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I worked as an overnight stocker at a grocery store for several years. I quit it last year to return to college. The dress code flipped between being lax and not, but I always dressed conservatively within the established rules from the company, no matter what my coworkers were wearing - I played it safe. I didn't really display my interests outside of playing the bassoon/oboe, and having my dogs. This is pretty much how I've been IRL for several years. I was more open about MLP and other interests in 2011/2012. But somewhere after I stopped really talking about my media interests... It's probably because I knew I was annoying people, but I now just don't really even think about any reason other than it just seems like I should keep my media interests to myself unless someone else shares them.

  • Brohoof 1
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I currently print labels/tags and take down/ send out painted parts for generators. Yes I am old enough to do so. And yes, I can wear pony. Did so last Friday. Actually met another brony who works over in the sheet metal department.

No, I wasn't made fun for it, cause I don't really talk about it, or they don't even know what MLP is. Brought in an RD lunch box for a time, but only one person ever noticed, and he was more curious than anything. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm 26 and I've worked in retail for 5+ years straight, at good ol' Wal-Mart. :dry: It sucks. Management is awful and doesn't try to understand how hard the lower associates have it, they're super unsympathetic and expect 150% from you.

I work outside as a cart pusher, needless to say, it's not the most fun job.

  • Brohoof 1
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I had a retail job for almost 2 years before I went to uni, working in a hardware and DIY store, and I now understand the horrors of working in retail. We weren't taught too much about the products themselves except where they were on the shop floor so half the time I was having to rely on older team members to help with specialist information, it was so embarrassing at times. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't have a job yet since I'm not legally old enough, I have volunteered at a few places though and sometimes I wear my pinkie shirt. Usually I get a few laughs that I can't really tell are positive or not...

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I've been working as a Clinical Research Coordinator at a University Hospital for nearly 3 years now. Basically, my job consists of following around physicians and enrolling their patients in a multitude of clinical studies that we are conducting. I really enjoy what I do and love interacting with all types of patients. Since I work in a hospital, I need to abide to the "business casual" attire, so sadly no MLP shirts for me. I do have a couple of shirts that I wear around the house every now and then.  

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I'm an accountant. I work with many local businesses and individuals. Some of the businesses I even frequent. B) 

I've worn a Pixelated Rainbow Dash shirt into work on a casual Friday, but it was really a non-issue. During the Fall/Winter I'm not much of a t-shirt person as I'm stuck in the 90s and I'm obsessed with flannel shirts. I would like to buy some more MLP t-shirts in the future though, perhaps!

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I'm a Kitchen Porter in Call/insurance Centre, manily washing-up, cleaning kitchen area and doing the bins. I do help on prep like cutting mushroom, doing oinions and piutting sausage on the tray. I can't wear MLP shirt cos I be using catering clothes. Do have MLP keyring & badge on my bag and MLP stickers on my tablet but they are in locker.

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  • 3 months later...

I have noticed that in this forum there are people of all ages! So I'm curious, what do you do? Do you feel happy with your lifestyle?

in my case I am a university student of industrial engineering ... and I work as an Artist and seamstress. I can also say that I am happy with this lifestyle, although if I move to another country I would love to be in an art university or work in a service to help animals.:squee:

the truth I do not have many aspirations besides a comfortable and quiet life ... sometimes I feel unsuccessful for think in this way :sunny:, I see that in other countries they are more ... professionals.

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What is my job? I bag groceries at the supermarket up the street from where I live. I like doing it, I like it better than my last job which was working outside all day in greenhouses harvesting tomatoes and picking beans. At least now I'm in the air-conditioning in the summertime and heat in the winter time, you never notice how much you miss those until you spend day in and day out without them! :twi:

As for a professional career, I'm not entirely sure. I'm still in High School, but I graduate next year, so college isn't too far away for me anymore. I'm thinking about doing something in the GIS field, or History field, I'm not entirely sure which one I want to pursue yet :adorkable: 

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5 minutes ago, King of Canterlot said:

What is my job? I bag groceries at the supermarket up the street from where I live. I like doing it, I like it better than my last job which was working outside all day in greenhouses harvesting tomatoes and picking beans. At least now I'm in the air-conditioning in the summertime and heat in the winter time, you never notice how much you miss those until you spend day in and day out without them! :twi:

As for a professional career, I'm not entirely sure. I'm still in High School, but I graduate next year, so college isn't too far away for me anymore. I'm thinking about doing something in the GIS field, or History field, I'm not entirely sure which one I want to pursue yet :adorkable: 

What's GIS?

As for me, I have no job because here you need to be 16 to get a job and I'm 14

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2 minutes ago, Sherbert Music-Guard said:

What's GIS?

As for me, I have no job because here you need to be 16 to get a job and I'm 14

GIS is basically geography but from like satellite imagery and computers, websites like Zillow, Google Earth, and pretty much any other mapping websites uses GIS technology 

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I used to work at the deli/butcher shop, now I work as a salesman. 

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1 minute ago, King of Canterlot said:

GIS is basically geography but from like satellite imagery and computers, websites like Zillow, Google Earth, and pretty much any other mapping websites uses GIS technology 


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My current job is odd - I ghost write professor letters for immigration applicants, prepping spots for analaysis, ghost write academic equivencies, and post job ads from time to time. It's certainly a job I never knew existed but went from a part time temp last year to full time, benefits and got a big raise this year. This is after a 5 year gap of employment while I stayed at home doing odd jobs and taking care of home life - a house husband if you will. Before that a public school teacher. I've also acted in plays and random cable TV shows. 

@King of Canterlot we actually have GIS cases from time to time. Curious stuff.

  • Brohoof 1
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On 12/10/2017 at 12:30 PM, Josh Rainbowton said:

Hey, do any of you guys have jobs?

I do!


On 12/10/2017 at 12:30 PM, Josh Rainbowton said:

If so where do you work?

I work in the IT department of a publisher that specializes in a product that children write and illustrate themselves. I'm mostly a database engineer, but we're a small company so I wear a loooot of hats on any given day.


On 12/10/2017 at 12:30 PM, Josh Rainbowton said:

Are you old enough?

I'm almost 40 so... no.


On 12/10/2017 at 12:30 PM, Josh Rainbowton said:

Are you allowed to where -pony- MLP  shirts to your office or do they have strict dress codes?

I work from home half the time, but I don't think there's any kind of dress code at work. Other than not wearing open-toed shoes and skirts have to reach my knees.


On 12/10/2017 at 12:30 PM, Josh Rainbowton said:

Do they allow you to use MLP screensavers?

If I chose to, yes. I use our company's logo though.


On 12/10/2017 at 12:30 PM, Josh Rainbowton said:

Are you ever teased by other workers or customers for liking MLP?

Not at all, but if I were male I'm assuming this would be a more controversial question.

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Currently, I work at a place called U.S. Vision. It's a factory that helps manufacture and ships reading glasses and eyeglasses. I work at a lift that brings down the work for the other co-workers. However, I put in my letter of resignation and my last day at U.S. Vision will be this Friday. I was looking up new job opportunities before leaving my current job. I was able to get job at Amazon and I'll be starting there on May 10th. 

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