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Born and raised at the home of one of the strangest accents ever- Long Island, New York.

Or, how it's pronounced here:

Bawn an raised at tha home of wonuhda stranges accents eva- Lawn Guyland, Noo Yawk.

Edited by Sir Fluffernutter
  • Brohoof 4
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i love our state toast :') i hope someone reads it at my wedding one day

Here's to the land of the long leaf pine,
The summer land where the sun doth shine,
Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great,
Here's to "Down Home," the Old North State!

Here's to the land of the cotton bloom white,
Where the scuppernong perfumes the breeze at night,
Where the soft southern moss and jessamine mate,
'Neath the murmuring pines of the Old North State!

Here's to the land where the galax grows,
Where the rhododendron's rosette glows,
Where soars Mount Mitchell's summit great,
In the "Land of the Sky," in the Old North State!

Here's to the land where maidens are fair,
Where friends are true and cold hearts rare,
The near land, the dear land, whatever fate,
The blest land, the best land, the Old North State!

ive also got family outside monett missourri, and in northern cali up around ukiah <3! but good old Nc is where i was born and raised.  in the hills and on the beaches <3

Edited by SweetJeans88
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I live in the eastern half of South Dakota in the U.S.


The only meet up group is on the other half of the state so as far as I'm concerned I'm the only brony east river, since I've never met another. (yes, it sucks) 

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Barcelona, Spain.


It's nice to live here, we assure you this is one of the best places you can live in, not only from Europe, but probably even from the world.


I do enjoy living in my country.

  • Brohoof 1
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I filtered down from the stars and dwelt, for a time, in the now-sunken corpse city R'lyeh.  In my dreams, I trespassed upon the City of the Gugs and met the cats from Saturn on the moon.  I was welcomed in Y'ha-nthlei and had dealings with the fisherfolk of Innsmouth.  But, ultimately, I moved to the United States. xD  Because video games and ponies.

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Staten Island, NY. The forgotten borough. The destination of the ferry. Home of never-ending construction, a mostly colonial-era road infrastructure and constant, unavoidable traffic jams, and possibly the second-worst drivers in New York only to Brooklyn (where I was born). I may not be living here next year. :yay:


In the meantime, I'll enjoy the great pizza, strip malls on every corner, the big mall, the express buses, and two Targets as much as I can.

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I'm in New Jersey, in the United States, located in North America....................................nice to meet other folks from around the world *waves from NJ*

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