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general Do You Remember Your First Day On The Forums?

Lucky Bolt

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Aww...Yes I remember it all. I was a younger self with the deep ambitions of finally joining this community to which this very show captivated me. After watching Season 2, I was eager and wanting to know what's its like being a part of this fandom. Google was my friend and I looked online for a discussion based community for MLP:FiM and MLP Forums is the place.  I was later sitting at my desk wondering what my username would be and what profile pic to represent me. That was fun and dreary too because I took so long to find a combo that works for me. 

Later on that day I was greeted by many users whom were helpful, cheerful and friendly. I started posting in the forum games and I share my thoughts about the show and eventually my interests grow to such a community. 


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Actually, yes... considering I haven't been here that long. I got a pretty good warm welcome from a lot of people! Some of which asked if I needed help in DMs and such... and I thought that was really nice of them. :3

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First day i was still on the fence about the fandom. At this time, I had watched season 1 and was digging the show so far. Heard about a community that just popped up called bronies. Thought Id poke my head in but i couldnt really do anything without creating an account. Glad i did, cause i met some really chill peeps here and we even met up during bronycon of years past.

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I joined shortly after Season 2 ended on a fairly ordinary night. I was just looking for a place to post my stories at the time, but I quickly grew to like the idea of talking to other fans of the show.

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Yes Jun 20th 2014... the beginning of my Senior year in high school. I was greeted, and most interested in roleplaying. I felt like I made an ass of myself a couple times, but overall a fun time... was my first taste at social media, and I became addicted.

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I joined in April of 2016 after having spent the previous three years on Equestria Forums. It was going downhill there for me and an acquaintance suggested signing up here. I took a look and liked the layout and the amount of activity, so I made an account and never looked back. I wish I'd have come here sooner. My first day was really active and I was surprised at the feedback and friendliness of everypony. I knew I was where I belonged.  

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I... don't remember...
I don't even know why i came here in the first place... was is somebody leading me here? Maybe it was via ponyville live... i... 

I don't even remember what i did... maybe i uploaded one of my mixes? I have no idea...
I have trouble staying on here so remembering the first day is pretty much impossible at this point.

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I remember my first accounts first day. I was terrified over many years of being told to never make accounts on the internet. I went ahead and did though since I was a huge fan of the show back then. I was absolutely terrified just to be here. I was scared someone was going to want to talk to me or if anything I did would get me banned or in trouble. I don't even think I posted anything with my first account. I simply read and was picked out to be chatted with by fellow profile stalkers.

Years later with after certain "Issues" passed; I made a different account. I am still different yet from when I made this account, but I talk, and even post. It still gives me anxiety to message others and post what is on my mind, but I gotta say this site helped me a lot from when I first came about.

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January 17th, 2015

A Day That Shall Live In Infamy.
Nah, just kidding. My first day was brief cause I ended up joining in terror. Not to mention that it was like 11:30p at the time and it was the day before my uncle's wedding. Can't believe I'm almost a 3 year vet here. I feel old. ;w;

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Yes, I do remember. I had so much to talk about. I made a rather long post but didn't get much of a response, although the members were very kind and welcoming anyway. I just wanted to meet others that were as excited as I was! I still think I'm the craziest fan of MLP FiM, I just don't show it for fear even the bronies will think I'm nuts. :D


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My first day back in June of 2013? I don't exactly recall it. But I do remember that I was a bit cringy at the time (even considering I was 16 then), my least favorite Mane Six Pony (Rainbow Dash) was my favorite at the time because of some stupid (it was stupid looking back on it) meme, and that I slowly began to start feeling like I belonged. 

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