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gaming Games you couldn't get into at first but ended up really enjoying?

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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This is another gaming question I have for you all. I am sure we all have those particular games, the ones where at first we just could not get into them for one reason or another. The game just doesn't click for us. However, when we play it again at a later time or if we play it more, the game actually manages to grow on us and we end up really enjoying it.


So let's discuss this! What are some games that you just didn't really like at first, but ended up really liking in the end?


A particular one for me that is recent is Deus Ex Human Revolution. I could not get into this game at ll at first, so I ended up not playing it much and that was a big mistake. I am now playing it a lot more years later and learning the game better and I am really enjoying it so much more now. I am happy that I gave it another shot. :)

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Well, i first hated the Ridge Racer Games, because they were so difficult but then i got better at them and enjoyed to collect all the Cars.


But then the next few games came and where even harder, so the rage started again. Then i got better again and got into it again but in the end, my rage was so big, that i just ended up deleting all my save files again.

  • Brohoof 1


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These that come to mind are:

-Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon: Got stuck for years AT THE FIRST PART OF THE GAME. And all that for skipping texts :lol:. It was not years later that I've finally reached the first dungeon

-Mario RPG: I used to be stuck at every boss in the game because I didn't get what a RPG was in general.

-Paper Mario: It doesn't have RPG elements as strong as the previous one, but I got stuck very often up to chapter 3 because.... you guessed it: skipping texts :lol:

-Majora's Mask: Couldn't past the first part for months because I didn't know what to do


As you might guest, those became some of my all time favorite games once I figured them out 

  • Brohoof 2


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The legend of Zelda series. I couldn't figure out the puzzles. I'd get stuck at one area, then I wouldn't be able to solve it. I didn't have a guide and my Google Fu powers were really weak when I was really young, so id walk around in circles for 15-20 minutes confused and frustrated.

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Starfox Command for me. At first I thought the controls were awful. After playing it for longer I wound up enjoying it a lot, even if I the story still blew 

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Grand Theft Auto is a big one for me. My parents banned it when I was a kid, because they thought it would influence me to become a criminal. I convinced my dad to buy GTA V so he could play with his cousin.


I had to pretend to hate GTA to gain their trust, so when I finally got to play it (in secret), it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Like, I brainwashed myself into believing it was terrible. But, it's really super fun.


I stayed up at night playing it before we moved. I miss that. :D

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Recently that was Demon's Souls for me. I'd watched people play it years ago and heard all the talk about how difficult it, and the entire Souls series, was, and couldn't for the life of me figure out why anyone would play it. Then I watched another playthrough and decided to give it a shot.


And I got my butt kicked, as you would expect. But I still stuck through it and eventually I persevered and am ready to give the rest of the series a go.


Another was Mass Effect. The gunplay in the first ME was awful and almost made me quit the series then and there despite how good the rest of the game was. Eventually I started again and, after tweaking the difficulty a bit, I managed to beat it before moving on to the far superior ME2. 

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I could never understand why it was so popular. I played it for the first time last year, and still didn't quite get "it". Then I went off and built a couple of things, and about 3 hours had passed. There was a group of people I was playing with at the time, so we did a lot building and screwing around.

Edited by Vulon Bii
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Wolfenstine 3D. Why you may ask? Well I was busy judging the game by its name. I eventually got the game cuz I was bored and realized that the game was more fun and challenging than I thought it would be. I mean how can tearing Nazis to pieces with a minigun not be fun?

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Doom. I played it for a bit back in mid-2015 and i was like ok w/e and then got into it again late 2015 and it was like GEEZ FUCK What a great game I should play this all day for the next eight months which is what I did.


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oh, sweet Celestia, I'm gonna get backlash for saying I disliked this...




Dark Souls


inb4 "git gud"




Now let me tell you a little story about my experience with this game when I first picked it up...


  • Everyone telling me I'd love it because, growing up with an NES, I like hard games
  • Everyone praising its story, gameplay, character development, rewarding challenge, boss design, and just about everything about this game under the grossly incandescent  sun
  • People building it up to be an unparalelled game in difficulty and in rewarding game play
  • People saying that whenever you die, you feel like it's your fault, not the game's

Now here's what happened when I actually started playing


  • A camera that is a tougher enemy than any boss the game had to throw at me
  • Absolutely atrocious hit-boxes (and that's an understatement)
  • Online that sometimes worked, sometimes didn't, depending on how the game felt that day
  • A menu system that flat out lies to you (Yes, I'm talking about that worthless ring that everyone is tricked into taking over that incredibly useful key)
  • Enemy placement made to frustrate rather than challenge (Let's put enemies in a narrow hallway, so that even if you lock-on, it's still a throw of the dice whether your weapon decides to clip through the wall and hit the enemy, or bounces off the wall and leave you vulnerable for 7 enemies to gang up and kill you)
  • Shoddy game design (check out that solid 15 fps, what's that? You want to use a thrusting weapon in the sewers? Well guess what, half the time, your thrust will sail over the heads of small enemies like rats without damaging them! How about we make the only item you can use to call for help in a tough area extremely limited unless you fork over the cash for the DLC? This boss isn't hard enough, how about we just throw more than one boss out so that its impossible to ever truly be safe when fighting it, and no matter how skilled you are, another guy can just come out of nowhere and take away over half your health bar in one swing? WOW! That worked great! Let's do that trick again later, only make the two bosses different, so the player will have to deal with twice the variety of attacks that are impossible to dodge if they want to actually fight the boss!)

And when the game wasn't unfairly cheap, it was too bloody easy! All you have to do is strafe behind a black knight, back stab or riposte it with starter gear, and take its weapon. If it doesn't drop its weapon, that's fine, you get 3 different chances before you've even reached the first Mcguffin bell, which many people argue is practically still part of the tutorial!


I had enough resources granted to me from the first 2 real levels to fully upgrade that weapon, and destroyed even bosses in a number of swings I can count on one hand until I reached the late game!


In short, I had heard too much praise about the game, but heard nothing of its glaring issues and shortcomings, which completely ruined my first playthrough for me. I felt that a good 25% of the deaths I had from my first playthrough were due to the bad design choices listed earlier in this list...


But once I learned how to avoid the game's bullcrap and once the game finally caught up to my damage output in the new game plus, I've been having a lot more fun with it....


It's a good game to me, and I'm genuinely enjoying my time with it now, but I still stand by my belief that if the design of a game rather than the difficulty of a game is something a player has to "get used to", then people should have every right to call it out on its problems, and label it as a bad game, because in truth, it was objectively poorly designed... Does that mean it can't be fun? Of course not! Dark Souls is LOADS of fun once you get into it, but its the fact that players have to "git gud" at avoiding the game's poor design before they can have an opportunity to "git gud" at the game's actual mechanics that keeps it from really being a GREAT game... (And I know how blasphemous it is to say it, but I found Dark Souls 2 to be a better game objectively because it succeeded on these basic foundational and mechanical fronts where its predecessor had failed)


All this being said, however, I praise Dark Souls on its ability to make a fun game (even if it takes a while to get used to the game before it can be fun) and more importantly, a successful game that caters to an underfed audience that the AAA Industry typically wouldn't want to touch with a 49 and a half foot pole. My appreciation for what Dark Souls proved as a game far outweighs any shortcomings it may have had, and makes me look upon the game with favor.

Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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I was a bit hesitant on getting Hyrule Warriors Legends because I had never played any sort of Dynasty Warriors game before as it is a crossover between Zelda and that franchise, but I ended up really enjoying it.


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NES: Faxanadu-Thought it was boring, but somehow, I fell in love and now it's one of my favorite games on the NES.


SNES: Mega Man X-I thought X was clunky and slow compared to the Zero series, but I kept at it. It's an awesome game!


Sega Genesis: Toejam and Earl's Panic on Funkotron. I wasn't sure of it at first, but it's a quirky, colorful, fun platformer.


GBA: Minish Cap, it's more like I turned my nose up at the art style, but I'm glad I gave it a second chance. It's a terrific game, with some of the best boss fights, a fun overworld and some very clever dungeons.


Wii: Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon-Its strange that I picked this, given that I'm neither a FF fan, nor a dungeon crawler fan, but somehow it works. It's an underrated little gem if you ask me.


DS: MM ZX- I was soooo not interested in this and wasn't crazy about the sequel, but I bought it one day and tried it and its now in my top five favorite mm games.


3DS: Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer: It's not my game but my kid pestered me to try it and I like it a lot.


WiiU: Shovel Knight-I wasn't interested in Shovel Knight. Thought it'd be cheap, boring and ugly. It's freakin awesome!

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I couldn't get into Dragon Age 2 at first but now I really like that game.  I went in listening to everyone say how terrible it was and yeah, it did have it's negatives but I really like how much they put into the characters.

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I couldn't get into Dragon Age 2 at first but now I really like that game.  I went in listening to everyone say how terrible it was and yeah, it did have it's negatives but I really like how much they put into the characters.


I honestly don't know what people where holding against this game.  Maybe it wasn't quite as good as the original but its still a solid game with interesting character, locations and combat.   

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Believe it or not, I at first thought that Smash was not my thing. I would play it and get bored after like two fights. But then after playing casually with my family, I just really wanted to keep picking PAC-MAN and I realized ''You know what? This is my character. I want to practice with him and become great'' and I'm still driving down that road. I think I'm a third across the country. Without PAC in the game, I wouldn't have even got into Smash.

Pennutoh has a gun

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A game that I couldn't get into but ended up enjoying was the Kingdom Hearts series. When hearing what the game was about I thought it was weird and thought it wouldn't work. Some of my friends told me to play the game, but I told them I would pass on the game. One day my friend decided to bring the game over and let me watch how the game worked. After watching for a little while, I decided to play it and found it to be quite enjoyable. A few weeks after trying the game I decided to get the game myself and finish the story. Ever since then I kept getting all the sequels to see how the story continued and I've loved the series ever since.

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There was a game that came out in 2008 called 'Alone in the Dark' which was this survival horror sort of thing. It didn't get great reviews and in the beginning I really didn't enjoy playing it. One night I ended up sitting down and playing through the entire game, ended up enjoying it more than I expected.


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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The Mass Effect series, when it first came out I was not into sci-fi games so I didn't touch it, didn't for years. Infact I knew nothing about the franchisee, then in fall 2014, two years after the thirds release I saw all three games for $30 and thought, eh, people say their good. Therefore I got them and started playing, still didn't care for it at first as I believe the beginning of the first game was to slow. I ended up putting them on the shelf and not playing them again till summer 2015 where I saw them sitting there and became determined to finish them.


Needless to say I loved them and it became my favorite game series despite the ending. Wished I had gotten into the franchisee back when it was big but at least I missed the ending drama.

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Well, let's see....Final Fantasy Tactics was like that for me.  It only took me a few days to get into it, though, so it may not be the best example.  But for the first few sittings, I just didn't get it, and thought it was weird and all around unfun.  I just kept thinking, "Da fuk is this?"  I almost quit playing, but I stuck it out for a little bit, and before long everything clicked and turned around, and it ended up being one of my all time favorite games, ever, bar none.


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Skyrim, I didn't expect to like it much, and when I started playing for the first time, my first class being a mage, I wasn't very impressed. I liked the world and all, but the gameplay just didn't click with me. Then I made a warrior and then a thief, and I've had a blast for the next hundred hours. :derp:

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  • 1 year later...

Majora's Mask I couldn't get into for the longest time, I gave it a try again a few years ago, and I ended up loving every minute of it. 

Mass Effect I played back in like 2010, and I ended up returning it to Gamestop because I had no idea how to play it.:please: It wasn't until about late 2016 when I bought the Mass Effect Collection on PS3 for 25$ that I actually fully got into it.

Metal Gear Solid, I always ended up getting stuck on the torture sequence. It wasn't until last January when I finally completed it from start to finish.

  • Brohoof 1


                                    Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature!



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