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What do you do if there's a huge spider/bug in your room?

Carbon Maestro

Dealing with giant spiders.  

217 users have voted

  1. 1. A huge spider is in your room. Do you...

    • Get a cup, trap it, then release it outside?
    • Swat it, then use a napkin to throw it away?
    • Throw water at it, then swat it?
    • Burn everything within a 4 meter radius.
    • Get someone else to get rid of it.
    • Catch it in a cup, and keep it as a pet.
    • Don't bother with it (Leave it alone).

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Go grab a fighting stick (my dad has like 3 scattered through the house) and mash it to death. 

I use to have an airsoft pistol, and I'd shoot stuff with that. But it was more mainly used out on the deck at night when my dad went out to smoke and I'd go out there with him and we'd shoot bugs with it, but it came in handy when bugs were in an unreachable location in the house.

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That depends on the type.

Bee/Wasp/Hornet/Mosquito/Other bug whose bites hurt within 10 feet of me: Run screaming from the room. (Not even joking.)

Cricket: "Mom, what's that?"

Adult Stinkbug/Fly: Leave it alone. The buzzing will make me jump, and I'll eventually move out of the room. Then I'll get fed up with it and get my dad to pick it up (without squishing it!), toss it in the toilet, and flush it.

Baby Stinkbug: Squish it, then toss it in the toilet or the trash.

Fruitfly: If I'm eating, I'll try to grab it. Otherwise, I'll ignore it. (Unless it flies on my screen. Then I squish it.)

Ant: Get the cream of wheat, after telling my mom that OH GOD FOR THE FOURTH TIME WE HAVE ANTS

Spider: Leave it alone, unless it gets too close.

Butterfly/Moth/Dragonfly: Leave it alone. Never had one of these in my room. 

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Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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I hate bugs. I HATE THEM SO MUCH.


If it's like a hornet or wasp or cockroach some shit I'll freak out and have my mom take care of it.


If it's like a spider I'll just drown it in cleaner and then beat the crap out of it.

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That would depend on the bug. If it's a spider, I'll either leave it alone, or move it if it becomes a nuisance.

If it's a fly or mosquito, I'll swat it.

If it's a bee, I'll put on some body armor, swat the bee, then run.

Edited by SpaceOnion
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Depends one the bug.


If it's a scorpion, I'm getting the little grabber thing we use to get stuff off high shelves, picking it up and flushing it down the toilet. Sucking it up with the vacuum also works.


If it's a pill bug, I'll pick it up and put it outside.

If it's a tiny, harmless house spider or moth, I'll just leave them be.


If it's a big spider, or anything else, it's getting swatted, wiped up with a tissue, and flushed.


(Edit: Oh and then there's roaches and crickets. They've never been in my house, but I've had to deal with them in other places. Crickets were at my school, and I'd trap them and put them outside. And at my college apartment, there were giant ass roaches. I remember being up late, and hearing a noise behind me and this giant roach was crawling around. And then it FLEW at me!! I ran off and grabbed a broom and some Raid and proceeded to hurt for it. No way I was going to sleep while THAT was in my room!!)

Edited by ShadOBabe



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Spiders are friends, not foes!


We don't have many dangerous/big spiders around here, the biggest are maybe 2 inches. I leave them be, they are my defense network against ants and flies an earwigs.


I try to explain this to my mother, but she kills them on sight along with all other bugs.


If one touches me, I will brush it off, if it gets hurt then it's the spider's fault :P

“What surprises me most?  Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


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I make my dad kill it for me. Problem is, whenever I go tell him... I go back in my room and the bug/spider is gone. So, I usually just stay away from it and leave it alone. It also makes it hard for me to touch anything around the area it was in, fearing it will get on me or something.

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As someone with arachnophobia I can safely say when it comes to killing spiders I get a bit carried away. It's not that severe of arachnophobia but if the spider is large enough or just creepy looking enough I can go from my typical nice guy self into a spider slaying Jason Bourne. I will use anything and everything at my disposal to kill the **** out of that spider. Haha. o.o


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If there's a beetle or a house spider in my room, I'll usually catch it in a cup and release it outside. I'm not scared of them but I'd rather not wake up to one trying to crawl into my ear canal either.


Moths I'll usually just leave alone and keep the light outside my room turned on so it flies towards it.


If it's a bee or a wasp, I'll flee from the room in terror and hope and pray that someone else will deal with it :lol:

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I usually swat it and then use a napkin and throw it away. I do this because I sometimes panic at big bugs.

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I kill it!  We have some   venomous spiders in the west

and I have also a cat so I keep my eyes out...


Daddy Long Legs I will put outside...


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As long as they build their webs somewhere out of the way, I have no problem living with a spider or two. Or, at one time, six.


I never had to worry about flies or mosquitos with my spider-bros hanging around.

Edited by Ridley Wolf


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I would burn it with a match then dispose of it outside away from my house.


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I kill so many bugs that enter my room. I used to have a huge woodlouse problem, due to a hole in the wall, hidden my the old carpet when we moved in, so I kinda got in the habit of smashing everything. Now, if it's in my room, I'll probably kill it to save it getting into my PC, if it's elsewhere, I probably won't. Unless it's a hornet. I had two of them, about 2" long each. They never even knew the colour of the CD case as they were embedded into my window. 


I once had a very unlucky spider. He crawled into my room without my knowing, and took up residence behind the fan of my old computer. That computer got VERY hot when in use.


He was melted to the fan covering when I opened it up after it died..

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I shoo the bug onto a piece of paper and release the bug outside.  If the bug can fly, is giant or is fast, then I put a cup over it.  Me and my friend were known in middle school for saving bees in the cafeteria in this fashion.

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