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Things you hate that everyone seems to love?


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So I watched a video on Undertale earlier and I still don't get the hype. People acting like it's the most mind-blowing thing in the world just came off as fanwank to me more than anything else. I guess I just don't see what's so great about it. It's probably something best gone into unspoiled, but too late for that for me, so... meh.

Edited by TheSqueelyOne
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Coffee & Cigarettes - SOOO tired of the whole world wondering why I'm not into these. Mountain dew in the morning, and Sprite or Strawberry in the evening, thank you. And the tobacco companies will NEVER get a penny from me, I don't care if smokers outnumber me a million to one. Take your addiction elsewhere.


Relationship Texting - If we're gonna flirt and have a fun conversation, it's going to be on the phone or face to face. I have tried SO HARD to send texts women like, but they always misinterpret stuff or fail to connect, so no more. No Tinder either, how much money I have shouldn't even BE why you're looking at me. My selling point lies close to my pocket but not in it.


Filling Quotas with me - If you're going to say something to me in realspace, MAKE IT GENUINE, no scripted bull-manure designed to convince me to do something to help you fill a quota of some kind. If I happen to be somewhere doing something, it's because I HAVE

A REASON TO, not because I want to help you get a bonus or something.


Friendship Tip of the Day: If you want to be friends with me, ask questions about entertainment to find SIMILAR INTERESTS, don't just come up because you know my face and want something.


Sorry to vent, this is more directed at realspace friend-seekers that frustrate me, not you guys. Most of you have been very cool to me. :squee:

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I hate superhero movies where the heroes are constantly taking their masks off in public. The whole point of the mask is to protect their civilian interests and loved ones. They're also very cool. No one cares about seeing the faces of the stars the studios overpaid to play the roles. 

It seems Hollywood is also trying to reinvent the superhero image by eliminating super costumes altogether or making them all look like Batman, in the feeling that colorful equates to being cheesy. Fans like superheroes the way they were drawn in the comics, that's why they're fans to begin with.    

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Alcohol. I'm not even old enough to drink alcohol, but many of my classmates do and I can't help but get irritated when they explain about their "awesome adventures while drunk". If that's their way of having fun, I'm more than glad to stay away from that.

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Don't know if I have already mentioned some but.


Alcohol, energy drinks, Smoking and vaping, smartphones and things related to them.

Having a girlfriend only so you can say you have one.


And Parties..yes parties.

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Family isn't everything for a lot of people. People tend to look at me like I'm a monster when I say that. 


And chocolate. I hate chocolate.

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- Rice. Tastes terrible. I'd much rather eat beans.

- Alcohol. It's awful and just drinking a bit of it makes my head hurt.

- Most of the let's play community. Most of it is just people begging for subscriptions while screaming in a cam and making stupid jokes and puns about sex and referencing stupid memes.

- Putting Your Hoof Down. That's just a very mean spirited episode that just isn't funny to me as someone who can relate to Fluttershy some times. The only good part about that episode is the RariPie. Even Iron Will is a bit obnoxious to me at times.


Things I have a guilty pleasure of watching:


- Cringe video compilations. Yes, I feel like an awful human being by liking these things, but some stuff is just so freaking hilarious if you get past the harsh comments.

- Reaction videos. I know they take very little effort and are everywhere, but for some strange reason it's very relaxing feeling like i'm watching something with someone instead of by myself like always.

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Pop Music - Pop music is nothing worthy

Gamestop - (personal boycott)

McDonalds - Their food is gross (have not eaten there since 2014)

Soccer - first played soccer when I was 6 years old *rolled my ankle* never played again

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  • 2 weeks later...

while i put anime as neutral (according to #Odyssey) i also detest guns, overrated shows and games, pop music (most sounded rotten), street racing, alcohol, and guns, Facebook and snapchat (i still use them whenever I'm bored)


*sigh* >_>  >_>  that's all i could think at this moment

Edited by LotusPeony
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  • 4 months later...

Humanity: We can never get off our damn high horses. Hey look, new technology! Hey look, people are starving! Hey look, we've got a new house that we built over a wildlife reserve! Oh and some animals are endangered, LETS DESTROY THEIR HOMES FOR OUR GAIN :D


Next gen consoles: I paid £200 for a decent ps3 only for you to make a ps4 with new games, new trinkets and stuff. Are we going to get that new game? No? A demo? No? Ps4 and Xbox1 only.


Trends: No, just, just, no. I would tolerate Instagram and stuff if people weren't posting photos and gifs of them doing a 2 second arm movement because it's trendy. I've also grown sick of my name getting changed to fit their stupid needs like *shudders* Dabbon.


Fetishes: This is an uncontrollable and natural desire many people have. It is almost impossible to find someone who tolerates them and if they do, they have one. People spread it all over Deviantart and get horrible comments for simply "liking" something different. In my personal opinion, you should keep it to yourself and stop whining about people having them.


Hunger Games/Harry Potter: Could not read more than a page. They were dull and didn't seem to make a world I should give a damn about. The movies are terrible and overrated and I wouldn't watch them again.


Tf2: Cartoony COD with no story. Dull game with a funny fanbase.


Call Of Duty: Run, shoot, run, shoot, die, respawn, shoot. Same thing over and over again just with "new" weapons and maps.


Skyrim: Nice graphics and theme, terrible gameplay and poor execution. It's overhyped and dull as dishwater.


Farmville (and other games): Really? Okay, I enjoy Farmville now and again but stuff like My Singing Monsters and stuff just goes to show how lazy phone games are. They are quest after quest, nagging you to do things just to get a new item. I played MSM for 5 mins and had to stop because all my quests had something to do with Facebook and I don't have it.


Feral Heart and other IT servers: I admit to playing I.T servers, but what annoys me is the community. If you are English, it is rare to meet 50 people in the server, 4 of whom will actually speak to you. In Feral Heart, you've got to be in the Benovelent wolf pack to get noticed and a YouTuber to make friends. They get boring quite quickly because nobody wants anything to do with you unless you can put them on your channel. The Feral Heart mods are so bad at their job that they had to remove and edit an animation just because the players kept messing around with it.


AOT: Sorry, what was the storyline again? Eh, I'd settle down for Wolfs Rain over this any day.


PKMN: Really? The games are fun but the TV show is the same repetitive bull in every episode.


Ok, gonna shut up now.

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Next gen consoles: I paid £200 for a decent ps3 only for you to make a ps4 with new games, new trinkets and stuff. Are we going to get that new game? No?


The reason most new games don't release on the PS3/360 is because they're just not powerful enough anymore. The PS3 and 360 are both around a decade old now. It's time to update your console. Technology in the gaming industry is improving exponentially and it's expensive to keep up-to-date, but you have to otherwise you'll be left behind without the ability to play AAA games.

Edited by Holiday
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