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Grannies Gone Wild  

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    • Dash: "The roller coaster's more boring than the school under EEA guidelines!" ("I HATE IT!" >__<)
    • Granny Smith: *looses teeth from the roller coaster and needs to get new ones* ("I dislike it.")
    • Granny: "I'd rather go to the Old Gentlemen's Club." *Goldie Delicious's cats agree* ("…meh…")
    • Granny Smith: *keeps her teeth from the roller coaster and gets a golden smile as a reward* ("I like it.")
    • Dash: "This coaster's so amazing!" ("I LOVE IT!" <3)

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8 minutes ago, GeekySonic said:

Bruh did NO ONE else notice the casual Alicorn stallion?

Well if the Season 4 alicorn cameos have taught me anything that means this a REQUIRED episode for the season long arc. In other words "Golden Hoseshoe Gals" confirmed for playing a role in the finale!:pinkie:

Edited by KH7672
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This was a pretty nice episode. Not among my all-time favorites but an improvement over the previous one. :)

The premise of the episode was good, and they definitely chose the right characters for it. The grannies were fun, they have been seen in previous episodes, but I think this episode gave them more character. One of the most prominent roles for Granny Smith too. :D The running gag with the floating Applejack head was used a lot, but I think they just managed to avoid running it to the ground. There were lot of characters in small roles, which seems to happen a lot this season: the Wonderbolts, DJ Pon-3, a small cameo by Lyra and Bon Bon again... I know I'm not the only one who saw it but I can't deny one of the magicians really reminded me of Trixie. Could he be a possible relative, maybe even her father? :ooh: I liked the animation here, we saw some great expressions especially from Rainbow Dash.

While I still consider the first three episodes the best of season 8 so far, I clearly prefer this to "Fake It 'til You Make It". I also found this better than "Viva Las Pegasus", the previous episode with the same setting. It gets an 8.5/10; maybe I'd have liked to have more humorous moments, but the episode was entertaining anyway.

  • Brohoof 3


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2 hours ago, Batbrony said:

I don't think they were trying to critique AJ very much.  Her guidelines may have been overly stringent, but I have a feeling that if she'd been chaperoning them, things probably would've gone smoother just because she knows all of those ponies so well and what kind of fun they can and shouldn't be getting up to way better than RD could.  My theory is that RD was (very justifiably) worried that AJ would kick her ass if she let anything happen to them, and couple that with the fact that she really doesn't know any of these ponies much, not even Granny Smith all that well, it was really easy for her to go overboard.  She needed to watch out for them, but there was a far healthier balance to be struck between chaperoning and having fun with them than she initially achieved.

I never said they were critiquing AJ. I just saw them addressing some patterns in Applejack's behavior that was present in other episodes. I have a feeling that yes RD definitely went overboard with AJ's instructions, and that was the whole point, and AJ would have been more chill but I think after Film and Flam almost convinced Granny to do that huge dive in S4 AJ would still be slightly overprotective and get on at least Granny's nerves given how annoyed Granny was when they found out who wrote the instructions. I have a feeling this is a pattern with Applejack and Granny. Totally agree RD feared AJ's wrath LOL.  

  • Brohoof 2

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It's been years since FIM aired a good Dash episode, and GGW breaks the streak! :D

If Dash decided to stop the magic show on her own with no motivation, then her action would be stupid. Yes, it was dumb for her to stop the magic show, but the episode putting GGW in her point of view makes her actions understandable. AJ warned Dash to keep a close eye on them at all times so they don't get hurt, and the episode makes it very clear that her warnings were in her subconscious: if they get hurt, their trip is over. She was overprotective because she was trying to do the right thing: don't let them get hurt, and you're rewarded. She's so sympathetic while keeping her completely in character, leading the audience to root for her. It's so refreshing. :D

The dialogue was really great here. almost every line flowed from one to the next, and it all felt really natural. This is especially the case with the four grannies: They were out to be loose and have fun, and the casual dialogue and riffraffing made their chemistry cohesive and organic. Applesauce was my favorite with her flirting the bellboy and then the two magicians, but Apple Rose break-dancing (with the moonwalk XD) and Granny letting her hair loose were really great.

After quite a few serious episodes in a row, Grannies Gone Wild is much lighter and looser in tone, and it was an excellent choice. With the tone so relaxed and the plot so simple, the jokes don't get in the way nor become cringeworthy. It's silly, and the episode takes advantage of it. There were a lot of really funny moments throughout, and the Ghost!AJ was really good with Dash's interactions and reactions to her. XD

This is easily the best episode of the season so far. :D

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 8

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Not one of the best episodes for me personally, but not a bad one at all. I definitely enjoyed it. It had a lighter tone and some nice jokes.

Edited by JH24
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That was a really good episode right there! Loved the lesson about no matter how old you are, you can still have the kid in you. 

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For me, the best parts of this "Ponified Last Vegas" episode were AJ's floating head, Lyra/Bon Bon subplot and lots and lots of references. Oh, and Trixie's dad too.

The main plot was rather predictable, but unpredictability is not something you expect from a slice of life MLP episode. The choice of main characters was unusual though. And it was nice to see those grannies having some fun... or at least trying to have it. 

The main question that this episode left unanswered is why did they close that ride anyway?



This is where I had a reference overdose.





Edited by Oleks
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Not a bad episode.  Sure, it's predictable and there were a few cringey moments in the middle, but I enjoyed it just fine.  It also made me tense as I really wanted Rainbow to ride that roller coaster.  I heard Disneyland recently closed California Screaming.  WTF?!  They already closed the Maliboomer to make room for a lame kid's ride.  What is Disney's management on?  At least they still have Splash Mountain and the Materhorn, right?  I guess I have an extra push to try Six Flags now.  I've never been, but I really want to. 

There's a local theme park in my area, and it's ok, but the theme parks in the States are way better and I can't even have much fun since my friends are a bunch of wusses who can't handle even moderately fast rides.  Well, there's one I tend to go alone with to the Halloween event held every year, but he can only handle so many rides, won't go on anything that spins, and I have to compromise and go to haunted houses with him in between.  It's not ideal, but he's the best companion I've got for that excursion.  If I were to take a trip to Six Flags, I don't know who I'd go with, lol.

Anyways, I'm glad Rainbow had fun, and even though I knew it was going to happen, I'm glad she bonded with the old mares.  It's also worth noting that when I do get old I plan to still have fun too.  

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I honestly wasn't expecting to like this episode at all. I'm not a fan of rollercoasters at all so after hearing this episode was basically Rainbow Dash trying to get on a specific rollercoaster, I thought it'd end up getting bored. But to my surprise, this was actually a really fun episode. I liked the comedy and both Rainbow Dash and the grannies were a lot of fun in this episode. I could understand the grannies for being annoyed at RD because she was overdoing it and ruining their fun, yet I can understand RD and relate to her struggle. Aj made RD become overly worried and controlling of the grannies and it's hard not to worry about being put through the ringer if any of them got harmed. Aj also did make RD worry she wouldn't be able to ride the rollercoaster if anything happened. Yet I can also understand why Aj did it. For one she tends to over think things and be overly protective and it's kind of hard not to worry about old people overdoing it because they can be so frail. I didn't think this episode was putting Aj in a bad light like some others seem to believe. I thought it made sense with her character and I can understand why she was worried. So I was glad that the episode showed both sides and made both understandable. I also really like that the episode taught you can be friends with people of all ages. So, overall, I'd give it a solid B+. Overall it was really enjoyable and I'm glad we got a good Rainbow Dash episode this season. Hopefully, there are more good episodes to come for season 8  :lol:

2 hours ago, GeekySonic said:

Bruh did NO ONE else notice the casual Alicorn stallion?



I feel kind of dumb because I completed looked past that X,D

  • Brohoof 3

"The only way to truly escape the mundane is for you to constantly be evolving" - Izaya Orihara, Durarara.

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3 minutes ago, Kreamer said:

I honestly wasn't expecting to like this episode at all. I'm not a fan of rollercoasters at all so after hearing this episode was basically Rainbow Dash trying to get on a specific rollercoaster, I thought it'd end up getting bored. But to my surprise, this was actually a really fun episode. I liked the comedy and both Rainbow Dash and the grannies were a lot of fun in this episode. I could understand the grannies for being annoyed at RD because she was overdoing it and ruining their fun, yet I can understand RD and relate to her struggle. Aj made RD become overly worried and controlling of the grannies and it's hard not to worry about being put through the ringer if any of them got harmed. Aj also did make RD worry she wouldn't be able to ride the rollercoaster if anything happened. Yet I can also understand why Aj did it. For one she tends to over think things and be overly protective and it's kind of hard not to worry about old people overdoing it because they can be so frail. I didn't think this episode was putting Aj in a bad light like some others seem to believe. I thought it made sense with her character and I can understand why she was worried. So I was glad that the episode showed both sides and made both understandable. I also really like that the episode taught you can be friends with people of all ages. So, overall, I'd give it a solid B+. Overall it was really enjoyable and I'm glad we got a good Rainbow Dash episode this season. Hopefully, there are more good episodes to come for season 8  :lol:

I completely agree with you. Both perspectives were very understandable and the episode does indeed teach us not to be ageist and not assume things based on age in general.  

  • Brohoof 1

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Another alright episode. The plot may have been incredibly simple and straightforward, but I got to give the extras some credit for giving me a lot of food for thought. Lyra and Bon Bon, Trixie's dad, an alicorn construction worker, and an old mare hitting on a young stallion. ^_^ Favorite thing besides that was Applejack's head. One of the more humorous parts of the episode that legit had me wondering at the end if it was just a figment of RD's imagination or if it was a manifestation of Applejack's psychic powers she never told anyone about. Ah, this show is always good at stimulating my imagination. :icwudt:

  • Brohoof 2


Comet's still best boi. <3

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I wouldn't call this one of the better episodes I've seen on account that it made me cringe quite a few times to the point where I had to actually pause in order to give myself a breather. However, I did enjoy the gags in particular the last instance of Applejack's ghostly head--that's going to become its own meme--and the conclusion was handled really well. Perhaps I just saw things differently from most others here given how I see that many enjoyed what this episode had to offer.

Applesauce and Apple Rose had new voices this time around which caught me by surprise in addition to new voice artists who lent their talents to the episode. I really should look up Ocean Studios to see just how many people they have in their stable of actors/actresses.

  • Brohoof 1


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One thing I really loved about today’s episode is the atmosphere. This episode really does Las Vegas justice. The last Las Pegasus episode was good too but it mostly took place in just one building so we didn’t really get much opportunity to see the actual city. In GGW, we really see it more fleshed out. It makes Las Pegasus feel more exciting and alive. Speaking as someone who has been to Vegas twice, I can safely say they captured the feel of the city very well.

I loved the episode overall but this was something that took me by surprise honestly. :D 

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I feel like I am the only one who actually hated this episode, and its all Applejack fault. The Rollercoaster idea was awesome, Granny Smith and her friends were awesome  The moral of the episode was trash, and Applejack forcing Rainbow to be a killjoy is not cool. Possible Trixie's look a like was awesome

Edited by R.D.Dash
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EDIT: Would you look at that? I messed up the BBCode and now my entire post is spoilered. Since that "switch" function is no longer here, I can't dig into the BBCode myself and fix this problem. Sorry, but I'm not going to rewrite my entire post just to fix this.


This episode did some neat things but detracting from that was the very formulaic "Oh woe is Rainbow" motif.

Now for this



Take a look at her three eye positions:
1) Eye contact
2) Side eye
3) Looking to "cutie mark"

And let's not forget this quote: "You scrumptious morsel of frosted carrot cake!"

I have but one way of expressing my thoughts on this:


Oh yeah, I spotted Rick, Morty and Walter White in the line.

And then there's this bomb:


Placed next to genderbent Trixie for comparison. Because why not?

Subtlety? Is that some kind of food? :muffins:

Edited by Querch
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Hello, fillies and gentlecolts, and welcome back to another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!! :love:

Today, we’re gonna be talking about Grannies Gone Wild, the latest episode of MLP! 

Let’s go!


So, I was definitely looking forward to this one. Granny Smith always cracks me up, and having her go on a trip with Rainbow Dash? Great idea! Their different personalities are sure to create some funny moments. ;) 

We begin in the Wonderbolts locker room, where Soarin and a couple other Wonderbolts are telling Dash about the most AWESOME roller coaster ever. Dash, of course, really wants to go on it, but it’s all the way in Las Pegasus and it closes in a week! *gasp* What will she do?! Go to Applejack, of course, who amazingly promises to cover her classes! Under one condition... Rainbow Dash has to take care of Granny Smith and her friends. Clever, Applejack. :P 

As I already mentioned, the speedy Rainbow Dash and the slow older ponies don’t get off to a good start, though they manage to make it to Las Pegasus before the coaster closes. 

Throughout most of the episode, Dash remembers what Applejack told her, and gets reminders from the Spirit Of Applejack Past (I gotta name it something, I guess! :P). Despite the fact that Granny Smith and her friends are having fun, Rainbow does as she is told and basically ruins everything, over and over. But hey, she’s just doing what Applejack said. Also, we see a male pony that looks VERY similar to Trixie. I suspect they’re related somehow. Oh, and Rainbow Dash eats some nachos. Mmm... nachos... :derp:

By the way, what’s with all the flirting? It’s gross! Totally agree with Rainbow. :adorkable:

Anyway, after all of that, we get a nice apology from Dash, even though it really wasn’t her fault. Since Granny and her friends are all part of their special club, they get to skip the line and ride the coaster, which was great to see! Now, it’s lesson time...

Rainbow Dash learned not to judge people just because they’re old. This is a great lesson to teach kids, because many children think older folks are ‘uncool’, when in fact, it’s quite the opposite!

In the grannies’ case, they turned out to be really cool! Plus, they even let Rainbow into their club! Now she can visit Las Pegasus every year with them! Yay! :D 

I love this episode! ARE there negatives?

Hmm. I can only think of one, and it’s just a question. Why are they closing the coaster? If it’s as exciting and popular as the episode shows, wouldn’t they want to keep it? That confused me, but it’s a relatively minor problem that doesn’t affect my view of the episode.

So, where would I place it on my MLP scale?

Hmm... 8/10! It was a great episode, with both humorous and emotional moments, it had a fantastic lesson, and a creative storyline. However, I personally wouldn’t place it up with episodes like Twilight’s Kingdom or The Perfect Pear. A great episode overall, but it’s just not enough to be placed any higher, in my opinion. I reserve the 9 and 10 spots for only the BEST episodes.

It’s without a doubt my favorite Season 8 episode so far, though! :D 

So that’s it, everypony! Feel free to comment your opinions below, and I’ll see you all next week with another RHYTHM RED’S RADTASTICAL REVIEWS!!! :love:

  • Brohoof 3


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Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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Rainbow Dash sure rocked in that episode! ...But, not quite as good as Fluttershy in Fake It 'Til You Make It, nor as Pinkie in The Maud Couple.

Too bad Applejack also wasn't a main focus here. I guess that means she's not gonna get a lot of episodes focusing on her this season. Her only next hope is Non-Compete Clause, which will also have Rainbow in it.

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This one's really simple and kinda predictable, so I don't really have a lot to say about it other than that I had fun. Going into too much detail would just be listing things I enjoyed. Still, a couple points:

  • Rainbow Dash is one of my favourite characters specifically because I really dig her emotional depth, but the fact that she almost always expresses those emotions loudly and excitedly, positive or negative, doesn't hurt. Her part here is simplistic and repetitive, and there's not much depth to her motivation, but if nothing else her enthusiasm kept me entertained even when I felt she was just getting in the way.
  • If I really wanted to dig into this, I suppose I could say that Dash was excited about the rollercoaster specifically because she wanted to be included, which ties this in pretty nicely to "Newbie Dash," an episode which I continue to like approximately the first half and very end of. It's been a while since we got that specific blend of self-confidence and self-doubt which makes me like her so much, but in the meantime this will do. Like much of the main cast, I'm not really sure what I want from her anymore. 
  • I have only the vaguest idea of what "The Golden Girls" is, but that was enough to get me excited as soon as it became clear that's what the episode was referencing. Granny Smith is one of my favourites, mainly because she's so confident and playful, and having four characters for geriatric hijinks is all the better. This is where I'd just list scenes I enjoyed, but in general I find that whole concept of active, adventurous seniors delightful. 
  • Sure wish I knew what Applejack's deal was, though. C'mon, let your grandmother have fun. 
  • Rainbow clearly does not want to teach at the school, so why doesn't she tell Twilight no? Is she getting paid for teaching? Where does she even find the time to teach? If the show isn't really gonna lean into the whole school gimmick, then these questions are probably gonna start bothering me more and more.
  • Oh well, this was fun. It'd probably be more fun if the Rainbow Dash stuff were a little better, but still, fun enough. 

Entertainment: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Themes: 8/10
Story: 5/10
Overall: 75/100

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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"Grannies Gone Wild" Episode Spoilers


Off the top of my head, 

I Liked:

  1. The back & forth conversations between Applejack & Rainbow Dash. (Ashleigh Ball is AWESOME!)
  2. Getting to see more of Las Pegasus.
  3. The "Rick & Morty" ponies in the background of one of the scenes. ^_^
  4. The Lyra & Bon Bon appearances.


  • Brohoof 2


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I had a lot of fun with this episode, and I’m glad RD actually got to go on the her roller coaster after all, as was getting to see actually try to be responsible for a change. AJ was hilarious, Rainbow was adorable, and the grannies were a hoot, and I love that they decided to be friends with RD at the end. Ultimately though the episode really shines through it’s visual comedy, lots of great gags and expressions. Probably my favorite episode of the season so far. There’s also a lot of annoying trends that are really common in RD episodes that were thankfully absent here, as a side note, for once it’s nice to see Rainbow Dash learn her lesson by being shown a fun time, rather than being humiliated 

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3 hours ago, Querch said:

Take a look at her three eye positions:
1) Eye contact
2) Side eye
3) Looking to "cutie mark"

And let's not forget this quote: "You scrumptious morsel of frosted carrot cake!"

I initially laughed at this scene, but then I started to think about it for a bit and it actually comes off as a little troubling. Once I flipped it around and thought what the audience reaction would be if it were the young bellhop doing that to Applesauce instead, it became less amusing. In the age of the #MeToo movement I wonder if these kind of jokes have any place in a kids show anymore? Is her being a very old equine female and the bellhop being a young (but not underage) equine male make a difference? Is there a double standard? What if this were a scene of a human male boss forcing a female employee take her paycheck from his mouth? Or make her reach into his pants pocket? Would that still be funny?

Personally, I suppose I won't lose any sleep over this one scene of ardent cougarism, though I did feel bad for the bellhop afterward since he seemed very uncomfortable.


3 hours ago, Rhythm Red said:

Hmm. I can only think of one, and it’s just a question. Why are they closing the coaster? If it’s as exciting and popular as the episode shows, wouldn’t they want to keep it? That confused me, but it’s a relatively minor problem that doesn’t affect my view of the episode.

The ride may have been experiencing declining ridership, even if it was popular. The long lines we saw may have been because of the closing (and for all we know Flim and Flam may have only been bluffing about it closing forever just to get a bunch of patrons to show up and spend money.) Speaking of them, since they took over the businesses there, they may still be in the process of remaking the strip in their own image (the statues and doors we saw sure seem to indicate this) and this ride just doesn't fit in with their master vision.


2 hours ago, AlexanderThrond said:

Rainbow clearly does not want to teach at the school, so why doesn't she tell Twilight no?

I didn't quite get that impression. I felt like she just really wanted to ride this coaster before it closed and having to teach a class was getting in the way of that. It's true she thought she would be considered an egghead in the premiere, but she seemed to get into the role of being a teacher before the end.

Edited by Truffles
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Most of the previous posts likely covered most of my thoughts. But what the hey..

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised and laughing a lot throughout the thing. It was a huge improvement over the underwhelming episodes from the last 2 weeks. @Mesme Rize was right; the floating A.J. head reminding Dash of the stuff was the biggest source of my genuine laughter.

My personal favorite heartwarming scene was the ending where the Grannies made Rainbow a member of their group. It's rare in my experience to see an intergenerational friendship bloom between an elder and younger generation.:wub:

  • Brohoof 7


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