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general Do You Remember Your First Day On The Forums?

Lucky Bolt

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When and why did you join MLP forums? Do you remember the first day you did? 

I remember it was a rather boring afternoon for me on October 17th, 2016. I came across the forums before but decided I'd create an account just out of pure boredom. And I'm so glad I did! :D I met some pretty amazing people along the way. 

What about y'all? 

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I do. Most of my experience with social media, forums, and everything in-between had been very... cold, so to speak. I was genuinely surprised just how welcoming the other members were. :grin: From that moment forward, I had quite possibly one of the best experiences I have ever had in any community, and I will remember the Forums for years to come. I'll admit that my interest in the Forums has been suffering a lot as of lately, as well as my activity... but that's just life, really.

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A bit. It was a week or two after my 20th birthday and I wanted to reconnect with the MLP fanbase. Not to long before I rejoined, two forums I went on got taken down by the owners because of how hostile and shady the community became in its later days, so it was nice to find a place that was legitimately friendly and chill. 

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I remember making my welcoming plaza thread and being pretty nervous cuz I had never really joined any type of an internet forum before, let alone an MLP based one. I had been to the forums a couple times in the past just as a guest, but I finally decided I really wanted to become more active in the MLP community, I also really wanted to connect with the others who were also into MLP and this place seemed like a pretty neat place to do it. My reception was very welcoming and I couldn't be happier with all the people I've meet on here over nearly the year I've been on here :fluttershy:

While I'm not on as often as I was back in the heyday of the WPCC Lounge, I still like to come on here and post stuff while interacting with everyone I've meet. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon ;) 

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Not exactly. I don't remember much from back then. I only stayed around for a day or two afterwards and forgot about the place for 10 or so months. :sealed:

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I don't remember a thing. It was either the first or second day the forum opened, nearly seven years ago.

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On these forums, vaguely yes. I remember I joined up on an odd day and greeted peoples, then proceeded with finding the people I moved over with. On MLP related forums in general? No.

I do remember that the original thing that got me into MLP was a bet with my friend over a few beers that I wouldn't watch the show. I think. I'm not sure. It might be an elaborate lie I came up with to fool myself and I might have believed it somewhere on the way. But it might also be true. It's been 6 years after all...

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I think I do, actually! :D I told my sister about how I had started watching MLP (I was still embarrassed about that), then a few hours later I thought I wanted to talk with others about the show. :P I found this forum, decided to register (why not?) and made my first thread in the Welcoming Plaza. I expected one or two people to reply, but I was really surprised with the warm welcome I got (though that was only the beginning)! :yay: Then I made some posts about various things related to MLP. I think this all happened right after I had finished season 1. :)

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Surprisingly enough, i initially joined this forum for a research paper on social groups for my first college English class. :D i then used this forums as a source for an Anthropology paper. Over time, i got very active on the computer and on phone. So much so that my first semester of college didnt go so well for me. :| 

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You mean "the dumb days" ? Sure, I remember those: desperately trying to share my works and craving for even the slightly modest comment about them.
And playing the the "Forum Games" ' section.

Nothing changed really, but hey, I still like this place.

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Yes, I remember that day! I joined the forums so I could contact a friend from the MLP Wiki (I had been active on the wiki for another year or so before joining MLPF).

I made my account late at night and sent him a PM. I also posted a status update saying that I was new and probably wouldn't be around much (which clearly didn't turn out to be the case seeing as I'm still here over 5 years later :D).

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I kind of remember it; the general atmosphere of the day at least. It was already quite warm for May and I was having some trouble with school. Even though I felt like I wasn't as interested in MLP as I used to be, my fascination with the series had come back and I was looking for an international pony community to join. I was instantly delighted by the neat layout on the site, and quite surprised by the amount of replies I received in my introduction thread.

Was a good day! :muffins:

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What I do remember about my first day here (December 2011) was well, getting commended for presenting a drawn artwork of Fluttershy here on my welcome topic. I don't remember much though, it's been so long.

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Oooooooh the memories! Some parts of that day are fuzzy to remember, I do recall it being only two days after I started watching the show. At first when watching it I felt a bit awkward but I still enjoyed it. I then wanted to see if there was a forum dedicated to it all so I could feel more comfortable and connected to the fandom. A little search of 'MLP Forum' later and baboom, I found this place. I remember being nervous still, but I was very happy that I found a community for the show. ^-^ Finding these forums legit changed my life.

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I sort of remember. It was the first day of the new year, and I was just looking browsing around looking for a good MLP Forum to join. I was in need of something with which I could relieve all of the stress I had from the holidays. I made my welcome post probably way too long, just spewing out information like crazy. But everybody was very welcoming and helpful. If it weren't for the help I received early on, I probably wouldn't have made it this far.

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My first days were back in May of this year. I thought it would be a nice place or share my thoughts and ideas about the show and I was right. I was very nervous at first about expressing my thoughts but everyone here was very friendly and welcoming. I wish I could go back to those days when a lot of the friends that I made were still here. 

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