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Everything posted by Scootaloo90747475

  1. I ship Button mash x sweetie belle and they are a very cute couple and I also ship Rainbow dash x carnage
  2. maybe if the Ponie Has Carnage on their side there will be bloodshedwith Discord and Carnage on the pony side and I willl die fighting to Protect Equestria
  3. I agree with you Trixie is the worst pony ever and rainbow dash is best pony and Carnage is best villain
  4. Tirek and Chrysalis and cozy glow have been turn to stone in the season 9 finale
  5. I wonder what would happen if Chancellor neighsay meet King sombra \
  6. Definitely Rainbow dash because I know she would be really loyal and a awesome Friend choose Rainbow dash
  7. 123574675frhtgyhujiougfnvcvghnoicfgvhjkogyvcedh
  8. Sweetiebelle x button mash is my OTP
  9. I would maybe first studies magic with Twilight sparkles and maybe befriend rainbow dash applejack fluttershy rarity or maybe befriend with a the cmc
  10. ,Ultron would be a great villain and maybe Twilight sparkle and her friend had to find a to defeat him
  11. well I hate human and dislike the hippogriffs are kind of boring
  12. well maybe scootaloo would be a cyborg warrior a robotic killing machine in warmaybe would help in the war against king sombra
  13. well Sweetiebelle would be a awesome cyborg pony and I also ship button mash x sweetiebelle
  14. nothing is nearly as cute as Sweetie botsweetie belle meet sweetie bot sweetie belle still look awesome as a robotbow to our robot overlord
  15. nope you not the only one and all hail to our robot overlord sweetie botsweetiebelle look awesome as a robotic filly
  16. hey sweetiebelle do you have a crush on button mashand also you two would make a cute couple
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