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Everything posted by Sceethe

  1. there are a lot of surprisingly nice places on the internet, actually. Most are just filled with overly saracastic people who have a hard time understanding that their jokes might be hurting someone´s feelings. Except for youtube comments.That place is just cancer.
  2. Last time i checked, my friends all seemed to be members of the human species. I know, i should ditch them, and get some real friends , like small farm animals.
  3. Well... i still instult my friends all the time, but in our group, it is just all in good fun. They do the same with me, and i don´t mind, as long as it is funny. On the internet, it is harder to have this undertone of not being serious, so i cannot use curse words regularly. Of course, i don´t do that to people that might feel easily offended, or just don´t like that kind of humor. So yeah, as weird as it sounds, i think that people are actually generally nicer on the internet. ..at least this part of the internet.
  4. i am the most fearful of them all:
  5. i still just call everyone a "pony fan" or something like that.I don´t like the term "brony", either. unless you explicitly want to be called pegasister, i guess,which is fine by i me.
  6. what´s wrong with being silly and shy? xD but, no seriously, it´s not that bad of a name(i´ve heard worse), but if you really don´t like it, i suggest thinking about stuff that you like, mixing foreign words, or things like that. I, myself, am pretty bad at coming up with names, too, i guess i am lucky that i could come up with this one.
  7. i went to school, even though we had no school today. didn´t care enough to read the official timetable yesterday, so that´s what i get
  8. Sceethe

    gaming Dota2 Vs LoL

    ^everyone his own preference. i prefer dota 2, because my current group of friends play it
  9. Not sure if i understand the point of it.
  10. I think that i do not know a single person in my age who doesn´t play videogames(or at least those i hang out with) It´s not bad for you, but it definitely isn´t good for you, either. i mean, i guess it depends on who you are, or what game you are playing, but generally, you cannot tell me that those hours of time that people put into MMOs are going somewhere useful.That´s why i always say no to those, when my friends ask me wether i want to start one with them. i don´t play as much as i used to, honestly, since i do find it to be a waste of time, at least playing alone. But that´s just an opinion, and i realize that. hobbies can differentiate, and i´d still rather play a good single-player game than, for example, read a (good) book that would take me forever to finish. At this point, i pretty much only play multiplayer games with friends, and i haven´t actually bought a game in over 4 years, i think.
  11. i don´t think the show would be fun if any of them were even close to what i would define as mature, honestly.
  12. i don´t think i have tried converting everyone so far. I usually just ignore haters, not worth it to waste my time with someone who can´t at least show respect for other people´s interests.
  13. i´ll probably force my younger cousin to go there, so i can say that i have to go watch it with her, in case anyone asks^^ or.. maybe. just wait for it to appear on the internet or something. yeah, that sounds more likely.
  14. i dont like the numbers after your name, unless it is necessary to differentiate you from someone else on the forum. other than that, it is fine.^^
  15. what´s snow? is that like.. frozen water, or something? nope, we don´t have that here. but generally, i like snow. i actually love winter.
  16. isnt that someone who rarity keeps mentioning in Friendship is Witchcraft?
  17. i think i can be glad to not have to give birth and have periods, i guess, so that´s nice. but other than that, i might have to go through my army service soon. yeah.not so nice. but i know that´s not the actual point of the question, so i´ll just say i am happy with my gender/sex/whatever people call it these days.
  18. i would send the guy to school, while i spend the whole day working on projects, or doing other stuff. if he is as stubborn as me, he´d probably insist on changing roles once in a while, so we´d do that.
  19. if you really want to make money via youtube, i´d recommend just starting a gaming channel, and streaming on twitch.tv regularly. If you do that, chances are you´ll be able to do it as a full-time job after a few years. even then, it might take you a while, though. you can try to market yourself as a brony youtuber or whatever, which will get you some fans as a start, but you are not going to make enough money to do it as a full-time job by that alone.there have been thousands of people who have done reviews of the episodes, that market is pretty saturated, sorry to say that. You will need to do something that hasn´t been done before(or just do it better than everyone else), or just something not related to MLP- stuff. Hopefully this will help you.I don´t mean to discourage, but rather not let you go down the wrong direction.
  20. i stay alive in the hope that i can some day fulfill my dreams. Those may take a while, so i guess i am pretty busy.
  21. in the photo,though, it isn´t. that´s just a fact, you can check that with every image-editing program. the colors in the PHOTO are desaturated blue, and a darker orange, and that´s exactly what my brain sees. It´s is definitely interesting to me how other people can see the base colors of the dress through a photo without any reasonable lighting context.
  22. showers. why would i waste any more time on just becoming clean?
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