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S04:E25+26 - Twilight's Kingdom

Doctor XFizzle

S04:E25+26 - Twilight's Kingdom  

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  • 2 months later...

​Tirek is easily my favorite antagonist thus far. He was threatening, memorable and menacing.






Oh, and his fight with Twilight at the end was, for want of a better term, FREAKING LEGIT!!






Engage the Tirek motherfacker.




  • Brohoof 2
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This episode. Truly the finest the show has to offer. Great story telling, great visuals and 




Guy above me knows what's up.

This episode really set a new standard for not just season finales, but for mlp episodes in general. That fight scene between Twilight and Tirek was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Brohoof 3
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This episode. Truly the finest the show has to offer. Great story telling, great visuals and 




This episode really set a new standard for not just season finales, but for mlp episodes in general. That fight scene between Twilight and Tirek was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I agree. However I fear it may be the only and last one we see. S5 & 6 did not even come close to that. I am hoping we see a step up towards it in the film and maybe in some ways in S7.

  • Brohoof 2


~No profound statement needed~

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Not a perfect episode, but it's probably the most impressive of the two-parters, even if I don't know how often I'd want to re-watch it. I wrote a massive wall of text above dissecting this, so I'm just gonna point out what I don't like as much in this one. 


  • I don't think the show really benefits from being this serious. With other episodes I love, I usually have a blast every single time through, but watching this one makes me impatient every once in a while now that the shock and novelty has worn off. It's still gripping, don't get me wrong, but at this point I just wait for the big emotional beats. In that regard, I think the first half is better, because it has more humour and digs deeper into Twilight's confusion about her life changes, but the second half pushes stronger on the contrast between Twilight and Tirek, so it's important too. 


  • This is the one episode where I understand why people complain about the mane six being shoved to the sidelines. The entire point of the episode is that friendship is powerful, and Twilight ultimately needs her friends' help to defeat Tirek, but they're not given anything to do except stand around and get captured. Twilight needing to hide the alicorn magic is a pretty solid excuse for this to happen, and it serves the theme of Twilight standing by her friends (when she sets out alone, her friends get captured. When she gives up her magic, she gets the last key. One outcome is clearly better), but it's a shame that there isn't enough space for the mane six, let alone Cadance, who after the first few minutes gets almost entirely neglected. At least the episode makes good use of most of its running time. 


  • I'm sorry, I'm still not convinced that Twilight becoming an alicorn was entirely justified, so "You'll Play Your Part" doesn't have as much impact on me as it could. Twilight's search for meaning and validation is still pretty powerful, but the whole sentiment of her belonging as a princess doesn't particularly ring true to me, because I'm not entirely convinced she does. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I'm still left feeling that it wasn't so much Twilight's decision making or leadership skills as her alleged progress in friendship which led to her coronation, and I don't buy that she's experienced that so much more significantly than anyone else in Equestria. The ending of this episode does help a lot, though, and this is perhaps the only episode where I genuinely feel that her becoming a princess was a worthwhile decision on Hasbro's part. 


  • There are a couple minor plot hiccups which I don't think are a very big deal. Did the princesses not think to conceal Twilight's existence at least a little? Why did Twilight think directly confronting Tirek would be a great idea? Wouldn't she have thought it better to just run away? Really not that big of a deal, but these are things I thought about this time. 

This is still probably my favourite two-parter, even if it's not the one I find most fun to watch, simply because I find what it accomplishes to be so powerful and impressive. I honestly think there's something for everyone in here. Watch it for intense storylines? This is the most intense of them all. Constantly hoping for cool action? There's that fight scene everybody likes to rave about. Interested in emotion and thematic depth? This episode has that in spades. Prefer the show for its humour? There's less of that, but Discord still delivers. And for those who don't care about how they're entertained, the intensity and action of this are more than enough. Twilight doesn't show much of her personality in this, but her internal conflict is so powerful that it hardly matters. Such a great episode. 



Entertainment: 9/10

Characters: 9/10

Themes: 10/10

Story: 10/10

Overall: 95/100

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Just watched Smurfvlogs blind reaction to these episodes. And I thought of something.

What if Discord made a sacrifice? That he was planning against Tirek all along. He hinted at the keys and probably knew that Twilight hadn't got her key. The only way for her to unlock the ultimate power is to betray them. I think Discord sacrificed himself to defeat Tirek for good. 

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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  • 3 months later...

Like i was disappointed with Friendship is Magic, after so many said, that it was so much better than all of the older Generations, i was disappointed with this Episode, after all the comments, that this Episode has a Dragonball Z like fight.

I liked it, it was good. But nowhere as good as i heard. First of all, i like the G1 Tirek more, this one...i didnt liked his Voice, i didnt liked how he talked, i wasnt really frightened by him...he acted like a normal power seeking villain and not like a very old Villain who should have been way more angry trough all of this, considering he was basically destroyed by the Ponys in G1. I didnt saw G1 Tirek...i guess hes different because its a reboot of sorts, but he wasnt as good as i hoped. He smiled way to often, he was douchy, instead of being serious and dark, with his heart of darkness and everything.

The Fight seen with the Magic was pretty cool, but for a Dragonball Z fight, it was way to short and with how a lot of People said, it was epic, i was disappointed that it wasnt even the final fight and ended on a simple draw and then they just defeated him instantly.I also was disappointed that Tirek didnt even got destroyed like in G1, despite the fact that the same happened to Sombra. In all honesty, if Tirek would have been more like Sombra, i would probably liked this Episode more.The Rainbow Form looks kinda dumb for some of them and cool for others, so i guess its a half half.

And i also didnt understand, how Discord was still allowed to even be present in Ponyville, after he almost caused the death of pretty much everyone, i mean Tirek would be the most evilish Villain in all of Mlp, what would have happened? Why is Discord still considered a Friend? I mean sure, this time he seemed to be truly reformed, but not even a punishment?Why does Twilight still dislike Trixie kinda and had more problems forgiving her, than Discord? Trixie wasnt even half as bad, she didnt want to destroy the world or anything, she was just facking Tricks and telling lies.

All in all, it was a good final for a Kids Show, but nothing phenomenal, like some Bronys wanted to sell me this Episode.Oh yeah, i also liked the Songs from the Season 3 final more. I dont even remember the Songs from this Final anymore, despite the fact, that i just watched it before writing this.

EDIT : Okay, the fight scene with the magic was awesome and its not simply " good " for a kids cartoon, it was special. I guess i just had to high expectations and then was angry as i wrote this. It was a cool final, even though it was not my favorite.

Edited by Luna Moon
  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 month later...

Twilight’s reaction to Tirek stealing magic = concern

Twilight’s reaction to Tirek abducting her friends = mad

Twilight’s reaction to Tirek destroying her home and books = Super Saiyan kamehameha to the face

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  • 4 months later...

I don't like this finale and here are some reason why:

-Twilights's arc is not interesting. It's uninteresting because Twilight as a character feels so dull. At least Twilight had a personality in "A Canterlot Wedding" outside of being sad or mad.

-The fight scene has no stakes. We know that neither of them are going to lose.

-The finale is really boring with a lot of it being Twilight moping around and Tirek being generically evil.

-Tirek is such a boring villain. He doesn't have enough depth to be interesting and isn't over the top enough to be fun.

-The songs are not good. "You'll Play Your Part" would've been much more emotional if it was just a heart to heart between Twilight and the princesses.

-There's barely any comedy. This would've been fine if the drama was interesting enough to make up for it, but it wasn't.

One thing I do like is Discord's reformation. I think it was handled pretty well and makes sense for how unconvincing his reformation was up to this point. I also don't think this is a bad episode. Just a very dull one.

Score: 4/10


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/12/2017 at 4:22 AM, Supreme Leader Rarity said:

This episode. Truly the finest the show has to offer. Great story telling, great visuals and 





Guy above me knows what's up.



This episode really set a new standard for not just season finales, but for mlp episodes in general. That fight scene between Twilight and Tirek was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Awesome graphics. GO Twilight!!! You my girl!!!! 

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  • 1 month later...

While we know that the bad guy is going to be defeated, this method didn’t really work for me. I knew the box would be needed weapon to defeat Tirek, but I wish they had to do more than just open it. We had a great fight scene with Twilight vs  Tirek, but she wins in the end, after losing her powers because she opened a box. I would have loved to see that battle being  Tirek vs. the Mane Six (powered up by the box) and Discord (powered down).

@Nanotek You said a lot of what I was thinking. I was reading all the other posts and thinking, “Am I the only one?”

On 1/16/2018 at 12:56 PM, Nanotek said:

First of all, i like the G1 Tirek more, this one...i didnt liked his Voice, i didnt liked how he talked, i wasnt really frightened by him...he acted like a normal power seeking villain and not like a very old Villain who should have been way more angry trough all of this, considering he was basically destroyed by the Ponys in G1. I didnt saw G1 Tirek...i guess hes different because its a reboot of sorts, but he wasnt as good as i hoped. He smiled way to often, he was douchy, instead of being serious and dark, with his heart of darkness and everything.

I barely remember watching MLP when I was young, and I don’t really remember it. However, I saw a clip of an old version of Tirek on YouTube, and that was intense. Creepy. Scary. Heartless. Pulled no punches in just how evil this guy was.

This new version bored the crap out of me. I get entirely what they were going for, but it just didn’t work for me. 

On 1/16/2018 at 12:56 PM, Nanotek said:

And i also didnt understand, how Discord was still allowed to even be present in Ponyville, after he almost caused the death of pretty much everyone, i mean Tirek would be the most evilish Villain in all of Mlp, what would have happened? Why is Discord still considered a Friend? I mean sure, this time he seemed to be truly reformed, but not even a punishment?Why does Twilight still dislike Trixie kinda and had more problems forgiving her, than Discord? Trixie wasnt even half as bad, she didnt want to destroy the world or anything, she was just facking Tricks and telling lies.

Yeah. He needed to prove himself. Make him choose between his powers and his friends, and he chooses his friends this time. He really is too powerful to be one of the good guys anyway. 

Poor Trixie. She responds to jeering at her own show, but she’s treated worse than the guy who nearly destroyed Cantorlot twice. These ponies have strange priorities. 

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  • 1 month later...

Sadly, I didn't find the finale as good as some people said it was. I was actually quite hyped from everyone saying how great it was, but was kind of dissapointed after seeing it myself. I had my expectations up too high, I guess.

I liked the first part. The fact that the keys to the boxes were things the mane 6 got for standing up for the element that they each represent, was surprising and beautiful. It really felt heartwarming, seeing flashbacks of touching moments of the show. I loved that part so much, and it got me even more hyped about what will come next. 

However, the second part was what ruined the episode for me. I get that Discord had to betray the mane 6 for the plot to work, but he didn't show any sign of guilt at all! He was being evil to the extent of being out of character. This was really uncomfortable to see, and when the mane 6 forgave him as if it was nothing, it seemed extremely unnatural.

Plus, I didn't like the action scenes too much. They were of good quality, for sure. But did they mean anything? No. I wanted the scene where the mane 6 fights together against Tirek to be cool. That scene was over so quick, and was a bit of a letdown. The show writers instead decided to focus more on the scene where Twilight fights Tirek on her own. It did look cool, but was also pretty much pointless. 

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  • 3 months later...

This two parter is so bleh. There's nothing too wrong here but everything is just so bland. I think this episode takes itself too seriously for its own good. There's barely any humor and the little that there is comes from Discord, who is really annoying. Twilight's arc isn't exactly bad, but it's done is such a uninteresting and boring way. Just like everything else. Tirek is one of the least interesting antagonists I've seen and Discord's arc is dull since the show hasn't given my any reason to care about him.

On top of that, there are some story issues, though they aren't too bad. My biggest one is why Twilight has to get all of the princesses' magic. I get why the princesses are giving away their magic, but why push it all on Twilight? Shouldn't Celestia and Luna split their magic between Cadence and Twilight? They say that Tirek doesn't know that Twilight is a princess so how does he know that Cadence is one? If Tirek escaped during season 2, he was there for both Cadence becoming a princess and Twilight becoming a princess. If anything, it makes more sense for Tirek to not know that Cadence is a princess since she's stuck in the Crystal Empire while Twilight is in Canterlot. So if Tirek doesn't know Twilight, he definitely shouldn't know Cadence. And there's the stained glass window of Twilight that isn't taken down for some reason. You could say that Discord set it up to eventually get Twilight her key, but the episode doesn't give a good indication that Discord is playing the long con. His emotions are played pretty straight from when he gets betrayed onward.

Overall, I'm just not a fan. It's like the episode is trying to recapture the magic of A Canterlot Wedding while forgetting that A Canterlot Wedding had some fun with its story and didn't take everything so seriously.

Score: 3/10

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  • 2 months later...

The fight against tirek was amazing, I never thought I would see something like this in MLP. But, the princesses were really useless here, didn't help at all, and unless discord planed this, he was not as smart as I expected and fooled easily. Twilight not telling her friends that discord betrayed them was disappointing to, I mean why not to tell them? None the less, it was still a great episode with the most threatening villain, that for a small amount of time actually won, but you could see the ending a mile away. 8.5\10 

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, what a throwback from Generation 1, never expected Tirek too make a return. The fight against him was amazing, but I was sad that the Golden Oaks Library (I hope that was the name of it) was destroyed, but from out of the ashes with all the ponies treasures obtained in their journal gave them all the power too defeat Tirek in which an amazing crystal castle emerged from the ground and thus became Twilight's new home away from home

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