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general Long Nails or Short Nails?

Lunar Echo

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Much like @Sugar Cube, I keep my nails longer than the average person, as they are very sturdy and I've grown accustomed to keeping them that way. If they were nicely painted right now I'd post a picture, but I haven't found the time to paint them lately so they look pretty boring :P

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I feel your pain. Sort of...? Why are you unable to give them a square shape?

I really don't know, I've even watched youtube videos and I just can't accomplish that, they don't look very... squared.

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Longer, I paint my nails a lot and painted nails look pretty dull on shorter nails. Plus I type with my nails so it's easier for me.


I have broken off some of my nails on accident before which hurts like hell but it's worth it I'd say.

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Sometimes long, sometimes short-ish. I can't stand having them clipped all the way back to the skin though. I have a hard time picking stuff up if I do that, plus it gets irritating. I don't really take care of my nails, but they hardly ever brake so they're always somewhat long. I do trim the ones on my left hand sometimes, when I try to pick up practicing the guitar again.

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  • 1 month later...

I prefer my nails short as short fingernails are much better for gaming and completing other tasks, however I often have long nails because they grow really fast and I forget to clip them.  I don't like long toenails either as they feel uncomfortable.

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Short-ish. My nails get really uncomfortable if they go too long. At the same time though, cutting them too short is uncomfortable too. Plus in that scenario, I can't scratch when I get itchy and that's really not good.

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I always grow out my fingernails, maybe about half an inch or so out.


I do this because short fingernails just bother me. Only real problem for me is the hangnails. They can suck when I let my fingernails get too long. Plus, in preparation for painting them!

Edited by TwillyFSniper
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I tend to keep my nails short, and neat. I never tend to let my nails grow any longer than about six millimeters, then goodbye nails. I don't think long nails (even if they were painted with a colour perfectly matching my shirt) would suit me.  :P

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I too, am a girl, and I prefer short nails as well.

Because... Penetration doesn't hurt that way??? Writing, playing guitar, working, all things are easier with short nails. Also, when mine are long they constantly break or get dirty.

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Ideally they should be long enough to be able to pry open certain objects but any more is just inconvenient and certainly not attractive to me. I've always bitten my nails any way so I find myself both sore and unable to pry open anything.

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I will never understand how anybody can stand having long nails.  Don't they just get in the way of everything?  I keep mine really short.  I pretty much trim them as soon as that white strip starts to grow in.  Like, every three days or so.  Trimming my nails is actually the most annoying thing in the world for me.  If there was one stupid daily thing I could choose to never have to do again, (such as shaving, brushing teeth, that sort of thing) it would be trimming my damn finger nails.

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