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What's the worst song you've ever heard?


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A lot of metal music could be counted as awful to me. I like metal as a genre but a lot of the music sounds like it's trying to be 2edgy4me. 


Also anything by The Beatles, want a better band that sounds similar to them? Teenage Fanclub, they're actually good.

  • Brohoof 2


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The worst song I've ever heard...there are quite a lot of contestants, really. For me to consider a song horrible can have many reasons and I do divide them into categories. Let's see if I can list some candidates for this dubious honor.


First up, Adele's Rolling in the Deep. Everything, from the singing to the lyrics and music, is horrible in my opinion.


On the 'I want to hit the artist in the face' list: Irreplaceable by Beyonce. The condescending tone of the song and the horrid writing make sure this gets a place on my 'most hated' list.


Then we have Sak Noel's Loca People and 'Let Me Take A Selfie' by the Chainsmokers (according to Google) because both these songs glorify stupidity to a staggering degree.


The final song I'll mention in this rant is one that most of you won't know because it's Dutch, but it's called 'Dat Ik Je Mis' and the artist is Maaike Ouboter. Apparently, she entered in a songwriter's competetion with this song and moved the judges to tears. It was inspired on the death of her parents, which is all well and good, but that doesn't change the fact that the song makes no sense at all.


It seems to be a random collection of verbs, often used in completely wrong ways. If this is supposed to signify her being overcome with emotion...it fails. Aside from the grammatical issues with the song, she sometimes chooses words that don't fit the rhythm, causing it to sound rushed. The one redeeming point to the song is the very last line, 'Je blijft heel dicht bij me maar in mijn hart rust je,' which means 'you stay very close to me, but you rest in my heart' which does come across as very heartfelt no matter how odd the sentence sounds.


That just about concludes my list. An honorable mention goes to artist Sandra van Nieuwland, a contestant on The Voice of Holland, who made her initial fame on covers. Every single one of these covers ruin the original songs by screwing up the timing, rhythm and in some cases even the lyrics. Fortunately she's faded into obscurity and I don't hear her songs on the radio that often anymore.

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Are we talking about intentionally awful(because I tend to like those) or "awful"


If awful awful, the Friday is easily the worst thing I ever heard and is the embodiment of why autotune is the absolute worst thing in the music industry. I can't help but feel really bad for Rebecca Black too, honestly I've heard her other songs and honestly she's actually a pretty decent singer, but all she'll probably be remembered for is that atrocity

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@@Gildarts, ok, so I listened to 5 seconds of Discord.  Gonna have to agree with you.  Couldn't stomach any more.



Rainbow Factory. I don't really listen to brony music, but I've seen this one come up a lot. The music is alright, but I really dislike the voice-effect thing, it sounds terrible to me.

I don't really care for this either, but I kinda like the one sung by "Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo".  I put it in quotes because it's obviously not Ashleigh Ball and Madelein Peters, but the impersonation is really good.  It's different lyrics (ok, I guess a completely different song, but same tune), but way better, in my opinion.  If you're gonna listen to this song, this is the only one to listen to.



But as for my most hated songs, I'd say it's a toss up between these two.




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The worst song ever is the song you don't care for, but gets played non-stop, driving you to hate it with every fiber of your being.


But the worst would have to be these.




It hurts to listen to, but is kind of hilarious at the same time.


And I don't really like much Christmas music outside of hymns, but this is frequently called the worst Christmas song ever, and with good reason. It also just sucks in general.


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Well, I don't know about bad (it's a matter of taste) but if you say bad = personally irritating, then these bug me for their total banality combined w utter inanity.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland  

the part that starts "In the meadow we could build a snowman & pretend that he is Parson Brown.."

Space Cowboy, Gangster of Love


These because somebody played them so much my ears started to bleed (they were OK the 1st 10,000 times or so)

Black Girl   The Phil Spector 1 that starts "Black Girl, precious little pearl, you've been in the background much too long"

Coal Miner's Daughter

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Yes.  I 1st encountered that Horror From Hell back in the early 70s & have loathed it ever since.  IMO, it is possibly the worst thing they've ever done.


So many cover versions of it when better songs are long forgotten. Sometimes, Life Ain't Fair

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Any of those newer country songs that try to combine techno and rap into their songs. The end result is terrifying.


I happen to have a soft spot for country music but I absolutely despise Taylor Swift. She just said she's shifting her focus country. But the thing is when was she ever country?


If I had to choose, "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. Actually, anything sung by her.

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Heavy metal is a style of music with many genres and subgenres. Most of it can be good if done right, but as far as I know there is no such thing as good acoustic black metal. Seth Putnam did it with Impaled Northern Moonforest, but that was a joke. I'm pretty sure this band, called Death Moth Necro Machine, is serious. Worst music I've ever heard, right here:


"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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People... People actually listen to this shit?


Kill me.


^ don't listen to this guy ^


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Spikes singing of the cloudsdale anthem. nuff said.

I think that was supposed to be bad on purpose.

here's a better Spike song to make you feel better.





is only one of the songs that I can't stand.

I remember one crisp morning while riding the bus to school, this song came on the radio.

the opening music reminded me of another song and when it wasn't that song I was thinking of I got annoyed.


this moment was to repeat itself several times, until one day I completely hated it.


I hear the opening music and I dive for the volume control or the off button.




*OC Lucky Star*


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This abomination should burn in hell for eternity. No hard feelings towards those girls (and no dirty pun intended) but they suck real hard.


  • Brohoof 2


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  • 1 month later...

The worst song I've heard so far is "The Hamster Dance" by The Hit Crew.


I don't know why some people hate The Living Tombstone's Discord Remix. It sounds fine once I turn down the bass by a few dB.

  • Brohoof 1
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