S5, her role being reduced to the point that Twilight just receives letters from her. 


Overall, this season was far, far better than S3 but didn't top S2 for me.  S2's finale just felt so godlike for me.  While S4 can't top it, the finale does has its charms and action to keep it from the condemnation I give for the finale of S3.  Also, to be rather blunt, I think S4 should have been what S3 was in terms of Twilight's ascension. 

  • Brohoof 1
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OMFG!!!  LUNA SANG!!!  Luna should sing more.  BEAUTIFUL!


Tirek was totally bad ass, but was I the only one hoping we'd get to see pink main Celestia and Pegasus Cadence when they transferred magic?  Or Discord become Starswirl when his magic was taken?  It was much less dramatic than it could have been.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh man, I need to write a review! :o


Well, I think I can safely say this was the best season finale in the series' history. S1 had some sort of continuous thing going for it, sure, but Seasons 2 and 3 kind of fell off of that standard with their rather abrupt and sudden season finales. Twilight's Kingdom, however, did not have this problem, at all. Everything that happened in this episode was set up previously in some way or another, making a beautiful, luscious episode full of payoff for all the things they've been setting up- Discord's reform, the meaning behind Twilight's princesshood, the box, the keys- everything in this finale was a massive, massive payoff point for all those story elements and then some. Even the villain of this episode, Tirek, had his presence explained through a callback to a season 2 episode(albeit a rather obscure callback, but an impressive one nontheless), amazing.

Continuity wasn't the episodes' only strength though- the story in the episode itself was great as well, with Twilight's struggle and a rather imposing villain, as were the two songs we got, and not to mention all the action! The Twilight vs Tirek fight... my god that was the most epic thing they've ever done on the show, MLP meets DBZ! So hype! And the ending, where Twilight gets her own castle and finally has a true princess title with thrones for her friends even, amazing. I don't know where they'll go from here, but I sure as hell can't wait to find out.

Overall, this season finale, in my mind?

Flawless. Simply flawless. :):D:wub::yay:B)



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Anyone else thinking Twilight's element all along was "friendship" not magic and Twilight just assumed it was magic?

Because the beginning book never ACTUALLY says that's what the sixth element is.

So what if Twilight was wrong? What if it IS magic, but "the magic of friendship", not magic itself.

And I mean, looking at all the other elements, "magic" honestly doesn't make much sense imo.




Twilight Sparkle: But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends! You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!

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  The only things I can complain with this episode are the Mane 5 themselves and some of the exposition in Part 1. Without the Mane 5, Twilight Sparkle would have never been able to defeat Tirek or accomplish any of the things she did up till this point. It felt kind of bad just having them captured and being used as leverage against Twilight to give up her alicorn magic. They could have at least tried to put up some form of resistance against Tirek and not just exclaim or gasp in surprise as they always do. Maybe it's because this is a show regrettably targeted at a younger demographic but the part where they inserted the five locks seemed to drag on. I don't think anyone here needed such a longwinded explanation that the various items they received were the keys and thank Celestia that they only resorted to using one flashback from Leap of Faith and that Pinkie Pie added some comedy to that scene. It's also kind of disappointing seeing that the Pony of Shadows, Spike's Comic Book and Fluttershy's fang were nothing more than cliffhangers/visual gags. More could have been done to link those devices up.


  Anyway, this is probably just nitpicking. This is the best two-parter that they have ever produced. And Twilight Sparkle absolutely steals the show as the main focus and her portrayal here is probably the best we've seen of her, surpassing even Lesson Zero. This episode carried a virtually unprecedented level of maturity and plot development. This new villain reaches the standards of Nightmare Moon, Discord (when he was evil), Chrysalis, Sombra and now this pantheon of great villains has a fifth addition to it. Part 2 was a work of art, the fight between Twilight Sparkle and Tirek, Discord's inner conflict, the final conclusion and song and basically everything about it. I'm glad they did not resort to have to explain the Rainbow Power, perhaps that can be saved for next season.


  I shall now take on the task of ranking this entire season:

Top Ten:

1. Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2

2. Pinkie Pride

3. Rarity Takes Manehattan

4. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

5. Twilight's Kingdom, Part 1

6. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 1

7. For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils

8. Trade Ya

9. Flight To The Finish

10. Filli Vanilli



11. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 2

12. Pinkie Apple Pie

13. Equestria Games

14. Leap Of Faith

15. Maud Pie



16. Inspiration Manifestation

17. Bats!

18. Twilight Time

19. Rainbow Falls

20. Somepony To Watch Over Me

21. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

22. Daring Don't

23. Power Ponies

24. Castle Mane-ia

25. Simple Ways

26. Three's A Crowd



  Keep in mind that these rankings are relative. Seeing how Friendship Is Magic is utterly incapable at producing a bad episode, the bottom episodes are not failures nor, just overshadowed by superior ones. All episodes in this season were good and I don't see the hate for Rainbow Falls. Moving on to Season 5, I hope that each of the other Mane 5 gets more development and Twilight Sparkle casts a spell to transfigure her new palace into looking like the Golden Oaks Library (R.I.P.). It's time to visit other places in Equestria, a Celestia episode, a solo for Rainbow Dash and a few more episodes for the CMC before they finally get their cutie marks

Edited by ShadowPhoenix
  • Brohoof 3
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Omg..... It was just such a strong finale...... the villain was diabolical, serious, and very intimidating, and is Definently up there with the better villains.... Also the fight scene wasn't just the mane six glowing and using the elements... It was an all out war, and semi-violent. It just took so many more risks than any previous episodes have taken, and for the most part it worked..... Plot holes were very few, and minor..... This finale made it into my top ten Mlp episodes of all time,.... Can't wait to see what season 5 brings.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's official. This was the best season finale this show has pushed out period.
Not only did it have great character development for Discord, but it was funny, action-packed, and overall entertaining. The battle between Twilight Sparkle and Tirek was some of the most badass stuff this series has forged. Also, I like how different plotlines tied into one another. A little disappointed that Twilight didn't get a "kingdom" per-say, but at least that castle is something.
Speaking of Tirek, he was a pretty menacing villain. His involvement in the finale definitely made it darker and therefore more fun to watch. My only complaint is that his role as a villain was sort of generic and cliché, but that doesn't detract from the quality of the episode. Another thing that's passable about this finale was the song at the end. That was a really stupid and uninteresting musical number.


And do I need to mention the library blowing up? Could this finale get any better?! 

  • Brohoof 2
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I have no words both positive or negative to add..it was..first time ive ever been speechless. Just please Hasbro...DONT GIVE THEM THE POWERS AGAIN..or atleast use them sparingly. 

Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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I thought it sucked, another Deus Ex Machina ending, ...





The Elements of Harmony were Deus Ex Machina. This was not. The solution was neither contrived nor unexpected (without the ability to deduce). Since it was foreshadowed in six prior episodes (seven if you count Part 1 in the finale) it can no longer be considered a DEM. That is covered in any MFA on writing. You need to read the Elements of Style (a book on the craft of writing).


I give this one a 9/10 in first viewing. Multiple viewings may change my opinion.


(SOME) Things I loved


Discord - So much to say. His assistance to Twilight, followed by his sudden tempation, betrayal, subtle reaction to Tirek's assault on Equestria, and his reaction to the doublecross all felt organic. The exchange between him and Fluttershy was heartwrenching. At this point the viewer in me wanted his head, and when Twilight made her stand ... I realized she was a better pony that I. The only knock on this was the multiple mentions and visuals of Fluttershy during the actual temptation scene. They almost went overboard with the heavy handed nature of this.


The first song - I'm really not a music expert, but there was something unique about the chorus. It's no Winter Wrap-Up, Smile, or BBBFF ... but it was amazing nonetheless.


Real Stakes and epic quality - I don't believe I have to really talk about this. Twi vs Tirek was amazing, but the look on her face ... do not piss off that Alicorn people. Also was that a nod to Smile HD?


Tirek - I forget who mentioned it in the female villain thread, but someone wanted a more classic evil villain. One who isn't redeemed, sympathetic, or mostly offscreen. MLP has created quite a wide variety of antagonist types. Tirek may have been a living breathing trope, but he was a breath of fresh air.


Le Morte D'Arthur - Seeing the Knights of the Round Table reference made at the end was appreciated.


Those are my first impressions. The final song and some minor things dropped this half a point for me. BUT ... this is a great way to cap a great season.

  • Brohoof 1



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OK, so, things are way too late on my end to write up a proper review, and there's really nothing I could do about that.  Been visiting our grandparents all weekend as well as looking for a new house for my mom, so as you can imagine we've been pretty darn busy.  That said, I promise each and every one of you that, for whoever cares to read my reviews, I am going to do a bang up job when I write my "Twilight's Kingdom" review tomorrow, and also type up my full thoughts on Season 4.


I will leave a little preview of what's to come with this short summation of my thoughts at the moment: this episode is now my favorite episode of the entire show.  Previously, up until this very day, that honor went to "The Return of Harmony".  That alone should tell you quite a bit.  Till tomorrow everypony, I bid you all adieu and promise that I will not disappoint you (hopefully) when I get my full thoughts typed up.  :)

Edited by Batbrony


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I compiled the song and video from Shady Bubble's post into an actual video. Hope you guys might enjoy seeing it without having to manually sync it up every time!


If this isn't the appropriate place to post this then I apologize, but a lot of people seem to be posting soundtracks for that fight scene here.


Thank you for doing this! I heard the song in my head when they were fighting, but the fact that it syncs up so perfectly is crazy. Good job on the video, you nailed it. If I had more time, better resources and more motivation to not be a lazy POS I would have done it myself :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1

"The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand." -Uncle Pom

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<p>I cried a little. Is this the end of Tim? After singletons? I know they said something about season 5 but now that they've defeated an ancient evil I don't think there's anything left to face. Unless the others become prince's as well. What r your thoughts on the matter?</p>

<p> </p>

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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Thank you for doing this! I heard the song in my head when they were fighting, but the fact that it syncs up so perfectly is crazy. Good job on the video, you nailed it. If I had more time, better resources and more motivation to not be a lazy POS I would have done it myself :muffins:

Heh, Thank you. I'm just glad you gave me the idea in the first place! That version of His World somehow managed to make the fight even more badass, which is quite a feat, considering.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm rather torn between saying that I liked it and that I loved it.  It did a lot of things right, I loved the tip of the hat to G1 with Tirek and Scorpan, the stakes were appropriately high, and I was actually really interested in the story and Discord's development. But if I'm going to quibble about anything, it's that the rest of the mane Six yet again have done little to contribute to the main story of one of these season bookends. 


But I still thought it was really good, the villain was cool and menacing, and I actualy liked Discord's story in this episode.I'll say more later, but overall this was solid.

Edited by hawkflame
  • Brohoof 1


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And the final shot from season 4. Man, it feels a lot more final than the other finales.

Yeah, it really did... just goes to show how much better of a season finale this one was compared to the other seasons' finales though, I think.

We're nowhere near close to done with this story though- when/how will the CMC get their cutie marks? Will Rainbow Dash ever get into the Wonderbolts? Will we ever find out what exactly happened to the Apple family's parents? What kind of villain could they tackle next? A group of villains they've formerly faced harnessing their own power of friendship perhaps? Now that I think of all these possibilities, I hold a lot of optimism for what they could do with the show next. :)

  • Brohoof 2


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Yeah, it really did... just goes to show how much better of a season finale this one was compared to the other seasons' finales though, I think.

We're nowhere near close to done with this story though- when/how will the CMC get their cutie marks? Will Rainbow Dash ever get into the Wonderbolts? Will we ever find out what exactly happened to the Apple family's parents? What kind of villain could they tackle next? A group of villains they've formerly faced harnessing their own power of friendship perhaps? Now that I think of all these possibilities, I hold a lot of optimism for what they could do with the show next. :)

But at the same time with all those possibilities, we loose a lot of the slice of life ones. Twilight has now taken being a princess in full stride, and now has a duty and a task. She has really reached the end of her journey as Twilight Sparkle. Even her old library is gone. I think that is why it felt so final for me, it really was the last chapter in the rise of princess twilight, and it feels final knowing that other than small glimpses here and there, she won't ever really be that shut in snarky bookworm ever again. But I knew it was going to happen, and I am glad to see the writers grow her as a character.


Doesn't stop it from feeling so final though.

  • Brohoof 1
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The fight against Tirek was awesome, so was Discord and how he led the Mane 6 to their keys.


I freaked out a little when the Chest (capitalizing the first letter since "Chest" the closes it's gotten to a name) released that magic rainbow, making the Mane 6 have a major change in appearance. I was really worried that the change was permanent, but luckily it wasn't. That would've been REALLY hard to get used to.


The whole castle-tree is going to take some getting used to, but I know it'll come to acceptance eventually.


Also, Discord shippings. Discord shippings everywhere. Mostly Fluttercord. There's the fact that Discord gave a bouquet of flowers to Princess Celestia. Some people might take the Twilight and Discord friend thing a little too seriously and use that as fuel for Twilight x Discord.


I honestly like the finale. It had its ups and downs, but almost everything in life does. Love and tolerate, you know?



P.S.: I look forward to Season 5 though it's a WHOLE 'nother year!

Edited by Button_Mash

Wanna know why I'm Button Mash. Because he is literally a ponified version of me. His life, his likes, his personality, his style, everything. Honestly, when I first saw Button's Adventures I first suspected that they were stalking me ((okay, that's not entirely true. First I laughed at how much he resembled me, and then I jokingly considered the possibility to myself, only to realize it can't be true since Jan isn't anywhere close to where I live and couldn't find out this stuff about me))


All credit goes to Kyoshi and his amazing artistic skills:

If you want to find me on deviantART, I'm over there as AskButtonMash. I'm also on WCRPG (you can guess my name for that site)
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