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Your weirdest dreams and nightmares


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The other night I had a strange dream. I was trying to convince people that telepathy was instantaneous, because I could converse with my brother in real time even though he was more than a light year away.


I have no idea where he was supposed to be, just that it was more than a light year!

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I was sat in a car getting a briefing of an assignment, I had to infiltrate a hotel owned by a criminal organization in a Billy Ray Cyrus disguise... I was found out and had to run through weird stairwells that had steps missing, run through corridors filled with purple gas and people with stalls cooking food... Needless to say I'm taking control next time...

  • Brohoof 2


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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Most terrifying dream I ever had.


I wake up in the dream, still in my bed. My room has an overhanging light.


All around me I feel the presence of many people. Can't see em. Feels like I'm in an underground bunker when the Nazi's started bombarding England. I hear people whispering around me.


One of them says, "It's coming."


And suddenly they all flee my room. The lights go out. Some other force floods in from everywhere, as if the other spirits had left a vacuum to to be filled. It came quickly and its presence suffocated me in the dark.


Three loud as all get out bangs reverberate through my house.








I wake up in a sweat of irrational fear, and my lips are even moved to prayer.


Later, I learned of this demon with a weird German sounding name that supposedly knocks three times before he comes to kill you.




I never could remember what that demon was called or if it was actually Germanic.

My grandmother swore by the existence of witches. She used to claim that if a witch didn't like you, they would send a spirit to your home. The spirit can't enter without permission, so it would knock 3 times to get your attention. If you answer it or open your door, it will enter the house and kill you. I'm not sure that it's Germanic, given that I don't have any German ancestry and these were stories my grandmother heard as a child, but it's pretty close to the demon you described.

  • Brohoof 1

"The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand." -Uncle Pom

"Sometimes she wonders if she can do it like nuns do it but she never heard of Catholic religion or sinner's redemption" -K Dot

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I have weird dreams every night. It would take ages and ages to try to remember them all. To sum them up *cracks knuckles loudly and extends wrist to glance at nonexistant watch* in about a minute:


Year ago, they were exploding electronics and CD players saying "6" and blowing up, and me running as through Jell-O slowly out my door. Now they're about stores that have resembled Wal-Mart, HEB, Target and a host of others in all sorts of different ways.

They're about random houses (some of which I've visited twice in different time frames!) and different scenes.

Driving along highways, or streets, or roads, or on ramps. (In fact, I can bet I'll be driving or in some car at some point every night.)

A person coming out of the cabinet after my dad comes in shorter but randomly turns tall again once I've looked away.

Me holding a sword three times (because I so want to). Me tracing protective lines around sofas and smashing (drinking) glasses with said swords.

Some random kid being involved in the explosion he apparently could have caused, that was really a terrible explosion.

A nameless, identityless sports man leaping off the building upon the roof of which the sports game was being played, to save a falling kid, but seen vaguely.

Careful with the spoiler:


Running around in the halls of church and seeing two boys carrying something I refuse to describe, but that was some body thing with no skin, and slimy muscle. There. I've said it, go be grossed out now. A two-legged creature walking around the house, about which I thought things I refuse to admit. And while we're in that area of //o.o//, a Jeopardy clue that was quite un-family-friendly. And I'm only thirteen and a half. :okiedokielokie: 


And about eight zillion frillion other crazy things. And I'm only thirteen and a half.  :lol:


OH!! And once I dreamed about a computer game where the guy said "Darn komm!" and it was spelled that way. Later, I looked komm up and it meant a German commander!! And I'd never heard the word before anywhere in my life. That was SUPER weird.  :huh:

Edited by yayayayayala
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I had a dream where I was in a giant mansion with my classmates, then the lights went out and they all disappeared.

After that I woke up.  :o

  • Brohoof 1
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So I went to a fancy hotel where many shops are held. I went inside a lovely lady’s shop, where she is selling some clothes she made. While examining her clothes, two rebels enter her shop. They destroy most of her clothing, leaving the lady to be quite upset. The two rebels then take out two faux-fur coats, and put them on as dramatically as they could to infuriate the lady. I don’t know why the lady would react to such the thing… I suppose the lady either doesn’t want to see animal fur on people, or she doesn’t like furries. :P


The lady then reacts and starts to do some martial art towards the rebels. The rebels get knocked out. I was rather shocked at this sight, so I ran out of her shop as quickly as I can. I then entered the nearest elevator, where an adult man and his wife tell me what’s the rush. I didn’t answer, since I was then focused on a Space Invaders-esque game, since you have to win the game for the elevator to move. I lost in this case, but even then, the elevator started to go up.


The next place in the hotel I go to is empty. I entered rooms that had no furniture, and another room that hasn’t even been completed in constructions. After checking out the rooms, I thought if I was going to be okay, since the two rebels and the lady are still quite angry.

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I have this nightmare from time to time. 


I'm a boy no older then 6, in front of me is a door. The only light is coming from the cracks of the door. All I can hear is my sister screaming and a man yelling at her. She's screaming for help, I try so hard to break that damn door down. I run in to it, I kick it I even pray to God to open the door or just save my sister. 


Moments later she stops screaming and blood starts to come from the bottom crack of the door, all I hear is "I failed everyone" 


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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  • 3 months later...

Well, once I dreamed that I saved three cats from an evil organization and flew off in a the Burj al Arab hotel in Dubai with a rocket engine.


Then, another time, I dreamed I helped the 10th Doctor saving Oslo from a steampunk Dalek and Cyberman...


And once I dreamed I watched a concert with a full symphony orchestra playing WoodenToasters Nightmare Night and other brony songs in my school, before a short man with rasta braids attempted to swindle my family...


Finally, I once dreamed I sat on the back of a motorsyckle driven by an old man from a Swedish children book (Gubben Pettersen) while he did some extreme wall-jumps between some barn-buildings. At the end of the dream, I realized I was actually Stonehenge...


Is this normal?

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I once had a dream in which I had long, rainbow-coloured hair and the song "HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA" was playing in background.


Edited by Intrspace
  • Brohoof 1
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When I was much younger, I once had a recording dream that I was kidnapped by Santa. It would start where the last dream ended too. At first it was cool, he offered me to work at his place. Which I guess was an underground farm. So I went, then I was like "Ok! This was fun, but I need to go home now" Then he did not let me leave and I was then being chased by Santa though creepy caves and mineshafts. That lasted for like, 5 dreams in a row, but then stopped.


I dont even practice Christmas!  :(

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I have lots of weird dreams.....


- My mom told me to go to buy some bread, it was night, and i was walking to the store, then it started to become darker, but i still was walking, then i couldn't see anything, i was scared so i started to run back to my home, in the way to my house, were it was supossed to be a park, there were 3 bridges that were connected, i crossed one and got to the center, then an earthquake started, and the ground broke, i fell for a long time to a place with flying cubes, each one trying to squash me, i ran fast and let them behind me, then i found a wall with this message: "Congratulations, you just played the first Microsoft Mod for Minecraft", then i was in a stadium, and Bill Gates was giving me an trophy, i cried, and started to sing"Hot N' Cold".


- I was in my First Communion party, everything was fine, and then my uncle found a gun and started to kill everyone (shooting lots of times, like in a shooter game), i was scared and started to run, found my grandma in the kitchen, she said that she wanted me to see something, then she opened the fridge, which turned out to be a door to the front of my uncle's house, where he was killing my aunt, i took a broom and hit him, then i appeared in another family reunion, my mom was giving juice to everyone, and then she said: "your uncle is on jail, but we'll still send him some juice"



Equestria's best unicorns

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I was in a room made up of a pure white tile, all but a small black rectangular outline in the back as I start walking towards it. My feet barely shuffling across the floors as they slowly become a carpet-like material. I approach the black outline as it appears to of been getting further away from me. I start to run. My heart racing as I feel the walls closing in on me, and my eyes making a blurry vision of my head hitting the floor as crowds cheer and my mother weeps, not for my death but because of the fact that my sister was crying for my death, and I snap out of the vision as I awaken, walking through life, becoming suspicious of those who I trust, doubting those who yesterday, were undoubted.And as I walk through the streets I see a book store, I walk through and see many memories, all from my mind, some of them I didn't even know happened, and others for when I'm older, when I turn around, I see a man in a brown trench coat through the windows of the store, then he pulls a pistol out, and walks in, "You've seen too much" he says before shooting me three times in the head, and I awaken in reality.

If someone can explain this to me, that'd be amazing

Edited by Ceilin' Cat
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Most of my dreams are really "out there" - not in terms of scary (I normally don't have scary dreams) - just plain weird, but some can be scary.
Also, when I dream, I often have mini-series, like, one dream after another, usually unrelated to each other.


I think it may have been like, at the end of last semester sometime, when I had these...
(these are a part of a mini-series of dreams - I'm not gonna sit here and type out everything, because that could take a looong time, so, here's some short sum ups of a few):
(Also, the order in which these actually occured, and how I'm presenting them, is probably off, but, no matter, it's irrelevant):


It's sometime in the future.  Waaay in the future.  I'm driving a car on a highway much similar to the hover-cars you see in Wipeout:






It's night time.  I'm freaking booking it, blurring by things mega-fast.

And then randomly I get pulled over for going too fast.  Lmao.  




I'm in view of a building (at night) much like one you'd normally see in a big city, with a lot of windows.


View switches to me inside the building.  Somehow, and this is really weird... it's a hospital, and I'm pregnant... WTF - I'm a guy!  But it was "canon" to the mindset of the dream-me, and I was worried, like, I wasn't ready for it.  




Again, as you'll see is a common thing for me, it's night.  I'm looking down from the roof of a tall buidling onto the sidewalk.  I see these beings in which are not human, but, because it's a dream, I think nothing weird of it.  View switches to me being on the sidewalk, talking to them.  They're larger than I am, but friendly.  One of them is playing some weird kind of instrument.  He tells me about his culture and how the instrument plays a large role in it.  I follow him into a subway station, and we take a ride, he's still explaining it.  Then, my view basically visualizes his story-telling.  There's a parade going on, and there's a marching band.  (yeah, I was in band, so, lol)... there was no "focus" person on the people in the band, but, my mind knew what it was.  Then, the view switched to this person/being carrying a box, maybe 1.5 foot x 1.5 foot in dimension.  The view switches to inside the box, where there are tiny little creatures in a whole nother band inside this box, playing along with their instruments with the rest of the beings in the marching band.  


[wat?]  Yah, I know, right?




It's around either dusk or dawn, and there's a train on an above ground subway, like the ones in Grand Theft Auto (lol).  View goes from outside the moving train to inside the train, where it's setup somehow like a school bus on the inside.  I'm sitting with my old high school friends.  I'm looking around, recognizing a bunch of people I knew back in high school.  There was even the girl I had a crush on (well, we had a two-week relationship on the "down low" but, it's complicated, and was early in high school) back in the day.  




We're at a large school, that also somehow incorporated a theme-park sized outdoor pool.  But, instead of a water slide, there was a huge ramp for vehicles to drive and jump off into the water (uhhh... yah, I'm a gearhead).  One of them was a monster-truck and it made a huge splash. (wow, this sounds so weird and childish, but I'm telling you, these dreams were insanely VIVID and enduring).




I'm outside my high school in my hometown, but, the layout of the road by the school is not like real life.  The sky is an amber-golden color, again almost some kind of indication of it being either at dawn or dusk.  I can see down 3 different paths to multiple intersections.  And, that's what was going on in this mini-dream - I was looking down the road at intersections where cars and semi-trucks were wizzing by.  The crazy part was how my vision was scoping, much like eagle-eye vision, or like an actual scope of a gun, either in real life or in a video game (think about how the sniper rifle in GTA scopes, but take away the cross hairs, and imagine it to be more like eagle vision); and then I switched my view to the parking lot of the school.  It was like 10x bigger than what it was in real life, but the "me" in the dream saw it as normal.  




I'm in some building that was a mixture of being like the dorm building at my college, the building in that Steam video game called Stanley's Parable, and also somehow similar to hallways in my old elementary school at the same time.  The hallways were darkly lit, (my mind really has a "thing" for low-light-levels), but you could see plenty well enough.  There were people walking up the stairwells to get to their rooms, and also there was a vending machine right by the stairwell, and I went up to it and bought something.  




(remember, all these mini-dreams happened in ONE night, but their order of how/when they happened is skewed, as each is irrelevant to the other)

Here's a scary mini-dream that was a part of the rest of the mini-dreams (of which, the rest were obviously not scary).  


It's night, and I'm in the parking lot of our local County Market.  There's some suspicious vehicle in the parking lot.  While I'm looking at it, these random guys (who's faces I did not see) jumped out and threw me in the vehicle.  I wake up in a room, again it's darkly lit where I can still see things, but not bright.  I'm strapped to a chair.  I'm beginning to get psyched-out, afraid of the people, thinking they're going to kill me.  And right at the split second where they were just about to do it, the mini-dream ends and switches to another (idk which one, though [again, like I said...]).




Gosh... I know there were many more mini-dreams that I had that one night (actually, it was likely around dawn when I had them, as, that tends to be when I start dreaming, and I dream into the morning til I wake up).


~AND now we switch to a totally different night~


~Last night~


(well, this morning, anyway):  There were mini-dreams, I know it for sure, but as I was thinking of them as I awoke, parts began to fade away, and I'm only remembering one of them right now:  I was in a store, similar to a Wal-mart or a K-mart, and I was with one of my old friends, really just more of an acquaintance, which it's weird why I'd have been with him, but... meh.  We were looking around at all the sections.  The part I remember the most was looking at the hunting/fishing section (he's a big hunter/fisher, though, not so much me).  


~Different nights again~


~We're taking this waaay back to when I was a little kid.  These following dreams were each from different nights, I'd say that my age was between 6 and 14 when I had them~


I'll just place them disorganized...


I had a dream once that I was with my dad, in his old truck, and we were driving up a huuuge hill (straight road to the top), at either dawn or dusk, as the sky (yep) was an ember-golden color.  We got so far up, and finally it leveled off at the top, and we were driving on a road in the clouds. 




Another kind of similar dream... I was being driven up a hill, though this one was a circular hill, a spiral upward road, and the driver was the boy in the Halloween town movies, I think his name was Dylan Piper.  I think we might have been running away from Kalabar.




I've had dreams where I had some cool unearthly ability's, such as the ability to hover-jump, long and far, and also high up.  I've had the ability to fly.  I've had the ability to move things with my mind.  Change things, with my mind, also.  Some of them were non-lucid, but others were partially lucid, where I kind-of knew it was a dream, but at the same time, my mind was not in awe or shock about how weird things were.  


It's really quite a wonder, how I'm able to remember SO many dreams.  Dreams from almost any time, any age.  I know that I can't remember all of them, obviously, probably not even one-tenth of them.  But, I know that, out one whole year, I probably have dreams about 1/3 of all the nights, but, that's a rough estimation.  And, of those, I only remember a select few.  But, since, that's still alot of dreams I've had, I know I can remember parts from probably over 100 different dreams, from any number of years ago.  It's weird, because, I can remember the dreams from the mini-series (the first part of this post) from the end of last semester, which is like, 3-4 months ago, better than I can remember last night's dreams.  Sometimes they just stick with me.  And, they say, if you think about your dreams from right after you awake, your chances of remembering them are higher.  


I think sometime I'll come back to this thread with another big explanation of random dreams I can remember.


-Note: Explaining some of these dreams with just words is very difficult.  Even though dreams occur rapidly, one's sense of "time" in those dreams can seem like they lasted for hours, even though some may have only lasted for a minute, or even less.  It's honestly alot like the movie Inception, in the concept of time.  So, do know that, when I say these dreams were vivid, I mean it, because they were very, very highly detailed dreams.  The brain is one very powerful entity when it comes to the level of depth of detail that dreams can encompass.  I mean, honestly, the "eye" of the brain used to dream, is not like our actual eyes.  And, even with this explanation of how awesome our eyes really are -(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I5Q3UXkGd0)- I think that the "eye" we see dreams with in our brains is pretty close to being nearly infinite in its capabilities.  It all comes down to the power of the imagination of own's own self.  We can create worlds bigger than our own, that are actually only physically "there" - inside our brains - in neurons and synapses smaller than the the point of a needle.  


If anything at all is truly worthy of being called awesome, it would be the power of our brains.   




Does anyone else have the common theme of having their dreams seemingly set at a time of either during dawn, dusk, twilight, or night?









(Instead of it being in the day-time?)









~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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  • 2 months later...

A weird Dream that I had one time- Okay, I recently got into my favorite movie Avatar (Hence my profile pic) and I watched the movie recently, I been roleplaying, and been drawing me and my friend's their Avatars. So, since I have really gotten into it, I had this dream the other night where I was an Avatar living at the Hometree on that planet Pandora. Except, we had humans living with us that did not wear the oxygen masks, for in the movie, the humans had to wear it because the air was poisonous. It was rather cool honestly. I was the only one who was an Avatar out of my friends. The Hometree was also kinda of combined like modern day homes now, along with tribal like the movie. It was so weird, but I actually felt like I was an Avatar.



My weird Nightmare- I actually had last night. So I was on a cruise with my family and friends and we were traveling to a lot of cool places. All of a sudden, the cruise hit something and started to sink (no, it wasn't like Titanic) and like...some people drowned, but yet there was also body parts floating in the water and blood, I dont know what could have done that (it was pretty gruesome) and then there was another rescue cruise that passed though and saved the survivors, but I did not get a chance to get on the boat and I was washed up on an unknown island somewhere and I was alone and it was so scary to me because I fear deep water and I had no clue where I was and there was no help around. It was very unpleasant.

  • Brohoof 1

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I was in... basketball court. All main six ponies in human form... they had guns... rainbow dash tried to kill me with her RPD. My worst nightmare. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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#1. Winnie the Poo was real, my mom would not believe me. Rabbit stole our tooth brushes, so we killed him with legos.

#2. My mom was the president of China. I though that aliens had landed in my backyard, but only found my dog... my dog was an alien.

#3. I was in a post-apocalyptic version of my school, I was inducted into one of the many gangs of kids who fought others, and killed their own to move up in the chain of command. One of my best friends was chasing me around with a frighteningly large syringe.


yeah... dreams are wonderfully weird things.

signature_by_neonshower-d84yoyy.pnglyrics from "Laughter" by Mandopony, Pinkie Pie from the Desktop Ponies project, background by Bartoz
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I once had a dream that I visited a resort with boats that looked like cars from the 70's. I went to my room to find that everything was made of seaweed. Seaweed fridges, beds, shower, taps, bench, table, chairs, lounges and televisions. Then I went to find out about what the deal with my room was, I walked outside to see a friend of mine fall out of the sky. That's all I can remember :derp:

Number 1 proprietor of Fishy Sticks since February 17th 2014

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