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Best/Worst Episodes of Season 6


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Top 3 Favorite:


1) No Second Prances; it was just a well written tense drama, which was great.  ^_^

2) Saddle Row Review; just a hilarious episode.  :-P

3) Gauntlet of Fire; a good GREAT Spike episode finally!  :love:



3 Least Favorite:


1) Applejack's Day Off; so boring, basically 30 minutes of filler, not to mention the RD cameo that really pissed me off.  :okiedokieloki:

2) Times are a Changling; while this episode was very enjoyable, the plot seemed very forced and the Spike song was the most random and forced song I have ever seen in any media since Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer (the movie).  :okiedokieloki:

3) P.P.O.V.; was a really great and funny episode until the end, while Pirate Applejack made me laugh more than anything I have ever watched, the ending was absolutely horrible and ruined the rest of the episode...  :okiedokieloki:

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Top 5 


1) To Where and back again- Both parts (N/A) - No rating for this episode yet as I'm waiting for the american release but rest assured I saw it and it is bar none the best episode of the season and a spectacular finale. Not sure about [REDACTED FOR SPOILER REASONS] at the end though.


2) A Hearths Warming Tale (8.2/10) - Beautiful and charming disneyesque musical episode and a very good first episode for Mike Vogel to be introduced as a writer with. 


3) Stranger Than Fan Fiction (8/10) - Incredibly fun and enjoyable episode. Patton Oswald was great as Quibble Pants even though I still hate that name. And it was nice to see a Daring Do adventure where Ahuizotl wasn't the villain. This is pretty much reiterating what I said in this episodes thread.  


4) The Times They Are a Changeling (8/10) - Very well written, the ending feels a tiny bit rushed following the "lets fix everything with a song" trope but it worked for the most part. It was overall a nice and heartwarming reformation.


5) The Saddle Row Review (7.9/10) - Very fun and lighthearted episode that doesn't take itself too seriously. The cutaway interviews threw me off a bit when I first watched the episode but upon rewatching it a week or so ago I really liked how different it was so yeah Its a good one.


Bottom 5 

1) Newbie Dash (3/10) - Worst episode of the entire series. A milestone for Rainbow Dash completely ruined by terrible writing. Nothing more to say.


2) Where The Apple Lies (3.3/10) - Season 6's winner of the worst title of the season award and an all around trash episode. It can join it's less terrible counterpart, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, as unwatchable dirges that I will never bother to revisit again. also the third worst episode of the series.


3) The Gift Of Maud Pie (4/10) - You expect me to say something here? What is there to say? It's a boring episode where the characters are written completely out of line, case closed.

4) Applejack's Day Off (4.8/10) - That stupid AF ending (can also be applied to P.P.O.V.) I'm noticing a trend here, Fox Bros.

5) The Cart Before The Ponies (5.3/10) - Lets have an episode where the CMC's loving sisters act like completely selfish jerks and build cars for themselves instead of for the CMC. While writing this so many terrible things about the episode came back to me that I want to tear apart but I'm just gonna leave it at that.

The season as a whole was honestly underwhelming but it still had its moments and charming episodes, all the map episodes this season were good. Hopefully season 7 will be a bit better. A step in the right direction would be if Josh Haber was no longer the story editor or showrunner for the season. However the tweet Josh gave on the subject was so baffling and oddly written that I don't think anyone know wither he will be doing it or not. I hope Mike Vogel is the story editor for season 7, the episodes he worked on this season were all real good.

Edited by Zantetsuken
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My favorite and least favorite episode from season 6 would have to be:




- The Saddle Row Review

- Gauntlet of Fire

- The Gift of the Maud Pie

- A Hearth's Warming Tale

- Every Little Thing She Does

- Flutter Brutter 

- Dungeons and Discord

- To Where and Back Again 


Least Favorite:


- On Your Marks

- Applejack's "Day" Off

- Spice Up Your Life

- Where the Apple Lies

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Best episode: Stranger than Fan Fiction. I only vaguely remember that episode, but all I can remember is that it took some of the good things about adventure episodes and it had Dashie's face as she showed off her friendship with Daring herself. I do remember that I really loved the episode.


Worst episode: A Hearth's Warming Tail. It's the same Christmas story we've all heard, and it relied way too much on songs to cram it up into 22 minutes, rather than the movie length that that story is best for. Also, it released in May for some reason. Luna's song though, was the best part of the episode. That was so well done. I mean I kind of enjoyed the episode, but the episode was bad because of those factors.

Pennutoh has a gun

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The Gift of Maud Pie

Gauntlet of Fire

No Second Prances

A Hearth's Warming Tail

Spice Up Your Life

28 Pranks Later

The Times They Are a Changeling

Buckball Season
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

Every Little Thing She Does

Where the Apple Lies

Top Bolt

To Where and Back Again Pt1&2



The Chrystalling Pt 1&2

On Your Marks

Newbie Dash

Flutter Brutter

The Saddle Row Review

Stranger Than Fan Fiction

The Cart Before the Ponies

Dungeons and Discords

Viva Las Pegasus



Apple Jack's Day Off



My absolute favourite was the finale, followed closely by The Gift of Maud Pie, Saddle Row Review and Buckball Season. These episodes were fun, unique and had good humour so I loved them the most.


My Least favourite was PPOV because it was the only episode that I got nothing out of, it was so boring for me and I don't really know why.




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The Best:


  • To Where and Back: I tell you, there's nothing like development of secondary characters. I loved this episode and it's lesson. I liked the build up to the final battle and no redemption for once. Who knows, maybe third time's the charm? Tbh, it's a relief the writers held off Chrysalis's redemption. Also, I love the new pure changeling designs. They're so majestic and beautiful. Starlight Glimmer was written very well for this episode, and I love her interaction with Luna. Overall, great episode and great lesson about what happens when you share love with one another. 
  • A Hearth's Warming Tail: There's nothing like a good ol' parody of Scrooge, and mlp pulled this one off very well. The songs were amazing, especially Luna's Future. I tell you, the way the original story carried over was perfect. A unicorn who loves to celebrate Hearth's Warming, but influenced by some snooty professor, who almost makes her ruin Hearths Warming forever. I swear I don't know how them ponies get away with that...
  • Gauntlet of Fire: The BEST Spike episode up-to-date. This was perhaps Spike's greatest character development, and an introduction to a new land. The lesson was amazing as well, you cannot rule with evil intent, and, no matter how small you are, you can always do big things. Such an encouraging episode to everyone, especially to little girls, since some can struggle with self esteem. The fact that Ember was able to assert herself against her father about size not mattering, truly is an inspiration to everyone. 


The Worst...


  • Newbie Dash: Yes, you all had it coming, the episode of Season 6 with the most hate. I mean, what was up with Spitfire in this episode? Thinking that belittling Dash to motivate her...that's not right. I empathize with Rainbow in this episode due to the fact that she was very upset on the inside. She needed to tell the truth but was afraid because then she might get kicked out of the Wonderbolts. But I must say, the writing was poor in this episode. It's like the writers wrote S1 Rainbow Dash...which was out of character for her up to this point. And the fact that she put Scootaloo in danger, just goes to show how much she was affected by Spitfires little thing. This is why the Wonderbolts need to taught a lesson. They are Rainbow Dash's greatest dream, but yet, they are her worst nightmare. The reason why I say this is because they act like hypocrites. First off, let's reflect back to Rainbow Falls. Spitfire was going to put Rainbow Dash in Soarin's place just so Rainbow could accomplish her dream of flying with the Wonderbolts. This episode was just so bad, it should've never been written in the first place. And now...the lesson...yeah...why want to fit in? Be yourself. Be unique. There are so many arguments against this episode's lesson. Rainbow Dash is Rainbow Dash and nothing can change that. 
  • 28 Pranks Later: Ah another Dashie episode...where the writers wipe Rainbow back to Season 1. When will they ever learn about continuity...? Ok, we all know when a prank goes too far, and sometimes people reverse it on the prankster just so they can get a taste of their own medicine. I thought Rainbow knew better. After all, Pinkie did stop her from pranking Fluttershy in S1E5, and yet the first prank we see in this episode is Rainbow pranking Fluttershy...ugh...
  • Every Little Thing She Does: Ah a Starlight Glimmer episode...where she goes and hypnotizes Twilight's friends because she's nervous about a friendship problem...back to S5E1 Starlight Glimmer. Only reason why I have this under the worst is due to the fact that Starlight was so desperate, that she nearly caused a magic disaster. She's very strong in magic, and she needs to learn to control it. She took to desperate measures, only for a simple lesson...ugh...
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Butt hurt Starlight haters, same reason why you see Every Little Thing she does down there so much too.

It's sad how consumed with hate toward her some of the fandom is, they can't even judge her episodes remotely objectively. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Butt hurt Starlight haters, same reason why you see Every Little Thing she does down there so much too. It's sad how consumed with hate toward her some of the fandom is, they can't even judge her episodes remotely objectively. 

There are 2 review blog i read rate Starlight's relate episodes ( the Finale gets negative 5 freaking score, would you believe it :orly: ) as low as possible , beside A Hearth Warming Tail, which get average score  :orly:, and one of them give Applejack Day Off a 6/10? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A JOKE!  :angry: I cant take those guys seriously anymore.

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To Where & Back Again- Too Awesome!

Saddle Row Review- Hilarious

The Times they are a Changeling- :yay:

A hearths warming tail- wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Buckball season- this was interesting.

The Crystalling- everybody says this was a weak start, but idc what they say. Interesting.

Flutter Brutter- Zephyr Breeze

Top Bolt- awesome new designs!

The Gauntlet of fire- Aweeeesssommmeeeee!

Viva Las Pegasus- Amazingly cool seeing AJ & flutters working together!

Spice up your life- I need some curry now!

The Gift of Maud Pie- so touching!

No Second Prances- Trixie Returns and I make amends with her.

The Fault in our cutie marks- Griffons!

On your marks- all says this to was a bad one. It's not.

Applejack's day off- not bad

Cart before the Ponies- Not that bad, please

Ppov- this was a little unfair

Where the apple lies- Meh.

Dungeons & discords- don't judge me. It was a repeat of what about discord. There wasn't any crazy chaotic unusual magic. Only turning the game to live and that's just.......... Boring. Plus where has. Big Macs kind character gone?

Every Little thing she does- I didn't even get what was going on until the end. Plus, hypnotising friends isn't the thing to do. This went tot tall off topic.


The only ones I disliked were Dungeons & Discords and Every Little thing she does.

:rarity:img-38032-1-Rsigpurple.png:rarity:<p> best pony

.......... And what in TARNATION?!

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To be honest, it kinda bored me. I think I was mostly frustrated with the seeming primary lesson being something Twilight has already learned, but it seemed to me like it took a swing at complexity and, instead of making its characters deeper, it just made all three of them unsympathetic, and I increasingly found I didn't care about what was happening. It tries, and I can appreciate that, but I was never invested in it, and I didn't find it anywhere near entertaining enough to compensate.


That said, it's by some margin the best episode which I would call my least favourite of a season. Nowhere near my bottom 10 of the show.

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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Overall a lackluster season but here goes:

Best 5:
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons & Discords
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
The Times They Are a Changeling
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

Worst 5:
Every Little Thing She Does
Flutter Brutter
The Cart Before the Ponies
No Second Prances

Edited by Yoshi89

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This season was overall good for me. It had some horrendous episodes, sure but the good ones were really, really good to me.



Saddle Row Review: Probably my favorite from the season, this episode was incredibly well paced, had tons of charm, a lot of humor and each character shined bright. This is how it should be done.


The times They Are A Changeling: This is probably the biggest advancement form the season besides the finale and it was really good. Thorax was really cute and Spike's character continued to be fantastic in this episode. Sure, the song was a bit cringey but it was still good. The only thing I did not like was the trope of the other characters not willing to listen to anything near the end.


A Hearth's Warming Tale: A Wonderfully done christmas themed episode with some of the best animation in the show so far and fantastic musical work. The roles the characters played in the story was also a good fit.


To Where and Back Again: I actually was not looking forward to this one yet it somehow is one of my season 6 favorites! Weird how that works. While the concept of all the most powerful ponies including the mane 6 being taken away without much of a struggle is weird, the team that saved the day was awesome. Starlight shined through, as did Discord and that really surprised me as Discord is usually a hit and miss character for me. The idea of them not being able to use magic for a good while was actually something that helped the episode and of course, Chrysalis was creepy and awesome.


Least Favorites

Newbie Dash: Simply put, f*ck this episode. It is the worst episode in the entire series for me. Take what should be an amazing moment like this and absolutely destroy it. Rainbow Dash had the dream of being a Wonderbolt since episode ONE and this is what we get. The Wonderbolts being absolute dicks, RD being an idiot and doing really idiotic impersonations for no reason and all of this is wrapped up in a lovely moral; "We were just hazing and hazing is okay as long as all new people get it!" F*ck. Off. If any other episode is not that good, I can at least look at this episode and think "Well, at least it isn't Newbie Dash."


Flutter Brutter: This is another one that I nearly liked nothing in it. The only saving grace was the parents, I really liked them. other than that, I hate this episode too. Zephyr was a horrible character and clearly he was made this way as a setup so we can cheer him on in the end. Yet, even at the end, I hated him just as much as I did at the start. He was an asshole throughout the entire episode and at the end, he was an asshole that can now style hair. Um, yay? No thank you. Also had a bit of a stereotype that living with your parents clearly means you are a no good deadbeat failure.


On Your Marks: Now, this is actually not a bad episode, in fact it is presented fairly well, so this one is a bit odd for me. It was a good episode that also happened to be insanely depressing. The moral is something that is definitely real and it was handled well but at the same time, it just made me sad. It sorta was a very harsh reminder to me that this show will not last forever and the good times we are used to having may one day not happen anymore. While this is a fact of life, it was a bit saddening to be reminded of it in a show that is normally very positive. The ending at least made up for it a bit, but I found myself feeling very down through most of this one. It is an episode that I don't think I will be watching again.


The Cart Before the Ponies: This episode was a huge disappointment and terribly done. An episode about the ponies cart racing?! How could that not be fun?! This is how. Take Rarity, AJ and RD, make them into insufferable idiots and while you are at it hammer their motivations into your face, numerous times. Then the ending happens and we see the CMC's doing what they want to do and it looks like fun! That is what we should have gotten! Then it ends on the insufferable 3 relaxing and acting all satisfied when in fact they probably should feel a bit bad still.



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My opinion: 


Worst episode - Applejack's "Day" Off. They missed a good opportunity to actually make something funny from this. Although, the idea that some traditions are useless and shouldn’t be blindly followed is appealing, the way they represented it… well, wasn’t the best. And that Rarity’s face – if only I could unsee it.


Best episode -  hard to choose between The Saddle Row Review and To Where and Back Again, but I’d pick the first one as it is an ordinary episode that way exceeded expectations and was brilliant from the first to the last second.
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My least favorite episode would have to be Applejack's "Day" Off, out of all the ponies you choose, you choose her. Her friends doing her chores isn't exactly interesting and didn't make the episode unique to other episodes. If it was Twilight's "Day" Off and had other ponies doing her duties, that is something I'll watch.


My favorite episode would have to be To Where and Back Again, probably one of the best finales I've seen, the show probably wanted to go in a different direction rather than rely on the Mane 6 and the friendship stuff like in previous seasons. Starlight's role had no doubt made me become a fan of her and hopefully have her spot in the Mane 7 cemented.

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Sig by Kyoshi.

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Butt hurt Starlight haters, same reason why you see Every Little Thing she does down there so much too.


I'm a HUGE starlight fan, but no second prances is in my bottom 3 for the season.

Its kinda mean and shallow to assume that everyone that doesn't like something is doing it for the same lame reason.


For me, the thing that ruined the episode was TRIXIE.  Her vendeta against twilight makes no sense given the last interaction we saw between the two.  The entire episode was based on regressing her character, right after I was starting to finally like her. 




Worst is Newbie Dash.  I can't get past the hazing, since the justified it.  Could have been great if Rainbow had confronted them about it, and called them to better.


Best is The Crystalling.  Sunburst is incredible.  I relate so much to him and Starlight, and it was a very relational episode.  Single handedly caused me to design a sunburst cosplay for a convention.  

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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Best is The Crystalling.  Sunburst is incredible.  I relate so much to him and Starlight, and it was a very relational episode.  Single handedly caused me to design a sunburst cosplay for a convention.  

Ayyyy, another fan of "The Crystalling!" Was starting to feel like I'm the only one. 

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1. Stranger Than Fan Fiction


2. Dungeons and Discords


3. Every Little Thing She Does


4. Top Bolt


5. The Times They Are a Changeling






1. 28 Pranks Later


2. Cart Before The Ponies


3. Buckball Season


4. Flutter Brutter


5. Applejack's "Day" Off

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After seeing the finale, I would have to put in my favorites of the season category. I really enjoyed the character dynamics between Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and Discord. They all got to do something important to help save the day in the end, and got some pretty funny moments. Especially Trixie and Discord as I now want an episode focusing on the two. Also the whole conflict with Starlight and the village ponies has been something I've wanted to see all season long with her character, and if she is continued written in that kind of way I could become a fan of her. The episode surprised me with how much I enjoyed it.

  • Brohoof 1


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As I did for Seasons 4 and 5, I'll write about my 5 favorite episodes of the season here. My episode posts mostly consist of skeptical, cynical, and sarcastic observations and questions, so it's nice to occasionally take stock of episodes and things I liked. (And maybe some forum members who read my posts, like @@Truffles and @@Foliha, might like to see this.) So here, not necessarily in rank order, are what I think are my 5 favorite episodes of Season 6:


A Hearth's Warming Tail (Episode 8): This episode has really grown on me, which is surprising, since I'm not normally one to get enthusiastic about the holiday season or anything. The songs, costumes, elaborate sets, and characters roleplaying other characters are really good, and come together to make an entertaining total package. It's amusing to watch Twilight and Spike be shocked by Starlight's lack of enthusiasm about the holiday, and to see the earnest attempts to convince both Starlight and Snowfall of the value of the holiday, although I'm a little too cynical to quite believe them. Yet even as I'm sympathetic to some of Starlight's and Snowfall's initial attitudes about the holidays, the episode comes to a nice feel-good ending: Snowfall and Starlight go to the Hearth's Warming Eve parties, participate in the festivities with their friends, and are happier for it.


Top Bolt (Episode 24): I really like the way Twilight and Rainbow Dash play off and cooperate with each other in this episode, which is often reminiscent of their dynamic in "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3". Vapor Trail is a cute and endearing character, and it's satisfying to see her realize what she wants for herself, rather than focusing solely on making Sky Stinger happy. Sky's and Vapor's predicament is relatable (if perhaps a bit implausible). And there are several feel-good moments in the episode, especially Twilight's and Rainbow's cheering up Sky and Vapor, and seeing the two of them achieving their own success and getting into the Wonderbolts Academy.


Stranger Than Fan Fiction (Episode 13): This is another episode that it's a little surprising to find on this list. I might not normally be into the kind of meta jokes and plot, and I've never been to a convention, nor do I have any particular desire to go to one, but this episode has several smaller aspects to it to like. I do find the Daring Do convention (including some jokes like the Daring Do body pillows), as well as Rainbow Dash's fangirling about it, to be enjoyable to see. It's strangely amusing to watch Rainbow Dash get offended and indignant at Quibble's criticisms of the later Daring Do books and the adventure, and to see Rainbow take it upon herself to defend the honor of A.K. Yearling. It's also entertaining to see Daring Do's interactions with Rainbow, and to see Daring Do in action. If we can look past Quibble's often smug and grating attitude, I do agree with a lot of his skepticism and criticisms in the episode. Finally, the episode has a good moral that it's okay for fans of something to like (or dislike) certain aspects of it, and for different reasons.


Gauntlet Of Fire (Episode 5): It's nice to be Spike comfortable with himself among the other dragons, and saving Equestria in a surprisingly high-stakes situation while making a valuable connection to the new Dragon Lord. Ember is a likable character, and it's amusing to see her learning to be friends while slowly overcoming her unawareness of and discomfort with expressing feelings. The action of the episode is generally engaging, and it's nice to be Twilight's and Rarity's advising Spike and cheering him on throughout the episode.


The Crystalling (Episodes 1 & 2): I didn't care for Flurry Heart's superpowers or the generic zany "taking care of a baby is hard!" antics, but there are several other things to like about this episode. In retrospect, I find this episode to have what might be the most sympathetic portrayal of Starlight thus far (other than, perhaps, "A Hearth's Warming Tail"). I relate to Starlight's really not wanting to have to talk to Sunburst, and her attempts to put it off or get out of doing it are entertaining. Starlight's manipulation of Spike to get him to tell tales of his heroic deeds showed that Starlight hadn't completely changed from her old self, while not blatantly violating moral boundaries as she did in later episodes. In fact, Spike's and Starlight's rapport throughout these episodes is quite good. Sunburst is another likable character, and it's nice to see him (re)making friends with Starlight in the end. It's also enjoyable to see the Crystal Empire saved by a real team effort, with Celestia, Luna, Sunburst, Starlight, etc. all playing significant roles, and to see everyone get a "crystal makeover" as a reward for their efforts.

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List is now Changing because I'm finished Season 6:




1. A Hearth's Warming Tail

2. The Times they are a Changeling

3. To Where and Back Again (Part 1 and 2)

4. The Saddle Row Review

5. Top Bolt




1. Pony Point of View

2. Newbie Dash

3. 28 Pranks Later

4. Every Little Thing she does

5. No Second Prances

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Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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My personal list of the best episodes of this season (in no particular order since ranking them is near impossible  :wacko:):

  • The Crystalling (Parts 1 & 2)
  • Gauntlet of Fire
  • No Second Prances
  • A Hearth's Warming Tale
  • The Saddle Row Review
  • Flutter Brutter
  • Stranger than Fan Fiction
  • The Times they are a Changeling
  • Dungeons & Discords
  • The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
  • Viva Las Pegasus
  • Every Little Thing She Does
  • Top Bolt
  • To Where and Back Again (Parts 1 & 2)

That's nearly 2/3 of the season, but I couldn't help it. I absolutely loved S6 and felt that we got so many outstanding episodes. Here's looking forward to season 7 next year  :P.


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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Best (A Very Close Race)

  1. A Hearth's Warming Eve

    In terms of sheer musicality, A Hearth's Warming Eve edges out even Crusaders Of The Lost Mark. The music in this episode is genius, particularly Say Goodbye To The Holiday, The Seeds Of The Past and Pinkie's Present. What elevates this episode above the rest is its unparalleled atmosphere, detail and setting while it simultaneously gives us the adaption of A Christmas Carol, while reintroducing Hearth's Warming Eve after Hearthbreakers' excellent distillation of its essence.

    Starlight Glimmer has believable parallels with Snowfall Frost who is a very sympathetic adversary, and her journey is well-accomplished. The spiritual representations were chosen perfectly and the pacing flawless. It is simply the best musical and set-piece yet has done that fills you with an unexplainable euphoria no matter how many viewings.
  2. Viva Las Pegasus

    Utterly clever, to put this episode succinctly. Top Bolt comes very close but this is the best Cutie Map episode because of how it is framed. Gladmane's modus operandi is nuanced and raises questions about abusing friendship/amity as a falsehood to achieve one's ends. The flawless dynamic of Applejack and Fluttershy is complemented by Flim and Flam, whose appearance is necessitated as the only way to out-gambit the conman. The episode throws a curveball as Applejack and Fluttershy's rationale and approaches are both instrumental to solving the problem.
  3. The Saddle Row Review

    An experiment gone right. The multiple perspectives, time-jumps, focuses were handled impeccably. Comedic timing strengthened the style of this episode along with basically Castle Sweet Castle in reverse, another sign that the Mane 6 know how to adapt situationally and that nothing is absolute in what they learn (that's good).
  4. Top Bolt

    Sky Stinger and Vapour Trail's relationship, along with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash's interactions elevate this episode, along with an improved Wonderbolt showing because this episode is extremely relevant. It is a hard truth that everyone grapples with sometime or another. The notion that you have to stop shielding someone you love or that you have been shielded can be devastating and the dual nature of Twilight and Dash's justifications mattered because both have real repercussions
  5. To Where And Back Again - Part 1

    Apart from Friendship Is Magic, Part 1, I think this is the only time Part 1 outdoes Part 2 in a two-parter. Starlight's character arc throughout the season got a satisfying payoff and basically carries the episode as she took charge, coupled with her developing/hilarious dynamic with Trixie. Though Thorax and Discord are more prominent in Part 2, their appearances here were memorable as well. There better be a brilliant fucking explanation about how Chrysalis managed to silently abduct Celestia, Luna, Cadance, the Mane 6, Shining Armour, Flurry Heart or I hope they never reveal it. Chrysalis made a menacing showing and the stakes were high and it set up Part 2 like no Part 1 has ever done before.

"Worst"/Least Impressive (Yeah right, this season is fucking awesome, nothing glaringly unenjoyable about the 5 below)

  1. Applejack's "Day" Off
  2. The Cart Before The Ponies
  3. 28 Pranks Later
  4. The Gift Of The Maud Pie
  5. On Your Marks
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S6 was for me the weakest of all seasons. But even S6 had great episodes.



No Second Prances (great story in my opinion and Trixie)

Dungeons & Discord (Really funny and of course Discord)

Top Bolt

Spice up your Live

Viva Las Pegasus

(all 3 Map episode are on the same level for me. I love the stories, the regions, the lot of BG-Ponies and designs and the new characters.)



P.P.O.V. (boring and stupid story in my opinion)

Applejack's "Day" off (Worst of all MLP episodes. Why? Read here)



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