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Wishful Thinking

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Everything posted by Wishful Thinking

  1. I defeat your bacon with my brownie and successfully steal the cookie.
  2. It did mention something about that, yes.
  3. Not sure which meme to use this time. Probably both.
  4. Hey! Neither was I! ...SHOULD WE HAVE A SLEEPOVER?
  6. Cadence's parts in This Day Aria. WHY SO MUCH FEELS.

  8. It's nice to find somebrony else who laughs in the face of dead pastel-colored horses.
  9. I...um...the Angry Rabbit in the Fancy Pants Adventure (world 2)? I didn't know I was into that sort of stuff.
  10. So many differences, at a glance. Pink Luna - has monotonous hair, coat is a shade or two darker than Cadenza, has monotonous wings, doesn't have a full outline of her eyes, has a completely different hairstyle, has blue eyes, has a slightly different wing style, has a longer horn, doesn't have her wings going over her frame. Cadenza - has tricolor hair, coat is a shade or two lighter than Pink Luna, has gradient wings, has a full outline of her eyes, has a completely different hairstyle, has purple eyes, has a slightly different wing style, has a shorter horn, and has her wings going over her frame. From a glance. Upon deeper investigation, I'll probably find more differences.
  11. Why does your opinion seem to be based on 3.5?
  12. I'd go. Wait. Can it only transport one person? Yay. ...See you in Canterlot. Unicorns are the superior species. YAY FOR PONY RACISM~
  13. Yay THG merch! Wait...does this mean I'm a citizen of the Capitol now? ;-;

  14. I dreamt of her just rotating and spitting out yays. Woke up, she was sitting in my awesome chair like Lyra is seen doing. I blinked, but she didn't leave. She was a tulpa--tulpa was her first word in 'this' world. She told me about herself and made me write it down, that way if she ever 'dies', I can recreate her. But when I tried to make the picture to your left, she was trying to pull apart my laptop...something about a blasphemy...
  15. Granted. It's the infamous Lyra plushie.
  16. I suppose by now you're wondering, about our peculiar mode of transport--I say, our mode of locoMOOOOTTIIIVVVVEEE! ...The biggest and the best... SUPER SPEEDY CIDER SQUEEZY SIX-THOUSAAANNNDDD! Can't be added or...quality and care! Glad you brought that up, glad you brought that up... Care to step into the modern world and put the Super Cider Squeezy 6000 to the TTEEEEEEESSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTT? He's Flim, he's Flam...world-famous Flim Flam Brothers!
  17. A broken world record. Coincidence that I was listening to Segway Polo (Smosh) when I read this? I think not. A broken record.
  18. It is not an illness if not contracted, But to the call of rhyme Zecora has reacted. Once a pony begins she cannot cease, And soon her only desire is release. Yes, the last line of the verse above was innocently written, Though the double meaning has certainly bitten.
  19. I just lost the Game. Please...don't...hurt...me...

    1. KPM


      You hurt me success in this game :o

    2. Wishful Thinking

      Wishful Thinking

      Muahah--no, seriously. No hurt Abomanon.

  20. There is one thing that may do what you seek; However, your future seems bleak. For this herb is none other than Heart's Desire, And we all know how that will transpire. For your rhyming to be forced, Is not something to be endorsed.
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