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What was your worst injury in your life?


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In 2009, when I was 10 years old, there were a tornado in my city. I was playing videogames in my PC at that moment, and then my window, because of the wind, broke and pieces of crystal hit me, specially in my noise and in my left hand. I still have the scars. I needed some surgey for my noise. That was very scaring. 

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I've dislocated both of my legs twice. Both of them being consensual, as in I tried to jump from a decent height, trying to land safely.

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Mine is still pretty minor, I've never broken any bones or had stitches or had to go through any major surgery. The worst incident was probably when I slammed a car door shut on two of my fingers on my right hand. They bled horribly and I had to go straight to a doctor who bandaged them up. I was stuck wearing a bandage for a couple of weeks then plasters for another 3 or 4. Since it was two fingers on my right hand it was quite hard to write at the time which wasn't great for school. When I finally took the plasters off my index finger's nail was broken right near the bed so I had to wear clear nail polish on it 100% of the time for months while the nail grew up to a point where I could cut the broken but away. That was about 5 years ago now but I still have a slightly misshapen finger tip and the nail that had the polish on it is a lot smoother than the rest of my nails which seems to be a permanent thing.




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Going to middle school... JK!

I guess when I broke an arm at age 1 or 2 when I fell from ... A crib? I remember being told it was a crib, but isn't 2 a bit too old to be in a crib :adorkable: ?

6 hours ago, Battenberg said:

Mine is still pretty minor, I've never broken any bones or had stitches or had to go through any major surgery. The worst incident was probably when I slammed a car door shut on two of my fingers on my right hand. They bled horribly and I had to go straight to a doctor who bandaged them up. I was stuck wearing a bandage for a couple of weeks then plasters for another 3 or 4. Since it was two fingers on my right hand it was quite hard to write at the time which wasn't great for school. When I finally took the plasters off my index finger's nail was broken right near the bed so I had to wear clear nail polish on it 100% of the time for months while the nail grew up to a point where I could cut the broken but away. That was about 5 years ago now but I still have a slightly misshapen finger tip and the nail that had the polish on it is a lot smoother than the rest of my nails which seems to be a permanent thing.

Ouch, so that what happens :S . I still recall one time that almost happened; I was trying to throw something back in the car (a bag, which persisted) while the minivan door was being shut, and I always remember how close I was to getting who knows how bad an injury :S .

  • Brohoof 1


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I dunno, I have a hard time keeping up with them all. I've been burned, blasted, crushed and broken more times than I can count... but the serious offenders that stand out....

I have had my scalp split open and skull cracked, due to running in the house of all things..

I was mauled by my grandmothers dog so badly that my jaw was pulled free from its socket and my cheek torn open completely to my ear which itself almost came off

I have been impaled on a fence and had to be pulled off by the fire department. A result of trying to sneak in some place i did not belong.

I have had my knee dislocated so badly there was fear I could lose my leg. Due to be forced to partake in a sport I had no interest in at school.

I was in a nasty car wreck and part of the dashboard shattered, drove into my face and separated part of it from my skull.

All of those stand out the most, hard for me to say which was the worst. Probably the knee since it was not an accident and was done to my on purpose.


~No profound statement needed~

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A kid stabbed me with the sharp end of his metal protractor in 6th grade near the end of that school year. I had to get that stitched up. I think he was expelled for being a problem, and I haven't seen him since then.

My parents transferred me to a private school that I stayed in even through high school. The place was a hole anyway.

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Your injury sounds so bad! :o


I have been fortunate enough to not be badly injured. The worst thing I can think of was when I was in elementary school,  I was holding onto a fence and a sharp part of the fence sliced my finger open from the base to the tip. I did not get stitches but I might have needed them. It was so long ago. 


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  • 3 months later...

I jumped off a stone brick ledge and my heel caught on the edge of one of them and it skinned right up and almost sheared my achilles tendon. I got stitches of course and had to wear a cast and crutches to keep it immobile. It almost went from one side of my ankle to the other

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your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
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Well I've never had a major injury in my life and I believe the worst one was when I had my hand sliced by a whiper sniper or a weed whacker. I almost had to get stitches for it and I was a five year old at the time. :)


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I haven't had any serious injuries but the most blood came from my leg after I accidentally shaved off a patch of skin.

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The worst injury I can remember is when I dropped a sword on my foot, blade-first. The tip stabbed into my middle toe, and I had to get 3 stitches. The funny thing is, I don't remember experiencing any pain at all.

There was also a time from last year when a log of wood fell onto my big toe. The toenail cracked and started to bleed from the inside. Painful as hell, and the toenail is still growing back to this day.

Other than that, there's not much else. Never broke a bone in my life. *knocks on wood*

gonna take you out

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Well, in terms of injuries I did to myself, I stabbed myself with a pickaxe in my foot because I was a stupid, unsupervised kid. I ended up passing out from shock trying to bandaid (lol) it up. My mom thought I was dead and she still insist I was the biggest hazard to my own health in my childhood because that's not the ONLY ER visit from my childhood. Still surprises her that I made it to adulthood.

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>Go biking at like 13

>Fall off bike. On asphalt

>Scrape the skin off both my palms, and on my leg

>Bleed like a motherfucker

>Go cry to my mom, and get bandages 'n shit



Another one:

>Stick around on the ice skating area

>Fall on my face

>Rip open my lip on the right side

>Bleed like hell, and need some 4 stitches

>This fucker could barely chew for well over two weeks

The scar is still there, on my right side.


Though the most terrifying one I've experienced by far, would be getting bitten by an aggressive dog in the arm. Full package. The dog's tooth were stuck in my arm, and had to be removed. Suffice to say, it scared the everliving shit out of me.

Edited by Yakamaru

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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Do seizures count as injuries? If so then my whole battle with epilepsy can would definitely take the cake as it has affected my life the most.

If not, though.

I can't remember what age I was when these happened.

I was hungry and I decided to have a bowl of cereal, but I wasn't tall enough to reach the cupboards, so I stood on a chair. As I was reaching, the chair tipped over on me and I hit my forehead on the tile floor and my thumb got sandwiched in between the chair and the floor. The result was a large bump on my forehead and a sprained thumb. After it had occurred, I tried my best to hide the injuries from my parents as I had thought they would take me to the hospital if they found out. Luckily, it wasn't something that needed a hospital visit and it healed in a couple of weeks.


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I once got in between a momma bear and her cub when I was out camping, it's fuzzy and all that I remember was that she hit my head and then I fell unconscious. Next thing I know I'm in a  hospital bed,I never knew how they found me and got me to the hospital

Edited by shadowwarp940
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I was in another car accident 2 days ago. Just crossed the finish line on the dirt drag and took the final corner a little too quick and went strait into a tree. We were probably doing a good 60-70km/h. The driver was fine but I got 2 busted lips and facial and chest bruises. Could have been much worse 

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That hard for me to say. I can think of 2 major ones. I crashed my bike in the street, and the second one that comes to mind is spraining my wrist falling from a rope I was swinging on. Most recently I crashed my bike again, thankfully the bike wasn't damage, but I had to take 3 days off work. Because of the shitty US healthcare system, I didn't get pain killers.

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